V HEADLIGHT, FEBRUARY 5, 1920. TILLAMOOK ceed, in a rational and orderly man­ ner, to perfect the proceedure of in­ ternational intercourse. In other ------- 0------- K Æææac —o ■ - Providence (R. I.) Journal, con­ words, I believe that the orderly In the circuit court of the State of A cerning President Wilson'B latest course of nature can provide a bet­ Oregon for Tillamook County. avowed position on the treaty ot ter balm for the world’s ills, than W. A Robbins, plaintiff. peace: “If the president were not the panacea of smug and self-con­ vs. seemingly deaf and blind to the trend tained politic'ans.” T. B. Potter Realty Co., Fran­ of public sentiment in this country, Senator Capper, of Kansas, points ces L. Potter Thomas, T. Irv­ if in the isolation of his sickroom he j ing Potter, Frank Boocher; L. were not completely shut off from f | out that just when the American E. Latouretle, Eliz K. Potter, what is being said by bis fellow citi- : people appear to be forgetting the K. R. Steel and D. T. Van zens about his stubborn attitude to­ costly error of omission committed Tyne, joint receivers of the T. ward the peace treaty and the league by the government in failing to make d. Potter Reulty Co, et al. of nations, he would realize that his provision for an adequate sugar sup­ Defendants. | case is lost, and that the only thing ply, the profiteers clap another cent T. B. Potter Realty Co.. Frances L. for him to do is to agree with his or two on the retail price and the whole miserable fiasco is again Potter-Thomas, T. Irving Potter. advisers quickly.” brought before the public attention. Frank Boocher; L. E. Latourette, R. ------- o— - R. Steel, Eliz K. Potter and D. T. A mere scrap of paper: The league The government’s refusal to pur­ Van Tyne, joint receivers of the T. of Nations is now in operation. The chase the Cuban crop when it was B. Potter Realty Co. covenant of the league requires that available at a reasonable price and In the name of the State of Ore­ in case of any war or threat of war thus provide against a sugar short­ gon, you are hereby notified that W. affecting any nation whether a mem­ age and exhorbitant price in the ♦ a . Robbins, the holder oi Certificate ber of the league or not, the Council United States will cost the people of ot Delinquency numbered 1168 is­ of the League, shall take action to this country about $1,000,000,000, I sued on the 19tli day ot September, end the dispute, and provision is is the opinion of Senator Capper. • o 1917 by the tax collector .of the But that is not all of Senator Cap ­ made for an economic boycott of any County of Tillamook, State of Ore­ nation which refuses to accept the per’s complaint. He insists that the're gon for the amount of Eight and decision of the league. Russia is now is plenty of sugar to be had at high 4.7 December This is a chance for the dairymen of Tillamook 45-100 ($8.45) Dollars, the same be­ at war with Poland and Roumania, prices, which is prima facie evidence Total lbs. milk, ...................... 277,610 ing the amount then due and delin­ members of the league, but is not that the hoarders have the situation County to head their herds with a pure bred Jersey Total lbs. fat......................... 10.392.77 quent lor taxes for the year 1914 to­ summoned to the bar of the league, in hand for their own especial bene­ MR >• sire. My cows will start to freshen Feb. 20, 1920. I Xu* gether with penalty, interest and and instead of being made an object fit. He says: "Although our exports *>■. 1919—No. ot cows 57 am offering for sale only Male Calves from my costs thereon upon the real property of a boycott, the nations that control of sugar to Great Brltian alone have £ Test Mo. J pure bred Jerseys. The dams of some of these assessed to you, ot which you are the the League Council have announced jumped 200 per cent and we have in January ...................... ........................ 4.5 owner as appears of record, situated a material modification of the par- recent months shipped more than calves have an official record as follows: February .................... ....................... 4.4— 4.3 in said County and State, and par­ tial blockade heretofore maintained 300,000,000 pounds of it to the Unit- ■ March......................... ......................... 4.2— 4 Katy of Shady Lawn Farm—-No. 330123, age 2 £ ■ ticularly bounded and described as against Russia, which will be useful ed Kingdom, there are fairly well ♦V April........................... ......................... 4.0— 4.0 years, 3 months, 397.67 lbs. fat. follows to-wit: Lots 40 and 41, in to Russia in waging war on two authenticated reports of vast hoards May.............................. ............................ 