TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. .’AXL’AH : 09 Discuss Cunent Topics Attorney General Mitchell Palmer •ays that about all the Republican» have done is to “invest'cate our vic­ tories" The phrase "our eictorte«' would con.e » uh better grace from notacene «ho aas tn the war. The pes'ple are under the impression that the victories m the »ar were »ou by the fightinc men on the battle lines, no: by th. politicians »ho wastad the tuoaey and monopolised the spot­ light at Was hand on. ,N \ :A; estimated that the coal miner» los: «♦•' eOKdv in wage- by the ro.< •trike The pay of the leaders, how­ ever. weht on just the san-.» When »•as labs': univa adopt* • rule that the .-alarle« of offices shall stop whenever the pu> of the men »tops. It a ill find that it has rwa»tab..»r cd the ota pi nciple that strike» should be uvdertAen only in the tn st vi­ trent» e«»*». entitled to aa against these parasite«- If We half of the energy no» »pent in »empathy on murderer» and criminals »ould be devoted to the families of the victims and th« other half to bringing tv justice the brutes »he have blotted out the lives of law-abiding and peaceful clt irens and darkened forever the lives of . her», thia would be a hap- pier and safer world to live in." TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTzr; . « » *................ «.................. I Jerseys for Sale Governor Henry J Allen, vf Kan­ sas. who took over strip mines dur­ tig the Aval »trike and put several ibe' is-nd v '■ • '.leers at work IO sup­ ply the people of the »fate with fuel. •Wed the Kansas Legislature to ad­ opt his program to prohibit strike« a:.i lockouts .a sx.-i» wherv nect»- paries of life were inwlved and in this AMtnectton made tt » argument -I- .li-:-;' 71.< > .- no rv*»s n why the gvvwrnmwt shvuld not have the same jvwer to protect society against the ruthless Senses »'f a..-:: .ai strile as it has always had to pivtect it against rec­ ta :ed ci.me Any tntnoriiy which tea» secured -xMitn'l .4 a product up- . • which human . ie depends, and which mid» lake» tvr the purpcee .-f effect.ng »ages or prvf.ts to with hold that product from the pub! »ka«i tre»te cr »’.arve. has m superceded gvvernment and h rotated tv itself the control of the ae»i cs of human l ie which gov­ erna.ent alo-e may have the power to safeguard Place a purebred Jersey Sire at the head of your Herd! — — ■ • TILLAMOOK CHEESE Harrsburg. f not ds-a.asd'.’t pay—e t of lia— Jennings Bxyaz* Mesavry the mterwot an «sur hvaas tv the gvv- . vJne.ugs Bryan? M» vry •rnmen:» vf Eurvpe. we may be net retain ette. lucky tv Lave evr» numb this : ..w net year \v illiaat Jennings Bryan tkrwst hiuasv.f ■./..■ the arena again S* /- Me a may e-ejse and men may j-.x but W xm Jr talks on fbrever dairymen of Tillamook :h a pure bred Jersey . I y :o tead My CO»s ¿fa»'«* f. Male Chives QT f: ùf pure bred caSies haw a: Katy of —AC '□ A 3 •S1C4. I?* 3 pears. Orinda's 473 44 lbs f Have ot will complete their year tn May I.-, they wiil make some excellent records. Th««* cows are bred to Golden BL Mawes R.vsi-.t*N; Is'IIJ» »bo won the b.te ribbon at ■ - i r. S' Mawes Wait» R -ar e No. JJ9i»4 who L..» a record being sulked only twice daily If ts daily she is capable of making ndrvd T s fat. H.s grand dam. St. 19992 on his sire s side has a Hr is one ox our great bard tie Junior Calf Clam won 1st wk County Fair and “third" calve» at the Pacific In- en say hey would 1 Will present L flTt'ZTt-i rLTt Scraps of Paper 1115, w fac:-?rr : 191 s half as et Ibi» Thank cd war Month Jan. ary...................... ■.............. -’‘.5 February..................... ..................... 