Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, January 29, 1920, Image 1

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cheese per 100 lbs. milk, the highest ;
in the county. The average test was
4.421 per cent.
Tillamook Jottings
Judges and Clerks of Election.
The County Court selected the
At the annual meeting of the Hol­ election boards of the county as fol­
stein 'Creamery Company at its fac­ lows.
Bay—Judges, O. E. Shelly, J. O.
tory on Tuesday, J. J. Rupp, Adolph
Schild and Ben Neilson were elected Bozorth. Clerks, Lizzie H. Bodie,
directors. The factory closed a very Henry Butler, Gertrude H. Ashley.
Bayocean—Judges, John A. Biggs,
Born io Mr. and Mrs. Bert Woods successful year, reducing its debt
on January 29th, a son.
about six thousand dollars. Cost of Swan Hawkinsen, Clerks, H. L. King.
Hilma Hawkinson, M. J. O’Donnell.
Ackley and Miller received a car making cheese was 2.96 per ib. This I Beaver—Judges, W. N. Bays, E. J.
'Ylaces the factory almost out of debt.
load of Dodge carB this week.
Average test was 3.801 per cent; ; Kellowr, Clerks, Daisy Goldsworthy,
A marriage license was issued to average yield, 10.71 lbs. cheese per Minnie J. Gilbert, Effa D. Bell.
Blaine—Judges, E .R. Ayer, E. J.
Wreqnie Kellow and Latha Carr.
100 lbs. milk.
Laughlin. Clerks, O. M. Burbank,
Attorney S. S. Johnson
is the
Ladles Aid of the M. E. Fannie Smith, Amanda V. Speece.
proud father of a daughter, born to Church met at the home of Mrs. W.
Carnahan—Judges, Jas Christen­
his wife in Portland on Sunday.
E. Noyes, with a large attendance. sen, Chas. Desmond, Clerks, Helnia
M. Norberg, Ruth A. Desmond, F. S.
Allen Copenhefer vs. R. H. Vose
and wife and others is a suit filed in and a business session in which sev­ Armentrout.
Cloverdale—Judges, Charles Ray,
the circuit court to recover »800.00 eral members gave short but inter­
esting talks on various subjects per­ W. F. Messner, Clerks, Effie Kraner,
on a promissory note.
taining toth e society's work. Among Carl Shortridge, H. C. Sanders.
The Woodmen of the World will the visiting guests were Mrs. Dr.
Fairview—Judges, J. J. Rupp, Har­
aive their second old lime dance in Crunk, Mrs. Mayhon, Mrs. Chllcot
rison Booth, Clerks, Mabel Folks,
the Woodmen Hall on Thursday and Mrs. Hayward. The assistant
, Frank D. Bester, Grace Bester.
evening, Feb. 5.
hostesses were Mrs. B. Folks, Mrs.
Foley—Judges, C. E. Easom, A. C.
j Attorney J. L. Henderson went to Stillwell and Mrs. G. Lamb, and de­ Daniel. Clerks, A. D Lornmen, Dora
Portland on Sunday and returned licious were the refreshments. The E. Daniel, P. F. Cooper.
►Tuesday, and while in that city met next meting will be held at the home . Garibaldi—Judges, N. McMillan,
of Mrs. A. G. Beals, instead of at Mrs. [ A. S. Bent, Clerks, Pearl Tippin
L-ith quite a number of his family.
Heaston’s, as was first announced.
- Louis Terwilliger, Donna McMillan
There are quite a few persons who
Rev. A. F. Ingler, pastor of the Walker.
Ire using the 1919 tags on their
Goodspeed—Judges, George Wil­
kotos who are liable to be arrested Church of the Nazarene, returned
from a three w-eeks’ vacation at Pa­ liams, N. M. Nielson. Clerks, Edith
at any time.
cific City and Woods, spending the L. King, Margaret Johnson, Linnie
I Prof. Turnbull, who
has been last three days at Oretown w-ith the Hill.
