Tl’.LAMOOK HEADLIGHT that the joint representative be selec­ Segundo derecha. Madrid— ted from Till-imook County, and as Await News—Krebs. All of which goe- to prove that ro­ Frank A. Rowe has announced him­ Fred C. Baker, Editor. self for the position.he will, piobably mance and mystery and intrigue didn’t die wQh tbe Medieval ages. SUBSCRIPTION per year $2.00 land the nomination. Mr. Rowe rep­ All the same, we under, »and Mr. resented the county in the lower house four years ago, and he was one Kribs prefers prosy Tillamook to al­ Advertising Rates. lot the active workers in that body, luring Spain, and has decided to let Display Advts, per inch........... 20c. i And having the experience at one Charles languish in his well-deserv­ Locals ............................ per line 7c. I session of the .-tate legislature Mr. i ed dungeon. Readers, with reading matter I Ilowe knows the ropes and how to per line................................... 7c. I obtain results better than a person Notices of meetings etc, per line 7c. without that experience. It is quite a COG AS CHILD’S COMPANION sacrifice for a busy business man to go to the state legislature, and who With the Right Kind of AnlmxJ, Youngster Will Seldom Stray art often unjustly cussed and dis­ Beyond Safe Bounds. isn ’ t cussed. for $3.00a day —o the Let’s see, who was it that kept u.- enough for pin money before An observation of our friend, the out of war, kept us out of sugar and high cost of living, and how far farmer, that “I dunno’s I ever heard kept us out of peace, Maybe, this J3.00 a day will go today, is known of a child’s gettln’ really lost that had would be a good slogan for the Dem- to most of us who have to put up at a dog to play with,” merits considera­ the hotels—well, it will pay for shav­ ocratic party to adopt. tion. ing, shoe shines, and tip to waiters. Sweeping generalizations are unsafe, It is to be hoped that when the but there is no question of the value time comes to make a change in the If one may judge by what is being of a dog as a child's playmate and pro­ Tillamook post office postnia.ter said by some of the leading public tector. Some dogs have the runaway Todd won’t follow the same tacti«.- ot men of tbe country, the United Instinct themselves. The call of the postmaster Meyers, of Portland. States is on the verge of a financial wild stirs within them—they are Such a dog crash. No one wants to see that, yet vagrants by nature. Viscount Grey’s 1< tier on the tr«aty it is plain to most people that finan­ would delight to have human com­ and covenant has knocked the prop cial affairs are top heavy, and not­ pany In a runaway Journey and are from under President Wilson and the withstanding the repeated advice to not safe companions for children. But Wilson party, which is oppo-ed to tlie people to economize and save, the right kind of dogs, and there are the treaty and covenant being | tlie reverse is the case. It is only a many of them, who have been brought Amei icanized. question of how long the present up with children, are quick to assume 1 -state of affairs can last. Speaker the role of guardian, With such a dog The members of tlie County Court Frederick II. Gillette, ot the national no child would ever get lost ; indeed, returned from Portland on Friday house of representatives, in an ad- would not be allowed to stray beyond where they went to see the State dr«.- on Saturday, said "The present bounds. We have in mind a Great Pane Highway Commi ion in regard to I high cost of living, is due largely to hard-surfacing roads in this county. tlie greatly inflated conditions due to whose temper was such that, although Tlie commission let a contract for the floating debt of 34,000,000,000 we were acquaintances, we never ven­ the Kilchis bridge for $l".30o. The in treasury certificates, and the tured to enter Ills domain, if he were Commission was unable to promis«- principal means of bringing it down around, until he had hud time to sat­ any more hard surfacing in tli coun­ is by thrift on the part of tlie public, isfy himself that we could pass mus­ ty until the special election in May, with the alternative that this couu- ter. Once satisfied you were approved and if the people vote to provid ■ i try will face a panic similar to that by the god he called master and god­ more money, then Tillamook County ; of 1893. It is up to the public to dess lie called mistress, he had an embarrassing way of standing on tils will get itsshare. j practice due care and eliminate lux hind legs and placing ills front ones uries so tliat tlie present conditions around your neck—a caress quite like­ The question of trial by jury bob­ i may be bettered." Yet with so many' bid up again, because it took two words of warning as to what is lia- ly. if you were not well braced, to weeks to select a jury to try the Cen­ ’ ble to happ«,-n, people are spending knock you off your feet. He was the Inseparable companion of the baby of tralia I. W. W. murderers. From money extravagantly for luxuries the family—a boy of four or five— w hat we have seen of juries, it is our and pleasure, saving little for what who hail a predilection for running conviction that one nevei knows is going to happen when the crash away. When the youngster started, what a jury is going to do in a ease,, comes, as it surely will, before long. the Great Dane followed; when the no matter how clear the evidence may child reached the gate, the dog blocked be. Il is time to do away with tin ex­ his way, gently but