ILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JANUARY 2ö. 1920. What the c Editors Say ------- FURTHERING FARMING ITH even greater interest and activity than ever before (if that’s possible) the FIRST NATIONAL BANK is going to back the business of farming during 1920. Whether yours be general farming-, stock raising or dairying- our co-operation will fit YOUR needs too. W “ Nationalized ” Account. DIRECTORS : A. W. Bt'NN. Farmer. il JOHN MORGAN. Partner. L\ B. C. LAMB, Building Material. P. HEISEL, Parmer. C. J. EDWARDS. Mgr. C. Power'co. W. J. RIECHERS. Vicc-Pre». and Mgr. The First National Bank TILLAMOOK. OREGON. - THE STANDARD SERVICE STATION Will Open on or about FEBRUARY 1st At the corner of 2nd Ave. E. and First | Street. Up-to-date equipment at your service. or ever seriously ^riPPlb the Repub­ lican party in Oregon, no body be­ lieves for a minute that Senator Walter Pierce, Democratic candidate for Governor, would have fought It to its last ditch and even wept when it passed the senate. As a matter of fact the straight j party ticket would have absolutely no effect on intelligent independent voting. The Republican cadidates ar« In one column and the democratic candidates are in another column. Any republican wishing to vote for a Democrat can easily do so by putting a cross after his name in the hodge­ podge column scheme now in use. This writer for fifteen years voted a ballot on which it was possible to vote a straight party ticket if one wanted to and he has seen so many election ballots counted that he is positive that no Intelligent voter is detained from "scratc|iing” his tick­ et if he wants to. The minority party always advocated the confusing bal­ lot now used in Oregon. The only reason for it is that in the confusion of hunting out the names as they now appear, the minority party has a fifty-fifty show on the errors made which will swell their vote. The chances for more errors on the part of the majority party is guaranteed by the fact that they have more vot­ ers. And that is absolutely the sole and only reason a minority party, re­ gardless of which party it is, advo­ cates making it impossible to vote a straight party ticket. It is an outrage that man who wants to vote a straight party ticket is prevented from doing so by law unless he takes an expert into the booth with him as many voters must now do or take their chances. The straight party ballot also en­ ables the voter to finish voting much more readily and makes the count­ ing easier for the judge s-—enabling them to cotlnt nearly twice as fast. There is not a single ligitimate ar­ gument against such a ballot which the governor has vetoed under the allegation that it effects a “sweeping change.”—Gazette Times. I 2525a5a525Z5a525ï5ï!5Z5HSE5B52525a5Z5BS25H5Z5BS25H525HSZ5E525a5a5ZSH5B52S Stradivara Phonograph Ln p K I The legislature refused to give the people another opportunity to vote on the 6 per cent limitation law and decide whether they wished to cofi- tinue it after a demonstration that under changed conditions since its adoption it is a detriment instead of a benefit. Incidentally, in refusing to resubmit the law the Senate ad­ ru Ln vanced no suggestions as to how pub­ L lic expense can be kept from advanc­ Í ing more than 6 per cent a year Ln fU when the cost of about everything H the public must buy has advanced Ln nJ 100 per cent more.—Independent. Ln rd ------- o------- Ln ♦ nJ ♦ I Senator Vinton who cast the decid­ ing vote in the senate for the pas­ sage of the straight election ticket { s measure says that it is optional with Ln the voter whether he votes a ri straight ticket but it gives the j rd Ln i i i i i I a i i it • i »i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i «4. i i » « ii t I i • • straight party man whether Demo­ rd in crat or Republican an opportunity to rd SOLD BY 'n cast a straight ticket by making a nJ ri ri mark in the circle at the head of the ri Lr ticket. He emphasizes it as not a C scheme to kill the Australian ballot ri TILLAMOOK. ORE. system, but to assist party men to vote their ticket straight for every candidate of their party.—News Re­ porter. ------- o------- More kaiser propaganda is afloat in Germany. As showing how chast­ ened is the German spirit the follow­ ing parody on the Lord’s prayer is being circulated by postcard all over that country: “Our Father, who art the German spirit, blessed be thy name, return to thy empire. Our will is consecrated to the uow and in the future. Give us our daily bread and freedom. Forgive us our debt, and set straight our tormentors. Lead our folk not into temptation, but de­ liver them from night and death. Give them again the empire, strength ji in in ni ill in « « m in in in in m mi hi hi hi hi hi hi in and glory, for all eternity. Amen.”