Lursing a case of the mumps, has Friends, minister and wife. Mrs. j Goodspeed second board—Judges,
lufficiently recovered to be on the Ingler accompanied him and assisted B. Kuppenbender, F. F. Conover.
lobaga in at the public school next in special meetings at the mission in I Clerks, T. B. Handley, Henry Plask-
Woods and at the church in Oretown. j er, H. F. Goodspeed.
Hays—Judges, Len Hiner, C. N.
After a moderate rain storm last Some conversions were made to the
reek, the weather has turned mild, Lord Jesus Christ, and the Christians i Drew. Clerks, Eva McGee, Pearl E.
Wednesday being an ideal day, but strengthened and enlarged in their Church, W. J. Riechers.
Hebo—Judges, Claude M. Lane,
He that night the rain once more faith. During their absence,
Wayne Prelps has been supplying Joe Price. Clerks, P. D. Ott, Frank E.
lade its appearance.
the church here on Sunday morn­ Meyers, Wirt Sappington.
Mrs. Frank Freeman returned from ings.
Hoquarton—Judges, Alex Watt,
torth Bend, Ore., on Sunday, where
W. E. Noyes. Clerks, Carrie E. Gru­
le visited with her father C. H.
ber, Ethel Bales, Blanche McNair.
Flu Cases in Tillamook County,
aymire, whi is quite sick with can-
Kilchis—Judges, C. A. Elliott, N.
Boquist. Clerks Jennie M. Finlar-
There were three cases of Spanish
Prof. E. L. Westover, of the O. A. influenza reported in
Tillamook pon, Clara Kinnantan, James Kodad.
Little Nestucca—Judges, Thomas
was in the county this week, and county this (Thursday) morning. It
1th County Agriculturist Jones, was somewhat depends upon how cases Wilson, D. J. Dunn. Clerks, John
deavoring to create more interest are quarantined whether the disease Redberg, Adelia Weiss, Lillian G.
the cow testing associations.
will spread. There is no cause for
Long Prairie—Judges. Virgil Don­
At the annual meeting of the El-
aldson, I. J. Earl. Clerks, Emma
>od Creamery, Joe Donaldson. Chris
Goers, Amy Murphy, Gus Goeres.
yss and M. Hodgdon were elected kept within narrow limits, and as
Maple Leaf—Judges, J. H. Johnson
Rectors, and Tillamook
County the w#t weather appears to be some­ Janies Williams, Clerks W. F. Baker,
ink was elected treasurer.
disease from spreading, it it hoped W. S. Makinster, Sollie Smith.
It will be another week before dhe that the disease will not take a firm
Neskowin—Judges, W. H. Chris­
x rolls are turned over to the hold in the county.
tensen, Frank F. Martin. Clerks,
eriff, and as soon as this is done,
John Affolter,
Hazel Commons,
Dr. Boats, county health officer, Ernest Winzert.
r collecting will commence on the
notified the chairman of the Red
19 tax roll.
Nehalem—Judges, A. C. Anderson,
Cross this morning that it was neces­ Emil Wardell. Clerks, E. B. Gresh­
Depjuty Collector Hammer, of the sary to procure the services of some
am, Hattie C. Smith, Clara J. Pere-
ternal Aevenue office will be in nurses, as it was impossible to ob­ goy.
llamook City on Tuesday, for the tain nurses for local cases when the
Nehalem second board.—Judges,
rpose of assisting taxpayers in this flu epidemic prevailed in the county
H. W. Tohl, C. E. Allen. Clerks, C. H.
finity in making up their income last year.
Christensen, P. E. Allen, O. E. Ef-
L returns for 1919.
Another barber located in the city,
Netarts—Judges, C. S. Wells, W.
------- o-------
Ing into partnership with Emil,
W. Petty. Clerks, W. A. Clark, Ped-
isser. Emil’s wife presented him
The Sophomores, the first to hold er Erickson, Mrs. C. S. Wells.
h a boy this morning, and Emil their semi-annual election to elect
Rockaway—Judges, W. H. Hos­
resting the boys as a result of spring officers met Thursday and kins, C. W. Ross. Clerks, Ella M.
chose Arthur Harris, Pres., “Shing­ Beatty. Veda Sappington, Wm. D.
happy event in his family.
r. W. C. Dueber, a Portland den- les" Gabriel, Vice-President, Ken­ Shafer.
