/ : ] * / s . I y'. T I TILLAMOOK, OREGON. FEBKl'ARY 5, 1920. -, 3 Tillamook Jottings. ------- o Say! Spend your evenings at the Gem. Dr. Wise returned from California last Friday. Born on Thursday, to Mrs. Godfry Larson a girl. Louise Barley left for Hubbard this morning, to visit with friends. I A daughter was born to the wife of Clifford Petersonon Jan. 31. Born to the wife of Rex Roland, of Blaine, a son on Sunday morning. X, You’ll see good pictures at the Gem any night you wish to attend. N. M. Nelson, of Garibaldi, w as transacting business in town this week. L. L. Van Nortwick, ot Rockaway, transacted business in this city on Tuesday. Mrs. Geo. Wilkes of Mohler., was in Tillamook last week visiting friends. Richard Miles, of Oregon City, was in Tillamook last week on a busl- ness trip. Mrs. Stanley was called to Port­ land this morning to attend the fun- feral of a friend. I A civil service examination for Lstmaster of Hebo is to be held on |he 20th of February. 1 Mrs. Carl Loll, of Brighton, was in town this week to have her baby Operated on by Dr. Boals. I Antone Weiss vs. Julius Erickson L a writ of review from the justice ■ourt to the circuit court. ■ J. J. Hollett, of Blaine, is register­ ed at the Todd Hotel. He is serving K the grand jury. ■ Do not overlook buying flour, we ■ave the right price on the best.—C. K. and C. M. Dawson. ■Lee Title, who works at the Yellow Hr mill was hurt seriously about the Had Tuesday afternoon. ■ Chas. B. Dill, of Portland, was in Hllamook this week as special agent H the Oregon City Paper Mills. B(V. E. Noyes and E. F. Rogers left K- a three day’s business trip to K-tland Wednesday morning. s so* egj» n and California. I^Hesday night at the Gem “The E^Knted! Everyone who likes fun, IjKe "Daddy Long Legs” at the ilH'l’hursday night. B^Krry Norberg, who was hurt at iiKiill last week, is getting along ^■nicely. He is able to be out and continues to improve. LAU- H^Bope he ^^Ht as quitting time Tuesday ■Kig Win. Easorn, who works at HKidge at Kilchis river, fell into ^^Hffer dam, breaking two ribs. D. George Bean and her sister, 1). Moore, of Hood River, are ¡H^Ba few days to attend the birth- H^^Bi t) of their father M. V. Still- S0AÎ ad. 0* dyo * th. ED gofl* an¿ Is > ¡>. Dooley, of Hillsboro, was in t at r*al estate. He says he Tillamook I the land here in i } is tile, but thinks it ex- 1> high D iced. I. > W. D. Coburn, who has been with ——------ Thursday, is one of the most cele­ the Coast Power Co., for two years, brated stories of the past decade. It Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­ has gone into business for himself. first appeared in the Ladies’ Home vallis, Jan. 2—Robert H. Watt, sen­ The firm will go under the name of Journal, where It was hailed as the i ior in the school of agricultural, and the Sunset Electric Co., and will lo­ most humanily Interesting serial in resident of Bay City, has been elect­ cate next to the Tillamook Feed Co's, the history of the publication. ed a member of Scabbard and Blade. store. It soon followed in book form, and This is a newly organized military W. A. Robbins vs. T. B. Potter was read in every city of the Eng­ society at O. A. C., which is to peti­ Realty Co., Frances L. Potter-Thom­ lish speaking world. tion the national honorary military as, T. Irving Potter, Frank Boocher, T he part of Judy Abott, the orphan fraternity . L. E. Latourette, R. R. Steel and D. girl, is one exactly suited to The leading students in military T. Van Tyne, joint receivers of the Mary Pickford. For a long time Miss work throughout the United States T. B. Potter Raalty Co., is a suit to Pickford has been anticipating the are being elected to this high office foreclose certain property in Bay- part, for it was inevitable that she due to their special ability in mili­ ocean on a'delinquent tax certificate, should play it once the theatrical tary matters. With few exceptions < A sad death occurred last night, producers were willing to turn over the men are those who have seen ex­ when Mrs. Babi died, supposedly of film rights. These Miss Pickford