"".LIAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JANUARY 2e. 1020 Public Sale. FEBRUARY 3rd TUESDAY, “TRUE HEART SUSIE” Featuring LILLIAN GISH “BUNKERED” 2 Reel Comedy. GEM THEATRE -------o------ I will sell at public sale the latter part of February, about ,60 head of cows, commonly known as the M. W. Harrison herd. These cows have been in the Association test for the past three or four years and all have made creditable records, some of them on pasture alone have made close to 80 lbs. of butter fat per I month. All of the Cows that were I proven undesirable through the test work or for any other reasons have been disposed of and replaced by de­ sirable young cows. This herd, to­ gether with 15 or 20 head of heifers coming two years old and three reg­ istered herd bulls will be sold. All animals tuberculine tested. If you are in the market for high class cows you can not do better than be in attendance at this sale. Later announcements will furnish full information as to date and terms of sale. F. R. Beals. Tillamook Jersey Cattle Club’s An nnal Meeting. Immediate Delivery on Nash and Overland Cars. The Nash Six with Perfected Valve-in-Head Motor rPHE wide-spread and heavy de- | mand which exists for the Nash Six with Perfected Valve-in-Head Motor but reflects the quality of its performance in owners service. This big and steadily increasing demand is certain proof that this car has more than met the expectations of its owners in practically every community from coast to coast. It has performed and is perform­ ing in a way that creates for its hosts of admirers wherever it is in service. Because of the high character of this performance the Nash Six is now generally reorgnized to be a class leader—to offer an unusually attrac­ tive value at its price. The thousands of Nash Sixes in use have demonstrated conclusively that they do posses the three quali­ ties which owners appreciate most in a motorcar. The Nash Six is unusu­ ally powerful—unusually economical and unusually comfortable to ride in and to drive. Its Nash Perfected Valve-in-Head Motor is now generally accepted as marking a distinct step forward in motor car engineering. The Tillamook Jersey Cattle Club held its annual meeting at the home of F. D. Bester on the 22nd of Jan­ uary. The meeting was preceeded by the usrfal good dinner, for which the “True Heart Susie' ladies of the Club are noted. Forty- AaAßTCßAFT Picture five members and visitors were pres­ ent and all did justice to the be un- teous repast. The meeting was called to order by Clara Kimball Young in "The Claw.” made a net profit of over $65,000.00. F. Blackadar, President, with a few The early training is well worth the appropriate remarks, and the secre­ I tary’s report was read which is in The many admirers of Clara Kim­ effort. substance as follows: ball Young can see her this week at Cash on hand at the beginning of Appearing in the Gem Theatre, Sunday, Feb. 1st., Paramount Stars 1919, $81.87; receipts during the I “Great Expectations.” in one of her most distinctive screen year, $220.63; Total $302.50. Dis- offerings, "The Claw”, her latest Its a long leap from the pages of bursements for the year $226.72. The Select picture. report was accepted and order plac­ The main fiction of the story opens Booth Tarkington’s "Seventeen” i when Mary Saurin, played by Miss ■ Charles Dickens’ "Great Expecta­ ed on file. The following officers were duly Young goes to Africa to visit her tions”, but Louise Huff and Jack brother Dick, and his wife, there she Pickford are nothing, if not versa­ elected: Mark Bays, F. Blackadar, L. Daniels, and meets Major Anthony Kinsella, tile. So the fact that have abandaned Rose Crawford, Mrs. Valetta the uncrowned queen the twentieth century and reverted Theresa Ross, board of directors. VERLAND 4 marks a fundamental advance in motor car construction— President—Joseph Donaldson. of the colony, resents Mary’s coming to the picturesque London of which Vice-President — Theresa Ross the most important improvement in comfort to the passengers and in pre­ the great novelist wrote need occa ­ and when Mary and Kim fall in love Sec-Treas.