Sandlake—Judges, U. S. Edwards,
, has opened offices in the Tilla- neth Elliott, Sec.-Treas., and Em­
H. A. Barndt. Clerks, L. F. Brode,
ik Building, and is ready for met Gray as Class Representative.
The Frosh followed suit by elect­ Mary Brandt, Maude Robertson.
Iness. Dr. Dueber had' a fruit
South Prairie—Judges, L. A. Ed­
ch, but the recent cold snap kill- ing Jim Sharp, Pres., Alma Furrer,
Vice-Pres., Carlisle Stranahan, Sec- gar, A. L. Darby, Clerks, Carrie Mar-
the trees.
Treas, and Jack Driscoll, Class Rep­ olf. Flora O. Edgar, Nellie W. At­
loward Shearer and wife, of De-
resentative, the next day.
t, Mich., have come to Tillamook
Stillwell—Judges, Jennie Erskine,
hake their home here. Mr. Shear-
A. M. Austin. Clerks, Elmer Hoag,
Is a son of Dr. Shearer and was
Roy C. Jones, Mary Frisbie.
iloyed at the Ford factory at De- son captain of the High School team.
Sunny Mead—Judges, J. P. Magin-
I, and wason e of the mechanics
nis, Geo. Chaffee. Clerks, Flora
was sent to France by Mr. Ford manager and Ogdon Moulton was Aschim, Ethei Todd Hays, Jesse M.
bok after ambulance conveyance, elected in his stead. Several games Stephens.
are scheduled for the near future,
larried on Wednesday evening at the first one being for Friday even­
Tillamook—Judges, H. H. Rosen­
[Christian church, Wrennie eKl- ing, to be played at the Armory berg, S. Downs. Clerks Alma Schultz,
Lillian S. Groat, W. G. Dwight.
rand Letha Carr, both of Tllla- against Wilson River.
Trask Judges,
D. Fitzpatrick,
The ceremony was performed
Friday was a red letter day for the
ley. Harry E. Tucker, of th* student body as the officers for next Frank Paul. Clerks, May Paul, Lena
Kutcher, Blanch Hart.
itain Church, in the presence of semester were elected.
Wilson—Judges, W. B. Smith. W.
ge number of friends and rela-
• A meeting was held Thursday for H. Leach. Clerks, H. V. Berg, Edna
the nominations, and, as usual, the Berg, Eva Leach.
. J. A. Ruddick, Dairy and Cold Seniors led, nominating one another.
Wheeler—Judges, Frank A. Rowe,
ige Commissioner of the Domin- The Juniors and lower classmates de­ J. A. Jensen. Clerks Mildred Graves,
>f Canada, together with L. B. cided to show the Seniors-"where to Jessie Jensen, J. L. Vosburg.
er, of Portland, are paying Tlll- head in at" so they nominated all
Union-—Judges, H. A. Miles, D.
k a visit, the former to look in- Juniors.
Edmunds. Clerks. Mary E. Compton,
e dairy and cheese conditions In
The meeting held Friday for the Olive C. Bays, Crystal Bays.
niook County. He is being taken election of these officers was the
ad by the local cheese people.
longest, most peppy that we remem­
0. E. S. Kensington Club Meets.
e city council appointed a box- ber of in the history of the High
kommisslon to supervise boxing School, lasting one hour and twenty
he city, and the commission is minutes. The following are the offi­
The O. E. S. Kensington Club met
bosed of Dr. Hoy, E. E. Koch, W. cers elected: Elta Sheets, Pres. Hen­ in regular session at the Masonic
lout, Frank Cardiff and John A. ry Bochsler, vice-president; Grace Hall with Mrs. J. Steinback and Mrs.
a ll. It is the Intention of the Jolliff, Sec.; James Campbell general Lee Doty as the January hostesses.
