■1'1 V. • — ^»’ **• r' • ’’M “*'* I K1* -i] TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT jANUAEY 29, 1920 t Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. 0. 0. F. MICKIE SAYS Bldg, Tillamook. Oregon. f *IHtU siOUXIC ssmy out ' A BUNCH O' StAtCMÊNtS -to otatAtuf sukteamtas ano nou o «T f uJONOsaiM' tn fHtl'u. PAN ANX AltaN. ■ftON to T h SM at A cu , ‘ n T win Y nsjo is Y hbcs o an s LAfea Nou oav « n t* 015 A UOTIA P«16Nt>VN L6TTER5 VSlTH CHECKS 'N OOAtTS IH 'EH, OH.BOM» AtN't |5 A ÚUAMP AMO QVOA VOUS PKlIN ■ * r, I K Counter Sales Books—Order your Sales Books from W. F. Baker, agent Pacific Sales Book Co. Cail «8 Headlight. Dr. W E. Lebow—Dentili with Dr. wise. CATCHY New Use for Photography. The gas meters In New York are to be read by ph’Hograph. Meter reader» employed by tire gas company will be equipped with small cameras which fit over the indicator on the meter. By pressing a button light is thrown on the dial nnd exposure made, showing the amount of gas consumed since the last photograph. SONG Reopening Irish Copper Mines. The old copper mines of Ardmore, tn County Waterford. Ireland, are to start working again. Engineers »tate that the cliff still possesses rich lodes of copper ore. and the Drumm hin» have workable deposits of coal, It t» proposed to start work at once with 500 men. REPUBLIC PUWER ROLLS à HAND PLAYED 4 ^SINGING & DANCING Call at the Palm Confectionery and hear them played on the new •'Euphona" Player Piano. This wonderful instrument will be a revelation to you. The Jury of Awards at the Pana­ ma-Pacific International Expo sition awarded a Gold Medal and Blue Ribbon to the makers of this maivlous INNER-PLAYER Could any indorsement be strong­ er? Sold on reasonable monthly payments. Tillamook Headlight’s Trade Mart. One cent a word per issue. j Singer Agency—H F Cook, Prop. . * Erg» and Babv Chicks for sale John Hoffman. Tillamook. Ore. Meh. 25 Easy for Papa. Little Joe’s father had died after the funeral Joe called his moth- “Minims. where is er and asked dear.' his daddy?" "In heaven, dear." ntamnia repliod. Joe exclaimed : “Oh. pee. ain't that nice; he can see all the ball pan es free.”—Chicago Amer­ ican. Puzzled at Sink’s Thirst. My little daughter, after watching me pour a bucket of water into the sink and seeing it disappear, said: "Oh. daddy, does the »Ink »ink i drink water. too F—Chicago American. ~3 '/¿th n For Rent—Dairy ranch near Monte- sa.o. Wash. Address owner, C. W. Miller. 222 E. First Street. Aber­ deen, Wash. F-5. Spam Warta Cotton, To encourage cotton raising in Spain the governai t will give cash priaes to the f --et: -n and laborers who T>ost distinguish themselves in ita cultivation. Leland B. Erwin Drawer M County Representative. For Sale—Six room house and bath room with bath, toilet and lavitory. Tor Sale. Quarter block of lard, cement walk and paved streets both sides, ce­ Registered Holstein Bull Calf, born ment drive to garage. Garage 12 by Nov. 14. 1S19. Ills Dant Lady Ruth 20 ft. large enough for large car Payne: Sire. Hollywood LiT.th Korn- or truck ar.d room enough for work dyke. was sold at the J W. Pomeroy bench besides. Four large shade trees. A property on the main s*le, July 25. 1S19. for >3,0 O vO His Dam s ' day record Milk. 440 Tbs.; etreet of the city and a property butter. IS.