TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. JAN- ABY zz. 1920- BOTTS & WINSLOW, Attorney s-at-Law, TILLAMOOK, OREGON. Discuss Cunent Topics Political Band Wagon Announcement. Former senator R. F. Plttlgrew, of South Dakota, prominently identi­ fied with the Democratic party in TILLAMOOK BLOCK. 1912, says: "After the experience of the last seven years I don’t believe Both phones. there will be another Democrat elected president in a hundred years. T. BGALS, M.D., Out In my country the feeling is that if the president Is not himself a can­ didate for renomination, he will dic­ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON tate the nomination of the Demo­ cratic candidate. But whoever is Surgeon S. P. Co. named by the Democrats he will not (I. O. O. F. Bld« ) have a chance, in my judgment.” ------- o------- Oregon T lllaniook - Fort Wayne (Ind) News: "Last summer a Republican congress cut H GOYNE, the tidy sum of »1.685,000,000 from the estimates of President V» ilson s ATTORNEY-AT-LAW subordinates. And yet Chairman Office: O pposite [C ovri . F jvsk Cummins of the Democratic party, dolorously wails of the "extrava­ O, tgon gance’ of that congress! If it had fol­ Tillamook lowed the suggestion of the Presi­ ^^EBSTER HOLMES. dent's advisers and spent that »1,- 6s5.000,000 just what would have Cummins have had to ray, do you ATTORNEY-AT-LAW fancy? If economizing on democratic COM M E Ri. IA I. BUILDING, estimates is extravagance, just what are Democratic estimates?" FIRST STREET, TILLAMOOK, OREGON London (Eng.) Times: "The allies want America to ratify the treaty for many reasons of the highest moment. They want her to ratify now; they wunt her ratification to have the • J 11 American people behind it. They would greatly prefer that she should ratify the treaty as her President and her other representatives helped to mold it and a.- President Wilson signed it. They think that ratifica­ tion as it stands would do most for lhe immediate pacification of a Phone 72. troubled world. But if America does not now share this belief they recog­ JOB. J. E. SHEARER nize without reserve that the right of decision must he iters.If she thinks DR A. C. CRANK. that reservat ions are necessary for her safety and freedom, that they Drs. Shearer & Crank are demanded by the provisions of Medical & Surgery. her constitution or l>y the traditions National Building. of her foreign policy, they will wel­ come ratification by her on any Tillamook - • - Oregon, reasonable terms. We are confident that this is the view of the British HENRY C. VIERECK. M. D. people and we feel almost as certain that it is the view of the French." General Merchandise, Bay City, Oregon. Square Deal and Good Goods Our Motto. SPECIALIST. Disease of The EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Dr. Janies L. Tryon, of the Massa­ chusetts Institute of Technology, de­ Only clares that an examination of the 310 Selling Building. Portland, Ore. covenant of the league of nations shows that, as qualified by the league reservations, it has not been ECONOMY CLEANERS destroyed, u- many people have thought, but has simply been Amer­ AND DYERS icanized. "Under these circumstances 2nd. Between 3rd and 4th. it is a question." continues, Dr. Tryon, "whether, from the point of MODERN EQUIPMENT view of (host who prefer the cove­ nant to the historic American plan PERMANENTLY LOCATED. offered by the American Institute of International Law or to any other plan, there has not been a first class mistake made in opposing lhe Lodge resolution and one that it may take years to correct, for sentiment for MO KNIFE AND LOSS OF BLOOD the naked covenant itself seems to be waning in this country every day. No Plasters and Pain-, for Hours But If the covenant Is lost the move­ Or Days. ment tor world pence will not stop; TUMORS. PILES. FISTULA. GOITRE It is tot) great a movement to die as the result of such failure. It will be DISEASES OF WOMEN revised with vlbor in due season and Four Years Study in Europa. new plans for reconsideration prob­ Over thirty years experience ably of more moderate character Portland Physical Therapy Labora­ will be proposed." CANCER. tories. 412 to 417 Journal Building Portland Oregon Bay City Garage. Storage—Oils Repairing of all kinds. Give us a trial. Oom & Wiedman. The Ohio farmer who bought a re­ served seat for the end of the world exercises on December 17th «a- a- badly swindled as the voter who supported Wilson for President be cause he kept us out of war. But he probably wouldn't buy another tick­ et for the show, which proves he bu't as big a sucker as the occasional fel­ low who still believes the pictures on the Wilson bill-boards. 1 * Announcement. ------ o------ I hereby announce myself candidate for County Judge at next primary election. My motto. "100 per cent efficiency for etery taxpayer’s dollar." W. L. Campbell. To the Voters of Tillamook County. ------- o - I hereby announce myself a can­ didate for the office of County School Superintendent of Tillamook County, subject to the approval of the voters at the coming primary election. G. B. Lamb. the universal car DON’T DEPEND ON SPRING DELIVERIES . v i Spring deliveries of For«* I depended upon. Ileinntul ,,r So li deliveries are possible. <)nly fl limited speeihed X1 supply iiqvp ‘ n^ver been certain, an