’"U LÍ-MOOK HEADLIGHT. FEBRUARY 12. 1920 » Tillamook Headlight’s Trade Mart. HALL CAINE'S BOOK SiDger Agency—H. F. Cook, Prop. .* Eggs and Baby Chicks for sale. John Produced by Artcraft Picture Corp. To be at the For Sale, 53 acres of Wilson river Hoffman, Tillamook, Ore. dairy land. See Frank north of Tillamook. Gem Theatre For Sale—Good writer. phone. VS. ^j^GEORGIE EAGLES, of San Francisco. SIX SOUND MATCH, 180 lbs JIMMIE GADDY, of Breamerton, Wash., VS. JOHN HOUSER, of Wheeler, Ore-on. FOUR ROUND MATCH, 133 lbs. BATTLING MACE vs. BUD STENGEL. Tickets on Sale at Rialto Under Auspices Tillamook Boxing Commission John Carroll, Dr. L. L. Hoy, Frank Cardiff, Wm. Oathout, E. E. Koch. C. E. MOWERY, Match Maker. GEM THEATRE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19th WM. FOX Super Special Production Featuring Wm. Farnum in Zane Grey Riders of the Purple Sage Box Office Opens at 6:30 Come Early. Children, 15c. Adults, 25c. One Inner Tube with each Pennsylvania V.C. Tire Sold during February. ALDERMAN & POORMAN, Tillamook, ANDERSON EROS., Nehalem. AL. BOON, Cloverdale I year old For Sale—A few good 2 A Swiss, married man. experienced For Sale—Jersey cow, will freshen heifers, will freshen In April. H. A. Springer, one half mile South of Tillamook. I milker, wants work on dairy farm, or would rent. Write Box 457, Til­ lamook, Oregon. 1 March 11. Also four or five tons of grass hay. Apply to Clent King, Beaver, Oregon. F-19. I MAIN EVENT, 10 ROUNDS, Weight 133 lbs AL. BYERS, Famous Amateur Northwest Featherweight Champion, type­ Mutual F-26. the laundry. Also house and lot on Sth Street.—Write H. V. Harris, It. 3, Box 53, Vancouver, Wash. Children, 10c CONTEST, At the Armory, Tillamook, Wednesday, Feb. 18 Underwood M. Bailey, For Sale,2 lots on 5th street, near Fatty Arbuckle is a new Comedy “THE DESERT HERO.” BOXING Freeman, F-29. piano—Phonea 4 R. With a celebrated cast of popular stars, among whom are KATHERINE MacDONALD, J ACK HOLT, FRITZI BRUNETTE and THEODORE ROBERTS. “The Woman Thou Gavest Me” is a wonderful production the Book itself is particularity adopted to picturization. Dont Miss It. ------- o------- Because discharged, sick, or dis­ abled soldiers do not know the extent of federal aid to which they are en­ titled, a great many of them are buy­ ing their own artificial limbs, pay­ ing for medical attention, or neglect­ ing themselves, in spite of the fact that they can get the very best of treatment from the government. Reports reaching the United States public health service from stations where hospitals are in op­ eration for the benefit of discharged soldiers, sailors and marines, the war nurses, show that a great number of men who served in the war and were injured have never fully understood the provlsins of the legislation sup­ plementing the war risk insurance act. With the passing of the new Sweet Bill it is now possible for a disabled service man to be eligible for com­ pensation even though he were dis­ charged as early as April 6th, 1917. On December 24th, the same day that the Sweet Bill became a law by the President’s signature, the Bureau of W’ar Risk Insurance mail­ ed out 1.065 checks totaling $799,- 580.61, to men whose cases became compensable on that day for the first time under the retroactive feat­ ures of the new law. Twenty-four of these checks in the Northwestern Di­ vision and amounted in the aggre­ gate to $17,878.14. Of these checks, Oregon received 9, for $5,761.59. All checks mailed since December 20th should be on the basis of the new law Under the Sweet Bill increase in compensation is authorized as fol­ lows That if inability results from injury. If and why the disability is rated as total and temporary, the monthly compensation shall be the following amounts; (a) If the disabled person has neither wife nor child living, $80. (b) If he has a wife hut no child living, $90. (c) If he has a wife and one child living, $95. (d) f he has a wife and two or more children living, $100. The Sweet bill makes provisions, also, tor partial and temporary com pensation. The Government Is urging all R“u Ctc>; Chapte’c to give pub’ e'.*.-’ '< t’.ie provisions of the new bll- and whenever a physician’s exai-n v-. * n « -uld diado-,the slightest ;.i/-ical disability, such service man should be strongly urged to obtain a cer­ tificate of disability so that he and his dependents will be protected it. the years to come if hi.« disability should increase. Further information concerning . the provisions of the Sweet Bill, and assistance in the filling out of ap- | plications for compensation will be ! j available at the local Red Cross I I rooms, 200-201 Armory block. Call Meh. 25 Will store or pay small rent for Tuesday Night, February 17th. Tillamook County Red Cross Chapter Urges All Former Service Men to Stop, Look, Listen! London Writer Refutes to Envy Worn- • en Who Are "Blessed” With Such a Life Companion. One cent a word per issue. “ THE WOMAN THOU GA VEST ME.” Adults, 20c. ‘PERFECT” MAN GETS ROAST Dr. Wise will be at his Tillamook of­ fice across the street south of the court house every Friday and Sat­ i urday, other times by appoint­ i ment. M-25. doubt as to the reliability of the test charts shown at the time