—Rose Crawford. with each other, her jealously leads sion no surprise to admirers of these serving the chassis from real shocks since pneumatic tires made motoring Morrison Mills, Wm. Maxwell and two youthful Famous Ulayers stars. her to open plotting. possible. The story is one of Synthia Stock- "Great Expectations” will be shown Mark Bays, program committee. Interest in the Jersey bred is daily Its Three-Point Cantilever Springs create a riding buoyancy which estab­ ley’s masterful novels of African life, at the Gem Theatre, Friday, Jan. 30. In this story Mr. Dickens develop­ growing stronger; and when we read it has been admirable adapted for lishes Overland 4 as a new type of car. the screen by Charles E. Whittaker ed two of his most interesting char­ the report of the Fairview Cheese Before the Overland 4 was submitted to the verdict of the public it was acters in Provis, the escaped convict factory, which is known as the Jer- and directed by Robert G. Vignola. subjected to preliminary’ trials covering more than 250,0(H) miles in widely and Miss Havisham, the spinster who sey factory, as nearly all the milk re­ had been deserted at the altar and ceived at this factory ts from the varying climates and road conditions. In high and low altitudes, in rock and who planned to revenge herself upon Jersey cow, we have just cause for Industrial Club Work. sand, in mud and snow and dust, the Overland 4 withstood every ordeal. And all men by having her beautiful ad­ exultation. in so doing, this car established a new standard, not merely of roadability, but The average fat at the factory this apted daughter break their hearts. According to the report of the In­ year is 4.421. of economy. • dustrial Club Work of Tillamook Average price per 100 pounds of County for last year, received by the Gladys Brockwell in New Picture. milk, $3.55 ------ o------ County Superintendent from the Ag­ Average amount of cheece produc­ "Broken Commandments” is the ricultural College, the boys and girls of Tillamook County produced significant title of a new Fox photo­ ed per hundred lb. of milk, 11.96. This report shows that the better $1358.05 worth of various articles, play starring Gladys B rockwell, at a cost of $570.11. leaving a net which will be shown at the Gem quality of milk produced by the Jer­ profit of $784.94. The chief items of Theatre next Saturday. From ad­ sey breed gives both quality and profit were, potatoes, $230.74; gar­ vance reports of the picture It is an quantity. The large quantity of fat dens, $120.09; pigs, $261.20; calves, intense and unusual presentation of incorporated in the cheese produces greeting at all our meetings. “The Lady of Red Butte” will be Presbyterian Church. $96.66, and other smaller items. This of the love of one girl and two men the soft, creamy, delicious product so E. F. Wriggle, pastor. is a good showing, considering we and the tragic results of broken much desired by the public. Many shown at the Gem Theatre next Wed­ Sunday School, 10 a.m. had no regular club work in the commandments in two lives, that tests have proven beyond any doubt nesday, with Thomas Holding as the come at last out of their tangles what the Jersey cow can do as com­ leading man. Morning worship 11 a.m. Subject: county. Nazarene Church Services. •'The Eternal Cross.” Each boy and girl in the various through the nobility of the men and pared with other breeds. First — She makes more cheese, their understanding of the “ new Evening worship. 7:30 p.m. Sub ­ An Open Letter to the Men of Tilla' 10 a.m., Sunday School, Mrs. B. E. projects carefully followed the direc­ ject ‘'Man's Vast Value.” King, Supt. mook. tions of the college, and were re­ commandments.” The story appar­ solids, other than butter fat. Third—It requires lesB of her milk 11 a.m. Preaching by the pastora quired to keep an accurate account ently offers as great promise as any ever shown and with Miss Brockwell to make a pound of cheese. Rev. A. F. Ingler, subject, "The pf all expenses and receipts. Dear friends and brothers: Church Reformed Congregational Fourth—She produces a pound of Prayer of a Dying King, (Isaiah The work that wil lappeal to boys as the star it should be a wholesome e------- The church which I represent is cheese at much less cost. and girls In the county should be thriller. 