”r’rL’M00K ute to the late Governor Withy- combe for what lie had done in mak­ ing this an agricultural stale. Mr. Mickle made a plea for a state w ide dairy association. He warned the Jurymen ot this county to keep their organization in their own bauds. He -aid that the big packing companies controlled 75 per cent of the cheese factories of Wisconsin, and us the condensed milk factories in the north west were in the hands of two com­ panies, he predicted that with their large amount of wealth they might resort to making cheese as soon as there was a slump in the market for condensed milk. He thought the business men of Coos county had sold their birthright for a mess of pot­ tag-- when they gave their assistance to a condenser being started in that county, for as soon as they obtained control they would control the price of milk. Mr. Mickle also spoke of what Tillamook dairymen h.id done at the International Stock show. Raw Material. will undergo some changes. He should be a model of cleanliness in keeping his factory in the best pos­ sible condition. The cheese maker who runs a factory in a haphazard way, will not be profitable to his patrons nor will he be setting a very good example to them, in the nianner of cleanliness. He must keep posted on tlie care and handling of milk. The patrons should bring their prob­ lems to him, so that lie can help them get a better grade of milk. The cheese maker who is true to his profession will always be loyal and render good efficient service. The man who is hired in a factory should feel the responsibility. Men are not hired merely as cheese mak­ ers, but as a man who shall render you services along such lines as will yield the greatest returns to your company, not only in manufactur­ ing a high quality of cheese, but in the proper care of the milk supply. The Cheese Makers Ass’n. was or­ ganized tor the purpose of broaden­ ing the usefulness of the maker to tlie dairymen. And the man who lias these qualities of cleanliness and the interests of the dairyman at heart, should be the ones to get the jobs. E. A. Fogg, .gave a short talk on “Factory Sanitation," and appealed to tlie cneese makers not only to keep their factories in a clean, eani- tary condition, but to have a neat, cleuu appearance themselves. He said that with tlie auto travel into Tillamook county a large number of persons visited the cheese factories, who were surprised to find how neat and clean some factories were, for they seemed to have had an impress­ ion that cheese factories were dirty looking places, whereas it is the re­ versal in Tillamook county. The vis­ itors first quizzed the cheese maker, the walls and the general appearance of the factory and when they are clean looking the visitors go away fully convinced that the chee^p in Tillamook county is manufactured under splendid sanitary condition*' 11. W. Thomas, of the Red Clover Creamery, discussed raw material in the following manner: When nature instituted milk as a food she also provided tile manner of supplying it in «uch a way that it should not be exposed: the teat of tlie mother entered the mouth of the offspring and the food passed from one to the other without suffering external contamination, except wliat might be caused by extraneous mat­ ter attached to the outside .of the teat, 1 herefore when a scientists wants to secure milk in its natural suite lie Inserts a sterilized glass tube into the teat and draws milk in­ to a sterilized bottle. What I wisli to convey to the dairyman in regards to «•lean milk for the manufacture of cheese or butter is this: Milk taken from tlie cow in this manner by the scientist will usually keep fresh and ¡sweet at room temperature for from six to twelve months wuen protected from l.itei examination. I From this fact the dairyman can Bay down all the necessary rules tor NOTICE OF ELECTION the handling of milk, and these rules I -------o------- can all be summed up in one; Do not BE IT RESOLVED by the Common expose milk more than necessary. Council of Tillamook City, Oregon Koine exposure