— Telephone Register. ------- o------- Peace, final and complete, was thus made between Germany on the one hand and Great Britian, France, Italy, Japan, Belgium. Brazil—oh, School Notes. ------- o—•— yes, and Gautemala, Siam, Czecho­ This week marks the end of the slovakia and sundry other powers— on the other. But bjl the impervious first semester for the local schools. nli in in in in « ni in m mi * » ■ « in n in in in r in in iir will of Woodrow Wilson it was not In the high school and upper grades made between Germany and the the latter part of this week is given United States of America. He who over to the fall examinations. The second semester will begit^ “kept us out of war” was equally successful in keeping us out of peace Monday, February 2nd, grade pupils “We Deliver the Goods.” He has failed to attain the eminence will return to their old grades at 9 he sought,—and for which he was a.m., where they will be given re­ ready to sacrifice the integrity of his port cards. Those promoted will then country,—as “President of the pass to their new rooms where they will be given lists of text books and World.”-—Harvey's Weekly. supplies needed for the semester. ------- o------- • “The year which we have passed They will be dismissed early to en­ through has been 365 days of worry able them 10 secure these in the fore- and anxiety. Every day brought in­ , noon. The regular session of school creased expenses and new troubles ‘ will be held in the afternoon. GARDEN TRACTOR to overcome, but it has been good to ' Another class of beginners will be live. Never in the short space of enrolled at this time. Children who twelve months have there been so are to enter school for the first time many epochal events crowded into should be sent to Mrs. Burge in the 535,600 minutes. • Nineteen-nineteen grade building at 9 o’clock. Pupils was a year among years. Germany ! who are not six years of age cannot got slammed in the slats; Dempsy ■' be admitted this semester. No be­ It will Plow, Harrow anti licked Willard before they entered ginners will be admitted to the 1st Cultivate. It will haul the ring; Americans flew across the ' B. grade after the second Monday of Horse Lawn Mowers, Carts, the semester, February 9th. Atlantic in less time than a sub­ Wagons. Mowing Machines, marine could back across; Sir John Barleycorn was sent to the hospital etc. It will run your Pump, Notice to Contractors. with no hope of an early convales­ Cream Separator, Churn, cence; the shimmy dance was buried Sealed bids will be received by the Washing- Machine, Feed with its clothes on; a pound of sugar board of directors of school district or newsprint was worth more than a No. 22, Cloverdale, Oregon, 2 p.m. Grinder, Corn Shelter, Cir­ peck of diamonds. In general it was Feb, 10, 1920, for the erection and cular Saw, etc. It trots a h------- of a year." Clearfield (Pa.) i completion of a public school build- from job to job under its Progress. I ing, according to plans and specifi- own power. I cations prepared by Charles H. Burg- PRICE There was held a banquet in Con­ graf, architect, Albany, Oregon. All With One Row Cultivator necticut the other day and a number bids must be accompanied by a certi­ of bright men and ugly women sat fied check payable to "School Dist. down to eat. A more liven- bunch No. 22, Cloverdale, Oregon.” for the had never met, and all restraint was sum of $200.00, as a guarantee that F.O.B. PORTLAND. thrown to the goats. There was the contractor will furnish an ap­ among them a shining pate, which proved surety bond equal to 50 per is the index if a smiling mind. Some cent of the contract within ten days fool people think a bald head is a after the awarding of the contract. tender subject, not to be referred to All bids must be made out on especially in the company of young blank proposals for the same, Blanks Paints, Oils, Glass, Hardware, Doors and women, say the Ohio State Journal. furnished upon application by the Windows, Wall Paper, Crockery, We know a man who cultivated a clerk or architect. Plans and speci­ long lock of hair which he combed fications may be seen at County over his dome to hide his baldness, School Superintendent's office, Tilla­ Let us demonstrate to you the value of this won­ and that old fashioned habj) he kept mook, Schcool Clerk’s office, Clover­ up for a long time, and all the while dale, or at Architect’s office. derful little machine. We will do so at any time. he seemed to have a miserable little The