w L. Robertson. 8 Cow Testiug Report for January. I tbs. E. milk, 442; average ■ -o------- don’t Average pound» ot milk per cow 424.4. Average pound.- of butter fat per cow 19.01. Average cost of feed per co« $3.9b. Number ot cows ti-t- ed during month 425. Numb, t of cows producing over 4o lbs. fat, 14. Three high pure bred herd- are: L. A. McCormack, 7 co«- 66u.7 tbs. milk. 42.1 average lb.-, fat. Carl Pos.-etli, 17 co«-, average lbs. milk 5b5; average lb.-, fat. 28.0b. J. J. Rupp. 11 er.«», average Bte. milk 511; average lbs. fat 2" .36. Three high grade herds are: Owner and name of cow hest Prices Ever Known '* That’s What Yua’Jl Get from “SHUBERT” WE WANT ’EM NOW—AN» WILL FAY TEIE FRSCE TO GET ’EM tPISMALL N-ILXT3A LAP > tO( 15.WU 12.00111' ; io 13.00 to 9.60 8 7.C0 6..,0 !0 5"Oto 4 00| 3.75k< N?l MEDIUM b’l SHALL f *’•»- N. AV". HA" t Ç8THA TO dVfRAGi 5.5f) 9.25to 5 |’..'O 7.251 ; 6.75 6.00 5301J 5.00 3.25 3.0019 2.50 8.C0IU G.rùto 4.7513 2.2510 7.Í9 5.50 4.25 1.75 GOOD UNPRIME ,0 s Quality 7.00 to 6.6ft io 4.50 io 2.25 ta 359 3.00 2.00 1.25 These extremely high p- ‘C3 f ’ Oregon Furs are based on the well- known “SHUBERT” libeiu! gra.iing and quot-d fcr immediate ship- ment. Mo. 3, No. 4 and other vise inferior sltins at highest market. value. Ship your Furs now—when we want ’em. You’li get “more money” and get it “quicker’' too. “SHUBERT” RETURNS WILL RaAKF’, YOU HAPPY SHIP TODAY—ANO KEEP ’E I CODING FAST SHIP L. A. McCormack, Blossom . . . G. J. F. Blaser, BI oskoih ................. , . G. J. A. L. Thomas, Jessie.............. . . . G. J. F. K. Blackadar, Melia Ann • ... II. J. F. Hunter, Spot..................... .. G. H. Alfred Johnson, Blossom . • . . G. H. C. PoMaetti, R om ................... .. G. H. C. Fossett! Dairy Maid . . . . .. R. J. L McCormack, Helens F. Maid. K. J. E L Robertson, Jasper . . . . .. G. J. !.. A. McCormack, Pal.......... . . G. J. J. J. Burns, Grumba............ . . R. G. Peter Betchart, No. 26 . . . . . G. ii. M. Abplanalp, o. 2b .............. ,. G. H. Alt. YOUR FURS DIE ¿CT TO A. B. S ii UH E- THE LARGEST HOUSE IN TH : WORLD DEALING EXCLUSIVELY IN AMERICAN RAW FURS ¿5-27 W.Austin Ave. Depll898Chica9O. U.S.A. Lien R. Eldridge, livid agent fur Utah, relates the following incident with relereiice to soliciting niember- .-.liips for a cow testing a.-suciatlon. Soliciting .-ubsciiption.- lor our co« testing a» toctation we called on bi other L — —. The county agent ex- plained out erraud and our host lis­ te ted attentively, but alter a lull ex- planation had been placed before him, lie firmly declined our invita- tion to become a subscriber to oui proposition, saying he milked the cows himself the most of the time and thought he knew about what they were doing and he always had pretty fail coWs anyway. It was my turn to say something, so 1 asked: “How many cows arc you milking, Brother L—?” “Just now twelve, and it s about that many all the time. “Hoy long have you bet a cows?” “Uh, ever -iuce we been on this place, about forty years now, 1 think.” about the1 “ Y our cows ame, do they, 01 are these you now have bet lei than those you had w hen you sti t know as they are “Oil, but anyway Ittey are much i now ami when 1 slart- And he looked veiy well pleased with announcing tin 1 result. Timi stuck me and our visit elided. S2SE5B52S2SH5E5aSE5HS25Z5E5¿5E5ESESHSE5E525ESES'¿5E5EJ£5?5E5E525252SE5E5í Forty years and tile herd no bet- ier than « lien It - lailed. ft is hoped dial the herd wa.