4.2— 4.3 .. *- Orinda’s Blossom—No. 329164, age 3 years, Block numbered 61, Bayocean Park. members of the league, In other of sugar in New York and New Jer­ ........................ 4.3 — June ............................. 4.3 473.44 lbs. fat. County of Tillamook, State of Ore­ words it is evident that the league of sey.* * * Sugar at 11 cents, the ..................... . 4.4 — July .............................. 4.4 Í- t '<■ Have others on test that will complete their fl gon. nations is regarded by the powers war price, is tremendously scarce In August........................ ........................ 4.5— 4.5 year in May, 1920, they will make some excellent I 4 You are further notified that said which have joined it as a mere these localities. But sugar at 22 and September................. ............................4.6—-4.6 records. These cows are bred to Golden St. Mawes 23 cents Is as plentiful as ever. ” I < W. A. Robbins, has paid taxes on A* “scrap of paper ’’ October....................... ......................... 4.7— 4.9 Rosarie No. 161026 who won the blue ribbon at said premises for prior or subsequent ------- o ------- November .................. ......................... 5.1 — 5.3 the Pacific International. His dam Is Golden St. Frank H. Simonds: “Great inter­ years, with the rate of interest on December................... ........................ 5.5— 5.3 Harrisburg, (Pa) Telegraph. “The est is manifested in this country over Mawes Waltz Rosarie No. 299384 who has a record said amounts as follows: Total ïbs. milk . . . . .. 332,021 D supreme council at Paris has a sort of of 559.30 lbs. fat, being milked only twice daily. If Katy of Shady Lawn Farm. the possible changes in British pol­ 1914 tax, paid Sept. 19, 1917, tax Total lbs fat.......... ..14,933.97 ® final job for Uncle Sam has made icy which may follow the arrival of milked three times daily she Is capable of making receipt No. 7 891, $6.60 rate of in­ No. 330122. Age 4 years. B seven or eight hundred lbs. fat. His grand dam. St. Known to the American Ambassador Viscount Grey, of England. While in This shows an increase of 4,541.20 lbs. fat val-^ terest 12 per cent. Mawes Poppy No. 219992 on his sire’s side has a ued at approximately 82 cents average price forS 1915 tax. paid Oct. 5. 1917, tax re­ at Paris that the Allied and Asso­ a certain sense his American visit ciated Powers would make no change was a failure, since he accomplished record of 952 !b. fat. He is one of our great herd 1919 or $3,323.78. Compare the two different years® ceipt No. 6829, $4.89, rate of inter­ bulls, his daughters in the Junior Calf Class won 1st in the award of only two percent of none of the things for which he est 12 per cent. k'; and I am sure the figures will convince you that it® and 2nd at the Tillamook County Fair and “third” 9 1916 tax first, April, 22, 1918, tax the German Shipping to the United came, did not see the President, see States. Our Ambassador promptly re­ in a class of twenty junior calves at the Pacific In­ does pay to have a pure bred sire at the head of® receipt No. 4318, $2.46, rate of in- tlie league of nations launched, or ternational. We often hear dairymen say they would plied that the United States prefer ­ your herd. One can readily see that the bure bred® terest 12 per cent. play any public part whatsoever, just as soon have a “scrub” bull. I will present the sire increased the fat and milk production and alsoS 1916 tax, second, Nov 18, 1918 tax red to waive its claim entirely. Your Grey’s visit was by no means useless, figures that show the result of a purebred sire in receipt No. 6982, $2.57, rate of in- Uncle Samuel doesn’t appear to be nor was his time wasted. In his brief increased the quality of our Tillamook cheese. Itra quite as papular in Paris just now my herd. I started using him in 1912. His first terest 12 per cent. stay in Washington tlie British doesn’t require any more effort to produce a highU daughter freshened in 1915. Will give the figures 1917 tax, first, April 19, 1919, tax as he was in the spring of 1917, but statesman saw representatives of all of each month's cheese factory test for 1914 and grade milk than it does a low grade milk and these® receipt No. 4273, $2.04, rate of la­ we still observe great readiness upon parties and of all shades of feeling total amount of fat per year before any of the bure the part of our Allied Associates in figures which show you that it increases your bank® terest 12 per cent. z .r He recognized clearly and grasped bred sire’s daughters were in milk and the same for account wonderfully. I am offering heifer calves® 1917 tax, second. Dec. o O , 1919, the war to accept some billions of sympathetically the fact that oppo­ I 1919: for sale from my grade cows. Some of these cows® tax receipt No. 7223, $2 20, rate of dollars in loans and gifts and food sition to the league of nations cove­ have made a record of nearly 600 lbs. fat and sev-S i 1914—No. of cows 56. supplies of every sort. A distinguish­ interest 12 per cent. nant. as submitted to the senate, was eral above 400 and a very few below 300. They areB Month Test I Said T. B. Potter Realty Co., as ed economist has recently been quot­ not primarily or exclusively partisan ... January............................................... 