TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT FEBRUARY 5, ŒiUamnok îlkuNüjliî, Fred C. Baker, Editor. SUBSCRIPTION uuoiber the year through be as con- only about one fourth of the cheese CHEESE MAKERS HONORED WITH A BANQUET. genlai as are here tonight, and all consumed in the State of Oregon, ------- o ■ —- will be well. Let selfishness and ill Washington and California.. We Given by the Tillamook County feeling ctep in and harmony will be shipped 56 per cent of our 1919 "heese turned to a discord. Quite often the to California this year, Washington Creamery Association. per year .$2.00 took about 19 per cent, Oregon tak­ OVERLAND 4 daily papers print items about tlie cheese situation in their market ing most of the balance. Los Angeles as before, was our sheets. Tillamook cheese leads every best market, total shipments there 20c. where. Not long ago I noticed where this year being an even 30,000 eases, 7c. nothing would sell readily except or 35 per cent of our total production No. 1 Tillamook branded stock. Even of a little more than 84,500 boxes. 7c. cheese of til st grade iiom other lo­ And Ti'lamonk cheese the past year 7c. calities diu not sell well even at a was sold at the highest prices of any much lower figure. Well we may be cheese in any of the Coast markets M0 4 TOUQ'^O We figure that the first cause of proud of what that may mean but this tremendou- "rowth of our pro­ don’t let us stop with that, let us go Possible by put- duct has been on, lets make Tillamook cheese ting out a st • « -’s. I only know n from ocean to ocean for its had been Maybe that if there is to be a state wish that all of th. u superior quality. "Tillamook On The first class. Seven of i.h factores wide dairymen’s association, it would not be out of place for Tilla­ Welcome Address by President Tilla­ Rind" should be Known iu every came throw -h without turning ojt a single second class cheese, one or two household. mook dairymen to tackle the job, as other« h«T a fow cheese frozen and mook Creamery Association. I believe it fair at this time to call they have made a success of coopera­ Ben Kuppenbender, president of your attention to one incident that this gave them some seconds. I sug­ tion in Tillamook county. the Tillamook County Creamery As- happened last year and that is your gest that this bo not charged aga’".st the cheese makers of those factori .«■ social ion said: tailure to ratify our proposed scale as it was clearly not their fault. I The Blaine (Wash) Press bring On the part of the Tillamook Coun­ of wages. Gentlemen, we tried to wish to state that as far as Orevo” this amusing indictment against the ty Creamery Association and its meet you on mutual grounds on tha is con"orned we have been somewhat democratic administration: board of directors, 1 herewith extend subject as we had in other matters, helped because most Oregou’uns fael O-, Much squeal, little wool: Taking a certain personal intern t in Nir to you all and especially to the but you would not accept our plan. the piomises of the democratic ad­ nroduct, had the Tillamook cheese cheese makers and tbelr wives, a Your committee gave full approval ministration, by and large it has hearty welcome, and kindly accept of the proposed scale of wages and been wade by «om.- private concern OVERLAND 4 CHASSIS been a case, from start to coming SHOWING THREE POINT this as a small token of appréciation brought lli’ u same before you tor your like the Camatior. or Bordet finish, of as a real chlnooker will people would not have felt th C antilever spring for your kind cooperalion for the inspection and appioval before the multy interest It ha.« CO1*!*» say, “Hi yu wawa pe halo luumak,” SUSPENSION past year. scale was even presented to the inak- the ca«e that the acera •p Tills which means, all talk and nothing As we are entering upon a new ers as a body. We gave you first dairyman feels a P’ -*onal pric -zKiasr doing, or to use the vernacular “all year, w< are somewhat constrained chalice to adjust the scale had you putting out n go gi gwHe cf i the same the devil shearing pig.-, io review the past. In so doing we are wished to do bo. Your rejection foilin'.- he would h*. wef repaid much squeal and little wool.” pleasantly reminded that even caused considerable diss, atisfaction doing so in th"1 ii °r-,ar»ed fame ------- o------- though we had not recuperated from among the makers for a time, also, demand for our chaise. In talk’iu? There is one thing that the special a men that h'd recently been the lavishes of the horrible war, perhaps, was the direct cause of its with in Homholt County he stated that session of‘the legislature did that though labor was short, and material being adopted by the makers. the Central Creamery people there will meet with general appioval. In hard to get, our output lias increased '1 here was some injustice done fold him that t icy vore certain that futuie no more all night dances will about 2(i per cent, and tliat our out­ some factories, no dcubt, but we did they