TILLAMOOK, OREGON, FEBRUARY 12, may be all right for the natives there but she loyally prefers Tillamook. Ted Ford, who was called to Tilla­ Mrs. Rees is in Garibaldi for a mook, on account of the illness of his brief visit. brother, Ernest, returned to Myrtle A. M. Meyers, of Mohler, made a Point last Friday. Ernest’s friends business trip to Tillamook last week. w ill be glad to know he is improving Mrs. Hugenon spent last Sunday steadily now. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Cooper, accom­ with her husband at Garibaldi. panied by their five children, return­ K. W. Drake is in Iowa attending ed to their home in Mohler on Mon­ the funeral of his father. day morning after a visit to Mr. Mildred Gillett, of Bend, is visit- Cooper’s family in Tillamook. ing here. Business men who left Tillamook Mrs. L. V. Wilson, of Brighton, on the Monday train, were A. K. was the guest . f her daughter Miss Stanley, lumberman. Mutt Leach, P. May Wilson last week. J. Worrall, of the Tillamook Hotel, A. T. McShane, of the A. F. Coats E. P. Larson and D. A. Wilbur. Lumber Co., is in Portland on busi­ When you think of wood, coal or ness. drayago think of "Tillamook Trans­ Miss McCann, of Ocean Lake, was fer Co.”, Liberty Temple. "We De­ in town last week visiting Mrs. Carl­ liver the Goods.” • isle. Several young people, chaperoned C. C. Snodgrass has bought out the by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stark, spent Coburn Shoe shop, and moved to the the weekend at Barview, camping on Todd building. the beach and cooking over a bon­ Miss Patterson is in Portland at- fire. The party included Gladys tending the opening ot several milli­ Jones, Blanch Stark, Fred Guyton nery houses . and Alfred Smith. Last Friday morning, Mrs. F. W. Miss Elizabeth J. Brown, private Allen left for Portland where she secretary to W. W. Banks, of Port- will visit friends for a few weeks. land, has been visiting her sister Mrs. Kiehm, accompanied by her Miss M. L. Brown, who is employed daughter Helen, is in Hillsboro, visit­ at the Tillamook County Bank. The girls spent the week end at the El­ ing her mother, Mrs. Casler. Warren Hoskins, of Coos county, is more Hotel, at Rockaway. Messrs. Condit, Reichers, and Ros­ here for a month's visit at the home enberg are interested in the move­ of his father, W. H. Hoskins, ment to set aside the fair grounds Miss Marion Croaker, a teacher in for summer campers. There is some the Barnesdale school, has gone to difficulty in effecting this as the Pacific City for a few days vacation. property belongs to the railroad. A Mr. McRae^as organized a Boy steady stream of campers all summer Scouts Chapter, which met in the should bring a good deal of business Guild Hall Tuesday evening. to local shop-ow ners. Lloyd Colson returned home last I Don L. Gilbert is now taking spec- Friday. He has been in a Portland ! ial work at O. A. C. in preparation hospital for three months. I for the examination of the State Last Friday, Leslie Traxler return­ : Board of Pharmacy to be given in ed to Cloverdale, after a visit to his < Portland in May. These examinations | extend over a period of two days and family in Portland. Mr. and Airs. D. W. Lair, of Bright­ I are considered the most difficult ex- on. were in town Thursday and Fdi- j aminations given by any of the other 1 professional state boards of Oregon. day of last week. Matt Maroney, was in town over 1- For the first time in two years the Sunday, returning to Manhattan Guild of the Presbyterian church met at the home of Mrs. W. B. Aiderman, Beach Monday morning. on Tuesday afternoon, February 3rd. C. E. Hadley vs. D. J. Hadley is a suit filed in the circuit court to re- It was unanimously decided to re­ commence the Guild activities, and cover 2.4 6 which the plaintiff twenty-five ladies joined. The treas­ hed lei efendant. urer reported that the entire debt on Mi Tile, of Harrisburg, the Guild hail had been paid. is vil unt, Miss Belle Wil- In the near future the State of son, a tea ier of the Tillamook pub- Oregon will present, through the lie schools. American Legion, to all ex-service Herman Hopkins, who has been men in this county who lived in this staying at the home of his parents at state prior to their entry in the ser­ Long Prairie, returned to Banks on vice, the Oregon State Bronze Medal. Monday. As soon as these medals are received George Comstock, of the Comstock by the local post further details will Logging Co., at Mohler, was in Tilla­ appear in the papers as to the dis mook on a short business trip last tributlon of same. wee. John Plasker, our versatile musi­ Frank A. Rowe, president of the