Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, January 22, 1920, Image 4

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bed up over the discharge of Finley, ' 525aS25252525Z5a525iS25ZSZSZ5ZS2SZ52S2S25iic£ï
why a special session of the legisla­
t ture was perfectly in order and not
Fred C. Baker, Editor.
one word was said about economy.
Why ,one week previous to the meet­
per year $2.00 ing of the state legislature the gov­
ernor tailed the fish and game com­
Advertising Rates.
mittee together, for no other purpose
Display Advts, per inch........... 20c. than to help him out of a hole, but,
Locals ........................... per line 7c. here, too, the governor did not raise
Readers, with reading matter
one word about economy, for the
per line................................... I 7c. members of the committee were paid
Notices of meetings etc, per line 7c. for their time and mileage, which R
highgt have been saved had the com­
mittee not been called together a
week ahead of the legislature.
Editorial Snap Shots
Troubles never come alone, Bryan
threw a sky rocket into the demo-
crotlc party—excuse us, we should
have said the one man Wilson party.
And from all indications Bryan is
going to carry his point, Now Ad-
miral Sims, whom most everybody
respect and admire, is raising a
rumpus back in Wasrington, and the
old sea dog is shooting some heavy
shots at the navy department, mak­
ing Secretary Daniels squirm. What
A good many persons are speculat­ with Bryan and Sims to contend
ing and asking the Question who with and the investigation going on
will be selected as postmaifter. The showing wilful waste of money in
“higher ups" back in Washington conducting the war, and the contin­
ued increase in the high cost of living
will decide, as heretofore.
the Wilson party is in hot water all
Most of the state legislators were the time and the people anxiously
more or less disappointed and some waiting for the time to hurl it and
even disgusted at Governor Olcott the president from power.
------- o-------
calling the legislature together—to
Admiral Sims exploded a depth
pull him out of a hole.
bomb in the navy department when
------- o-------
Some of the state law makers call­ I he made this startling statement at
ed Governor Olcott a jelly fish. They I an investigagtion at Washington last
didn't miss it much, for his flip flop week: “Don’t let the British pull the
methods in wanting Finley tired and wool over your eyes. It is none of our
then reemployed showed that the business pulling their chestnuts out
governor of Oregon by inheritance, is of the fire. We would as soon fight
the British as the Germans.” Of
simply a little politician.
course, it is only natural to suppose
The high cost of living appears to that Secretary Daniels would deny
be getting higher, notwithstanding what the admiral had said, and, in
that the democratic party seven all probability, it will be a case of
years ago promised to reduce the varacity. Yet one must remember
high coat of living. Instead of doing that before the United States entered
so, the democratic party is responsi­ the w'ar Secretary Baker and Secre­
tary Daniels were classed as pacifists
ble for the high cost of living.
and woefully neglected to place the
The treaty of peace and the league army and navy on a war footing and
of nations covenant has been signed provide the necessary war materials.
by the allies, with the exception of The admiral's accusation will surely
the United States, and a few days cause considerable friction between
after orders were issued to some of him and the navy department, which
the allied fleets to go Immediately to is liable to develop to large propor­
the Black Sea, where war is liable to tions. The admiral claimh the above
was told him when he left the Unit­
be started again at any moment.
ed States for England.
Tlie action of the state legislature
Some of those who are interested
in regard to German language news­
papers did not
accomplish that in local candidates predict that the
what is generally desired by the timbermen are going to take an ac­
people—prohibition of German and tive part in local politics. We hardly
other foreign language newspapers think so, for what’ unpleasantness
and literature in the United States. existed a few years ago is a thing of
The legislature has made it compul­ the past. No doubt, some of the can­
sory that where newspapers use the didates would like the timber men
German language they must print to line up with them, but we are in
hope that they will not do so, for we
the same matter in English.
do not want to see any friction with
It was perfectly in order for some the citizens and the timber men in
The approving legal opinion of ing any persons interested in any
of the muck rake newspapers in j the future. They can get along
Messrs. Teal. Minor & Winfree, of way in the vacation of said alley.
Portland to besmirch the charac’ers much better by pulling together and
Portland. Oregon, will be furni.-hed
Dated January 22nd, 1920.
of state leigslators. That is one reas­ not pulling apart. Just for illustra­
the successful bidder.
F. D. Small.
on why people living outside of Port­ tion. take the matter of the assess- r
The Court reserves the right to
Sarah J. Elliott,
land have a prejudice against that ment on the timber that was burned. reject any or all bids.