mission to pull off boxing tourn- manager. Albert Veirick, Sergeant The afternoon was pleasantly spent
kts and the proceeds of which at Arms, Arthur Harris, yell leader, with fancy work and guessing games
|go to the American Legion.
and Ollie Miner, editor, who chose After a dainty lunch the club ad­
•t th*
Bryan Tucker as- assistant.
journed to meet with Mrs. W. J. Hill
f ■ Elizabeth Burrows arrived in
f th«
The Seniors have received their and Mrs. Martin as hostesses Febru­
|ity on Wednesday. She will have
s and
ary 4th.
idle*- tee of the home service work of class pins. The question of adopting
The Invited guests were Miss Har­
fcted Cross in Tillamook county." a standard pin for the high school is
riet Gaylord, Miss Schneidler and
I icing bon as two rooms are ready in being discussed.
Mr. Turnbull is reported as get­ Mrs. R. B. Miller.
<p«r* billamook Building, they will be
All members are cordially invited.
|’-h“d and occupied by the Red ting along very nicely, and we hope
■ where Miss Burrows will make to see him back Monday morning.
We were glad to see Miss Skid­
headquarters, and as executive
New Era Convention Dinner.
more back at school today.
------- o-------
inner 1 B the annual stockholders' meet-
At the Guild Hall tonight (Thurs­
irsdaf I ■ the Fairview Dairy Ass t. Wm. event that’s coming. The Frosh chal­
day) at 6:30 p.m. Program and
a dm-. K*ll. John Naegeli and John lenged the Sophs to a tug of war to
be held in the near future, the chal­ speeches. Speakers, Rev. Bondinot
were elected directors. Tilla-
Seeley, Supt. of Home Mission Synod
lenge being accepted.
n. Or‘ • County Bank, treasurer and
This is exam week and everybody of Oregon; Rev. C. H. Hays, D.D. of
.peak' ■ Maxwell delegate to association
.»enti ■‘"Rs for 1920. The yield was is working awfully hard for the
All members and friends are invit­
at th« ■* to have been 11.966 lbs.
When you think of wood, coal or
drayage think of “Tillamook Trans­
fer Co.”, Liberty Temple. “We De­
liver the Goods.”
Three I. W. W. Cases to be Tried—
The Jury List and Docket.
Next Monday morning the Febru­
ary term of the Circuit Court will
convene, with Judge Geo. R. Bagley
, on the bench. There are quite a num­
ber of cases on the docket, which in­
clude three I. W. W. indictments
against men who were rounded up
in Tillamook County, all of whom
pleaded guilty, with the exception of
three. There is one I. W. W. in the
county jail who was sentenced to pay
a fine but failed to do so.
The Jury List.
John Ebinger, Tillamook, farmer.
Otis Frisbie, Tillamook, barber.
Fred Davidson, Tillamook, farmer.
W. A. Lewis, Tillamook, merchant.
Chas. Blum, Garibaldi, farmer.
Forrest Gist, Cloverdale, farmer .
M. N. Bays, Cloverdale, farmer.
F. M. Trout, Tillamook, farmer.
W. A. Bell,, Beaver, farmer.
Robert Stillwell, Tillamook, farmer.
James Christensen, Hemlock, farmer
Arthur Haag, Beaver, farmer.
Frank A. Rowe, Wheeler, banker.
A. C. Daniel, Mohler, farmer.
H. A. Franklin, Tillamook, millman.
J. J. Hollett, Blaine, farmer.
F. S. Armentrout, Hemlock, farmer.
F. P. Hobson, Garibaldi, laborer.
Frank Paul, Tillamook, farmer.
Erwin Harrison, Tillamook, farmer.
M. R. Hanenkratt, Tillamook, farmer
Chas. Van Patten, Tillamook, clerk
U. N. Gilmore, Tillamook, farmer.
J. C. Holden, Tillamook, tires.
John Whalen, Sandlake, farmer,
B. E. King, Tillamook, merchant.
William Norris, Nehalem restaurant
C. E. Jennings, Bay City, farmer.
P. B. C. Lucas, Tillamook, farmer.
Fred S, Gilbert, Braver, farmer.