cian and soda-dispenser has turned Nehalem Valley Bank, at Wheeler4 builder. He has bought two lots, 105 Is running again for the legislature. feet square, on 4th street and 5th He was in town Tuesday. Ave. East for the purpose of erecting Mr. Bar>3s who sold his pool room 2 modern apartment houses. They to Mr. McKinley, plans to manufac­ will be buit of hollow tile. This is ture boxes at Blaine, in the near fu­ certainly happy news, as the housing situation in Tillamook has become ture. W. W. Dunton, who has been in Dr. serious. Those who left on the Tuesday Boals' hospital for three weeks, suf­ fering from typhoid fever, has re­ morning train were. Mrs. A. . Mapes, and daughter, going to Bay City; F. turned to his home in Spokane. — The E. S. Bettcher Milling Co. Clary, M. H. Morehouse, Mrs. R. C. have completed their mill In this city Patterson, Mrs. W. G. McGee and E. and will commence operation of same H. Zollner who were bound for Port­ land. E. Donovan was also on the the last of this week. train having just received summons Ethel Schofield by Luella Brace, to attend the funeral of his brother, her guardian, vs Henry William Joe Donovan, of Portland. Story, is an application for appoint­ The old threadbare sally about the ment of a guardian. road to a man’s heart being through' Marie Buttner vs. Buttner Mill Co., his stomach is certainaly applicable et al, is a suit filed in the circuit to the approaching meeting of the court for the appointment of a re­ Kilcare Club. The ladies are giving a ceiver. banquet to their husbands on Thurs­ L. N. Berry and wife left on Friday day night of this week at the Guild morning for the East. Mr. Berry has Hall, and the men have joyously beeji employed by John Berns for the promised a record attendance. last two months. The Headlight has been increased Mr. and Mrs. Whitney, of Detroit, in size to a seven column eight page Mich., are in Garibaldi for a few newspaper, and will remain that size weeks. Mr. Whitney Is the owner of in the future—provided, of course, the mill there. He Is accompanied by that paper can be obtained. This was Mr. Hawkins. brought about by the increased de­ — Lowell Edwards returned to New­ mand for advertising space, for busi­ berg on Monday morning to resume ness men know that it pays to have his college studies. He ha» been visit­ an attractice advertisement in the ing his parents in Tillamook during Headlight. the midyear vacation. Miss Blanch McNair has been In —s Mr. Eric Glad will leave Tillamook California for a month, visiting about the first of the month and will friends in Mountainview, and shop­ go to Multnomah county, where they ping in San Jose and San Francisco. have bought a fruit farm of six acres The weather is so ideal that she plans to remain tehre two months longer, one mile east of Gresham. motoring to Los Angeles and San- Messrs Kable and Brown are doing Diego, and the coast resorts to enjoy business at the old opera house, un­ der the name of the Tillamook Box the sea bathing. Co, They are making crate» at pres­ On February 18th at 8:15, p.m., ent. there w ill be an interesting debate in audito^um. Tilla- The Presbyterian Sunday School the High School auditow offers three prizes of ten. five and mook High will clash w ith Banks three dollars, between now and June Union High. "Resolved that the writ I5th. Wayne Wiley is in the lead at of injunction in' labor disputes should be pro tec led by federal present. laws." Affirmative, Betty Lantz and Mrs. J. M. Bodie, of Bay City, was Martha Crank. The same night in the city on Monday doing some Clair Small and Harry Elliott will trading. Some 25 years ago Mrs. uphold the negative side against the Bodie was a member of the Head- Hillsboro team. light staff, and worked at the case. While it ha» not been publicly an­ S ,L. Stewart and his son-in-law nounced yet, we have ft on the au­ Mike Rube, formerly of Lebanon, thority of a director of the school have been visiting the different board, that a school committee has beaches. Last Friday they returned been appointed to meet the Guild to their home in Salem. Hall committee, and discuss the ren­ The Ovo studio is located tempor­ tal of the hall for a temporary school of the arily in the same building as Page's building. The attendance Furniture store. Mr. Lantz expects to school children has become so large, move into the Williams property by that the present building is not ade­ quate .The board intends engaging the first of April. Miss Margaret Coates has left Ber­ another high school teacher and two keley and is now visiting in Los- more for the grades. Music lovers of Tillamook have Angeles. She