TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. JA-. take an active part in procuring the puzzle any one to determine. sensei - Now lets see who ot the State beat pavilion possible. We are not are “sympeltonians”. advocating either of the associations legislators Fred C. Baker, Editor. —all have their good points, but we When the bill was passed in the do urge every dairyman in the coun­ house 41 voted for it and 6 against, per year $2 00 ty to affiliate with one of them, and five of the latter being Democrat.-, SUBSCRIPTION by doing so will help to make Tilla­ and in the senate 16 voted for and 1- Advertising Ratet. mook famous for its blooded dairy against. three of the latter being democrats. All the democrats in the Display Advts. per inch........... 20c. herds. state legislature voted against the Locals ....................... per line 7c. ------- o------- Readers, with reading matter When William J. Mulligan, chair­ bill, with the exception of one. who per line................................... 7c. man of the Knights of Columbus was absent. It is too bad that the Notices of meetings etc, per line 7c. . committee ou war activities, return- people of Oregon sent so many "sini- I ed to the United States, he said that peltonians" to the state legislature some parts of Europe was spoiled to represent them, for we have al­ i | through America's lavish assistance. ways considered that they were some | That appears to be a surprising of the most intelligent and best class of citizens' from their home counties. While the legislature were desig­ . statement but to most persons it hits But to sum it all up, the editorial I the nail squarely on the head, and it nating state roads Senators Handley in the Enterprise is only the braying , is time to concern ourselves more and Norblad had the highway from of a tnugwamp. the bigoted opinion Seaside via Cannon Beach to Tilla­ about our own domestic affairs than of a crazy preacher and the whine of mook included in the long list. Con­ bother ourselves about other coun- an illiterate editor. struction of this road is now up to , tries. For years and years people have been pestered for money tor the Ar ­ the state.—Wheeler Reporter. The Reporter will have to correct menians and this is liable to be con­ The Seven-Pass«nger BIG-SIX. this. The governor evidently did not tinued for years to come. The time want the state highway commission has come when the Armenians, like A car of 126.inch wheelbase, with C'-horsepowt r Studebaker-designed all other European countries, should to help build this road, so vetoed it. * . Lar , , motor with two-range tivn rnntrp car Rev. E. E. Gilbert, Supt. A ca^' ui .*7 x »V able-head tor with ' be bustling for themselves and not ------- o------- r,:?elo '“Xber. Xi pay up—they are going to lose fine dinner was served by the Ne- wise. What is necessary now Is for The Five-Passenger SPECIAL-SIX. their property and others are going I halem teach rs. everybody to take proper precautions Mrs. Ray Thompson, who is taking to buy it at what it is taxed for. For and keep away from homes, where A car 119-inch wheelbase; with 50-horsepower Studebaker-designed treatments in a Salem hospital, is there is influenza. There is one thing the most part the delinquent tax­ and Studebaker-built demountable-head motor; improved carburetor home for a short visit. She will re ­ that is absolutely necessary to pre­ payers are speculators, those who turn in a few- days. have platted beach property or form ­ with "hot-spot ” intake manifold; cowl lights at corners of windshield;out­ vent the spread, and that is a strict The recent rains have raised the side and inside door handles; tonneau light with extension cords; 32 x 4 quarantine of all flu cases. It *111 ed land companies for the purpose of not be out of place to repeat what unloading at a big profit. It is not, rivers so that the logging companies we said about influenza wheu it surprising when banks have loaned can easily float their logs down. made its appearance in the county money on this class of property, that Gustis camp has had 1.500.000 feet before. It is this; It you come down they should become anxious when of logs ready for some time, waiting with the flu. go to bed. send for a they i see taxes have not been paid on for this rise. It's an ill wind doctor and do not venture out of that kind of property for several blows nobody good. Miss Josephine Reohnier left last doors until you are good and well, years, i, for they know that foreclos- for so many persons died because ure proceedings will be brought at Tuesday for home in California, after they left their homes before they some time. There is this much to be a year's stay in Nehalem with Mrs. paper to properly report the meeting, (Mr. Rowe) was loudly cheered. bigger Nehalem Valley is pl. and as our space is limited we can were fully recovered. Dr. Boats in­ said about those who have platted Mary Effenberger. G. B. Nunn, of the Wheeler Re­ seen just ahead of us, and we especially along forms us that the city hall will again beach property. A fare* ell party was given in hon­ only mention a few of the "silver porter, who had been busy all the even snuff the breeze , as one me turned into an emergency hos­ Garibaldi beach, it was a case where or of Josephine Reohmer last Mon­ tongued” orators who followed Dr. evening pushing his pencil over a when a storm approaches on a . pital, should the disease spread, and little money was invested for im­ day night in the Union hall at Ne­ Gilbert. First came that live wire, piece of paper, was called upon for a sas prairie. as there will be a »carcity of nurses, provements, the