will take place; the 1 that a special election of the voters dairyman only cannot do as the of said Tillamook City be, and it is scientist does, but his object is not hereby called to be held at the City to produce sterile milk, but milk that Hall in Tillamook City, Oregon, un ■will retain its original properties for Monday the 16 day of February, 1J20, for the purpose of voting upon the ti limited period of time. In order to - adoption or rejection of a measure rlo this let him so far as he can im­ proposed by the Cmmon Council of itate the method of the scientist, and Tillamook City, Oregon, hereinafter 'ie closer he attains this the better set forth, and that at said election there be submitted to the qualified ill be his product. The raw material in cheese male- : electors of said Tilamook City, for *4 is milk, and good clean milk is I their adoption or rejection, the said measure, which measure is in words L foundation of quality. Quality is 1 and figures as follows, to-wit: I Wit we are all working for. What is “A MEASURE TO AMEND THE I D’e that is needed on the dairy CHARTER. OF. TILLAMOOK I iAi today more than a good cooling CITY, OREGON, BY ADDING I ,o>t the milk in as soon as the THERETO AN ARTICLE TO I ev>tg's milking is over? Milk prop- BE DESIGNATED AS ARTICLE I erlcooled is the only way to con- XV, AUTHORIZING A BOND ISSUE FOR THE PURCHASE I tro*he growth of bacteria that OF FIRE ENGINE AND FIRE I cauimiik to sour and offensive fla- FIGHTING EQUIPMENT. I vors, develop. SECTION 1: That the Charter of In alliterating the following rules Tillamook City, Oregon, as enacted I on o^jning the raw material, I by the Legislative Assembly of the I want u to understand that I am out I State of Oregon, in the year 1893, I to heltn any way that I can to get and as thereafter amended, be and I the be results. the same is hereby amended by add­ Firsihe cow, naturally a cleanly ing thereto the following Article. I animal,voids polution if she can. ARTICLE XV. I If you lye her up to a lane that is Section 1: The Common Council of I knee de< with mud and filth—well, City, Oregon is hereby I "nuff’ sq_ you had better haul Tillamook authorized issue and sell the gen- I some grx], We will take it for eral bonds to of Tillamook City to the I granted \t the farmer has cleaned amount of not more than $15,000.00. I his barn good and has delayed The proceeds from the sale of such I feeding ui] after milking so as not bonds shall be applied by the Com­ ~ ~ of Tillamook City, Ore- I to have du flying all over the barn I mon Council I while milkg ( (be cows, but you -on, so far as shall be required- for purpose, to the purchase of a I have allow to come in the barn that fire engine and fire fighting equip- lone of the ,rst sources of bad fla-- -nent for the use of Tillamook City, Ivors, and th.j3 from the mud of the the indebtedness to be evidenced by I lane we wet,oing to gravel last said bonds being hereby authorized 1 summer, 'i h»uth all over the cow’s to be incurred in addition to any in­ ■ Hanks and d.ctiy over the milk debtedness heretofore authorized to be incurred by the Charter of Tilla­ ■ bucket is bad r the milk. Cleanliness milking is very of- mook City. The purchaser of the Hten neglected, jg bas an active ca- bonds hereby shall not be required to see to the appliciation of the pro­ ■ pacity for abscjng ;lll manner of ceeds thereof. Hodors. If milkltby hand it should Section 2: The bonds hereby auth­ ■be done dry liaij. Some farmers orized shall be issued in accordance [have no idea thi^vasbing the hands with the Charter provisions of Tilla­ Q a necessary praration. They will mook City, except that it is hereby inilk with visibltdirt upon their provided that the ordinance or other act of the Council providing for the ■lands, which coming mingled k ith the milk t rl«s down between issuing of said bonds shall not be subject to the referendum provisions kin- fingers into t, mjjk pail. Do of the Charter of Tillamook City, boil realize that a .m b*ind coming and such referedum provisions are |orm