writes that California Tillamook Jottings. ---- ^-o banded together and formed a com­ munity chorus. While no officers have been chosen as yet, the tempor­ ary chairman is Mr. Cook, who has had several years experience as a vocal director in this particular work. Mrs. Poorman and Mrs. Smith are on the invitation committee. The chorus has had two meetings, Mrs. Aiderman and Mrs. Maginnis being the hostesses. Mrs. Gaylord and Miss White will select the music to be studied. Mr. Gaylord, Mrs. Cook and Mr. Eberhardt are also members. Increase in School Attendance. ------ o------ The second semester opened with I an unusually large midyear increase in enrollment in the local schools, both in the grades andiu the high school. Tne grade building was so badly overcrowded that the board found it necessary to find another room. The average enrollment per room was 39, with the worst conges­ tion in the primary department— where there were as many as 47 pu­ pils in some of the rooms. The school board has made ar­ rangements to rent the Advent church for the rest of the year. By moving one of the grades to this building, which is centrally located, and securing another primary teach­ er the overcrowding in those grades will be relieved and the pupils in those grades given the individual at­ tention which that stage of the ed­ ucational progress damands. Miss Ethel Reid, of Portland, a Normal graduate, with several years successful primary teaching exper­ ience, has been secured to take charge of the work. She has pupils of the 1st A and 2nd B grades, The church is being converted into a satisfactory temporary school room, but the fact that it is needed calls attention to the inadequacy of the present school house for the number ot pupils enrolled, especially if tile city should grow as it has in the past. 1 he high school also experienced an unusually large influx at the be­ ginning of this semester—25 pupils entering at that time. The high school already has a record attend­ ance,, and with increase a new as­ sistant was required to give the In­ coming pupils lull work. As fifteen- ot the newly registered students come from outside this district, their tuition will more^than pay the salary of a new teacher. During the opening days of the semester the assembly was so crowded tHat a large number were required to 'double up’ two to a seat—but by rearranging the seats enough room was secured to allow setting up of desks for all the newcomers. To date the enroll- ment in the high school is 155, an increase of about twenty-five over the best previous yearly enrollment. but they'll have to go some to beat hearty welcome is extended to the Boy Scouts who are absolutely strangers, come and get acquainted. tireless. If you are little bring a dime, If you are big bring a dime, If you are young bring a dime, Lecture Well Received. ------- o------- If your are old bring a dime. The services at the Methodist I Church last Sunday were largely at­ f Zurflueh-Gulstrom Wedding. . tended and greatly enjoyed. The children's service in the morning de­ On February 7th, at the Christian lighted the children and was enjoyed by the older folks and adjudged by parsonage Mr. Eric A. Gulstrom and all as well worth while. Special mus­ I Miss Kathryn Zurfleuh were united ic by the Junior choir was a feature in marriage. The ceremony was sim­ ple, and therefore beautiful and im­ of the service. I The pictures and lecture in the pressive, only the closest friends of evening on world industrial condi- the families attended. The Rev. Har­ lions more than met the expectations ry E. Tucker officiated. Miss Zurflueh has been employed of the splendid congregation that at­ tended the service. The program for in the Vldito hospital for some time. next Sunday night promises to be Mr. Gulstrom is an ex-service man. even more interesting and profitable. having gone over to France with the Tenth Company Coast Artillery. The bride and groom are both of Tilla­ Quaker Evangelist at the Nazarene mook. H. M. Cross vs. Empire Cream Sep­ arator Co., and Ben Kuppenbender, is a suit filed in the circuit court growing out of the purchase of a milking machine . Plaintiff alleges that the defendants sought out the plaintiff and proposed the sale of a milking machine which they guar­ anteed would properly milk cows without injury. Plaintiff claims that Church. such representations were false and --- — o------- the machine was defectivet conse- The Tusitala Club. Rev. W. E. Jones, the Quaker quently he brough suit to recover evangelist from Idaho, began special the money he paid for the milking Miss Lillian Groat, Club editor, services last Sunday