The Court Docket.
Nehalem Valley Bank vs. Roscoe
Barker. Action for money.
The First National Bank of Linn-
ton vs. W. F. Halderman. Action for
The First National Bank of Tilla­
mook vs. C. A. Saling. Action for
W. B. Aiderman vs Colon Schiff-
mann. Action for money.
Hillsboro Mercantile Co. vs Ed
Wann. Action for money.
W. and E. Anderson vs. B. and Leo.
Batzner. Action for money.
Credit Service Co. vs. Silver Spruce
Co. Action for money.
Juliette Davey vs. Scott Bozorth, et
al. Action tor money.
In the matter of a petition of Guy
Hamilton McLeod, an Alien to be­
come a citizen of the United States
of America.
R. G. Clostermann vs W. C. Hawk,
et al. Action for money.
Nehalem Valley Bank vs Andrew
Nef, et al. Action for money.
Rudolph Zweifel vs. A. N. Bolting.
Action for money.
F. D. Small vs. M. W. Harrison and
Emma Harrison. Action for money.
Tillamook County Bank vs. C. M.
Churchill and W. W. Todd. Action
for money.
S. J. Graham vs W. W. Ridehalgh,
et al. Action for money.
H. Moore,et al. Condemnation.
Tillamook County vs Isaac H.
Moore, et al. Condemnation.
L. J. Winter and W. J. Hill vs. M.
W. Harrison. Action for money.
Credit Service Company vs Ride­
halgh & Co. Action for money.
G. H. Ward vs. C. Hannant. Action
for money.
Solon Schiffmann vs Comstock
Mfg. Co. Action for money.
State of Oregon vs N. C. Hansen.
State of Oregon vs. Arnold Hansen.
In the matter of the petitions of
Arnold Gfuenenwald, Frank Von
Euw, John Slakes, Josef Enzler, Val­
entine Paul Werner, John Enzler,
Emilie Baumann, John Albert Head-
inger, William Thomas Collins and
Hjalmer Nordstrom, aliens to be­
come citizens of the United States of
Lily Worthington vs. R. E. Myers.
Action for money.
Allan Welch Smith vs E. L.' Glais-
yer, et al. Action for money.
State of Oregom vs. Peter Strouff.
K. E. Wilson vs. H. B. WallSce.
Action for money.
P. E. Rogers vs. D. W. Snyder. Ac­
tion for money.
State of Oregon vs. Steve Rososhan.
State of Oregon vs. Eugene Baudrez.
State of Oregon vs Gus Hersche.
Adam J. Schmelzer, et al vs. Karl
Wilhelm. Action for money.
McCargar. Bates & Lively vs. Sil­
ver Spruce Co. Action for money.
State Industrial Accident Commis­
sion vs. Bay City Logging Company
Action for money.
Slate Industrial Accident Commis­
sion vs. Silver Spruce Company. Ac­
tion for money.
Lloyd Agency vb . J. B. Heisman &
A. T. Dolan. Action for money.
C. F. Stone vs. Cummings-Moberly
Co. Action for money.
Elizabeth Covel vs. O. E. Shelly, et
al. Action for money.
W. B. Aiderman vs. T. R. Fraser.
Action for money.
W. A. Lewis vs. Karl Wilhelms.
Action for money.
Wm. J. Gilmore vs. Alex. Watt.
Action for money.
In the matter of the petitions of
Ole Arnteen Dromnes and John
Hansen Ramsvik. Aliens to become
citizens of thy United States of
Colin W. Cotton vs. J. E. Sullivan,
et al. To quiet title.
E. T. Parker vs Bertha Lawritzer.
Foreclosing tax lien.
E. T. Parker vs. T. B. Potter Real­
ty Co., et al.. Foreclousue on tax
Alta Thomas vs Chester A. Thomas.
Suit for support.
Anna E. McKune vs. W. D. Mc-
Kune. Divorce.