firmly, For any- "LOOKING FOR SUCKERS.” pensive jury system, for it is one to have touched that child when ——— (J------ liquated. In fact, it is time tile Pane was near would have cost model court procedures, Inert? is Here's a Chance tor Tillamookers to him Ids lite—unless lie had first shot no sense- only expense in taking and shot to kill. Buy a Gold Brick. trivial cases involving a few dollars The intelligence Intelligence of the dog is a ------- o------- from the Justice court to tlie circuit, source of constant amazement to harkens to the If E. G. Krebs and from tlie circuit court io the su­ those who know him best and love him preme court. It would certainly ave pluintiff, dulcet tones of far off most.; and of hfs devotion there Is, be man- will soon dreamy Spain, lie a lot of time and expense to tlie over­ happily, no question. If nil children worked taxpayers if tlie jury system iil'in luring bricks of gold instead of had dogs ns playmates there would be could lie done away with, for its all clay . A remarkable epistle written in fewer to run away and get lost.—Naw wrong when intelligent person are a line precise hand on a thin but Bedford Standard. substantial paper, postmarked Mad­ not wanted by attorneys on a Jury. rid, has been received by Air. Kribs - ----- o------- Varnish Not Full Protection. German propaganda is doing an who had never heard of his myster- Wood is not wholly protected from ions and doubtfully desirably corres- awful lol <>l belly aching because tlie moisture by varnishing, which is ullies have demanded I lie surrender pondent. Enelosed was a clipping shown by tests of tlie Forest Products of about 800 blood thirsty criminals from a London newspaper, telling of laboratory In Wisconsin trt lmve only who committed or permitted acts of tlie escapades of a Swiss banker, a retarding effect. Tlie woods used deliberate murder upon prisoners of named Charles Meyer, who had elop­ were yellow birch, basswood, red gum, war. It will be remembered that the ed (no you're wrong tills time not African mahogany, white ash, white same propaganda was carried on witli tlie usual charming homewreck­ pine, Sitka spruce, southern yellow wlien tlie treaty of peace was decided er) with ten million francs. He is a pine, bald cypress. Incense cedar. upon by the allies, the Germans widower, 48 years old and has one Port Orford cedar, and sugar pine; vowing that they would never sign it, daughter. From the account, Charles but there was no perceptible dif­ but after a great deal of bluffing on .seems to have quite an adventurous ference In the different species In their part they finally did ho . The time of it, traveling luxuriously the moisture absorbed through the same tactics have been resorted to throughout England and the conti- coating. Three coats of high-grade in other matters, but they eventual­ nent, eluding the police under tlie spar varnish wore applied to four ly signed what was demanded ot alias of Manasseina, and when time panels of each species, two panels be­ them. They will do the same In the hung heavy, shooting up a fellow ing brush-coated and two dipped with present instance, and it will be a Swiss who lived just long enough to a special machine designed to give good thing for Germany If all tlie expose ills murderer. The Secret Ser­ an even coat. The panels were dried war lords ot the country were shot vice authorities tracked Meyers to an 72 hours between coats and ten days or put in prison for the remainder of English seaport, where he was about after the final coat; and were then ex­ their lives. Probably the alites In de­ to sail for America, accompanied by posed 17 days to an atmosphere prac­ manding their surrender thought it his daughter and a lady whom he tically saturated with moisture. The was the best move possible to avoid had carelessly neglected to murry. brush-coated panels then showed ten He was conveyed to Spain to await grammes of moisture per square foot another war In the near future. trial for manslaughter and fraud, he of surface; the dipped, between four and five grammes. Legislators at the special session writes as follows: Madrid, 29-12-1919 denounced I Governor Olcott as Still Believe In Fairies, "weak", wabbly," and “lacking in Mr. E. G. Krebs, enne Just hoard in the Tipperary Dear Sir: Although 1 know you A back-bone.'' comparing him to a "jelly-fish " says the Oregon Voter, only from good reference of your cr.’irts reveals the survival In Ireland of a belief In the fairies. It was a which is somewhat friendly to the honesty, my sad situation compels me claim for compensation for cutting to reveal to you an important affair Cham her la in-XV«-st -Olcott combi na- trees mid bushes around a fort at in which you can procure a modest tion. And from all a< counts t here Shnnbnlly. Tlie claimant said lie espe- was a good deal of truth in what fortune, saving at tlie same time that chilly valued these busiies ns “then1 the legislatoi s said We will add an- of lev dulling daughter, (soft music, whs dancing and lights there every other. The governor is a "ilouble professor.) Before bi Ing imprisoned here 1 night.” hi-adei." He still persist s in holding It was alleged that the defendant down two Jobs, amt. notwithstanding was i slabllshed as a banker in S\\ it - had taken away tlie busiies to evict that it Is extiemely Important that zerlnnd. as you will see by I he en- tbe fairies. the different boards of which the closed article about m, of many The Judge pointed out that if there governor and secreti rj of state arc English newspapers which have pub were fairies they would visit their lin­ II: In d my am-t In London members should not be monopolized ger on tlie man wlm dared to ear 1 b< «'«-i ll you io help me to obtain by the governor as a "double header." tlie bushes and not on the owner, He Our friend Chapman ha never dis- a uni of $180,000.00 (Wow! !) 