tensive service in the war against Germany, many of them having been heart failure. She lived alone, and it purchased recently for $40,000. decorated for valar. was not known until this morning, The chapter at the Oregon Agricul­ Loyal Daughters Class. when the neighbors became anxious —' ------- o------- ture College is made • i up mostly of about her. A search was made and The Loyal Daughters Class of the men who volunteered for service she was found in her bath tub. Christian Church held their monthly with the S. A. T. C., and stayed at Southern Pacific Co. vs. Paul class meeting at the home of their the college studying for more effi- Erickson is a case filed in the circuit teacher, Mrs. I. C. Smith, Tuesday cient work in national defense. In court, and is a suit for pacific per­ evening, February 3, 1920. electing these men to the Scabbard formance, which 16 to compel the de­ The meeting was called to order by and Blade, the officers of the cadet fendant to transfer by proper deed of the president. Miss Blanche Harris. regiment have shown their apprecia- conveyance, all his right, title and The minutes of the last meeting tion tor the sacrifice made by these interest in or to the right of way 100 were read by the secretary, , Miss men. feet in width, as set forth and de­ Laura Dodge, and approved 1 by the scribed in a contract. class. The business of the month Jury List For 1920. Victor W. Hickman has taken over was attended to and many things Persons who are liable to be drawn the management of the Tillamook were decided on. for circuit court jurors for 1920 will The Loyal Daughters take charge < Hotel and expects to make some im­ find their names in the following list. provements and in every way give of the opening exercises next Sunday A. T. Blackburn, Leslie Barber, L. morning and a live program is prom ­ excellent service to the public. He J. Browning, , M. N. Bays, Henry will conduct the dining room, and ised. The girls are holding a contest Brooten, Chas Blum, P. J. Brown, H. his aim is to serve first class meals, A. Bell, W. A. Bell, Leon Berry, O. having obtained the services of a with the Loyal Sons Class, the girls W. Bodyfelt, F. D. Bester, Fred being ahead some hundred points. good chef. Every boy and girl that is not at­ Briody, Jno. M. Bodie, Willard E. John Plasker has made arrange­ tending Sunday School elsewhere Is Broughten, Fred Böhmer, C. F. Bur­ I ments to erect two apartment houses welcome to our classes. ton, Harrison Booth, M. D. Burdick. on 5th Ave. East and Fourth Street, The majority of the class were Jno. O. Bozorth, Brad Batzner, Henry They will be modern and up to date present, and after music and games A. Brandt, A. G. Beals, S. A. Brod­ three room apartments, and will were enjoyed, refreshments were head, W. F. Baker,, L. F. Brode, G. will consist of 4 5 apartments divid­ served by the hostesses. Misses Sar- E. Boquist, J. E. Brown. ed into two buildings. The construc­ etta DeLillii and Lauratlodge. A. A. Compton, A. K. Case, James tion of one building to be commenced Christensen, Thos, Coates, Carl Curl, in the ear future. “The Money Corral’’ .An Old .Time S. W. Conover, David Curtis, Wm. Crawford, Ross Chilcott, Arthur S. Tuesday afternoon Sidney Paul had I Rodeo; Bill Hart is Hero. Coffey, Walter F. Cason, C. H. an accident at Trask river bridge, —----- o Christensen. the car having run into the railing Years ago the rodeo was the big­ N. J. Dye, A. C. Daniel, Fred David­ and going through until the front thing in the West. It was the occa­ wheels were entirely off and the sion when all the wild riders, bron­ son, Chas Desmond, C. L. Doughney, weight of the car was all that saved cho busters and sure shot3 of the Marion Doty, J. T. Davis, J. C. Dunn, Daniel Darby, Wm. Dwight, Grant it from going into the river below. west assembled to display their Fortunately no one was hurt but the prowess. Such a scene is revived in Dawson, Joe Donaldson, L. C. Daniels I. J. Earl, John Ebinger, L. V. car was badly smashed up. “The Money Corral,” a new Art­ Eberhardt, U. S. Edwards, S. W. El­ craft picture