were making as jrood a cheese be allowed. The new law does not put of seconds was reduced from tlie best we could and tried to be fair ns T;Hamook. I toi i him that I felt embrace incorporated cities, but lias some over 7000 triplets to about to everyone concerned. This year we I could easily tell him why they were jurisdiction over all territory ouiside 3000 triplets; for which you cheese­ expect to give you the same oppor­ not nett in" the am*? results we are of them. It would have been a good "etting. In the ficst pla'c the farms makers are to be complimented. tunity and I beg of you gentlemen to there nr emost'v operated bv renter?, thing had the law applied to them 4- The finish and brand are being consider the mutter in a far different foreigners in *he main, They were SEPAN also, but the cities can and should put on in much better shape than at light than heretofore. We a,e not simple interested in the dollar t. ”e pass ordinances covering the same the beginning, whch is a credit to organized to get all the wages we had immediately, fed stuff tha' si. 'dd ground. During the summer nanon you. It is also gratifying to see in might be able to squeeze out of your not be fed cows whose milk was bo. there are numerous all night dances the market reports that Tillamook pocket books, but to gel a just wage ini- made into cheese etc. They do in the county, and these cannot be not have personal feeling in the pro­ Branded Cheese is by far in demand ior all. held in fill lire. duct that a Tillamooker has, hence of other cheese from other districts, if you can show us where we are they cannot get the pracitical co-oner- and at a much higher price. unreasonable we will be more than ation of th« producer. Then they j Prof. E. L. Westover, of the O A. The consumer is beginning to willing to arbitrate the matter. 1 havn’t got the corps, not c-o-r-p-s e, , who was in the county last week, realize that Tillamook Cheese venture to say most makers are giv­ of choose makers wo have trained up. and wai i recently in the East, said stands fefr quality, and that this ing tlie best years of their lives to All of our boys are now trained un | was better that Tillamook county quality is maintained by cooperatjofi, this woikand in the course of a few­ in Tillamook, and all have the inter­ known and advertised In the East and strict inspection in every part years we will ail be retired from this est of the Tillamook cheese industry than any part of Oregon, , especially at heart They even went to work and branch of the Industry. work, not, perhaps, of our wishes or last spring and organized their as­ amongst farmers and dairymen, The war is over and out of the a matter of poor conduct, but for sociation, so that they have been able I There are some persons who think sorrows and out of the wreck and physical reasons as well. Don’t un­ to vet to-ither 'ho Mat year md that this county lias not been proper­ ruin, a new world much be built. One derstand me to say we wisli to ii, y compare notes n« to the best method ly advertised, but we are perfectly that is more beautiful, one that is up fortunes in this brief time wre are of taking care of the milk, in-ist on aware that the large amount of lit­ more enduring. Sheltered by pence, engaged in tills work. Witli the h”tter milk being brought them by erature about Tillamook County that r J N11E Overland Motor Company, Cliicnjio, Illinois, submits the following environed by prosperity, we stand high prices and going higher all the the patrons, and look after other in­ has been sent out the last 20 years record from dealers with new Overland 4. today in the full white light 1 of a time no one can lay up any bank ac- terests mutual to all makers. That from the Headlight office must liavi they have also been able thereby to Ttios. Denoyer, Kankakee, Illinois, drove 70 miles, Chicago to Kankakee, greater America. count of any size, but we do desire obtain more nearly what their work done some good, lienee what l'rof. Tlie world looks upon America to receive a legitimate return for our is worth is a good thing for Tilla­ and used là gallons of gasoline. Westover found out in the East Is with renewed admiration for the efforts that will keep our families mook, as otherwise I am afraid a Frank L. Wooley drove 28 miles on one gallon. not much of a surprise to us. past, and with a new hope of light from want and lay up a few dollars number of them would have ouit work - n ■ ■ 1. The flexible three-point suspension, because it prevents twists or for the future. The boys who were for that certain rainy day. In all her and either gone into some other sect­ We are informed that news print over there, of w liich there may be past history Tillamook County has ion and made cheese or entered other strains affecting the body, frame or mechanism, and also reduces tire wear. paper will go to 20c. per pound be- some here who have taken our Old had no brighter prospects thans he eallinys. I think that the men should The light weight results in