idea being to sell halem. Games were played and a fine Atty. Joe Mannix. of Tillamook City, short (?) talk and addresed the boys the chairman of the Red Cross has lots and get rid of them as soon as feast was served. Every body went who thrilled his audience with his on the value of a local county paper. Hold Up At Brighton Camp. fiery denunciation of the Bolsheviki’ He, too, get very interested, and ex­ been in telegraphic communication possible, It the beach property own- away having had a good time. o whom he picked up bodily and threw with the Wester Division at Seattle ers and the land company specula- ceeded the time limit, and hid to be Bud York was called to McMinn­ On Saturday evening, along a to procure nurses should their ser­ tors had paid their taxes, it would ville on account of the death ot his into the middle of the Atlantic ocean. called by Mr. Toastmaster. But "Ye nine o’clock Brighton logging < vices be needed. We do not think have been quite different, for we are eight months' old son. where it has No home here for them said the Editor." had the last word. No. 4 had a bold up. With his there should be any serious alarm, safe in saying that there are more been sick the past week. Everybody speaker. Great applause greeted the Rev. Shafer, pastor of the Method ­ speaker. however, because another flu wave delinquent taxpayers in Tillamook is sorry to hear the sad news. ist church in Bay City, made a fine covered with a handkerchief, county of Sheriff Campbell was on the scene address about this time. Mr. Shafer with a revolver in his hand, a hit the county. What is wanted is County than in any other I Bert Gresham and wife transacted to see that the enthusiasm aroused intelligent handling of flu cases. No Oregon. To those who do not know is a recent arrival from Kansas, hav­ entered one of the bunk houses business in Tillamook last week. the facts, the formidable delinquent by such a meeting did not get out of doubt there will be those who con­ ing been in Oregon only about three made two of the loggers "pony Mrs. D. M. Adams, of Tillamook, bounds, and when called upon, made tend that they have colds and will tax lists of recent years give a decid­ months. He has only words of praise which they did. one of the log handing oyer a 320.00 gold pie« not report their cases or send for a edly wrong impression of Tillamook spent a few days with Mrs. D. C. a few appropriate remarks, and then J for the people and the state. County, and brings it into bad re ­ Peregoy. of this city. very gracefully sat down. doctor, until the case becomes ser­ the other 35.00, and it is repc At this juncture ' Hick, ” the toast ­ pute. And in answer to this we want H. S. Brimhall, principal of the master. addressed the audience on that the robber obtained other i Mrs. Edna White returned last lous. This is one way in which the disease can spread and jeopardise the to say. outside of the beach property Thursday from Seaside, where she Nehalem public school, came next on the purpose of the meeting. "He is amounts. After the hold up the the program and becoming so en- anxious to make his sojourn in this ber took to the railroad track, w lives of others, and where these cas­ and land companies, the taxes are attended the funeral of her sister. es exist, citizens who know of them, closely paid up. there being only a Henry Tohl. Sr., is quite sick with thused, exceeded the time limit, and valley of the greatest possible good,” two loggers were talking. They few delinquent taxpayers in Tilla ­ should lose no time in reporting pneumonia and his relatives are had to be called by the toastmaster. he said, and this can only be brought ticed that the man was in a i Rev. G. O. Oliver. Methodist min­ about by a closer relationship and a hurry and threw a search light them to the county health officer Dr. mook City. A delegation from Gari­ worried about his condition. Dr. baldi beach waited on the County ister, of Tillamook, now took the Boats, or the city health officer. Dr. Court previous to the budget being Rinehart of Wheeler is attending floor and held the audience spell­ stronger brotherhood. When the mat­ him, when the robber fired at t! Hoy. ter was presented, to make the meet­ several times, but fortunately prepared and wanted an appropria­ him. bound fifteen minutes, talking ing a permanent thing in the valley, shots went wild. Suspicion was 1 Mrs. Victor Brandt arrived from tion of 620.000 for road improve­ on the subject. “The unit within the it was carried unanimously and an­ tered on one man in the camp, There Is not the least doubt that ments along the beach, and one Portland Tuesday, being called here Organization.” Rev. Oliver is a for­ other meeting was called for Thurs­ nothing was found on him to 1 the Holstein. Guernsey and Jersey speaker even had the gdll to say by the illness of her father. Henry ceful speaker and his statements cut day. Feb. 5, at wnich time a per­ cate that he waq^be hold up. It associations are going to bring about that the county court was taking the Tohl. Sr. like a two edged sword. manent organization will be effected Monday morning before sheriff C a revolution In the dairy herds of tax money along the beach and us- Arthur Vosburg. president of the Everybody is cordially invited. pbell wajs advised ^nd it is supp Tillamook County. There are live ing it else where, where as it was the A GREAT MEETING AT NEHALEM Wheeler Lumber Company, was next The banquet was prepared by the that the man was out of the cou wires in all three associations, and otherway about. With -uch a large the most progressive dairymen of amount of money owing on the 1918. Brim Full of Pep. Vim