at the Church machine. the following report: "The submits of the Nazarene (near Tillamook Ho­ » On Wednesday the house of Joe tel) and the meetings have been in­ Tusitala Club met at the home of Baumgardner2 at Long Prairie, burn­ Emma Groat, creasing in interest and attendance the Misses Lillian and ed to the ground. The local fire de­ all the week. Rev. Jones has a force­ Friday evening, Feb. 6th. The meet­ partment was unable to offer assis­ ful way of telling his story and in­ ing was culled to order by President tance as the house was situated five spires and encourages his audience Ramona Haltom. It was decided that miles beyond the city limits. The fire to met the stern realities of life. His at each meeting one member should started in one of the bedrooms, while lecture on "Life’s Purpose,” to be give a brief talk on a subject of ed­ the family was in the adjoining din­ given Thursday night, Feb. 12, is a ucational interest, and another mem­ ing room, and the blaze was not dis­ glow ing tribute to Abraham Lincoln, ber a vocal or instrumental solo. At covered until it had made such head­ and especially helpful to the young the next meeting, which will be way that extinguishing It withoat people. Traveling with him is the held c» the home of Lucia and Mur­ the aid of chemicals was impossible. noted converted infiden.Dr. J. P. iel Wiley, Mrs. Dyrlund will speak Mr. Baumgardner managed to save Allen of Portand, who gives his life and Mary Lamar will play. but very little furniture. After the business meeting a story on Friday night, Feb. 13. pleasant hour was spent in playing Three criminal cases were tried this These services are ire to the public enjoyed Mrs. week before Judge Bagley at the cir­ and a cordial invitation is extended games. Everyone cuit court. The case against Jack to all. On next Sunday night the John Groat’s contribution—the re­ Harper charged with assault with in­ evagelist's theme is to be "Anarchy” freshments. On Saturday afternoon the Tusitalas hiked five miles after tent to kill, and tried on Alonday, the or present day conditions. jury brought in a verdict of not Services each evening at 8 o’clock, pussy-willows.” guilty. The case against Henry Story, and Sunday at 11 a.m. following the charged with rape was tried on Sunday School hour. The evangelists Watch Out, Ty Cobb! Here's Some Tuesday, and the jury brought in a will probably remain next week. Rivals! verdict of guilty. The case of Walter Oliver, charged with adultery, was Sunday The Loyal Daughters Obituary Notice. tried on Wednesday and the jury School Class are planning on giving was out all night. a basket social on Friday, February, Last week on Thursday morning Fire Chief Coates says he was re­ 20, 1920, at the Christian Church. Che sad news was spread that Mrs. Watch for further particulars. minded of the old fable of the boy Barbara Babi, a well known resident and the wolf, the other night, when The L. D.'s Indoor Baseball Club of Tillamook, had passed away Wed­ met at Hie Church gymnasium Mon­ the fire whistle was blown at ten nesday evening. Mrs. Babi had for o'clock to announce the temporary day evening, Feb. 9. 1920. The gills several years been a victim of heart shutting off of the water supply. He played ball until a late hour, and trouble, which could cause the final and several other members of the de­ Why Don't You Join? then they decided it was time to go stroke most any time. In her last partment scampered out of the snug ——o------ home. They will meet again next days she felt better than she did for house slippers and warm beds and In consideration of High School some time and even went to visit Monday at 7:30 p.m. al the Church, into street clothes, dashed down to I All girls that are able to attend are the city hall to save a couple of lives athletics, the approaching boxing some of her friends. On Wednesday requested to be present as we are to match, tile prospective gym and evening after her supper was prepar­ or so, only to learn it was a false swimming pool,and the formation of ed and getting ready for a bath little elect new captains. alarm. Every Loyal Daughter must come the Tillamook Gun Club, it looks as did she know that the time of a sud­ though there ought to be sufficient den passing was at hand. That same next Sunday to Sunday School as Announcement. material to establish a weekly sport­ evening no light was seen at Mrs. there are only two more Sundays ------- o------ - ing column in the Headlight. The in­ Babi’s house, but as the neighbors left to run in the contest, and we in competitive thought she went to bed early as must win this contest, as the boys The