decreasing the gasoline and oil consumption fore the end of the year. To the news, be so secured as to regards pay for Glory over the top and where it has for 1920. Let us make the best and increases tire milage. their services that they should not paper man who is using considerable ) waves today in honor and unsullied of what God and nature has provid­ want to quit, if there was anything The immediate accessibility of all parts saves your time and repair and up­ news (print paper every week, it glory over I he stronghold of the en­ ed for us, use the advantages we have in the nature of calling them into keep expense. means that profits are going to be emy, have done their part in making gained and this year will out distan­ some other vocation that it should swallowed up or an increase in the our homes safe. These boys have re­ ce them ail. Let our inottor be Qual­ come from the farmers calling them price of newspapers will have to go to quit if they did not do the work turned to make this a better place to up. It certainly,is not a very pleasant live in. Instead of putting their ef­ ity and cooperation and our rule the right and in a proper manner. The Golden Rule. Let's help put Tilla ­ outlook for newspaper men. News forts to the prosicution of war, they matter of a few dollars wages should print paper in the East is now Hell­ will put their efforts toward produc­ mook on the rind, so distinctly that not enter into the proposition at all, ing at 13c. per pound und hard to tion. With these thoughts flashing everyone can read and understand and I have felt right along that the get, and it is getting around 10c per across our vision, we get a glimps of and let such quality be back of that boys were not asking more than they were entitled to receive. Everything pound in Oregon. With these condi­ tlie future and in so doing, we real­ rind that Tillamook will be known has gone up the last few years ex­ tions confronting newspapers II is ize that the fields of battle will be America over, not only for its famous cept the secretary’s salary, so why I not surprising to hear that a large changed from the battle fields of cheese but Its makers as well. should not the maker’s wages go up number are going out of busineas. France to the battle fields of the DAIRYING DEVELOPMENTS IN too? The method of inspecting and grad­ managers desks of our various man­ TILLAMOOK COUNTY ing cheese was formerly criticized,now It Is ab< ut time that the people of ufacturing and commercial institu­ Carl Haberlach had this subject no one questions it any more. I the United States told Irish agitators tions, and our own organization will assigned him and he said: used to sell the cheese from sixteen to go home to their own country and not escape in being called upon for 1 have been asked to talk to you factories before we employed an in­ not come to the United States. The duty. Therefore it behoves everyone for a few minutes this evening on the spector and there surely was occas­ whole trouble is a lot of agitators of us to do our utmost and perfect propost ion of Tillamook rhe -tie. 1 feel ion for much grief at times. As all know, about two years ago make a fat living keeping the Irish this organization to its fullest ex­ that this is about all I do and have question boiling, and If people in this tent in every branch so we will be been doing for some time, so the we adopted a method of trade mark­ country would desist from giving the prepared to meet the greatest emer­ question naturally just gets talked ing Tillamook cheese. This was out. It is like a man talking contin­ thought as being rather foolish by agitators money, it would soon settle gency. ually about his wife after having been some at times, some of the cheese the whole trouble. Since the Sein Remember that we have an out­ married to her for as long as I have makers especially critising the pro­ Fetners became a lot of slackers and standing brand upon our cheese, and been interested in cheese. You nat­ position. some suggesting that it was pro-Germans the agitators cannot go that we will rise or fall upon this urally expect that a man would love simply thought up to make more to Canada or Australia and beg for brand. The consumer is the one I hut his wife after sixteen or seventeen work for them. This method of trade- money for fear of being mobbed by makes’ and unmakes markets. If the years. and you would naturally ex­ marking our cheese was worth at ex-service men, and as lhey have now dairymen and cheese makers will co­ pect that he had long before exhaust­ • least one hundred thousand dollars ed all his praise of and for her in to rely on the United States for mon­ operate. there is no question that the that length of time. So cheese is about 1 to us last year. Without it it would - have been impossible to have had any ey to keep the pot boiling, it Is ex­ quality of Tillamook cheese will be ' the hardest thing in the world for : success with our advertising, in fact pected that the Irish agitators will kept