Tillamook County Bank vs Wm. A.
Clark, et al. Foreclosure of mortgage.
Catherine A. Long and A. G. Beals
vs. Lee J. Tittle, et al. To correct
Marie Parker vs. William Parker.
L. D. Smith vs. Chas Kunze, et al.
Bay City vs. W. S. Cone, et at To
quiet title.
Bay City vs. J. W. Kinney and Al­
bert E. Kinney, To quiet title.
Bay City vs. Jacob H. Cook, et al.
to quiet title.
A. H. Harding vs. C. P. White and
Eva White. Foreclosure.
The Buffalo Fertilizer Co. vs James
F. Bindley apd Belle F. Conlogue.
To set aside deed.
Herman H. Tubbesing vs Edward
M. Clark. Injunction.
A. B. Freeberg vs. Rose Jacob and
Barnhardt JacoB, et al. To reform
Solon Schiffmann vs Thad Robison
and Comstock Mfg. Co. To concel
F. D. Small and D. C. Urie vs Sam
Bauer, et al. Foreclosure of mort­
Joseph Emmenegger et al vs Ole
Woemer et al. Injunction.
Andrew Petersan vs F. R. Beals and
Bird L. Beals, et al. Suit to redeem
property from foreclosure.
August Ludke vs Louis Ludtke and
Belle Ludtke. To set aside deed.
Solon Schiffmann vs G. R. Com­
stock, et al. Injunction, collection of
In the matter of the Estate of
Laura I. Chance, deceased, Rachel
Weston, et al. vs Adam J. Schmelzer,
et al. Contest of will.
P. C. Meyer vs Edith E. Meyer.
John Wild and Barbara Wild vs.
Irene Haverstick, et al. Foreclosure.
Mary J. O’Brien vs. S. R. O'Brien.
Edward Roberts vs. Hazel Roberts.
F. W. Rinehart vs. Edna Rine­
hart. Divorce.
Edna H. Rinehart vs Frederick W.
Rinehart. Divorce.
Bay City vs. W. S. Cone. To quiet
Geo. O. Vaughn, et al vs. Tillamook
County, et al. Petition for a writ of
Tillamook County vs N. P. R. R.
Co., et al. Foreclosure of tax lien.
Maude Clara Gaines vs. Marion
Leslie Gaines. Divorce.
Joseph Woerndle vs. John Magin-
nis. et al. Foreclosure of mortgage.
Joseph Ducham vs. Lizzie W. Du­
cham. Divorce.
R. V. Rowland vs. A. C. Browning.
Action for money.
Elma R. Nichols vs. Glenn H.
Nichol^. Divorce.
L. M. Thompson vs Mary J. Thomp­
son. Divorce.
F. H. Brandes vs Linda Thompson,
et al. For confirmation of sale.
Lillian Gish in Picture.
------- o-------
Dainty Lillian Gish portrays the
leading role of David W. Griffith’s
new Artcraft picture "True Heart
Susie,” which is the bill at the Gem
Theatre next Tuesday. She is de­
lightful as Susie as Is also Clarine
Seymour as the foolish little wife.
Robert Harron. a splendid player,
plays opposite Miss Gish with artis­
tic results. The entire cast Is fully up
to the high Griffith standard.
Graduate 1000 Service
Men First
. During the first year of the exis­
tence, the Ford Service Course, or­
ganized January 1, 1918, by the Ford
Motor Company, graduated more
than 1000 service men who came to
Detroit from Ford dealers in various
parts of the United States to learn
the proper and most efficient way to
repair Ford cars. It is the intention
of the company to eventually have
every service man and mechanic em­
ployed by authorized Ford Dealers
come to Detroit to take the course.
Appointments are made through
the Ford branches, one of which
sends five delegates each day. The
time occupied Is one month and It is
divided between and practice.
It may be of interest to Ford own­
ers of Tlllumook County to know
that O. G. Wilks, who has been with
Ackley and Miller for two years is at
present In Detrlot taking this course,
and is expected back about February
15, when be will again be found at
the Tillamook Garage where he will
have charge of Ford work.