of sale, call Sir Bessie Fayne De Koi Fobes. The me up and I will immediately ascer­ sire with great quality and 800 tbs. tain for you whether the animals breeding, offers for, sal? some of have been recently tested. his sons and daughters. See A. T. B. I.. Glaiayer, Hofmann "The Holstein Man." Dairy Herd Inspector. For Sale—9 brood sows, will furrow Reformed Church. Cor. 4th Ave and East 5th street. Rev. W. G. Leinkaemper, pastor. Sunday School at 10 a.m. Morning worship at 11 a.m. Subject: "The First and Great Commandment." Evening services at 8 o’clock, Sub­ ject: “The More Excellent Way.” The committee on Armenian Relief will resume its work. The total amount contributed last Sunday was $85.00. You are cordially invited to wor­ ship with us. Notice to Contractors. ------- o------- Notice is hereby given that the County Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, will until 10 o’clock a.m. of March 5, 1920, receive bids for the grading of a county road from a point on the Wheeler county toad across the tidelands to a point on the left bank of Nehalem river, op­ posite Nehalem City, according to the plans and specifications on file in the office of the County Clerk. On the date mentioned above the Court will publicly open and read the bids but reserves the right to re­ ject any and all bids. Homer Mason, Clerk, First publication Feb. 12, 1920. Last publication Feb. 26, 1920. First Christian Church. soon; 26 shoats, weight 125 lbs each; 17 shoats, 75 tbs. each; 25 weaned pigs; 1 Chester White Boar. Will also turn over garbage route. Will sell for part cash and balance on easy payments. Apply to Frank Hanenkrat. For Sale—First class 80 acre daily Every one envied a certain lady be- enuse It was apparent that she had such a perfect husband. True enough, the gentleman neither drank, swore, looked at other women, grumbled, nor did he spend any time away from his wife except when at business. Yet the woman who “possessed" thia model of perfection found him a most irritating companion with whom she was forced to spend her life, says Lon­ don Answers. For Instance, If she got worn out trying to pacify baby, who was cross, and eventually lost her tem­ per with the chlhl, her husband would come In, take the little one In his arm and amiably try—and often succeed, as a fresh person sometimes does—to work the oracle with calmness. That would be all very well If he didn’t put on the “See how much bet­ ter my method is” air, which Is most tantalizing. Perfect men are so anxious to ob­ trude their perfection upon their wom­ enfolk that they often defeat their own ends. They spend money on seats for the opera or buying little presents with no knowledge of whether such will be the most acceptable or desirable gifts. It is because these men are so good In Intentions that their wives haven’t the heart to say, “I'd rather have had 5 shillings for a new box Iron. It would save me such a lot of trouble.” The husband who has a few glaring faults Is pretty sure to look over his wife’s failings and humor her whims. The perfect man has n horrible knack of preaching nt his womenfolk. The woman with a faultless husband often feels like doing something to make him swear at her. Perfection Is apt to become dull and monotonous. Don't envy the woman with a per­ fect husband, you wives who wish your own men wouldn’t drop cigarette ash on the carpet or storm n bit when things go wrong; for these careless, “temperfsh” men have a lot of good qualities to balance their faults. The man who never raises his voice to complain rarely softens it to wife with loving words of praise. ranch, sixty acres best river bot­ tom, twenty acres good up-land. Two miles south of Tillamook on paved highway. Well improved farm, good buildings, high-produc­ ing cows. All low lands well tiled. City water piped In house, also barns, garden and fields. If you want a farm that pays, see us at once. Will consider a small place intrude as part payment.—John Ebinger. Shells Still Flying. Residents <>f the devastated districts of France are still fleeing from bursts of shell and shrapnel. The new menace Is caused by the small grass and swamp fires, which frequently set tiff the shells that have been piled up to be hauled away and exploded in some safe place. Maj. H. C. Greene of Boston had a thrilling ride and narrowly escaped a hall of shrapnel on Ills way from St. Quentin to Laon as a result of one of For Sale—700 acre farm; 160 acres these fires. A French woman work­ is prairie land, of which 120 acres ing In a field near Bouconvllle was is cultivated and planted; 75 acres gassed and considerable damage hhs is hill land covered with timber been done. and wood; 465 acres of bottom In Hie vast, desolate fields, thou­ land, of which 250 acres Is culti­ sands of unexploded shells have been vated land; 1 large dairy barn; 3 picked up by German prisoners, and smaller barns; 30 cows; 2 teams; though there are details hauling them tractor, modern implements 3 away and exploding them In remote houses. Price $55,000, terms to valleys every day, there are still long suit.