and Enthu­ introduced and spoke in favor of a Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Church, by that time. The Reason that closer relation and a stronger broth­ the county have joined them. We as well as previous tax rolls, the and served by th* joung ladies of the sheriff was not notified protni siasm from Start»to Finish. erhood. Through the influence of Mr. Epworth League. think it is of Just as much interest county county was because the loggers at the cal should enforce the ------- o------ Vosburg the Wheeler Lumber com­ The expense of the whole affair thought they had the man spotti to the dairymen of this county to collection of these taxes as soon as The largest mens’ get-together pany donated 31.500 worth of lum­ affiliate with one of these associa- possible. The list that we are now born- by the Methodist church which did not turnout as suspected meeting ever held in this part ot ber to the new Methodist Church in of Nehalem. That feed wou'.a do hon­ lions as it is to affiliate with a publishing is for the 1913 tax roil, Tillamook county was held in the K. Wheeler That is the kind of help cheese association, and we want to and the 1914. 1915, 1916. 1917 and F. hall here last Friday night. Jan. that counts. Next came banker Frank or to anything ever served In Port­ Announcement. land. Oregon, and reflect- great cred­ impress it upon the minds of every 1918 are much larger, which will 23 Every interest in the Nehalem Rowe, who also jumped upon the — o dairyman in the county to get into give those who pay their taxes some it on the kind cf hands of those who I hereby announce myself a <* Valley was represented at the meet­ poor "Bolsheviki with his red flag,” labored so dilligently to prepare it one of the-«* associations, and in do­ idea of the delinquent tax lists, and ing. The fellow responsible for the and with a right hand swing landed didate for the office of County Tr ing so it will wonderfully help weed it will no doubt surprise them to A vote of thanks was tendered the meeting was Rev. H. J. Hickerson, on the boor peast's left jaw and urer of Tillamook County, on out the scrub cattie and replace know that the delinquent taxes on or rather plain "Mr. Hickerson." knocked him clear over the ropes. He mother- and -heir daughters for the Republican ticket. I ‘ine banquet dinner. A brighter and them with registered stock. We do these six t»x rolls amount to over pastor of the Methohdist church at Alexandria Reck. not think it is hot air w hen one pre­ 8 7 5. OOP. Wheeler and Nehalem. dicts that in a tew years Tillamook The desire of Mr. Hickerson is to county dairymen will be receiving as WHO'S THE SIMPLETON ? promote a greater and stronger ------ o — much money from blooded stock as brotherhood among the men in Shis from cheese. There are three distinct The State Legialature oi the Illiter­ entire valley. Both these thriving breeds for dairying herds—Holstein. ate Editor-Preacher I little towns have many interests in Guernsey and Jersey—and the dairy, So------- common, and if every fellow in this men are about equally divided as to This is an editorial that is taken whole valley understood bis brother • the merit» of these breeds, so it is from the Nestucca Valley Enterprise, better, he would love him more, and almost unreasonable to expect that published at Cloverdale and edited a greater success and prosperity eventually all the dairymen will by Rev. R. Y. Blalock, and It is a would come to everybody in the agree iipan one breed Hence the need crack«'rpack for illiteracy: brotherhood. The influence of such of three breeders' associations. and "Some of the members of the legis­ an organisation would be far reach­ the need of an up-to-date pavilion at lature showed that they were sytu- ing and in fact would know the new fair grounds as the center of peltonians. Instead of Oregonians in bounds. their activities. Everybody was high­ passing the stretght party tallot bill Covers were laid for seventy-five ly delighted with the stock show at We are glad we have a sane Gove­ persons and nearly every one was the county fair last year. and. no rn'r to knock out their fooiihness." taken Mr. Hickerson was toastmast­ doubt, the associations will do better It was certainly some simpleton er and introduced Rev. E E. Gilbert. this year. There are about 800 dairy­ who planned and published this ed­ Supt of the Salem district, of the men in the county, and if these as­ itorial and »ho butchered the Eng­ Methodist Episcopal Church Dr. Gil­ sociations had the backing and sup­ lish language Will the preacher de­ bert addressed the men assembled on port of aU dairymen tn the county fine what is the meaning of words the 'Brotherhood of Men" and made they could and would make a stock spoiled like this, for no dictionary one of the finest and most telling d-spL-j that would be a revelation, contains them. Sympeltonians" addressee ever delivered In this coun­ These associations are interested in must mean that the fellow who wrote ty. It was the speaker's first visit to having a stock pavilion at the fait it must be somewhat an ignoramus, Nehalem and the talk that he gave ground that will be a credit to “straight" has a crooked look, the that evening will keep every llstner the county, and here. too. Is where sane “govanor" has an insane sound the rest of his entire life. every dairyman in the county should and what "fooiihness means would It would take a whole page of this CiUamnuk «eaùliçht. Editorial Snap Shots. Nehalem Notes The Five-Passenger SPECIAL-SIX inch cord tire PRICES ON APPLICATION See GEO. WILLIAMS, Dealer ‘S IV• 1 meru s a Sold by Standard Feed Co., Tillamook, Agent. i