10 a.m. Sunday School, 11 a.m. 38:1-6." to here to serve the community not Fifth—She produces cheese of a 7 p. m. Peoples service for prayer, half raising, pig raising, dairy herd exploit it. If it is not serving the preaching. Theme: "Divine Princl- song and testimony. much higher quality. Notice. record keeping, and gardening, since Human pies for a Victorious Life ” , Persistency in yield is one of her community It has no excuse for ex­ life will be a success only when bas­ 8 p.m., Evening sermon and appro­ We the undersigned will prosecute this is a dairy county. It is hoped istence. It is also my firm conviction that the various breeders associations all persons found fishing, hunting strong points, and no test shorter that it ought to serve every man and ed only on divine principles, because priate solos. Mid-week service on Thursday at will encourage the future farmers to or trapping on our ranches without than one year can fully demonstrate every interest of every man not af­ life is divine. In contrary It will be the quantity and quality of any breed 7:30 p.m. to which you are cordially our consent. larry on the work. a failure when based on human The patrons of the Fairview Cheese filiated with some other church in principles, however good they may invited. If you are spiritually minded I This work is worth while; the boys Jack Jennings, factory are working in harmony. No the community. It is not now doing |nd girls of Oregon last year through Wm. Elliott, be. The forum of this world Is the you will find food for thought and arguments take place, nod dissatis­ that thing. I want you to help me W. B. Vaughn, Bis work directed by the college battlefield of human life, it is the strength for your soul In these ser- faction exists among them over the solve that problem. I am anxious to C. A. Elliott. gallery of battles. Therefore encount­ vices. six-plus system. Each is satisfied see the church and its relation to ered by countless foes life always is with the Babcock Test, and is will­ this community through your eyes. 59,500 LICENSES ISSUED endangered to be destroyed. Thou­ I am here to be of service, If possible ing to take what his cow actually sands have been defeated by want of to every man in the community, and Motor Vehicle Registration Decks produces for him. knowledge. Strive with us for the At this meeting there was interest­ whatever a man’s fellowship and a Are Cleared. final victory and yours will be the ------- o------- ing talks and discussions relative to pastor’s devotion to his task can do I We have a “Complete” line of Groceries, Flour joy of life. desire to do. Salem., Or.. Jan. 26—The motor the Jersey sale which is to be held at Rev. R. Shuetz, pastor. One way we can serve each other vehicle division of the secretary of the Pacific International Exposition and Feed. Whether you buy all of your goods state’s office today cleared the decks this year, providing, however, that is for you to answer the following from us or only a part of them, you will get the of the congestion following the (in­ enough cattle can be procured to questions candidly and frankly, First Christian Church. -------o------- precedented rush for motor vehido carry on such sale. The growing de­ mailing your replies to me at your same high quality Merchandise and the same We are looking for a very large at­ licenses for the year 1920. mand among dairymen for the Jersey earliest convenience. It is my pur- Here after the department will is- breed is such, that much doubt is en­ pose to use your replies at the even­ tendance at the Christian Bible good service. tertained as to whether enough cat­ ing service February eighth. No School next Lord’s Day at 10 a.m. sue and forward license plates for all i tle can be procured to justify holding names will be mentioned and no con­ To the strangers in our midst, we motor vehicles on the day of the re­ We have some good Merchandise at especially fidences betrayed. urge that you and yours attend the ceipt of the application, provided, the sale . 1—If you are not, why are you not the services. that the applications are In proper It has been decided to hold another low prices. Our regular prices The C. E. societies. Junior and form and are not required to be re­ Jersey Jubilee during 1920, and an a regular attendant at some church Senior are live wires in the right turned to the applicants by reason of effort will be made by the Tillamook service? 2.