& A 9 TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. FEB«’- ARY o. -920 ♦ The Delineator for February is Here Butterick Patterns for Gowns, Distinctive and Different. Subscribers please cal! for copies. Be sure to see the New Creations 4 I INTER SOFTENS -the birds sing merrily and all nature is aglow with the spirit of the changing seasons. Fashions always in advance of every change anticipated the fond longings of feminine hearts-and commercial enterprise awakens to meet the same demands. We are Preparing for a Big Style Show Here. W AT HALTOM’S—noticeable changes in new styles are now much in evidence here. Every train load brings a significant list of new arrivals and the tumult of joyous sounds greet the arrival of the beautiful things that are new-arriving stocks call for (more room and every inch of space here encroaches upon its nearest neighbor in a mad insistence for further space, clamoring for the favor to be rightly shown-amply displayed-and our scant space does not measure up to the requirements now needed for many beautiful dis­ plays that should be shown. Here are the kind of Waists that will help you keep down the cost of dressing. WIRTHMORE and WE L WORTH. $1.50 and $2.50. The same low prices to nation ov^r. ------ There are times when you want Silk Blouses, and we have them in a vast array of Styles and at economy-effect­ ing prices, and there are times when a good looking Cot­ ton Blouse is proper, appropriate, suitable. ----- Because these unfailingly good and completely satis­ fying Blouses of the justly-famed Wirthinor and Wei- worth makes are still obtainable at such extremely modest prices, they are destined to be exceedingly popular this^spring. They area very effective aid in helping to keep down ones apparel expense. Showings are tention. Enclose en- Beautiful. ough to cover par­ cel post shipments. Our Eastern Buyer is taking care that we receive Spring Ship­ ments in Coats and Gowns at the earliest possible moment. Every day shipments are coming in. $6.75 Men’s Good this Sale. - Sox during Work - - 1 PAIR, Boys' Knickerbocker Pants, grey Cl mixtures. Sizes 7 to 17. - IQ 25c. Boys’ Work Shirt 12i to 14. EACH. Gorgeous Spring Silks have Arrived Women shall pay tribute to the most fashionable showing of Silks Tillamook has ever known to hold, Striking grandeur and loveliness, these beautiful patterns come in colors of Old Rose, Alice Blue, Bronze Green, White and Peacock Blue. Elegant staple Patterns lor Dresses and Vestings. Dutchess Satin Silks for Afternoon and Street Wear. Featuring shades of Plum. Midnight Bine, Irish Green, Taupe and Oi l Gold. Woolen Fabrics in Serges and Poplins in all the prevailing shades ven moderately priced Fancy Voiles for Spring Costumes in beauti­ ful Persian Patterns at yard $1 39. Fancy Figured Flaxous, 3b inches wide, l’rettv figured designs for Ladies' Waists ami School Girls' Dresses .it yard 49c. BUTTERICK PATTERNS 15c., 20c.. 25c, 30c. When ordering by mail please enclose lc.. extra for 15c. and 20c. patterns 2c. extra for 25c. and 30c. patterns. LIBERTY BONDS of any' denomination taken at full value in heu’of cash. li COME WHILE THE STOCKS ARE FRESHEST and you have so many other great chances to save. New Spring Visit the Men’s Section for After Inventory Clearance in Every Day Needs. AC our new Spring Styles is your greatest opportunity. be given every at- Each of these new models bears the favored WIKTHMOR mark; always a guide-post to superior Blouse values. Eight new Styles and none can be duplicated. Choice at $4.00 Men's Heavy Brown Canvas Pants. Extra» ... tage of attending our after Inventory sale ami viewing Orders by Mail will To know that you are purchasing something at a “fair price’’ is a source of real satis­ faction. To know that you are purchasing, however, at even less than a “fair price” is a source of greater satisfaction. If we had to go into the market to buy Blouses of this type and character and worth, we would be obliged to pay more than we did and in turn to sell them at a somewhat higher price. Fortunate far-in advance contracts and our intimate association with some of the Nation’s foremost Blouse makers makes tjiis low price possible. Boy’s Regular to $1.50 Creain Neg- CQp ligee Shirts now - - » is to be given a full setting here, and the double advan­ HALTOM’S FOR SPRING GOWNS, DRESSES, SILKS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, And all up to the Minute Apparel. Georgette and Crepe-de-Chine Blouses— At Less than Fair Prices. Regular to $10.00 Men’s Dress