Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, February 05, 1920, Image 7

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Coaxing You'to Smile
Duration Still On.
Big Value in Tires for
Small Cars
IF your immediate need is a de­
pendable, painstaking handling of
some business or financial matter,
read the last paragraph of this ad­
vertisement. Our desire is to go
less directly to the point.
On the Bassan docks at Bordeaux,
France, an old time sergeant of a
negro regiment was having trouble
with a detail of men of his own race,
who seemed inclined to loaf on their
work in loading box-cars with pro­
visions for the army of occupation.
Addressing one negro who was espec­
ially lazy, he exclaimed: "Some on,
you. get to work, dar!” ''Shucks
sergeant,” replied the lazy one. "Ah
‘listed fob de wait, an' hit's ovah.”
"Yo’ all’s a durn fool.” the sergeant
yelled. "Yo' ’listed for de wah Y-e-s!
An' also tor de duration of de wah.
Now nigger, de wah its ovah, but de
duration, hit's jes’ done begun.”
Back of the manufacture of Goodyear Tires
for small cars is the same purpose to supply
high value in the product that is behind
the manufacture of the Goodyear Tires that
equip the most expensive automobiles built.
Perfectly Simple.
Bn. w n was going to have some al-
teratic t> made on his home and ask­
ed Jone--who had just got rid of
the buii < rs—the best way to go '
about it. "Oh”, said Jones, "you call
in a decent builder and tell him the
limit you are prepared to pay out, ■
being sure that the sum you men­
tion to him is about a quarter of what
you have for the alterations; and
then, if you are lucky, and keep your
wife away while the work is proceed­
ing you may get half of what you
want done for about twice the total
sum you want to spend.”
This purpose is expressed by the enormous
resources, extraordinary skill and scrupulous
care applied to the manufacture of Goodyear
Tires in the largest tire factory in the world
devoted solely to the 30x3-, 30x3!/2-> and
31x4-inch sizes.
The effect of this endeavor is noted in the
fact that last year more cars using these sizes
were factory-equipped with Goodyear Tires
than with any other kind.
CONDITIONS are maturing new
problem* almost daily and this bank
has prepared itself with fscilitiee very
valoable to a wide variety of interest*.
ER, our membership in the federal
Aserrw ^yrteei is an advantage. It
gives as a broad and practical ability
to meet their particular need*. The
same connection serves TAe S wum «
Man Here each of these differing lines TO THE VISITORS IN THIS SBC.
of endeavor will find that conferences TION, th» bank m • place for then
with our officers often bring out ad­ to enter and feel at home and they
vantages which anxiety and business are invited to call and make their
cares have hidden from them.
detiree known.
the final'analysis, it will he found that this in
stitution is governed by a spirit of helpfulness, and,
whatever your business interests in this section may
be, you can confidently rely upon its cordial, intelli­
gent and personal co-operation.
TA« Strpng Homs Bank
-------- o--------
The landlady of a well-known Lon­
don boarding house made a point of
asking her departing guests to write
something in her visitors’ book. She
was very proud of some of the names
of the people Inscribed in it, and of
the nice things that were said. "But
there is one thing 1 cant understand, HSSSE5Z5eS25BSE5aSB525H52Sa5H5H5Z5HSZ5ZSBS2SH525252SZ5252SZSZ525ZS25ZSZS
she confided to a friend, "and that is
what an American put in the book
after stopping here. People always
smile when they read it.” "What was I
it?” queried the other. “He wrote
only the world, 'Qoth the raven.”
It is also noted in the fact that, if you own a
Ford, Chevrolet, Dort, Maxwell or other car
requiring the sizes mentioned, you can secure
Goodyear Tires and Goodyear Heavy Tourist
Tubesat the nearest Goodyear Ser vice Station.
—----- o-
He Got His Drink.
30 X 3^/2 Goodyear Double-Cure
Fabric, All-Weather Tread........
30x3'/i Goodyear Single-Cure
Fabric. Anti-Skid Tread.... ...........
A red-headed Irish soldier thrust
his head out of a passenger coash and
excitedly cried. "A woman has faint­
ed here! Has anyone a drink of whis­
key ?
A man in the crowd handed up a
pocket flask, and the soldier took a
long swig.
"Thanks” he said, smacking his
lips. "It always did make me nervous
to see a woman faint.”
Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes are thick, strong tubes that
reinforce casings properly. Why risk a good casing with a
cheap tube? Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes cost little more
than tubes of less merit. 30x3*/2 size in water­ $390
proof bag.................. ............. ...................................................
Cause of the Trouble,
An old sailor approached a farmer i
for a meal one day, saying he was
willing to work.
“I will give you a meal," said the
farmer, “if you will round up those 3
sheep on the common there and drive
them into this fold.”
In three hours time the sailor came
back looking hot, but happy.
Glancing over the gate in the field
the farmer saw the sheep safely in
the fold. “There's a jackrabbit sit­
ting up among them,” he exclaimed.
“Do you mean that little fellow
there?” asked the sailor. "Why,!
that’s the little begger that gave all I
the trouble. I thought it was a
Goodyear Service Station for Tillamook City is at the
Have’sold my interest in
the Tillamook Transfer Co
and have bought into the
City Transfer Co., and all of
the old customers who wish
me to do their work will find
me on the Job
Prices Right.
His Reception.
"No one," says a Louisville man, 5H5Z5H52S2SBSSSH52SH5ZS2S2SZSaS25ZSE5a52S252S2S25252S252S25252S2S25Z525a
“can more effectually take the wind
out of a fellow’s sails than an old-
time, leisurely Kentuckian.