starring William S. R. A. Clanton, Master Fish Warden liott, C. J. Edwards, John Erickson, and Mr. Schmidt, the Fish Commis­ Hart, which will be shown at the J. D. Edwards, C. A. Elliott, J. H. Gem Theatre next Tuesday. It was sioner, were in to investigate the Ellison, D. T. Edmunds, Improvements that have been made written by Mr. Hart and Lambert Otis Friable, P. A. Finne, D. H. Hilyer and they also collaborated in at the hatchery. They say that a new Fletcher, D. Fitzpatrick, H. L. Fow­ its direction. Jane Novak is the lead ­ bridge has been built, also that the ler, H. A. Franklin, Wm. Fletcher, road has been improved, and a ing woman, heading an excellent B. A. Folks, J. C. Foster, John Fox. camping ground is to be opened up supporting cast. Archie Gist, J. L. Gay, Fred S. Gil­ The rodeo scene of this picture was for the accommodation of the public. bert, C. N. Gilmore, W. A. Gage, N. expensive and took lots of time, but The Shakespeare Club met at the justified the effort for it gives a M. Ginn, A. H. Gaylord, Chas. F. Girard, G. L. George, Forest Gist, home of Mrs. Oscar Schultz, Jan. 30. touch of realism that otherwise The guests were Mesdames Aider­ could not have been secured. Many Eric Glad, W. J. Gilbert, A. F. Gar­ man, Koch, Anderson, Sheidler, Punchers, Indians, Mexicans, cow­ dner. Ernest Haag, J. H. Hathaway, T. Kuratli, Carl Schullz and Max girls and others came to Hollywood Hamilton, Ralph L. Himes, M. R. Schultz. The afternoon was spent in to make the rodeo scenes and over a Hanenkrat, J. B. Honey, A. H. Harris the usual manner. The hostess serv­ thousand persons appeared therein. H. E. Howard, Erwin Harrison, Geo. ed a delicious luncheon, The club "The Money Corral” is said to be adjourned to meet with Mrs. B. C. the most exciting film that has been A. Henderson, Thor. Haugen, Thane Honey, Russell Hawkins, J. J. Holl­ Lamb, February 13. produced in months. ett, W. M. Heaston, E. T. Haltom, E. Tillamook Post of the American D. Hoag, John J. Hudson, F. P. Hob­ Legion is planning another big mas­ Vivian Martin’s New Photoplay Fine son, J. C. Holden, E. A. Hess, Arthur querade ball which Will be given at Production. Holden, Arthur Haag, W. H. Hos­ the Armory in this city on Saturday, kins, A. A. Itnlah, ltay Hush beck, In “An Innocent Adventuress,” a February 14, (St. Valentine’s Day). Theo Jacoby, Eugen Jenkins, W. Arrangements have been completed Paramount picture which will be H. Johnson, C. E. Jennings, J. H. with a Portland costume house shown at the Gem Theatre next Johnson, G. A. Jones, R. A. Jones, whereby a large assortment of cos­ Monday it is said that Vivian Martin Henry Jordan, tumes will be available for the even­ scores an artistic triumph in her B. E. King, C. L. King, J. G. Ken- ing and these will be rented out at characterization of “Lindy’, a sweet nedy, L. H. Kenney, L. M. Kraner, the hall. This is a novelty in the way little girl who has been brought up Chas. Kunze, Clyde Ktnnaman, D. of handling a masquerade in this never to commit a wrong or tell a Kuratli, O. W. Kinnatnan. city and it is anticipated that It will lie. It is a delightful role and is P. E. Leland, S. C. Larsen, E. G. attract a larger assemblage of mas­ handled by Miss Martin in a charm­ Lantz, J. L. Lawson. Jerry Lewallen, kers than any similar event hereto­ ing and artistic manner. W. H. Leach, T. W. Lyster, John This git was so innocent and un­ Leslie, W. A. Lewis. Geo. Loerpabel. fore undertaken, here. acquainted with the paths of crime P. B. C. Lucas. Sunday morning, at the home of S. that she thought that she had com­ Robert McClay, H. A. Miles, Chas. A. Moulton, Mabel Holland became mitted a felony when she held up a McKillip, R.C. Magarrell, Albert Mar- the brid-1 of Laweli Moulton. The letter from a dominerlng landlady, ceremony was performed by Rev. addressed to a poor family across the olf, N. McMillan, Chester McGhee, Tucker, of the Christian Church. A street who were in desperate straits J. W. McKinley, Alex McNair, A. E. wedding supper was served in the and which she was certain was an Meyer, Morrison Mills, Grant