new city editor of the Head­ creasing interest light is Mrs. Marion Dyrlund, who is sports is evidenced by the presence usually, they did not want to dis­ are afraid if they win they will have a graduate of the University of Pitts­ of Ed Morris in Tillamook this week, turb her. When Thursday morning to furnish their own eats to keep Mr. Morris is from Portland and is came no sign of life appeared with from starving. Girls be sure and burg School of Journalism, and has had three years newspaper and ad­ well known on the Pacific coast as the new day. A neighbor friend went come, so they will have to furnish vertising experience on the New an expert shot and veteran sports- over to see and found the bed undis­ them, and keep themselves from go­ York Evening Mail, as dramatic crit­ man, having competed for years in turbed which aroused her very much. ing hungry. We are so far ahead in ic, The Leslie Syndicate, as feature the famous Indian shoot at Lake After getting some help to investi­ the contest, weknow they will have to get beaten. writer, and the McGraw-Hill Publi­ Crescent, Wash., and the Oregon gate the matter they I found Mrs. cations, on the advertising make-up state championships. He is also a Babi lifeless in her bath tub, with medal-winner and cupbolder in sev­ the right hand across the heart, the Five Hundred, desk. Mrs. Dyrlund will be glad to pub­ eral national tournaments annually conclusion is made that she had a lish all social, business and scholastic held throughout the East. At the re­ sudden heart stroke and immediately Mrs. George P. Winslow and Mrs. news, If telephoned before five quest of Mr. Henry Plasker, Mr. Mor­ passed away. Alfred Anderson, and Mrs. Frank o’clock on Wednesday afternoon. ris consented to remain in the city a Her maiden name was Barbara Hadley, prominent in local social Copy handed in later than that time day longer in order to attend the Fischbocker, and she was born in I circles, were hostesses at a delight­ inconveniences Mr. Baker, and ufter Wednesday night meeting of the Til­ Switzerland, April 22, 1845, and I ful afternoon gathering at the home this it will have to wait publication lamook Gun Club. came to America in 1875. She be­ of Mrs. Anderson, on Tuesday, Feb., in the ensuing issue. Mr. Morris gave a brief talk on the came united in marriage with Nik- 10th. Mrs. Riechers carried off the activities of the Western Zone, as laus Babi in 1878. As early settlers 500 honors, and Pearl Anderson en­ the states ot Oregon, Washington, of Tillamook they went through all tertained with a piano selection. The A Surprise Party. Idaho, Californio, Nevada, Montana, the hardships of a pioneer farmer and luncheon which followed was partic­ Utah, Arizona and the province of after years of faithful labor became ularly well chosen and daintily serv­ " On Saturday evening, February British Columbia are known in successful. Having no children they ed. The Invitation list included Mes- 7th, a large party of friends surpris­ shooting parlance. The following adopted a niece and a nephew and dames, Bales, Shearer, Riechers, ed Mrs. Sarah Hushbeck by appear­ cities and towns, some of which are cared for them with fatherly and Crank. Poorman, Alderman, Mason, ing miraculously at her door and much smaller and much less pro- motherly love until they went out Baker, Robinson, Gus Case, Arthur I and announcing that they had come gressive in many respects, already to seek their own living. Mr. Babi Case, Jones, Small, Koch, Maginnis, to celebrate her 63rd birthday. After have organized Gun Clubs, and are died March 3rd, 1901. At the time of Holmes, Glaisyer, Gruber, Burton, an evening of music and games, a competing successfully in the var- her death she was 74 years, 9 Mills,, Grider, Brodhead, Boals, delicious and plentiful lunch was ions registered shoots held through­ months and 13 days. The deceased Moulton, Carl Anderson, Oscar, Carl served, the birthday cake being made out the state;—Astoria, Pendleton, was a faithful member of the Re­ and Max Schultz, Morrison, Partridge by Mrs. Lewis Hushbeck who has Baird. Moro, Grass Valley, Maupint formed Congregational Church and Hansilmlr, Conover, Franklin, Bil­ had an undisputed reputation of be­ Salem, Woodburn, Eugene, Marsh- lived a Christian life. Since 1917 she lings, Plank, Mannix, McGee, Reedy, ing an A-l champion cook. The fledl etc. By next summer, Mr. Morris was not able to attend the church Campbell, Williams , Crenshaw, and guest of honor cut and served the prophesied, the local club will be in services on account of her heultli. Ebinger. cake to the following hungry ones: trim to meet any of these