*2 lb».: per cent fat 4 02. that will increase tn value S.mat­ at Jr. two year old. ed on corner of 2nd Avr Eeast and Hts Sire’s Dam < day record: Milk Kighih street. One third purchase 63$.75 lbs.; Butter 32.$2 lbs. percent price down, payments on balance. Sec the owner. Smithy at the Var­ fat 4.25. i Further particulars and price en- iety Store. \ i For Sale—Berkshire Boar, two Hillsboro. Oregon. brood eons and s shoots. Also two single units Sharpies Milking Ma­ "Litt Your Property With Ü»." chine Erwtn HarrlMtn. 2 We can sell vour farms I a • j k To Be Expected. "The doctor pronounced it s esse of xn’o-intoxication." "I don't wonder with the supply I saw ruder the back seat of Lis car” NO’»y Eruption, From * story: “Tells of 5oy Arte- Maned up h:s throat”—£w«t.« Trat. kempt. Are You Insured? M PETERSEN A SONS Realtors. For Sale—First class SO acre dairy ranch, sixty acres best river bot­ Grand Rondt Yamhill Co . Oregon tom. twenty acres go.>d up-land. Affiliated with members of the In­ Two miles south of Dllatnwok on terstate Realty AssocaDou of the paved highway. Well improved Pacific North West. License No. farm, good buildings, high-produc­ 11S6 Telephone Grand Ronde Cen­ ing cows All low lands well tiled tral. X'lty water piped in house, alsxi barns, garden and fields If you want a farm that pays. *oe us at once Will consider a small place It it is MEAT you want intrade as part payment—John A ■ • SANITARY MARKET. For Sale—457 acres of the best dairy land tn Grays Harbor. Washington. l-racttcaUy all cleared and under cultivation B.g barn, two g has a good araortment ot sihgbtiy tired Moves on band »I ch will be wold at a great reduci ion. * F ot Bair or Trade-—2 «»re» with 5 flat» above, ste*. hew.cA J J mia. r»de from heart of iW cuy c! Port­ land Enquire K E Kock. Cruc­ cisi. Tillamook i '■! J Miscel ineous AdverUsaoats. Th Wise—Hratist Lost a Belt fren Ore roo* L Grrrxrsf * pÄV.’.'l grey Fender please loare warne at the HcadLgh; office. Ke.ard W’t.red The rempli tr rea: hall of •Vri running gvsr, incbuding Mrttt wad whreK W R Hags A»' City. Ore. F it With a Reserve Fund of S8,356,000 offers secure Benefits as fol- lows : I i Your» tor Quality and Quantity. \Ve give 5 per cent Dis count for Cash whole oi mired car lota Grain hay. dover hay. Cheat. Straw and Alfalfa . Carlton Elevator a Mill Corporation. Carl­ ton. Oregon 4 •V IF NOT THE WOODMEN OF THE WORLD THE Giant of the West trv the Ebinger. Amounts» Ages us-.ve 25.: »1(00 »2(00 S 3000 2.05 16 to.22 35 TO 1.35 2 20 22 to 25 40 1.45 T5 1.6» 3.30 26 to 2» 40 $0 l.Tfi 2 55 30 to 31 45 65 » ~ A NO KNUT AK? LOSS OF BLOOD 32 te 33 45 »0 1.6» Nc Piasttr* and Path» fen Hot?» 34 to 25 50 1 »0 2.65 »5 1.00 3 0» 2 05 36 50 Or IHyi. 3.2» 105 2.15 ST 55 TUX OKS PILES. FISTULA GOTTKE 3 40 36 to <0 60 3.25 1.15 DISEASES OF WOMEN 41 60 1.2» 3 55 2.35 Fcur '. S: isdy ir. Ei.-. pe 42 65 1.25 2.50 3.70 Over thirty years expcrienee 43 65 1.30 2 60 3.»0 1 35 4 4 TO 2.7» 4 05 Portland Phyvi.nù Therapy Labara- 2 SO 45 to 46 TO 1.4» 4 20 tanea 412 la 417 Jaimal BuMn< <7 T5 1 45 2.05 4 40 Porùasd Orrçcs X»5 4« T5 1.5» 4 55 40 60 1 60 3.15 4 75 50 65 1.65 4 »0 3 25 Multiply above rates by 12 and you have the roar fot oire ------ o Te thè foregoing aed kf cent* per moa-h fot camp dues which gire# yc»u ali ihe primiere* and benefit« c4 a fraterr.aJ orWaaUsaUaax. CANCER Bay City Garage. Tbew