F. N. Elliott.
city. The people of the rural dis­ In which the timber men were justly
Homer Mason, Clerk.
tricts as a rule send some of their entitled to a reduction, several rep­
highly respected citizens to the legis­ resentatives of the timber companies
lature and they resent seeing them argued the matter with the board of
------ o------
abused by such newspapers as the equalization, with the result that the
Notice is hereby given that a peti­
timber men and the county officials
got together on what was thought to tion has been duly filed with the
The office of district attorney is be a fair basis for the county as well Honorable Mayor and Common Coun­
going begging. No attorney wants it as the timber owners who had sus­ cil of Tillamook City, Oregon, for
at the small salary. We are informed tained such serious losses. With that the purpose of vacating that certain
A good piano is a lifetime invest­ I
that a petition is being prepared cordial understanding new existing, ' alley, running North and South
ment. giving lasting satisfaction
asking Mr. Goyne to make the race and we hope it will still exist, we do through Block (5) five. Town of
for your money, whereas a cheap
again, with the understanding that not want to see another local fight Lincoln, now part of said Tillamook
piano goes to pieces in a hurry, in
an effort be made at the next legis- with the timber men on one side and City. Oregon, and said petition fur­
lature tor a raise in salary. Besides the progressive citizen on the other. ther shows that F. D. Small. Sarah J.
this climate.
the work of advising the County We are quite cognizant of the fact Elliott and F. N. Elliott are the
as a prospective buyer cannot
Court on important matters, there is that in order to obtain votes office only persons who own property ad­
to experiment. The policy of
a whole lot of work to do. and Mr. seekers will warm up to most any­
this firm for over 45 years has
Goyne has been doing this at a very body or anything, and. probably that affected by the vacation thereof.
Now therefore, this notice is given
small salary.
is the reason why there appears to
been. "Your moneys worth or your
- -■ -o-------
be an undercurrent about the tim­ to all whom it may concern, t that,
money back." Drop in the Palm
We cannot see why anyone should bermen taking an active part in lo­ pursuant to said petition, and the
Confectionery and hear the new
have a duck fit because it was cal politics again, and it does not laws of the State of Oregon, made
a m<xiels. Sold on easy monthly pay­
thought best to arrange the ballot so come from the timber men them­ and enact-d in relation 'thereto,
that a person could vote a straight selves. That is how we have sized up final hearing will be held before the I ments.
party ticket if the voter desired, the situation.
Mayor and Common Council of Till- ■
Those who have waited In the poll-
amook City. Oregon, at the council
ing place or have served on an elec­
Room, in the City Hall in said Till­
Notice of Bond Sale.
.... - o
tion board will admit that the bill
amook City, on Monday, the 23rd day 1
Sealed bids will be received until of February. 1920. at 8 o’clock p.m. !
passed by the legislature would ex­
Leland B. Erwin
Drawer M
pedíate the voting and the count. the hour of 4:30 o'clock the 5th on said date, for the purpose of hear- [
And. of course, the governor had to day of February. 1920, by the un-
have a duck fit as well for he vetoed dersigned and immediately there­
the bill.
after publicly opened by the County
Court of Tillamook County. Oregon,
The allies have demanded the sur­ at the office of said court In the
render of the ex-Kaiser from Holland county court house in Tillamook
and the next question is whether that City. Oregon. for _____
_______ of
the ,
country will comply with the de­ bonds of said county issued for the
mand. Some people think that the building of permanent roads herein
ex-Kaiser will commit suicide rather in the sum of »112,090. same being
than be handed over to the allies for In denominations of >1000 each,
trial. There is no fear of him doing numbered from 1 upwards, dated
so. as he is too much of a coward to January 1st. 1920, and maturing
take his own life, and in proof of serially In numerical older as fol­
proof of this, when It was seen that lows:
theGeruian armies were defeated, the
924.000 eight (8) years from date
ex-Kaiser sneaked off to Holland out of issue;
Wb.<t Would Four wife do
of danger. The ex-crown princ“ has
*24.000 nine (9) years front date
said on several occasions that he of issue;
If fire broke out ?
would not be taken alive, and now
*30,000 eighteen (IS) years from
that the time draws near for the date of issue;
Are you leaving her with­
human butchers to be
*30.000 nineteen (13) years front
rounded up and be turned over to the date of issue;
out the panic-proof protec­
tion of r
allies, their loud boastings during said bonds to bear interest at five
the war are a marked contrast to and one half per cent (5'i per cent)
what now confronts them.
per annum, payable semi-annually
------- o-------
on January and July 1st. principal
It will be remembered that when ' and interest payable in United Stales
Don’t’delay getting this ex­
the woman suffragists asked Gover- 1 gold coin at the office of the County
tinguisher in your home.
nor Olcott to call a special 'csston of I reasiirer or at the Federal Agensy of
Call or phone right now.
the legislature to ratify woman uf I
> : • - m in N. » \ >rk
frag". he made much
do about : City, at the option of the bidder.
economy, refusing to call a special i
said bids must be accompanied by
session unless the state legislators a certified check for 5 per cent of
agreed not to demand pay or mileage. I the amount bld and must be uncon-
When the fish »nd game fraca bob- ’ dit tonal.
Well, if the people of Oregon are
deprived the opportunity to elect a
governor and Olcott decides that he
will hang on, why, there’s the re­
------- o-------
There are quite a few persons who
are trying to lnduse other persons
to run for office, simply to get even
with some candidate who has an-
nounced himself.
Shop Foreman
We will appreciate an oppor
tunity to show you through our
new home
Will Open on or about
At the comer of 2nd
Ave. E. and First
Up-to-date equipment
at your service
fire - insurance
If I had all I’ve SA VED,
believe me, I'd be
some rich kid!
one-quart hand chemical ex­
tinguisher; instant and panic­
proof in operation; child can
work it perfectly; for fac­
tories, offices, homes, garages,
Install at once; call
Œillamnnh iSraòliglit,