Mils, evening at six o'clock to about four­ order for the family to vacate the D. Moon, John Morgan, Sam Moulton Jas, Murphy, Dan Murphy. teen of their friends and relatives. premises. W. E. Noyes. Wm. Norris. The young people will make their A delightful romance is woven Jonas Olson. E. B. O’Neel, F. L. home in Tilamook and we wish them into the story and also a strong dra­ Owens, P. D. Ott. success and happiness. Tbe bride, matic sitaation which shows how the A. A. Pennington, J. H. Proctor, previous to coming to Tillamook, re­ simple innocence of tbis little girl Allen Page, Lent Parker, Frarii Paul, sided at Eugene, where she graduat­ results in the regeneration of a Jacob Pesterfleld, J. W. Phelp», I. 8. ed from tbe high school of that city, young man who had once been a Phillips. Chas. Pike,, Albert Plank, and the groom is one of Tillamook thief and who was about to yield Fred Poorman, Earl Porter, Carl county's patriotic young men who in­ again to temptation and pursue the Possetti, Jos. Price, W. L. Provoost, listed In the U. S. Navy and was one forbidden path of crime. H. L. Provoost,. of Uncle Sam’s jolly jack tars who Isaac F. Quick. did his bit to win the war. To The Voters of Tillamook County. W. R. Robedee, Chas Ray, Lester ------ o------ Ray, John Redberg, Wm. Roenicke, The fire whistle is in such increas­ I hereby announce myself as a can ■an-jjj« “lenry Rogers, H. H. Rosenberg, C. ing demand for signalling purposes r. Roas, J. J. Rupp. that it has been decided to make a ddate for County Clerk, on the 1 W. B. Sutton, Jas. F. Stafford, R. list of signals and embody them in publican ticket, subject to the ap- an ordinance which the council will provalof the voters at the primaries Stillwell, W. H. Saes, F. L. Sapping- ton, C. F. Stone, H. C. Sanders, Jno. be asked to enact at its next regular next May. H. S. Brimhall. Schild, A. J. Schmelzer, F. S. Scho- meeting. All those wishing to use'{he field, O. A. Schultz, Carl F. Shrot- whistle are requested to subikiit rldge, D. A. Simmons, L. D. Smith, J. their signals to Chief Thai Co» Merrill Smith, H. A. Springer, Ed. on of before Thun^ay, February Stasen. at 8 p.m. bo they caa be checked < lie working at thenar Lum- ’ s camp Monday morning. Butts was hit with chtker In ick. It Isn't know* Jhetier the ' was serious or na but be is e Vo work. [ver Crean^ry he)/ Its annual Uy1" m*^t ' « «» Monday of , “ 1 ,J '! rs' * “ W,*eek. W A.. HUH. R. «mi th B bilie Woods ' T®jected dlrec- by the Hoje Compaay at its meet W Md the Fin r- ♦*** L *» ■" ' r ' A •tr $ ■ ■ New Era Convention Dinner. ------o------ Subscribe for the Tillamook Headlight. Glen C. Terry, A. 8. Tilden, A. 4&E nhwXÀK Thomas, M. C. Trowbridge, Herman Thun, A. D. Thompson, J. N. Trax­ ler, F. M. Trout,. Chas. Van Patten, J. M. Vermilyea. C. M. Vidito. i'hos. R. Wilson, E. A. Worthing­ ton, D. T. Werschkul, Geo. Williams, C. B. Wiley, C. W. Wagy, G. H. Ward, Ed. Weston, Gue. Wicklund John Wahlen. Circuit Court in Session. ------ O------ The February term of the circuit court convened on Monday, with Judge Geo. R._ Bagley on the bench. There are 98 cases on the docket, 14 oeing applications for naturalzation papers, 11 mismaleii couples sued to have their marriage contracts an­ nulled. There are three indictments against Steve Rosohan, Eugene Ban- drez and Gus Hersche, who were rounded up in the county on account ot having I. W. W. cards. The jurors who were excused weie F. M. Trout, W. A. Bell, Frank A. Rowe, Erwin Harrison, C. N. Gil­ more, John Whalen, William Norris, C. E. Jennings (temporarily) and Fred S. Gilbert. The grand jury was drawn as fol­ lows: Robert Stillwell, James Chris­ tensen, H. A. Franklin, J. J. Hollett, F. S. Armentrout, F. P. Hobson, and J. C. Holden. The judge selected F. S. Armentrout as foreman of the jury. The grand jury brought in three indictments. Against Walter Oliver, who is charged with adultery, whose case is set for trial on Wednesday. Henry Story has two indictments against him for rape. His case is set for trial next Tuesday. Jack Harper, charged with assault with intent to kill. Case