rate» are far lower tba» fot *XkM Lane” inmraxe Tkis order ha* beo« .» exiwtemce noarly SS ywars and ewery daini te prcnaptly pud Jo-.a no» and belp hcost thè Die- :r»cs Onvratm wkich »ili he beli in Tl’lamook thè ;k rd week of May. Wheeler Garage * Answered the Pur pass. The assignment In the English eom- position class at Scipio was the 1 up- plying of the feminine equivalent term when the teacher gave out the tnas- cullne term. All was going lovely, duke with the answer duchess, mar- quts and marchl’Hte**. but "lord" brought no answer until Johnnie stum­ bled « hi to his answer out of his every­ day vocabulary—“lordy." Admission A befer henry piana for the samt mai Cora* M ush - Heun Tblh.mx.’k. NOME TOWN hELPSfeJ ■ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5th “Wolves of the Night William Fox Special ¡Production Featuring Sa; Gem Sorre Communiti»» Seem to Forget How Vital Are Bu»in«w Ent»'- prites to City’s Growth. WILLIAM FARNUM. A','-Massive Out-of-Door Production. Dr last 1 Contrast the intelligent employment 'or present ..pi’irtunlties iu certain | communities with the lack-of-j’lan situ­ ation in mo»t cities. Contrast it. if you will, with the attitude of an Ind.ana city which found not long t. . that one ch ef in­ dustry of the community, a glass fac­ tory. would likely move beeaJ-e the I supply of natural gas. «1. • h had at- I tracted the factory in the first place. was about to fall. In the gas-b’Kiui days the commo- nfty had sunk gas wells and bad in­ vited this factory to come. But the old spirit S’X'n died, in ! no effort was made to get additional gas or the ad­ ditional factories which would have ! resulted. And when the glass manufacturer I found the supply failing two or three I years ago, he appeared to be about 1 the only person in the community wbe was particularly concerned. There was some vagrant talk of the possi­ bility of finding some additional nat­ ural gas. But nothing was done about it until the tnanufa.“urer himself de­ cide,'. that rather than move his home, he would take a chance on a new well. He found gas and Is «till there, though not through the enter; rise of the city, which would apparently have allowed him to move rather than bestir Itself. And even now there is no movement for sinking additional wells, though ths experteneq Ind ate» that »•: I wells might reasonably be expected to pey —From The Nation's Business. > Bo Lar» Loi inori A < Cliff, Bo Blair ADULTS, 25c. CHILDREN, 15c. . Come early. Box office opeus at 6 30 Yo Dem CEM THEATRE N. tram week L. tränt Tue» Mr in 1 trien FLOUR ! FLOUR : FLOUR ! FLOUR ! \\ e have several thousand Sacks of Flour are going to sell at a price that is below the WHOLESALE PRICE, this comodity has advanced Eighty Cents a barrel, we have placed a Special Price on the following well known brands of Hit Snow Drift - $3.10 per Sack. 3 25 Olympia No Greater Mistake Than Neglecting 3.50 9 Crown Attention to the Needed Pathways 360 M10W Drifted Between Buildings. ♦ 2 WALKS OF MUCH IMPORTANCE fs 1$ ,e 2 J. J I at I th I » t PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Cht Ilan r th IV. ‘ a rtli rhe lelii [luv he < kgr a pt Itin ►he fag Co t k bet km te ' Tillamook - - - "^-OirgJ* Surg-eon S. P. Co. OBERT H. McGRATB I. U. O. F Bldg ) T illamock COVNSELIXIR-AT LAW. • Oregcn TILLAMOOK. OREGON. -p H GOYNK DR