—What has been the reason giv­ direction. Jersey Cattle Club to have them visit defects. Notice is being sent to the Diamond W Pumpkins, 2'. lbs. cans en by some neighbor or friend for A large number attended mid-week sheriffs of the several counties and Tillamook. Bulk Coffee, 3 lbs. for “A Square Deal to Everyone” is non-attendance? prayer meeting Wednesday evening chiefs of police and marshals of the 3— In what way. In your opinion, and we invite all to attend next Wed­ various towns and cities of the state our motto. No attempt at extrava­ Oregon White Beans gant or spectacular publicity is made can the services of the church be nesday at 7:30 p.m. notifying them that all licenses thus nor does the Club ever attempt to made to appeal more strongly to The church service morning at 11 far requested have been issued, so Small Ivory o’clock and evening at 7:30. We will they may resume their enforcement "put things over" on anyone, that it men? 4— Why does It not now seem to make both services helpful, and will of the provisions of the motor ve- Aunt Jemima’s Pancake Flour cannot stand back of. This is one of appeal to them? the secrets of our success. assure you that you will agree, it is hide laws within thelr respectivo Bulk Macroni 5— What practical phase of social the home-like church, the church jurisdictions. The club will meet next month on the 26th at the farm of Joe Donald­ or institutional work, In your opin­ with a cordial welcome to all. Including today, approximately 59 Argo Corn Starch, 3 pkg. for ion, could be undertaken in thiH com­ son. 500 licenses for passenger and com­ munity by this church that would The Place Where Strangers are Wel­ mercial motor vehicles for the cur­ Whether you are our customer or not, we want rent year have been issued. In addi­ Star is Seen as ‘Faro Fan” in "The appeal to and meet with the co-oper­ come. ation of the men.of the community? tion 1150 motArcycles, 1100 chauf­ Lady of Red Butte.” ------- o ------- you by all means to see the “Heinz” display in Write your replies now before you feurs and 570 dealers in motor ve­ The United Brethren Church. forget it. hicles have been licensed. Approxi­ Dorothy Dalton as “Faro Fan" In our north and the preferred stock display in the Next Sunday morning the pastor mately $1,260.000 has been received Your fellow man, the latest Thomas H. Ince Paramount will begin a series of sermons, on the from these sources, which amount, G. O. Oliver, north window. picture, "The Lady of Red Butte" four foundations on which our after deducting the administration Pastor Methodist Church. has a character which is a strong re­ country rest. He will preach each expenses, will be transferred to the minder of her successful type in Sunday morning on one of these sub­ highway fund to be expended under “The Flame of the Youkon” a play Reformed Church. jects. If you are patriotic come out the direction of the state highway that firmly established her as one of to these series of sermons. commission for road construction and the foremost dramatic actors of the Cor. 4th Ave. and E. 5th Streets. Preaching at 11 a.m. and 7:3 ' p.m. improvements throughout the state. screen. Rev. W. G. Lienkaemper, pastor. Evening subject. "The Man Whose Miss Dalton has had an enviable Sunday School at 10 a.m. Public Hair was a Death Trap." The Spelling Contest. stage and screen career, Her first en- worship at 11 a.m. The pastor will Sunday School at 10 a.m. gagement on the stage was with speak on the crown and pearl of meeting every Wednesday at Prayer i “GOOD GOODS. 8 p.m. Owing to lack of time we were un­ Virginia Warned, in Chicago. After a Christ's parables. "The Parable of Mrs. Frank Freeman will entertain able to get the result of the first couple of season in stock she toured the Prodigal Son." the Ladles' Aid on Thursday after­ spelling contest in type in time for the Orpheum circuit tn a sketch of You are cordially invited to wor­ noon at 2 o’clock. • this week's paper, but will publish It her own writing, “The Smugglers.” ship with us. You will find a warm Christian next week. Lillian Gish ¿> DVGRIFFITM'S Price $1720.00 Tillamook, Ore We are Agent for the Celebrated Nash Truck. See us if you are contemplating buying a Truck, for you want! the Best. OVERLAND 4 O Price $1090 Tillamook, Ore. C. F. PANKOW, Tillamook, Ore. C. 0. &C. M. Dawson