- good in the begin­ ning, but that an uninteresting and uneventful forty-year period it must have been and how dilteient Lrom the report we have just icceived from another dairyman who lias been All Work Guaranteed keeping production records of his Let Me Keep You Out of Trouble. I carry a Stock of Goodrich herd tor six years. The table below fu tn Tires, Tubes and Tire Accessories. shows tile production and increased profits of this herd. It requires only Your Patronage Solicited. a lew minutes each day to get data J. C. HOLDEN, 2nd STREET, OPPOSITE O.P., TILLAMOOK. of tins kind on a herd, and all (lungs a52525E5252525252525252.5252 ‘12525252S25252525e5?5252525252525H5252S252S25 considered it is our belief that the time spent on it is well paid lor us any other labor on the farm. Study this table and draw your own cou- elusions: City Vulcanizing and Tire Shop. Expert Tire Service. Vulcanizing and Retreading. g a ARMOURED INNER TUBES Prevents Punctures and Blowouts Armoured Inner Tires are a practical, common sense, money-saving tire necessity for all tire users. By preventing punctures and blowouts, they add plea sure, safety and economy to motoring. Lubricated inside and out, they lequire no cementing aud no vul­ canizing. Placed on your tires as easily as inner tube. ■I C. MILLS, Agent, Tillamook, Ore- 25252525?5252525252525252525 l '525252525252525 cow- im am inerea.M ot 1X00 lb ot bullet I 0Ü C<‘i per pound, which eqt ♦ 9U0J Does it pay to keep ds. 'I owner ot tilts in rd say Are «on a wanderer perlon lor 1920 begin, liie your application* ship for the l cm mg , at once. Wi have reretvnl ret pl'ici .or butlerfat, now -Inmld be to tuuki mg individual butterfat productions. Help make Ute dairy bents of 1 illa- inooi, county us tuitions as our diet .-e. listing Ass n. Tin Annual Auto Show. ------- o----- — One ot the feature* ot tile big com­ ing toil land automobile show , to be 111 Id 111 (he Ice Palace, will be the di !'■ T of closed car models. At least one third, perhaps even one-half of tin 1.6 models to be shown, will be ot tin enclosed type. it doesn't require a very long mem­ ory to remember back to the days when the only closed automobiles in this part ot the country were taxi­ rd Xl cab* or costly limousines, ownership 5?5Z5 êSPSêSÎS ¿SiSES -’525 ? 2SHS2S2S¿í ■, ¿8¿S2S25252525252525252525252525252 ot which automatically rated a man ns a millionaire. In tlie.-e days folks on tin street used to speculate as to hov much lie paid hl chauffeur when the great man lolled up In his limousine. B iY CITY, OREGON. him dmuami. Nowadays there are closed cars within reach of lhepun e ot even Hie vet v m.-l......... income. And t he vehicle could be paid ehauffe u r Phone Main 73. past In these car r driwb Todd Bldg. NEXT T0 S“V1CE C. II. JONES TRADING COMPANY Fruit, Groceries and Campers’ Supplies, Dry Goods and Gasoline. BAY CITY DRUG Entire New Stock of Candies. New Syrups'. Come and See. Phone 32. 6.4 4.7 5.1 6.4 4.1 4.5 5.4 4.4 6.4 5.U 6.2 5.5 4.5 3.1 ... 83 11 ................. 51.28 ....... 52.33 ............... 49.50 ............... 46.7b .............. 4 L H j ............... lJ.bb ................. 42.6b .............. 42.42 .............. 41.40 .............. 4U.73 .............. 41.25 .............. 40.12 .............. 40.18 I closed cars, with the tendency to ’ build even more of that type. The reason foi this trend to the closed car is easily to diagnose. The closed automobile combines comfort with utility in a manner with which the open car can j never compete, Modern engineering methods have i educed the weight of automobile an extent I chassis and body to . such L i that it is no longer necessary to j make i a closed car weigh half as much as a I locomotive. In fact, the latest models 1 weigh surprisingly little more than ; the open cars and can go anywhere i than an open car goe es, with infinite­ ly more comfort