successful bidder will be re­ sorrow on his mind. But one day he quired to give references and an ap­ whacked off the. little lock and came proved bond equal to 59 per cent of out in burnished dome before the the amount of the contract. H5Z525S5H5esaS2S?5H5252525'd5H525H5'H5a5H5HSH5a5E5HSaSZ5BSliS2Sc!52525H5H5H5 folks. He’s been happy ever since. The board reserves the right to His bald head makes him so. We reject any and all bids. sometimes think that man with great By order of School Board No. 22. shocks of hair are peculiarly miser­ J. L. Burke, Chairman, I able. But they ought not dispair for J. T. Moore, Clerk. some day they will be_ balder and wiser than they are now— there is Bryan for example. — Willamina *The Department of Labor says prices are going up. the Department times. of Justice says they are going down and the people generally have their The Straight Party Ballqt, minds made up as to tyhere both de­ ------ o------ It is peculiarly significant that all partments can go in the matter of NEXT TO WILLARD SERVICE the furore raised against the pro­ solving the h. c. of 1. ------- o------- posed straight party ballot comes Vice President Marshall says there from the Democratic and Mugwump are time when the people in finding newspapers. The Medford Tribune assumes that a solution of the nation’s problems the law was passed solely for the must fall back to Holy Writ. Then benefit of the Republican party and there are times when they swallow something like the "he kept us out it can scarcely contain itself. "Imagine the G. O. P. state sena­ war” platform, which is wholly rot. ----- o-------- tors thinking for a moment that the straight party ticket bill would help Governor J. J. Cornwell, of West Phone 32. the Republican party in Oregon! Virginia, says that the people of this Great Pete! It is that sort of bone- country have "three time within my headiftm that has almost killed it.” memory turned away from the Re­ If the Portland Journal, the Salem publican party in disgust." But Journal and the Eugene Guard real­ twice after turning away they have ly believe down in their hearts that realized that they made a poor trade, such a bill would kill the Republican and are just now awaiting for the party, everybody who knows any­ third chance to show that they really thing at all knows they would be its didn't know what disgust was until most earnest advocates. If the they experienced a Democratic ad­ straight party ticket bill would kill ministration. Phone Main 73. The Sweatest Tone Phono­ graph made. Plays all records of their best without the harsh metallic sound found in so many. t B tq H ri ri ri B BI B ri ri § KOCH & BENNETT. NOTICE. The Tillamook Transfer Co. is now I under the sole management of J. P. Ma giimis. We are equipped to handle Brayage of any Kind, anywhere. Z For 'Wood, Coal or Drayage ' Z CALL Z Z TILLAMOOK TRANSFER CO.Z LIBERTY TEMPLE. EEMAN Kuppenbender’s Grocery THE ONE-HORSE TRACTOR the PREFERRED STOCK STORE. j I We recommend PRFERRED STOCK BRAND goods because these home wiles who have used them tell us that they never fail. We are here to give you this line at the lowest possible price. Come and investigate for your self. We have specials every week, that are real articles of value. We make special prices on large orders in case lots. Come in and see us. Write or phone. We have both phones. Free Delivery in the City. $325.00 It’S It. H. L. PR0V00ST, Bay City, Ore. | BAYOCEAN SHEET METAL WORKS, | TILLAMOOK, ORE. j I Dr. E. L. Glaisyer, | VETERINARIAN, I County Dairy Herd Inspector | BELL, PHONE, MAIN 3 MUTUAL PHONE Sd5a5HS2S2S2SHS2SBS2S2SaSasa5aSZS25ZS25B5HSHS25H525H52Sï5S5a5ï52S?S25252 After President Wilson's letter to th^Democratic national committee urging that an un-Americanized league of nations be made the cam­ paign issue in 1920 the band played “Hail, Hail, the Gang’s all Here." The “gang” may be all there on the proposition., but the people, it will discover when the returns are in, have taken a leave of absence, as Col. Bryan gently warned the 'gang'. The New York Times joins the be­ wildered John Sharpe Williams in wondering what is the matter with the United States Senate. The trouble wtth It is that so many of the mem­ bers use their own brains and con­ sciences in the consideration of pub­ lic questions Instead of getting their views hand-me-down from the White House, as the New York Times habitually does. ii | FIRST CLASS PLUMBING Todd Bldg. | I | ¡3 BAY CITY DRUG CO. Entire New Stock of Candies. New Syrups. Come and See Ç.H. JONES TRADING COMPANY BAY CITY, OREGON. Fruit, Groceries and Campers’ Supplies, Dry Goods and Gasoline.