set for trial next Monday. Antone Weiss vs. Julius Erickson. Action for money on appeal from Jus­ tice court. Verdict for $70.00 for the plaintiff. The three I. W. W. cases haye been continued until the 22nd of March, as the defendants attorney was en­ gaged in the Centralia cases at Mon­ tesano, Wash. Credit Service Co. vs. Silver Spruce Co. Action for money. Default and judgment. Juliette Davey vs. Scott Bozorth, et al. Action for money. Settled and dis­ missed. In the matter of petitions to be­ come citizens of the United States of America, Guy Hamilton McLeod and William Thomas Collins, admitted. Those continued were John Enzler, Arnold Gruenenwald, Frank Von Euw, John Slakes, Josef Enzler and Valentine Paul Werner. Rudolph Zweifel vs. A. N. Bolfing. Action for money. Settled and dis­ missed. F. D. Small vs. M. W. Harrison and Emma Harrison. Action for money. Settle dand dismissed. Tillamook County Bank vs. C. M. Churchill and W. W. Todd. Action for money. Settled and dismissed. Tillamook County vs Isaac H. Moore, et al. Condemnation. Set­ tled and dismissed. Tillamook County vs Isaac .H. Moore et al. Cofirmation. Settled and dismissed. L. J. Winter and W. J. Hill vs. M. W. Harrison. Action for money. De- murrer overruled. Credit Service Company vs Ride- halgh and Co. Action for money. Set­ tled and dismissed. G. H. Ward vs. C. Hannant. Action for money. Dismissed. State of Oregon vs N. C. Hansen. Indictment. Dismissed. State of Oregon vs. Arnold Hansen. Indictment. Dismissed. Charles Elliott vs. Fred Skomp Damages. Plaintiff allowed to recov­ er $87.70 for disbursements. Robt. J. Watt vs Silsbe Wood Working Machine Co. Action for money. Default and Judgment. Cloverdale Merc. Co. vs George H. Ethel. Action for money. Settled. Roy W. Shultz vs. Joe West. Action for money. Dismissed. It. E. Wilson vs. H. B. Wallace. Action for money. Settled and dis­ missed. L. V. Eberhardt vs. Wayne Frank­ lin. Action for money. Dismissed. McCargar, Bates & Lively vs. Sil­ ver Spruce Co. Action for money. De­ fault and judgment. State Industrial Accident Commis­ sion vs. Bay City Logging Company. Action for money. Default. Judgment. State Industrial Accident Commis­ sion vs. Silver Spruce Company. Ac­ tion for money. Default, Judgment. C. O. & C. M. Dawson vs. John Zeller, et al. Actionfor money. Dis­ missed. M. D. Ackley et al vs J. K. Elder. Action for money. Settled. Elizabeth Covel vs. O. E. Shelly, et al. Action for money, Verdict for plaintiff for $500.00. Catherine A. Long and A. G. Beals vs. Lee J. Tittle, et al. To correct deed. Verdict for plaintiff except certain reservations. Joseph Ducham vs. Lizzie W. Du- chain. Divorce. Default and dlvorce granted the plaintiff. Lest We Forget. Tillamook County Red Cross is still “carrying on.” All ex-service men, their relatives and friends should re­ member that Red Cross headquarters have been established in rooms 200 and 201. Old Armory building. The secretary will be glad to give information In regard to compensa­ tion, vocational reeducation, the re­ instatement and conversion of insur- d J ance. Coos and Curry Counties Want to Co- ' operate With Tillamook. ■ o The following letter has just been received by Carl Haberlach from F. C. True, ot the Coos and Curry coun­ ty Association, and is published be­ cause it is considered to be of in­ terest to ail dairymen ot Tillamook county. Myrtle Point, Feb. 2nd, 1920. Tillamook County Cheese Ass’n. Tillamook, Oregon. Carl Haberlach, Sect'y. Gentlemen.