the field, woU be surprised at hereby declared not to be applicable »he number of bact^ O11 bis hands, to the bonds authorized to be issued frofessor E. B. Fiti)f the O. A. C. under the provisions of this Article. The rate of interest on said bonds •ÁÍ ■•id us at the Butte an(t cheese- shall not exceed six percent per an­ Biakers Convention ibecekber that num, and they shall not be sold for Bs high as I5,000,06hacteria had less than the par value thereof; with ■'“en found in sterili» water after all accrued interest to date of pay­ ■he hands had been Uhed. The ment therzfor by the purchasers.” That ■training of the milk fuld ’ not be each legal voter who votes for the ■one inside the barn, h out in the adoption or rejection of said measure Bpen where it can I protected shall vote “Yes or “No” in answer to the affirmative or negative of the ■gainst extreme contamUion. I question propounded upon the ballot I The utensils present important for the adoption or rejection of such ■onsideration in the ptllctloil of measure. That the ballot title to be used at ■lean milk. They will ofteL. the one ■efect in a good dairy. TlUilk can said election for voting upon said ■nd strainer are responsiifor bad measure shall read as follows: No. 101 ■ avors and sour milk in a jd many Ye». 100 ®ses. The strainer is a ut\ji that PROPOSED BY THE COMMON ■iat should be given every nsider- ■tion. No reliance can be on COUNCL: Shall a measure entitled “A Mea- Hie strainer's ability to niakip for Mie previous careless handg of sure to Amend the Charter of Tilla- adding uj «. uu...g there— Bilk. Dirt once in the milk hdone mook City, Oregon, by to an article to be designated as ■■' harm, the strainer helpk jn_ Article XV, authorizing a bond issue ■ ease the bacteria if not kt in for the purchase of fire engine and B>od clean condition. The beLay fire fighting equipment” a3 proposed [ to boil it for fifteen or ànty by the Common Council of Tillamook Binutes and then dry it in the'en City, Oregon, referred to the people ■he cleaning of all the utlfiR of said city for adoption or rejection ■lould be done with care, J a by resolution adopted by said Council the 29 day of January, 1920, be [>H‘t made to do it as soon a.Au on adopted. This is a measure to amend returned from the facL the Charter of Tillamook City by add­ prompt washing Is very laA. ing thereto Article XV authorizing [’'■' and the practice for delaying the issuance and sale of general [r several hours must be seve bonds of Tillamook City to the a- mount of $15,000.00, for raising funds ■ ’h'b mned. The milk thickens on for the purchase of a fire engine and [des and bottom of the cans, equipment. [h^n tlie cleaning is performed it fire Mark X between the number and Vtra difficult and rarely accoii answer voted for. [ bed thoroughly. ■ v ' if you please Just a wort [*lll: the cheese maker. The comi ni »'■ of the factory operators in thè BOTTS & WINSLOW, ■ ’nr« must have a wide knowledge ,\ttornevs-at-Law. f and be a specialist ■ the manufacturing of cheese, The LLAMOOK, OREGON. [tore cheese maker will be much same kind ot a human being as TILLAMOOK BLOCK, •e cheese, mrker of today, but in ■f natural course of evolution he Both phones. HEADLIGHT, FEBRUARY 5. 1O2O Nehalem Notes Bud York and wife have returned from HcMinnville. Mrs. Gage, primary teacher of the Nehalem public school, has returned to her desk ufter a hard sick spell, All are glad to see her about the building again. Alma Ripley, of McMinnville, isi visiting her sister of this city, Mrs. Bud York. A surprise party was given in hon­ or of Mrs. Lena Lommen last Sun­ day. A good crowd attended. All re­ ported a good time. Mrs. Victor Brandt, who was call­ ed here by the serious illness ot her father, Herman Tohl, returned to her home in Portland last Saturday. Herman Tohl is slowly Improving after a severe attack of pneumonia. A goodly number of Nehalem resi­ dents attended the school entertain­ ment, “Windmills of Holland” at Wheeler last Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. William