teams, and But in her lonesome hours the word The same hostesses will entertain Mr.and Mrs. Lewis Hushbeck, Mr. should the meet be held in Tillamook of God was her consolation. She was again al five hundred on Thursday Hushbeck, Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds, carloads ot trap-shooting enthusiasts ready to go for she wanted to go. evening, February 12th, at the Hanangrat, Stark, Doty, Rogers, will come down from Portland to at­ Mrs. Babi is survived by a niece home of Mrs Anderson. The hus­ Owens,Alias Georgle and Miss Lovel tend. At present the fair grounds ar ■ Mrs. Stillwell and two nephews, Mr. bands are to share in the hospitality Owens, Miss Pearl Church, Misa being used each Sunday for practice. Fischbocker and some relatives in this time however. The guests will be Bula Thayer and Henry Woolf. Visitors (especially ladles, chimes in Switzerland. Funeral services were Mr. and Mis. Huberlach. Cooke, Henry Plasker) are always welcome. conducted in the United Bretnern Franklin, Steinbach, Turnbull, Lew­ Come on, you American Legion men, church on Wednesday at 1 o’clock, is, Christensen, F. C. Baker, W. F. Memorial Service». keep your eye and hand and waist­ February 11, 1920. She was laid to Baker, Kuratli, Oscar, Max and Carl line in military trim, by joining the rest at the Oddfellow cemetery. Schultz, Carroll, Cook, Sollie Smith, On February 18th at 8 p.m., in the Tillamook Gun Club (only two bucks Stranahan, Carl Anderson, Burge, Christian Church, Memorial services initiation fee). After riddling the Holden , Hill, Savage, Boats, McClure for George Washington and Abrahant beefy Boche in France, aiming at M. E. Ladies’ Aid Meet. and Botts. Mi. Beltz will sing. Lincoln will be held under the aus­ clay pigeons may seein child's play ------ o--------- I pices of the W. R. C. Everybody is to you at first, but soon the fascina­ The Ladies’ Aid of the M. E cordially invited to attend. Beware of Sharpshooters ! tion of good clean sport and a day Church met at the home of the pres­ Mr. McRae has invited the Ameri­ in the ozon and close competition ident,, Mrs. Arthur Beals, members The question "How can I he happy can Legion members and the G. A. R. will seem pretty much like regular and visitors numbering twenty-five. on a Sunday alternoon, and still veterans to attend the Lincoln mem­ man’s size play. At roll call It was discovered that obey the Commandments?” has been orial service on February 15 th, When the club has installed its some half dozen members were ab­ answered bythirty-four business men Sunday morning at 11 o'clock at the sent on account of sickness, Mrs. new trap-machines and the members ot Tillamook. In no place does the Presbyterian Church. This is a pa­ are breaking international records Paul, who assisted in entertaining at. Bible denounce the shooting of clay triotic as well as a religious service, 'n'everything, Mr. Morris will make a reffent meeting, had, a few days pigeons, so with clear conscience, as "Tenting Tonight” "Just Before his next visit, accompanied by P. J. since, undergone a serious operation, steady finger and eagle eye, the The Battle Mother", and other dear Holohan, of the DuPont Powder Co., and is now at the hospital. There members of the Tillamook Gun Club old melodies familiar to us as well who is some whiz at the game, they was a unanimous vote to send her appraoch th» Fair Grounds for their as the boys in blue and the boys in flowers. Miss Burrows, Division say. weekly match. While no officers gray, will be sung by the choir and Secretary of the Red Cross, gave an The officers elected at last night* • have been chosen as yet, Mr. Henry the congregation. Everyone will be address on the subject "Unfinished made welcome. Don’t plan to sleep business meeting ot the Tillamook afterwar work of the county.” The Piasker is the acknowledged leader. late that morning. Getup and come to Gun Club,are Lynn Partridge, presi­ business hour was taken up with He has called a meeting in his store church and help make the soldiers dent, E. M. Condlt, vice-president, discussions. Mrs. R, D. Miller and one night this week, in order to Henry Plasker, secretary and treas­ elect a President and a Treasurer. happy by joining in their songs. Mrs. Geo. Lamb were assistant hos­ urer. The directors are M. D. Ackley, I The honors ot last Sunday's match tesses. At adjournment it was decid- A. E. Williams, Ed. Schultz, N. Nord­ went to Lynn Partridge, and the i ed to have a George Washington strom and Eugene Jenins. - booby record to Eugene Jenkins, who ' social on Friday evening. Feb. 20, at Help to make our sporting column was not up to