in disagreeable weather. The number of entries of closed cars already made for (he Portland emphasises the automobile' show trend of the present day. The visitor io the big show will sec, however, not all the veiy latest types of clos­ ed cars, blit the latest models of open cars as well. In all, 69 different makes of pas­ senger automobiles will be on dis­ play, ami 1/6 different models. Still another leature of th- Port­ land show is the truck show acid in connection with it. l or the first time on the Pacific (’oast, a show will be devoted exclusively to trucks. The truck section of the show will be held in the Pon.hind Armory, only a few blocks from the Ice Palace, and one ticket wiil admit the bearer to both shows without additional cost. '¡ here will be 50 different makes of trucks on display, and approximately 100 different models. Politicai Band Wagon. Announcement. I hereby announce myself as a can­ didate for the Republican nomina­ tion lor representative in the legis­ lature lrom the 14th Legislative Dis­ trict embracing Yamhill and Tilla­ mook Counties. Frank A. Rowe. — in Standard Feed Co. To the Voters of Tillamook County. I want the Republican nomination for sheriff at the primary election next May. To get it I have to have enough Republican votes. All who have failh in me. and vote for me., I thank in advance. Frank Hannenkrat. Announcement. Owing to the fact that a large number of tax payers in different parts of the county have asked me to make the race for County Judge, and believing tha* with my previous ex- i perlence in County business, I am qualified for the office, I hereby ali­ nounce myself as a candidate for tile office of County Judge, subject to the approval of the Republican voters at the coming Primary Election. Homer Mason, PROGRESSIVE strotlj! ,'im! Announcement. POLIQl^ distiiut s t ; 1t1< jccts in tlie operation of the First Niitii>n:iWW^r 1 Build Up the Community. 2— Develop Farming and Business. 3— Promote the Practice of Thrift. Now YOUR “Nationalized” batik account assists us tn making those aims become accomplishments. DIRECTORS : JOHN MORGAN. A W. BUNN. HENRY R ogers A. For Sale. I hereby announce myself as a 1st year, 1. cows, total Amt. 4956 candidate for County Judge at the lbs. average per cow, 292 lbs. next primary election. My motto. 2nd year, 17 cows, total Amt. "100 per cent efficiency for every 5663 ib, average per cow, 3331bs. taxpayer’s dollar.” gain over 1st year 41 lbs. XV. L. Campbell. .lid year, 16 cows, total Amt. 5187 Ibs, average per cow, 3-’4 lbs. gain To The Voters of Tillamook County. ----- o------ over 1st year 32 Ibs. 1 hereby announce myself as a can­ 4th year, 18 cows, total Anu. 6651 didate for County Clerk, on the Re­ Ibs gain over first year, 7b lbs. nth year. 19 cows, total Amt. 7161, publican ticket, subject to the ap- ib:-., aveuige per cow, 3 77 lbs . gain provalof the voters at the primaries next May. over lust year, 85 Ibs. H. 8. Brimhall. 5th year, 19 cows, total Amt. 7161 I ilhtmook Cow FIRST CLASS PLUMBING $62.00 Per Ton. Beet Pulp • - 46.00 ,, Holstein Feed ■ 44.00 „ Carnation - 74.00 „ Ground Barley - 58.00 „ Barley Oat Feed - 75.00 „ Whole Corn - 76.00 „ Ground Corn 66.00 „ Wheat Chops - Valley Hay-Good Quality 26.00 „ Snow Dry-Hard Wheat 12.00 per bbl. Flour - While it last. butter fat Butterfat Production. 252525252525252 ’>.J5252Ve.5252525252’.25e5?5252525?52525252525?5252525?5^52 l § BAYOCEAN SHEET METAL WORKS. TILLAMOOK, ORE. 1283 1091 1V26 775 1141 1021 4 y 1 97i 663 82S 657 750 896 1296 . 1 ... .... .. . .... ... .... ... .... ... .... .. . .... .. « .... .. . .