Christensen have taken up their abode in the thriving city of Wheeler across the bay. Nehalem w ill certainly miss this jolly young couple, for to know them is to like them. They are an asset to any community and Wheeler may will feel proud of her hustling and energetic bank cashierand his estimable wife. Cleve Allen and family have been on the sick list this week. Mrs. Martha Howe, and Mrs. J. L>. Eponagle, of Port Orchard, Wash., have been here the past week, being called by the sarious illness of their lather, Herman Tohl. Mrs. Howe was accompanied by lier little son Gordon. Fred Lange, one of the old settlers of Nehalem, died Sunday afternoon of pneumonia, after an illness of only two days. Some people of tlie city did not know that he was sick. Mr. Lange was born in Herford, Westfallen, Germany, May 15, 1853, and with his wife and two daughters came to America in 1884, taking up a homestead east of Nehalem soon after arriving. He is survived by his widow, Marie Lange, and two dau­ ghters, Mrs. Johanna York and Mrs. One cent a word per issue. Pleasant Allen, besides three grand­ children. They all reside in or near Singer Agency—H. F. Cook, Prop. . * Nehalem. Funeral services were held Wednesday from the Lutliern church Pigs for sale, W. Roenicke, Woods.. conducted by Rev. Theodore Schoer- Eggs and Baby Chicks for sale. John burg, of Portland, and interment Hoffman, Tillamook, Ore. Meh. 25 was made in the Nehalem cemetery. F. M. Walling, of the firm of Hiner For Rent—Daii-y ranch near Monte­ sano, Wash. Address owner, C. W. & Co., foundrymen of Tillamook is Miller, 222 E. First Street, Aber­ busy here this week repairing a boil­ deen, Wash. F-5. er in the logging camp of Frank Gustus on the north fork. For Sale, 53 acres of Wilson liver dairy land. See Frank Freeman, north of Tillamook. F-29. SPECIAL ATTRACTION AT THE GEM THEATRE Thursday Night, February 12 MARY PICKFORD IN Dady Long Legs.” A 7 REEL PRODUCTION, FULL OF THE MOST WHOLESOME COMEDY- AND FUN AGL0RE. All the latest rolls for your Player Tillamook Headlight’s Trade Mart. Are You Insured? IF NOT THE WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. THE Giant of the West With a Reserve Fund of $8,356,000 offers secure Benefits as fol- lows ■■ Ages Amounts, inclusive $500 $1000 $2000 $3000 18 to 22 35 1.35 70 2.05 2.20 23 to 25 40 1.45 75 2.30 26 to 29 40 80 1.60 1.70 30 to 31 45 85 2.55 90 1.80 2.70 32 to 33 45 1 80 95 2.85 34 to 35 50 36 50 1.00 2.05 3.05 3.20 105 37 55 2.15 38 to 40 60 3.40 1.15 2.25 41 60 1.20 2.35 3.55 2.50 3.70 42 65 1.25 43 65 1.30 3.90 2.60 44 70 1.35 2.70 4.05 4 5 to 46 70 1.40 2.80 4.20 47 75 1.45 4.40 2.95 48 75 1.50 3.05 4.55 49 80 1.60 3.15 4.75 50 85 1.65 4.90 3.25 Multiply above rates by 12 and you have the cost for one fear. To the foregoing add 50 cents per month for camp dues which gives you all the privileges and benefits of a fraternal organization. These rates are far lower than for "Old Line" insurance. This order has been in existence nearly 30 years and every claim is promptly paid. Join now and help boost the Dis­ trict Convention which will be held in Tillamook the third week of May. Admission Fee, $5.00 For a Short Time Only. Dr.’s Allen Dentists. « L¿ Bldg, Tillamook, Oregon. I * ORANGES Counter Sales Books—Order .your Sales Books from W. F. Baker, if i Sales Book Co. Call agent Pacific 68 Headlight. Dr. W. E. Lebow—Dentist with Dr. That are » Wise. Lrz GOOD AND JUICY DR. J. E. SHEARER DR A. C. CRANK. Drs. Shearer & Crank Medical & Surgery. National Building. Tillamook - - - Oregon, Dr. Wise will be at his Tillamook of­ fiOr PER ÜUU DOZ. NICE BIG ONES HENRY C. VIERECK, M. D. SPECIALIST. Disease of The EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Only 310 Selling Building, Portland, Ore. See our Window Display. room with bath, toilet and lavitory. Quarter block of land, cement walk and paved streets both sides, ce­ ment drive to garage. Garage 12 by 20 ft, large enough for large car or truck and room enough for work | bench besides. Four large shade ECONOMY CLEANERS trees. A property on the main AND DYERS street of the city and a property that will Increase in value. Situat­ 2nd, Between 3rd and 4th. ed on corner of 2nd Ave. Eeast and MODERN EQUIPMENT. Eighth street. One third purchase price down, payments on balance. PERMANENTLY LOCATED. See the owner, Smithy at the Var­ iety Store. v’x -'TV C.O.