—At a large meeting Of the dairymen and Cheese Ass’n. of Coos and Curry counties held at Ban­ don, Ore., Jan. 29th, plan for closer co-operation and organization by the dairymen were quite thoroughly dis­ cussed. It was the sense of the meeting to lay before your organization the proposition of combining our organ­ izations with yours, ultimately tak­ ing in all cheese producing sections of the state under one large Oregon organization. No doubt such a suggestion has al­ ready been made to you. We believe that under such an organization, competition would be greatly reduc­ ed, prices better controlled and ad­ vertising of this is Oregon product more easily and less expensively han­ dled. Our dairymen down here are now making plans to buy all of the cheese factories, in fact have already purchased one and expect to operate them co-operatively, and our inspec­ tor Mr. Guy Ford, who is now in your city has been instructed to advise you of this move and secure, if pos­ sible at this time, your opinion of the above proposition. We will be glad to either hear from you through him or by letter. Yours very truly, Coos & Curry Co. Cheese Ass’n. By. F. C. True. Nazarene Chuch Services. ------ o 1 y i ‘ I ',3 ■ M i To The Public, I i » First Christian Church. ; I i 4 ■f- ». Reformed Congregational Church. The Sunset Electric Co. will be open for business one door south of the Hllamook Feed Co, in the build­ ing recently vacated by the Economy Cleaners. We aim to carry a full line of electric supplies and will be pre­ pared to handle all kinds of electric­ al work. Our work will be absolute­ ly guaranteed. No job too small or too large. If you have work to be done, call on us. Satisfaction our motto. Sunset Electric Company, W. D. Coburn, Mgr. 4 . 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. preaching, Theme: "Does It Pay to go to Church?” Jonathan Sturges, the millionaire merchant, left his home on Cape Cod to earn his living and help his moth­ er. The captain of a coaster gave him a passage and a letter to a dealer in sail-cloth. He landed in New York on a Saturday night, a Btranger and penniless. Sunday morning he went to church. On Monday morning he presented his letter to the merchant. "Did I see you at church yesterday?” he asked. "I don’t know sir.” Sturges replied, "but I was at church” lie was given a position, Mr. Sturgis always declared that his success dat- ed from that memorable Sunday. Why are so many without church? Come and listen to my answer, know­ ing it will appeal to you. Rev. Rlchurd Schuetze. The Church of the Cordial Welcome. (Methodist Episcopal) ------------- o--------------- The Bible School had the largest attendance last Sunday since its re­ organization, but there is plenty of room for more. Organized classes and competent teachers await your com­ ing. We are here to serve. Special children and young peo­ ples service next Sunday morning. Music by the junior choir. Beginning next Sunday evening at 7:30 the pastor will give a series of stereoptican lectures which will be interesting, informing and Jnspirut- lonal. Theme next Sunday evening. “Six o’clock Around the World.” We have a high grade machine, the best to be had. Everyone in the commun­ ity not a regular attendant of some other church is most cordially Invit­ ed to participate in these services. ■ * Í • Reformed Church. Peggy Hyland Coming in New Picture. -------o------- Peggy Hyland the dainty William Fox Star, will be seen at the Gem Theatre next Saturday in her new photoplay of circus life, "The Merry Go Round”. Miss Hyland assumes the role of the fortune teller’s daughter in a dilapidated circus. Jack Hath- erton, a rich young clubman steers his automobile into a ditch near the circus encampment, and is forced to buy the entire .show to get the use of the tnerry-go-round tractor to extri- cate his car. He falls in love with Gypsy (Peggy Hyland) nt flrHt sight. Subsequent events show that Gypsy is the daughter of wealthy city par­ ents—but had been kidnapped when a small child and that her father has just, ruined Jack In business. How Gypsy, claimed by her parents, manages to lose her n»wly-gained social fosition and gets Jack back, suppl leu the gensati»» »f a v0ry lo ve- Cor. 4th Ave and East uth street. Rev. W. G. Leinknemper, pastor. Sunday School al 10 a.m.. Public worship at 11 a.m.. This will be lot elgn mission day. Special conldera- tlon will be given the foreign mls- sion enterprise of the Reformed Church in Japan and China. A spec­ ial offering will be taken to provide tor the unusual increase of expenses of our missionaries, due to the high cost of living and the Ions of ex- 1 change in China. The pastor will also speak on Ar- menia “What is the Near East Re- lief?” isa question that many people are asking, what Interests have been awakened to the terrible conditions existing in Turkey to-day. A detail­ ed answer will be given to this ques­ tion. A committee appointed by this church, will then begin in th» work of soliciting fluids from members ap4 friends for this worthy cause. ’J > T- "I •J’ft >’ ■ 1 i A Announcement. ------ o------ I hereby announce mys. If a*ya i candidate for County'Judge at The next primary election. My fiiorto "100 per cent efficiency fqr every taxpayer's dollar." * • , W. L. CnAi^tell. r * I r I I » V Hunten Take ’-Hoe. We have furnished dottagee and good accommodations at our camp at * Netarts. .ÍÁ» A. N, Davies, Prop. I f r ♦ » 7 can p^ wl ! ■ ,-w3 Sunday School 10 a.m. Morning worship, 11 a.m. subject: Give Ye Them to Eat.” Evening worship, 7:30 p.m. sub- ject: "Will Everybody Go To Heav- en?” Presbyterians believe that the only real religion is a right life, theft no life is right unless it is touched by the Divine Spirit, that this life is a larger, more upright, more noble, more Joyous living, that Christ is not only our ideal, but is also our life. Everybody always welcome. Allan A. McRea, Minister. I 1 ,» Presbyterian Church. ------ O'*' i * ir , .. '¿ffl Next Sunday morning, we will take up state mission offering. Baptismal servlcesSunday evening. The public is invited to all services. The services at the Christian Church last Sunday, were largely at­ tended. The Bible school jumped 60 per cent over the Sunday before. We are counting on a big Bible School next Sunday. We extend a cordial in­ vitation. i The church services at ll a.m. and 7:30 p.m. were well attended last Lord’s day and we are anxious for many more to worship with us. Strangers especially invited and will make you welcome. C. E. Societies at 6:30 p.m., attend GEM THEATRE PROGRAM and catch the spirit. Mid-week pray­ Friday, Feb. 6.—“Still Waters”, Par­ er meeting Wednesday evening. A amount production, featuring very large attendance Is desired. Harry E. Tucker, Minister. Marguerite Clark. "Burton Holmes Travelogue." Saturday, Feb. 7—“The Merry-Go- The Church for the Stranger. ------- o------- Round”, William Fox production, (The United Brethren Church) featuring Peggy Hyland. Preaching 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. “Count The Votes.” Harold Lloyd Sunday School, 10 a.m. Comedy. Rev. G. W. MacDonald, D. D., of Sunday Feb. 8—"The Way of a Wom­ an”, Select production, featuring Portland, who is Supt. of Oregon Conference, will occupy the pulpit at Norma Talmage. "Merry Jail Birds” 2 reel Sunshine both the morning and evening ser­ vice. The Dr. is an able and forcible comedy. Monday, Feb. 9—‘■“An Inntcent Ad- speaker. Come out and hear him . Prayer meeting every Wednesday ventures#", Paramount production, at 8 p.m. featuring Vivian Martin. We sincerely trust that the busi­ One reel comedy. Tuesday, Feb. 10—"The Money Cor­ ness men and women of the city are ral” Artcraft production, featuring as interested and honest in looking after their eternal Interest as they William, S. Hart. Wednesday, Feb. 11—“You’re Fired" are in looking after their temporal Paramount production, featuring Interest. “What is the value of your heavenly treasures?” “What will a Wallace Reid. man give in exchange for his soul?” “Bray Pictograph.” Thursday, Feb. 12—“Daddy Long If you have no regular place of wor­ Legs,” A First National attraction, ‘a ship, we kindly urge upon you to featuring Mary Pickford, 7 reels of come and spend a few hours each Sunday In worshiping with us. cracker-jack comedy. E. F. Wriggle, Pastor. I ly story. i i 10 a.m. Sunday School, 11 a.m. preaching by the pastor; subject, “Christian Perfection, as taught in the Scriptures.” <’ 7 p m., Peoples Service, led by Mrs. If. E. King. All welcome. 8 p.m., evening sermon and good singing. Come. , Mid-week service for song, prayer and testimony, at 7:30 p.m.. You are cordially invited to wor- ship wlth us. A. E. Ingler, Pastor. » POR ÄAT13NAL BUIV T---------------------- M ** '1 fli . A * b /. r V; . ■ i