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... .. .. ... .. . . ... . . . . SPECIAL FOR CASH. Wandered Forty Years—Still Going. I entiii output of automobiles are now - . : 39.Wlo25.li0l?M0to15M 15 Oft »o’? fti) 19.9010 8.50 10.30 to 6 00 Fine, Dark Usual Color . 0 ’.u 1 • ; : J ! . ■' lO.vb to 8.50 8.0Û io 6 50 8.0ft to 5.00 15.00 to 1200111.00 to W 8.00 to 700 6.0019 5.00 6.00 to 4.00 Coast 32.12. average Alfred Johnson, lbs. tat. lbs. milk. 77b; 31.5V. F. K. Blackadar. 4 c lbs. milk, 456; avei 26.69. High pure bred cow Melia Ann. Jersey with 775 lbs. milk and 49.50 tbs. fat, owned by F. Blackadar. High grade co« Brownie, owned by L. A. McCormack. 1383 lbs. milk; b2.11 lbs. ftit. Ibs. fat. Cows goiuig over lbs. milk breed averagi Ibi fat C. J. EDWARDS. B. C. LAMB, W. J. RIECHERS. McGHEE Registered Holstein Bull Calf, born Nov. 14, 1919. His Dam Lady Ruth Payne; Sire, Hollywood Lilith Korn- TILLAMOOK. OREGON. dyke, was sold at the J. W. Pomeroy sale, July 25, 1919, for $3,000.00 His Dani’s 7 day record; Milk, 460 lbs.; butter, 18.72 lbs.; per cent fat 4.02, I £JR. Lr. L. HOY, at Jr. two year old. JOHN l.KI.ANDj HENDERSON Ilis Sire’s Dam 7 day record: Milk ATTORNEY 638.75 lbs.; Butter 32.92 lbs. percent physician AND SURGEON fat 4.25. AND j T illamook B lock , Further particulars and price en­ COUNSELLOR AT-LAW quire of Chris Reichen, R. F. D. No.l, i'J'llaniook ■ - - Oi reg >.ii Tillamook, Oregon Hillsboro. Oregon. ' Announcement. I hereby announce myself a can­ didate for the office of County Treas­ urer of Tillamook County, on the '.publican ticket. Alexandria Rock. Announcement. 1 11» i by announce myseli a can­ didal.' lor 11,e office of County Treas­ urer of Tillamook County, for re­ election. on the Republican ticket. Kathleen Mills. TRADE £ MARK. A! 23 TO HEALTH AND BEAUTY To the Voters of Tillamook County. When your cough and tickling throat keep you awake— 1 hereby announce myself a can­ didate for the office of County School Superintendent of Tillamook County, subject to the approval of the voters at the coining primary election. G. B. Lamb. When you have that uncomfortable feeling of wanting to clear your throat constantly—to no avail— when you are hoarse and sore from continual coughing—then you will find Announcement. Upon the advice of a large number of leading citizens of Tillamook County, I have decided to announce niyself as a candidate for the office of County Clerk, subject to the ap­ proval of the Republican voters at the primaries to be held In May. If nominated and elected I will perform the duties of said office to the best of my ability, and will de­ vote my exclusive tttne in looking after the interests of said office and i lie taxpayers of Tillamook County affected thereby. Dated this 14th day of January. 1920. J. C. McClure. To The Republican Volets of Tilla­ mook County. ------ o------ I am a candidate for iheriff in the Republican Primaries. and I tun a deputy in thi* office at * ic­ Ph«iit. have had s< ivvial years ex- perlence there, und I submit i luy record as an offt >r for jour V consitl- eration. Should 1 be not lic.t ,and elec tc i, >ype oi auiotr open cu hard m popularity, tto hard I will endeavor to serve you effl- 'hai «pproximateljr 40 percent of the ciently, honestly and impartially. John Aschim. fOROte AUDI MARK White Pine Compound soothing and effective. PUROLA White Pine Compound contains White Pine Bark, Tar, Wild Cherry Bark. Balm of Gilead. Menthol and other remedial ingredients valuable for certain disorders of the throat and lungs. GUARANTEE PVROLA TFMte Pin« Compound it guaranteed to be pure and if you are not sutiefied with it, your ttrup giet trill refund your money. AT ALL DRUG STORES Prepared and Guaranteed By the Blumauer-Frank Laboratories