—Edw. F. Oldfield, Montesano, ranks of them everywhere. Sparks Wash. 1 from locomotives and from small fires where battlefield rubbish Is being For Sale, good 5 room house with 1 burned occasionally set fire to patches or 2 lots on paved street. of dry weeds, and the accidental Another good bargain, 160 acres on bursts are numerous. Sand Lake, for $25.00 per acre, 120 acres of good timber. Brasilian Church 100 Ysars Old. Christ church of Rio de Janeiro, For Sale, 5 room house with 8 lots, with burn, hen house and lots of which soon will celebrate Its cente­ nary, is said to have been the first fruit, on paved road. Protestant church to be built in South Farm for sale, with cows, good build­ America. ings and lots of fruit. It was erected to provide a place of Inquire at this office. worship for the English community. Two restrictions were placed on the For Sale—Hay in whole or mixed church, the exterior was to resemble car lots. Grain hay, dover hay, Cheat, Straw and Alfalfa.. Carlton a dwelling house and not a temple, and no bells were allowed. Out of Elevator & Mill Corporation, Carl­ concession grew the religious ton, Oregon 4 this liberty which now exists in Brazil. Today there are two Anglican dio­ Miscellaneous Advertisements. ceses and 40 churches in South Amer­ ica. Dr. Wise—Dentist. The Bible school gained 60 percent over the Sunday before. We are try­ ing to make it as helpful as it is large. We believe it ought to grow in numbers and efficiency—will you help? C. E. Societies are up to high tide; drop in at 6: 30 p.m. Church services at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. This is the church with a cordial welcome to all. If you are strangers in the city, we urge you to attend and get acquainted. A card to the pastor, with your address will get you In touch with the visiting committee. Come next Sunday . Mid-week prayer meeting Wednes- day evening at 7 : 30. Wanted—to trade improved Willam­ Harry E. Tucker, inister. ette Valley farm, located 10 miles west of Eugene. Value $12,000 for improved Tillamook dairy farm of Reformed Congregational Church. about equal value.— F. D. Petzold, 10 a.nt. Sunday School. 11 a.m. Eugene, Oregon. preaching. This Sunday we will have some new members added again. As Dr. W. E. Lebow will be at Dr. he congregation stands together in Wise’s Tillamook office Mondays, harmony and good friendship there Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Thurs­ is a promising feature of increasing days at Nehalem; Fridays and Sat­ not only numerally but also in the urdays at Wheeler, April 29 usefulness of our commonwealth. We have to work together for the good Miss M. Patterson is representing even for the best. The church is the the Nit Bone Corset Co., formally only place where education in all represented by Mrs. Edwall. Leave lines for young and old Is properly your orders at her Millinery store.4 employed, Those neglecting the Announcement. church are rather destructive than Dr. Wise will be at his Bay City of fice on Wednesdays F-26. productive for everyone realizes the To the Republican voters of Tilla- value of the church to the commun­ mook county. ity. Come then, be our friend and A better piano for the same money. I hereby offer my service» to th* multiply good harmony. Cook’s Aluslc House, Tillamook. people of Tillamook Co. as County Rev. Richard Schuetze. All the latest rolls for your Player Commissioner and respectfully ask Piano at the Palm Confectionery. your support at the coming primaries Presbyterian Church. I stand for permanent roads properly ------o------ Dr.’s Allen and Sharp. Dentisti. located and fair treatment to all sec- National Building. Sunday School 10 a.m. Morning tlons of our county. worship, 11 a.m. Subject: "Lincoln J. B. Grider, dentist, I. 0. 0. F. H. V. Alley. Memorial Service." The Grand Army Dr. Bldg, Tillamook, Oregon. of the Republic, the Womens’ Relief Corps, and the American Legion have Counter Sales Books—Order youi Notice toDairymen. i Ixen especially invited to this mem­ Sales Books from W. F. Baker, agent Pacific Sales Book Co. Cal) I desire to call the attention of the orial service. The center of the 68 Headlight. dairymen of Tillamook county to the church will be reserved for these necessity of insisting upon the Tu­ patriotic organizations. As never be­ Dr. W. E. Lebow—Dentist with Dr. berculine Test Chart, showing that fore in American history th- exalted Wise. the cattle being brought hi and of­ character, the noble life, tin genuine fered for .«ale have been tested re- religion of the immortal Lincoln cently, when purchasing cattle from need« io be the ideal and inspiration HENRY C. VIERECK. M. D. outside points, Unless this is done, of the American people. SPECIALIST. Evening worship 7:30 p.m. Sub and non«, but recently tested cattle added to your respective herds, it je» . ---------------------- , Be.t Thing to Do. The thcRtnr was In an uproar. "They’re «ailing for the author,” sn' ' tb<- stage manager. "Oh. I can't make a speech,” replied the man responsible for the play. “Well, just go In front aud tell ’em you’re sorry.” Ornamental Fire Plane. "Bruit of Brick and Stone. All Fire mces absolutely guaranteed not to smoke or money re­ funded. Brick work of all kinds done o” "bort notice. We make a specialty of re­ pairing smoking Fire Place«. RALPH E. WARREN, TILLAMOOK. ORF. I