3 5—3 « March........................... ..................... 3.5 A?T* i .............. .................. 3.4—3 « Mxy ............... .....................3 5—3.4 .............. I -—' * Jx2y.............................. .............. 3.7—3.« ......................... ..................... 37—33 Sey-ziSer................ . ................ « )__ 4.1 Q.'<>er ....................... ..................... 4 I—4 3 Chxirm&a The rid .... a v 1 I Total Total IbA fat........................ 10.392. 1919—No. of cows 57 Test Mo. January..................... February................... 4.2— March......................... 4.9—4.9 April.......................... •4.2—4 3 May............................ . 4.3—4.3 June............................ 4 4 — 4 4 July............................ Augwt....................... September................ — 4.9 October..................... November................. . . 5.1—5.3 December................. - - 5.5—5. Total lbs milk .. . 332.021 Total lbs fat .... 14.933.97 - - an incraase of 4.541.20 lbs. fat val . tents average price fc - i. ..I '» Compare the two different years ’?:• and I am sure the figures will convince you that it yay • ? Lav« a pure bred sire at the head of herd One can readily see that the bare bred reused the fat ami milk production and also ■i the guaitty I our Tillamook cheese I' require any more «ffbrt to produce a tug z.Ik than it does a low grade milk and thes » whi :h show yoa that it inereanta your bank ■ v ttferfully I in ottering heifer calves ' f m my grace co»- Scene of these com :• ■> 2>s fa- . d • 4 i very tew below 3j >. They areS . St Mawes R:-ar - R -- f F. •:£ F. i£- We hare been breed.agfi ■. .- r titty years and you are sure o|j - • f 7 .. -elect from this herd -he herd that has - wM this year, produced the larg- se :ti the couaty for any one month izi m s year the herd was divided into two farms: some of the largest checks tbr the two wer 4twenty seven kuadnd). E' ry - z -t. ecme and took the herd :-ve and get first theme DON MEADOWS JERSEY FARM Since 1867 JOE DONALDSON, Plop., Tillamook, Ore tXÄXXXjOTXJCCXJöDIQCii v ry Lcdgv xg the bra; a> -o lb, oooooooaoococcooeoowç*Gc^x :oooo*^ V? WM Political Band Wagon Cibò Sry- s Ogf. W»«a cae ria has fi: ' xj X’ w tn tkas - s ¿z .: ley a heeler w be a an J »ar »t ixxixi.-ixei* cuzce tzyse ■f as 4 . Ci . : - _T J _ ; c - ax ti «ucci: - My «At ? *1 Taceri « Ti izxxk Cauty 1 I Wr Oil.!« Owing to the fact that a Large Vjon the xdT.ee of i la: •amber of tax payers .2. différent .-f Lead-zg citigcan jures of the rxunty have a»xed me to LXTy. I have decided make the race for County Jx-i :e. axd styseM as a candidate bel-evtag that wtth my prev-.oQS ea­ :f County Clerk, subject per.ee .■« in Cotansy r isczesss. I rn jrtjvnl «f the Republican g-xsf .f.ed for the office. I hereby ai­ ‘he X-zi.-.e: to be bead za Ma’- xtanee myself as a rand iute for ti* L nominated and elec vi 1 > I . tnt y Jr ir- s :siW j-xrs the tz' al ¡i. i approval of the RejubLcm v.-ters tie evauag Primary Eiectiw. Htaer Masco. : -if -«?•- xi Tyserj Subscribe for the Tillamook Headlight » the he ClnrC su Mart thereby. -1_S 14 th 5X4 Cci2.Tr. I ir Repct ix '5>j day J. c M- uaa at. •■- ex- î submit my your ecumd. - * : i cax- S.ltu« t Aced and «9« wrt» you -y ami unju.-.uir FIRE-PROTECTION FIRE INSURANCE wixt W m M n • k A a»iw Vexas ns >• ncwuvwt. — --------------- ■:■ .< w. ■ »V. I £ THIS AGENCY OFFERS YOU BOTH. iriwarpSAi brii^stf rd^ mi tic A tid’ FYHFYTFJt IWt k»»w wtacher ■ ' .'wd atr ROLLIE w. WATSON •ÎHE KSUtAXE JUX hllaxwi cm, . . otj SATMUI. BFILDO k