3.5 ed as saying that we ought not to bred to my herd bulls Golden St Mawes Rosarie andB the owner of the legal title of the and it is conjectured here that, fol­ February ............................................. 3.5— 3.8 Riolars of Rock Ridge. We have been breeding® above described property as the same pose as the rich uncle for all our lowing Grey’s return, there was no March.................................................... 3.5 dairy stock for over fifty years and you are sure to® appear of record, and each of the former associates indefinitely; that repetition by Lloyd George ot the April...................................................... 3.6— 3.6 get the best if you select from this held, the herd® other persons above named are here- , we ate exceeding all reasonable lim­ statement that politics had produced May........................................................ 3.5— 3.4 that has always, until this year, produced the larg-C by further notified that W. A. Rob­ its in our rather generous attitude to­ tlie failure of the treaty on this side June...................................................... 3.6— 3.7 est cheese check in the county for any one month® bins. will apply to the Circuit Court ward those whom we materially aid­ of the water. Many talks with many July...................................................... 3.7— 3.6 and this year the herd was divided into two farms;® of the County and State aforesaid ed in making the world more or less Republicans gave Grey a clear view ** August.................................................. 3.7— 3.8 some of the largest checks for the two were $2 700® for a decree foreclosing the lien sate for democracy.” of the possession of the champions of September .......................................... 4.0—4.1 f (twenty seven hundred). ------- o------- against the property above described, the reservations ot the Senate. Turn­ « October............................................... . 4.1—4.2 Every cow is on test; come and look the herd over Santa Cruz, (Calif.) Sentinel: and mentioned in said certificate. Hermit’s Pussy Fancy, ed aside from the original put poserfot November ........................................ . 4.5 and get first choice. And you are hereby summoned to ap­ "Some hot headed Democrats have his visit, the foreign secretary of for­ pear within sixty days after the first begun to urge the abolition of the eign affairs took up the' necessary publication of this summons, exclu­ United States Senate. They are task of analyzing and appruislng sive of the day of said first publica­ spreading their propaganda broad­ American feeling. And it is no secret tion, and defend this action or pay cast, endeavoring to show that this in this city that one of the controll­ the amount due as above shown, to­ body has outgrown its usefulness, ing reasons for the viscountfs return 1i gether with costs and accrued in­ and has become a mere obstruction rather sooner than he had expected terest, and in case of your failure to in the path of progress and efficien­ was his feeling that the true situa­ to do so, a decree will be rendered cy, No one is taking the campaign tion in America was not in. the leant foreclosing the lien of said taxes and very seriously, but it should bt understood in Europe.” costs against the land and premises quashed at once, for it leads along a above named. path fraught with danger for the r\_. Jas. Maginn, cent per annum from the 30th day tied check payable to “School Dist. SUMMONS. This summons is published by or­ continuance for the constitutional / * of August. 