above reproach, and, when an I me to talk to you about. Politics or it would have been useless to adver- make more frequent visits to this eim tgency arises you will find Tilla­ most anything else would be quite ' I tise an article that the consumer could country to obtain money. To our way mook Clieese’ lit lilt' head of the list a diversion. I not identify when called for. or when As there will be quite a few figures it was offered him, usually her. It of thinking the Irish agitators who of clieese markets, and you will have to give you and as you will be unable would surprise some of you the come to the United States for the assured for yourself I lie permanency to remember all of them, I thought ’’■ngth some storekeepers will go to­ purpose of causing strife, sliould be of your industry . it best to jot them down and then il • to convince consumers that they deported the same u tin- agitators Again extending to you u most you can read them later in one of the are offering Tillamook cheese when from Russia and Germany, for they hearty welcome, and hoping that county papers, as 1 believe these thev are offering something "Ise. this ill! belong to the .same chi this little event will be a Joy to you, ■ figures are worth memorizing and is done of course, because the dealer pondering over. Incidentally you will can often make more money on I luit will not be soon forgotten. be able to give any one an answer handling the other cheese. But the Response of F. B. Culberson, Pres, of when he asks you nbout the cheese word "Tillamook” stemmed all over situation as far as such questions I the goods we make, there can be no Tillamook Co. Creese Makers. in behalf of the Choose-Makers’ As­ might relate to production, yield, etc. more camouflaging. This year we When I first became connected with sociation. i wish to tlunik the Cream­ the cheese proposition there were are running a series of ads that will show the consumer something about ery Association for the honor of be­ amook. Today there arc 26, counting the detail of dairy production, manu­ ing I heir invited guests for the even­ possibly forty cheese factories in Till- facture, paraffining, testing cheese, ing. Not In all industries do the em­ the one at Dolph. There are five or etc. We will run a series of ads in ployed have such honor shown them six dairies that make up their own II newspapers, papers having com­ by I heir employers as shown us here milk, however. At that time Tilln- bined circulation of nearly a million tonight. It Is indeed sn honor which mook was producing not over two copies. It would surprise some of million lbs. of cheese. That was in you how this fixes the mind of many makes our hearts glad. 1903. The tola! receipts were about You can well feel proud of the $200.000.00. They were then making consumers to request and insist on Tillamook when they want cheese. It success of the banquet through the twins and Young America’s, triplets is like you men insisting v:x>n your efforts of your committee. Let the and Longhorns were then unheard of. favorite cigar or snijK.tig tobacco ■ r honor of success be theirq, for they None of the cheese makers now mak­ you ladies, if you do, on your favorite NO PL AY Ml | have done their work well. We have ing in the county were then in the chewing gum. Now as to production, markets. met again as one large family to be business, most of them were wear­ A 7 DANCING : merry together and to discuss our ing knee pents. Mr. Christensen is stocks on hand, etc. The market is r the only one now activiely engaged problems as of one mind. Let us talk in the business who was then a cheese well supplied with all style« of cheese, especially the heavier kirns. fiiinkly and without malice or til maker. Mr. McIntosh was the big On the first of the year, storage Call at the Palm Confectionery t ! feeling toward anyone, let us state man in the business, as you know. ' stocks were 53 million lbs., as a- 1 and hear them played on the new facts as we honestly believe them to That was before the farmers got the gainst 19 million a year ago, a gain “Euphoaa” Player Piano. This tiden that they could operate the fact- of 169 per cent. Even then, last be. wonderful instrument will be a in the course of tlie evening's pro ores and handle the product themselves year at this time there was a decline revelation to you. gram I belive our progress of the or to have some one else do it for them. . of 14%c the lb. ('hee.se in Wisconsin total sale price of close to two million to the higher testing milk, but that Mickle, had to speak ld us i akers ( high ■en fou e hand raining one insi pen w] gainst e The uti insidera can mill efect in nd strait avors an ses. The at shoul ¡on. No e strain« e previo ilk. Dirt • harm, ease the >od clean to boil inu tes an >ie clean!: ouid be int made fe returi 'is promp •> and th r several '0d' mned. and b h«n the ci< tra diffict 'fhed thori Now ff y out the ch e of the f. 'are must fi>.iry sub, ile rnaoiji ’ ire cheesf e same kin e chees® nil e natural