his usual trim. Henry I the M, E. Church in place of the a success by getting outdoors and do- I I usual meeting at a home, inviting Plasker confidently expressed his ing something! The Tusitala club that after five or six the husbands, children and friends of opinion girls have made a good beginning of careful practice, Burr ,, the members of the society. A most months’ moon hikes, • with their Saturday Subscribe for the Tillamook Headlight A * Beals Jr., would be able to hit a barn door with nonchalant accuracy. GEM THEATRE PROGRAM ------ o Friday, Feb. 13—"More Trouble” Pathe production, featuring Frank Keenan. One reel comedy. Saturday, Feb. 14—"The Winning Stroke”, William Fox production featuring George Walsh. "Wanted Five Thousand,” Lloyd comedy. Sunday Feb. 15—"The Last of His People", Select production, featur- ing Mitchell Lews. "Virtuous Husbands” William Fox Sunshine comedy. Monday, Feb. 16—"Men, Women and Money,” Paramount production, featuring Ethel Clayton. "One reel comedy.” Tuesday, Feb. 17—“The Woman Thou Gavest Me”, Artcraft Super Special pioduction, featuring Katherine MacDonald, supported by Jack Holt, Fritzi Brunette ar.d Theodore Roberts. The play is taken from the story by Hall Cai . “A Desert Hero.” Fatty Arbuclu Comedy. Wednesday, Feb. 18.—"Other Men’s Wives,” Paramount production featuring Dorthy Dalton. "Bray Pictograph.” Thursday, Feb. 19.—"Riders of the Purple Sage”, William Fox Super Special production, featuring William Farnum. Taken from the book by Zane Grey, Explanation: When we use the term “Super Special” It means every thing the term might imply. We do not use this, except when ex­ ploiting our very best features, You can depend on this when you see it used in any of our adver- tisements, just as you do when you see the word Sterling or silver. Girls and Gowns in Dalton Photoplay ------- o- Girls and gowns play an important part in "Other Men’s Wives,” the latest Thomas H. Ince photoplay featuring Dorothy Dalton, which comes as a Paramount offering to the Gem Theatre next Wednesday. Miss Dalton herself sets the pace by wearing son» new products from bet modiste that are bound to make the women in the audience sit up and take notice. In truth, she runs the gamut of wearing apparel from the riding habit to boudoir gown. There are some big dance scenes and in these she fairly revels in gorgeous d resses. It is tensly a dramatic story by C. Gardner Sullivan, but it is placed in settings of lovliness and concerns people who are beautifully plumed. Miss Dalton is surrounded by a care- fully selected cast. Opening Class Day Recital. ------ o------ On Saturday, February 7th, Miss White assisted by her pupils, gave a musical program, at the home of Mrs. A. G. Beals. The mothers who attended were delighted with the fa­ vorable results Miss White has ob­ tained with the Running system. The most interesting features were sight reading, class songs, a review of the history of composers’ Jives, examples of ear training, and Miss White’s splendid rendition of Bartlett’s "Grand Polka de Concert.” Very creditable performances were given by Roland Beals, Walter Poorman, Maxine Baker, Catharine Schultz, Lucille Leverich and Dorothy Easorn. The event was such a success that Miss White plans a public recital In the spring. Doctors ! Rejoice ! Men who have been staying home from business in order to play peek­ aboo with the frolicsome La Grippe germ, are Burr Beals, Jr., and Curl Haberlach. This is the first time M Haberlach has been absent from his office on account of illness for ten years. E. E. Koch boasts two peev< d tonsils. Tom Lyster, a farmer and di rector of the Tillamook County Bank, is In Portland, arranging f- r his release from the Federal Ju.y upon which he has been serving since January first. He wears his left arm in a sling, having wounded his hand in battle with a axe. He ■ays it hurt like Uke ilk- everything! Dolph Tinnerstet's left hand was caught in a stump puller on last Monday afternoon. That night Ur. Boals found it necessary to amputate two fingers. Dolph is still in the hospital Now maybe the lay mind wt'i ap­ preciate the smug prosperous grins wreathing the lips of our local medicine men. They should worry about the II. C. of L. and the income ■tax and the Reds, seeing that they bld fair to gain a monopoly of the shekels. An opportunity to secure de­ sirable place in Bayocean at very low price; Owing to forced set­ tlement. Modern pottage, corner lot. One of nleesrjind most con­ venient locations in Bayoeean. Paved street and cement walk«| I here will be no more opportuni­ ties Rke this in Bayocean. See or writ» H. L. King, Tillamook. .