1919; and you are fur­ No. 22, Cloverdale, Oregon.” for the Lot 1, qf block 80, Williams o « ther notified that the plaintiff, sum of $200.00, as a guarantee that der of the Honorable George T. Bag- guarantees for a democratic govern­ Add. to Bay City, 2.29 $ Tillamook County, will apply to the the contractor will furnish an ap- ley, Judge of the Circuit Court of ment. The constitution provides for (Continued from another page) Emma L. Williams, the State of Oregon, for Tillamook the Senate as one branch of the gov­ circuit court of the State of Oregon, Lot 2, of block 80, Williams for the County of Tillamook, for a proved surety bond equal to 50 per County, and said order was made and ernment—the branch in which each NO KNIFE AND LOSS OF BLOOD Bay City Land Co., Add. to Bay City, I 2.28 decree foreclosing the Jien3 against cent of the contract within ten days dated this 2nd day of Feb., 1920, and state shall have equal representation. No Plasters and Pains for Hours after the awarding of the contract. Lot 10, of block 55, Pacific Emma L. Williams, each and all of the said several the date ot the first publication of To destroy it would be to destroy the All bids must be made out on this summons Is the 5th day of Feb. whole constitution, for tiiat docu­ Or Days. pieces and parcels of real property Lots 5 and 6, of block 80, Add. to Bay City.....................$ 1.26 blank proposals for the same, Blanks 1920. Williams Add. to Bay City, I 4.57 mentioned in said Certificate. Bay City Land Co., ment particularly provides that the TUMORS. PILES, FISTULA. GOITRE And you and each of you are furnished upon application by the Lots 4, 5 and 6, of block 57, Sarah J. McMillan. All process and papers in this pro­ equal representation there provided DISEASES OF WOMEN directed and summoned to appear 6.46 clerk or architect. Plans and speci­ ceeding may be served upon the un­ for shall be irrepealable. To destroy Pacific Add. to Bay City, .. $ Fractional lot 1 and lot 2, Four Years Study In Europe. thereon at the rate of twelve per * 1.41 Bay City Land Co., block 6, of Idaville............. fications may be seen at County dersigned residing within the State the senate, the constitution would within sixty days after the date of Lot 4, of block 58, Pacific Over thirty years experience Lizzie Hadley. School Superintendent’s office, Tilla­ of Oregon at the address hereafter have to be abolished an amendment the first publication of this sum­ i Add. to Bay City, .............. I 2.29 Lot 6 of block 28, Thayer’s mook, Schcool Clerk’s office, Clover­ mentioned. would not suffice. But we forget. Portland Physical Therapy Labora­ John T. and Thos. F. Kenny, Add., to Tillamook............. $ 3.97 mons, exclusive of the date of said dale, or at Architect’s office. first publication, and to defend the John F. Reetly, EVa of of lots 1, 2, 3 What is the constitution of the New tories. 412 to 417 Journal Building Mrs. T. W. Clark. The successful bidder will be re­ action or pay the amounts due; and and 4, of block 64, Pacific Attorney for Plaintiff. York World, or rather adherents of Lots 6, 7, and 8, of block Portland Oregon quired to give references and an ap ­ 1.26 in case of your failure to do so, a de ­ Add. to Bay City.................. Address 510 Wells Fargo Bldg., 49, Thayer's Add. to Tilla­ Wilson? Tliey have been advocating cree will be rendered by said court, proved bond equal to 50 per cent of lay City Land Co., ft mook .......................................... $10.13 Portland. Oregon. tlie unqualified passage of an instru­ foreclosing the liens of said taxes the amount of the contract. Lot 4, of block 67, Pacific Dwight & Curtis. ment of international government 2.49 and costs against the lands and the Add. to Bay City.................. $ Lot 1, of block 3, Maple The board reserves the right to hy City Land Co., Administrator’s Sale of Real Property tiiat would nullify parts of the con- Grove Add. to Tillamook. . $12.40 premises named in this notice and reject any and all bids. ------ o ■ - situation it left to tlie inlet pretation '.ot 6, of block 67, Pacific set opposite your respective names. ------- o------- Geo. B. Lamb. By order of School Board No. 22. \dd. to Bay City, .............. $ 2.49 The date of the first publication of In the County Court of the State of of an international council. The con­ Lots 7 and 8, of block 9, Storage—Oils J. L. Burke, Chairman, Ipma L. Williams, this summons is tlie 25th day of De­ Miller’s Add. to Tilla­ Oregon, for the County of Tillamook. stitution means nothing to them. It J. T. Moore, Clerk. .ot 7, of block 70, Pacific cember, A. D., 1919. Repairing of all kinds. is an antequated instrument of gov ­ 7.15 mook ............................................ $ In the matter of the estate of , i 1 1 I SAMT ■«' MARLET ► I w I art THIS AGENCY OFFERS YOU BOTH RALPH E. WARREN, FYRFYTER FYR-FYTER ii ■! FIRE-PROTECTION FIRE-INSURANCE 1 ROLLIE W. WATSON, Call.or^phonc right now, J tories, offices, homes, garage s, autos. Install at once; call or phone now. OREGON TILLAMOOK CITY, NATIONAL BUILDING, A. Krout, Kiout. Who want’s krout this wfnt* j Stuivnnga has got the cabbage, f ibtm your order, prices right. Mt Phone, Wm. Stuivenga. j* 4* I d ion Affiliated with members