J. E. SH.EAREB ATTORNEY AT-LAW Office O pposite ; C ovri DR A. C. CRAlt 1 ¡l9k T illaisook Drs. Shearer & Crank Medical & Surgery. National Building. Tillamook - - - Oregon O. tgon ■^^TEBSTER holmes \ ATTCtRXj.Y-AT LAW HENRY C VIERECK. M. D. COMMERCIAL BUILDING, FIReT I SPECIALIST. eIRkEi T ILLANCO K Disease of The EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT OREGON \ ’ Only 310 Selling Building. Portland, (ht- j~~j A\ ID, L ,, blXx X yr-, PHYSICIAN and si RtsEy N ECONOMY CLEANERS NATIONAL BUM D1N< AHD DYltf 2nd. Between 3rd and 4th. TILLA NOOK MODERN EQUIPMENT. F^R O L. HOHLFF1 1> TiÜMMafc, | 1 PERMANENTLY LOCATED. NELSON & CO., J General MerchandiM» Squa-¿ Deal and I J .od Goods Our Motto Ore. I ■/X- Lee |i m bad COUNSELLOR AT-LAW Phone 72. * T cv I An B a V Inurt AND D Mases T-ees. Owner» of elm aid maple 'rees wbe find small reddish or 1 ght-colcred banche» oi*t in the .fe history of the mites where control me»*nre< can be used, says Mr Fluke, bn: no far there has not t-eee. much study of thr~e insects and this pi mt has net beer found T-e tn? -y ♦» the elms is :n ‘he foro of small, llgin- ••.•..red globular h..- -s. The pi '« on the maiue leaf are red or Nack, and there are aux- me* as many a* a bur dred oa roe eaf. Ma; es are ala» sulle« he !• '’»’er ga s roared V t the larvae (if : be f! es . » ef ga n. dg re. There ga la are iu he form of stpots having a green ce»ter surrocad ed by ring» of ye >ow and drey red. : HYS1C1AN AX’D SURGEON T illamook B lock , ”'*«■•*** I Mn town Ipera $12 00 per Bbl. 12 75 9 9 13 50 » 9 13.75 f » -- • — rW A ist II Star Grocery Co QK L L HOY. I Mr and irai < X w Äay City, Oregon. ‘S’ nests IN FIVE BARREL LOTS —25c. OFF PER BARREL. Wtlk* between buildings eld » good deal to the ease and comfort with A few other Specially Priced items: which the chores can be done. ar.d re­ 32c. per pound. duce the amount of dirt that is carried * Walnuts into the bouse. Concrete .* • ve of the ♦ $2.20 per Sack. $44.00 Tou. Carnation Feed I est materials for making walks, and 4 00 per Cwt. Whole Corn - when they are properly made the con­ struct n is permanent, says the state 4.25 per C wt. Cracked Corn college of agriculture at Ithaca. N Y. In making the wa k* it is wise to excavate from S to 10 inches and fill T* 5—< in with fr:m 4 to d Inches of cinders or similar material, well tamr>ed to make a g.»l base. On top of this place S'-s inches of Cnn>nete tamped in place and a top rtions of ne |iart cement to two oi sand. The grave! for cotcrete should be we’’ grade: in sizes fr m '» inch to 1 inch, C/DUETER. and for this maternal the proiortioa» BOTTS à W INSLOW. may well be one pan cement, three DENTIST. of sand and six of gravel. Poorer ma Attorneys-at-Law, ter als should have a richer mixture TILLAMOOK BUILDING The top coat should be troweled to TILLAMOOK. OREGON. (Over Haltoni's). drive it into the concrete base but not Tillamook—Oregon. necessarily te make it smooth. TILLAMOOK BLOCK. A rough-surface walk may be afi- Both phoaes. vtsabie. io which case a little finer JOH’i I.KLANDi HENDERSON gravel may be used in the concrete and the full four i-...hes made of thia ATTORNEY material. T. BOALS, M.D.. Mutual Fhcm» f in Ti Ne *- 9 w HIGH GRADE HARD WHEAT : FLOUR: • 2 All rhe lara» rails D mh «i th*- Pai* 1 Ti FATAL LACK OF ENTERPRISE VETERINARIA X. I ■ ¡y f'.v’A.t