1 did not accept tlie fairy theory and cussed this matter from the "double have in America and tn come here to dismissed tin* claim. header" standpoint, nor from the mis. i lie seizure of my baggage, pay standpoint that tlie people have a in;: to tlie Riglstar ot tlie Court, tin Receiving Wireless. Just right »lien a vacancy occurs in < xpenses of my trial and recover my Bv use of photography, a method the governorship to say who poi tmanteau containing a secret Invented bv C. A. Hovle, an electrical should fill tlie vacancy nt the pocket where I have hidden the doc engineer of Schenectady, wireless mes­ next general election I'hat Is what ilinent indispenslbh1 to recover the sages can be received and recorded at said sum. (The plot thickens) As a n far greater speed and with more ac­ or of invoking the recall. reward I will give up to you the curacy than heretofore. The Inven­ —— o------ third part viz: 160,000 dollars. I can­ We know we expie s the sentiment not receive your answer in the prison tion permits the eye either to supple­ ment or replace the oar In reading of the people of the county that they but you must send cablegram to a wireless messages. The machine has would like to see Mr. <’. J Eduards person of my confidence who will de­ reacheel a rate of 400 words a min­ make till- nice for Joint representative liver it to me. ute. and In test ns many as tMMl words, but after giving the matter serious Awaiting your cable to instruct t'p to this time the most rapid meth­ consideration, Mr Edward- lias de­ you in all niy secret, od ‘ ♦ bred Holsteins, I will by M. W .arrison, and tlie necessity of making room io, m> pum • • 1 Hion, beginning at 10 o’clock A.- sell at public uu aaa • TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1920, the fol owing personal propel t) . 1 OF Choice, High Produc ing COWS. 4 Among these cows are top-notchers running close to SOlbs of butter fat per mont 1, as shown by the Associate test records, while owned by Mr. Harrison and later owned Asa result of' the test work the undesirables formerly in this herd were discovered, weeded out and replaced with high-class young cows. These cows will freshen in February, March and April. A number will be fresh at date of sale. The Jersey.s are bred to a St. Mawes bull and the Holsteins to a register­ ed Holstein bull, a descendant of King Sergis. They are well wintered, in good flesh, acclimated and free from contagious and infectious diseases. Unquestionably this is the best herd of cows ever offered at public sale in Tilla­ mook County 22 Head of Heuers, coining two years old. Jb Mostly Jerseys, bred to freshen at seasonable times this spring. 3 Registered Holstein Bulls 4 Head of Horses. 1 Set Double Harness, 2 Wagons and 1 B.L.K. Milking Machine. Responsible buyers desiring credit will be able to make satisfactory arrangements with representative of one of the banks, who will act as clerk. Sale will be held at my farm adjoining Tillamook City, under cover if it rains. Col. J. \V. Hughes will cry the sale. He is an able auctioneer, genial and entertain- always has something to sav worth while. Come and enjoy the day, whether you Free lunch at noon. buy or not F. R. BEALS Notice of Bond Sale. ------- o------- Sealed bios will be received until the hour of 4:30 o'clock the 12th day of February, 1920. by d« signed and immediately after publicly opened by the C« Court of Tillamook County, Ona at the office of said court in th county court house in Tillamook City. Oregon, for the purchase of bonds of said county issued for the building of permanent roads herein in the sum of $112,000, same being in denominations of $1000 each, numbered from 1 upwards, dated January 1st. 1920, and maturing serially in numerical older as fol­ lows: $26,000 eight (8) years troni date of issue; $26.000 nine (9) years from dale of issue; $30.000 eighteen (IS) years from date of issue; $30.000 nineteen (19) years from date of issue; said bonds tc bear interest at five and one half per cent (3*4 per cent) per annum, payable semi-annually - on January and July 1st, principal ,&cooc,c,OOOOOCOCi<:z->=^50Cööo©©oo©o©oooooooooQoo©ooocaoo>>öo&ooooo©ooooooo<»Goo©o» and Interest payable In United States gold coin nt the office of the County Treasurer or at the Federal Agen . of the State of Oregon in New York City, at the option of the bidder. Said bids must be accompanied by a certified cheek for 5 per cent of the amount bid and must be uncon­ ditional The approving legal opinion of -.fl»’' Messrs. Teal. Minor At Win free, of Portlund, Oreg gon. will be furnibheU the successful bidder. i’he Court r •c^xxxx>«x>Q>>>vx. s □ '• I I a SERVICE First Last and all the Time Corner First St. and 2nd Ave. E., Opposite Lamar’s Drug Store BOTTS & W INSLOW, c. I>II*TI IH’N riS T. TILl.AMUOK HI I1.I>1N( a (( Tver Iinltom’a). Tillamook- Oregon. SERVICE Att<»rnev«-at-l,aw, i ILLAMOOK, OREGON TILLAMOOK BLOCK, Both phones. T. BOAI.S, M.D., PHYSICIAN ERSTER \ND SURGEON. Surgeon S. P. Co. • 4 ¿ HOT. MES \TTOKNKY-AT-LAW COMMERCIAL BUILDING, (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) Tillamook • ? FIRST Oregon TILLAMOOK. STREET. OREGOl