&C.M. Dawson “ GOOD GOODS*.” I T. BOALSJM.D. For Sale—First class 80 acre dairy ranch, sixty acres best river bot­ tom, twenty acres good up-land. Two miles south of Tillamook on paved highway. Well improved farm, good buildings, high-produc­ ing cows. All low lands well tiled. City water piped in house, also barns, garden and fields. If you want a farm that pays, see us at once. Will consider a small place I intrade as part payment.—John Ebinger. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. & «oooeooooocoeoooooooaececaecooecoooooooocoocoQO! ral Surgeon S. P. Co. R. O. L, HOHLFELD. (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) ( fregón VETERINARIAN. OBERT H. McGRATH Eell Phone—2F2 C ounsellor - at -L aw , Tillamook TILLAMOOK. OREGON. I Mutual Phone J2)AVID ROBINSON, M.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON NATIONAL BUILDING, TILLAMOOK OR!/ For Sale, good 5 room house with 1 or 2 lots on paved street. Another good bargain. 160 acres on Sand Lake, for $25.00 per acre, 120 acres of good timber. For Sale. 5 room house with 8 lots, with barn, hen house and lots of fruit, on paved road. Farm for sale, with cows, good build­ ings and lots of fruit. Inquire at this office. Eor Sale—Hay in whole or mixed car lots. Grain hay, dover hay, Cheat, Straw and Alfalfa.. Cariteli Elevator & Mill Corporation, Carl- ton, Oregon 4 For Sale or Trade—2 stores with 5 flats above, steam heated, 15 min. ride from heart of the city of Port­ land.—Enquire E. E. Kock, drug­ gist, Tillamook. THE FAMILY’S EASON Miscellaneous Advertisements. Dr. Wise—Dentist. Lost, a Belt from Overcoat, Greenish grey, Finder please leave same at the Headlight office, Reward. Dr. W. E. Lebow will be nt D. Wise’s Tillamook office Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Thurs­ days at Nehalem; Fridays and Sat­ urdays at Wheeler. April 29 it because of its spirited power and clean-cut design family like its rich appearance, its substantiality— maneuvered the confident comfort they enjoy while r ALL like it because it is the same GOOD car each a beautiful car to own. — Wanted. The complete rear half of at his Bay City of- F-26. C. DCElfiK. TILLAMOOK BUILDING (Over Haltoni’a). Tillamook—Oregon. Sharp. Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. 0. 0. F. For further information and appli­ Ford running gear, including cation card apply to either F. H. spring and wheels. W. B. Flagg. Matthews, C. C. or Thomas Coates, Bay City, Ore. F-12. Clerk Alder Camp No. 219 Tillamook Oregon . Miss M. Patterson is representing the Nit Bon- Corset Co., fonmally The camp meets every Thursday represented by Mrs. Edwall. Leave night in W. O. W. Hall, National your orders at her Millinery store.4 Building. Visiting neighbors always welcome. DENTIST. and National Building. piano—Phonez 4 R. For Sale—Six room house and bath J 3B1 I r' Piano at the Palm Confectionery. Will store or pay small rent for fice across the. street south of the court house every Friday and Sat­ urday, other times by appoint­ ment. M-25. A better piano if i thé same money. Cook’s Music 1/ iii.se, Tillamook. Wanted to b small steal ■ Variety Stt r< office — See desk and Smithy at I The secret of the story is, Judy Abbott (Mary Pickford) gets too much Apple Jack. The fun which is thus created moves to a terrific pace when Jury and her freckled face pal gets Stewed, yet they go on a Strike and absolutely refund to eat stewed prunes. You should do the same as they did if you feed prunes three times a day, as they were. You see, it is like this, Judy and her pale are inmates of an orphanage, You’ll have to come and see Just what happens. Dont miss it, Thursday Night Only. CHILDREN, 15c. ADULTS, 25c. i PHONE Colu-mBia Sisi • Y.