After 5Z52525252S252525252525252S252525Z52575ZS252S25Z5252S25a52S252525252SBS2
fifteen years’ absence, during which
I had graduated at a university, got
I my name in the papers a few times,
and bought many articles of fine
raiment, I went to see the little town
in Kentucky where I had been a
‘poor but ambitious youth.’ Now it ’
was my expectation that a reception
committee would be on hand to greet
nte, but nothing of the sort happened.
Observing the grandeur of my cloth­
------- o-------
es, however, my old acquaintances
came around and shook hands quite j
cordially, all except old Henry Miles 1
------- o-------
Upon the advice of a large number who kept the general store. Old Hen- <
of leading citizens of Tillamook ry sat back of the stove, handy to
County, I have decided to announce the sawdust box. He seemed not to
myself as a candidate for the office notice me in the least, I was piqued
of County Clerk, subject to the ap­ ' —angry, in fact. I walked up to the
proval of the Republican voters at i : old chap and stood right in front of
the primaries to be held in May.
1 him. so that he could not fail to Hee
If nominated and elected I will me in all my glory. Slowly, casually,
perform the duties of said office to old Henry looked up from under the
the best of my ability, and will de- I flap of his old white hat. and re- , H5H5E5Z5252S25Z5E5i!525a5B5ESaS2FE5Z525E52SH52525Z5a5B5E5B5aS?SH5Z525a52S
! vote my exclusive time in looking! marked: ‘Clarence, you have been
' after the interests of said office and away somewhere, haven’t you?”
the taxpayers of Tillamook County i
Notice of Hearing Administrator’s
affected thereby.
Final Account.
Dated this 14th day of January,
Notice is hereby given that Otto
J. C. McClure.
Kliem, administrator in the estate of
We Give Goodyear Service
C. F. PANKOW, Proprietor.
Public Sale
Tuesday, February 10th, 1920,
About 15 head heavy springer cows, fresh latter part of
February to April 1st ; all large high grade Holsteins,
from a selected dairy herd, formerly owned by W. W.
Williams, at Banks, Oregon, going out of the dairy busi­
ness; 5 head of high grade Jerseys, all to freshen around
April 1st, Both herds are young cows and all tuber­
culin tested, with clean bil of health.
Public Sale.
I will sell at public sale the
Part of February, about 60 be
coys, commonly known as the M.
Harrison herd. These cows have b
in the As.-ociatlon test for the
three or four years an«
made creditable records,
them oa pasture alone
close to 80 lbs. of butter
month. All of the cows that were
proven undesirable through the test
work or for any other reasons have
been disposed of and replaced by de­
sirable young cows. This herd, to­
gether with 15 or 20 head of heifers
coming two years old and three reg­
istered herd bulls will be sold. All
intuberculine tested.
If you are in the market for high |
class cows you can not do better
^ .. .
Owing to the fact that a large
number of tax payers in different
parts of the county have asked me to
make the race for County Judge, and
believing that with my previous ex­
perience in County business, I am
qualified for the office, I hereby an­
nounce myself as a candidate for the
office of County Judge, subject to the I
approval of the Republican voters at
the coming Primary Election.
Homer Mason,
To The Republican Voters of Tilla­
mook County.
Frank Hasntnkrat.
S Prevents Punctures and Blowouts.
F. P. Kliem, deceased, late of Tilla- ’
I am a candidate for sheriff tn the
Republican Primaries.
I am a deputy in this office at
present, have had several years ex-
perience there, and I submit my
record as an officer for your consid­
Should I be nominated and elected,
I will endeavor to serve you effi­
ciently, honestly and impartially.
than be in attendance at this sale.
John Aschini.
Later announcements will furnish
full information as to date and terms
To the Voters of Tillamook County.
of sale.
------ o------
F. R. Beals.
I want the R< publican nomination
for sip riff at the primary election
»aid to have invited China next May. To get it I have to have
“parly" for the return of enough Republican votes. All who
If Japan wants to return have faith In me, and rote for me,, I
it will not be necessary to thank in advance.
will it?
TERMS OF SALE : Arrangment Clerk of Sale
For disenfecting where Contagious or
infectious diseases are prevailing. |;
ful Germicidal mixture and by its"’use
will improve general stable conditions.
We will Sell at Public Sale at the Dr. Reedy
Stock Exchange Stables, Tillamook, Ore., on
At 1:00 P.M.
mook County, Oregon, has filed in
the County Court of said County, has £
final account, Notice is further given
that the said Court has set Monday,
the 9th day of February, 1920, at 10
o’clock a.tn., as the time and the of­ B
fice of the County Judge of said
County, as the place for the hearing
of said final account. All persons
having any objections to the said
account are hereby notified to appear
at said time and place and show
cause if any there be, why the said
account should not be approved and
the administrator discharged.
Otto Kliem, Adminis­
trator of the Estate of
F. P. Kliem, deceased.
Johnson & Handley,
Tillamook, Oregon.
Armoured Inner Tires are a practical, common sense,
money-saving tire necessity for all tire users. By
preventing punctures and blowouts, they add plea­
sure. safety and economy to motoring. Lubricated
inside and out, they require no cementing aud no vul-
canizing. Placed on your tires as easily as inner tube.
£ C. MILLS, Agent, Tillamook, Ore
Take your Horses there and get
First Class Shoes for them.
I guarantee all work to be
I hereby announce myself as a can­
didate for the office of County Treas­
urer of Tillamook County, for re­
election, on the Republican ticket.
Kathleen Mills.
To the Voters of Tillamook County.
self a can-
rf County
approval of
coming primary
G Ü, Lattili.
satisfactory, if not, bring it back q
and I will make good without
extra charge.
We pay top prices lor Hides.
- -
. ZZ=k=
Fruit, Groceries and Campers’ Supplies
Dry Goods and Gasoline
Phone Main 73.