The expenditure of 1150,000 which
was the cost of beginning this course
is looked upon by company officials
as a good investment because it will
help to give standard service to car
------- o-------
Friday, Jan, 30—"Great Expecta­
tions,” Paramount production feat­
uring Jack Pickford and Louise
“Shanghied" 2 reel
Chaplin comedy.
Saturday, Jan. 31—"Broken Com­
mandments”, William Fox pro­
duction, featuring Gladys Brock­
“Soft Money,” Harold Lloyd come­
Sunday, Feb. 1—'“The Claw” Select
production, featuring Clara Kimball
“The Lady Bellhop's Secret,” two
reel Sunshine Comedy.
Monday, Feb. 2—"I’ll Get Him Yet,”
Paramount production, featuring
Dorthy Gish.
One reel comedy.
Tuesday, Feb. 3—’True Heart Su. ie’
Griffith production, featuring Lil­
lian Gish.
"Bunkered” 2 reel comedy.
Wednesday, Feb. 4—“The Lady of
Red Butte", Paramount produc­
tion, featuring Dorthy Dalton.
"Bray Pictograph."
Thursday, Feb. 5—"Wolves of The
Night”, William Fox special pro­
duction, featuring Wm. Farnum.
"Pathe News.
The Tusitala Club.
A group of high school girls, who
attend the Presbyterian
have organized "The Tusitala Club,”
the object being mental and physical
development. Their activities will be
Saturday afternoon hikes, amateur
theatricals, and discussions of books
and current events at the open for­
um of the semi-monthly meetings.
Last Friday night at the home of
Mrs. Alexander McNair, the follow­
ing club officers were elected. Presi­
dent, Ramona Haltom; Secretary,
Emma Groat; Treasurer, Georgia
May Carlin; the other members are,
Lillian Groat, Valjean Prhal, Mary
Lamar, Wanda
Haltom, Cordelia
Oatfield. MiYriel and Lucia Wiley.
The girls have chosen Mrs. Christian
Dyrlund as their leader, and Dr.
David Robinson, as honorary mem­
The Tusitala Club will meet on
Friday night of this week at Mrj.
Dyrlund's home, to rehearse for
their first public entertainment, to
be given February 13th.
American Legion Wants Information
The American Legion has been
honored by the French government
in being selected
as the agent
through which honorary certificates
are to be presented to the next of kin
of nten whoma de the supreme sacri­
fice in the world war.
Without unavoidable delay, local
posts of lite American Legion are in­
structed to forward to State Head­
quarters, in duplicate the full name
of all soldiers, sailors,or marines in
this county who died during the war
either in this country or overseas, to­
gether with the names and addresses
of the closest relatives and the prob­
able point where they can be reach­
ed on February 22, 1920.
Presentation of these certificates
will be made under the auspices of
Tillamook Post No. 47 American Le­
gion on February 22,
The local post has not a complete
list of names of those who enlisted
from this county and died during the
war, and for that reason desires the
above information from relatives or
friends of tlie deceased veterans.
Send ail communications to Tllln-
niook Post, No. 47, American Legion,
Tillamook, Oregon.
Hutchin-Hopkins Nuptials.
One of the prettiest weddings of
the season occurred at 8:30 p.m. Sat­
urday, January 24. at the country
home of Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Hopkins,
six miles south of this city, when
their eldest daughter, Lillie, became
the bride of Mr. Caddie A. Hutchins,
of Banks, Oregon.
In the presence of the Immediate
relatives of the bride and groom. Rev
G. O. Oliver, pastor of the local
Methodist church, of which the bride
Is an active member, read the beau­
tiful and impressive ring service
which formally made the two young
people one.
The bride waa daintly gowned in
white chiffon over pink silk, while
the groom wore the conventional
black .
The groom just recently received
his discharge from the navy. Having
for two and a half years been a
member of the crew of the armed
cruiser Rochester, making eleven
round trips across the Atlantic on
convey duty. He now has a position