TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JANLAHY 2-1, 1V2CL Wanted—To buy. dresser, chairs and MICKIE SAYS VUHEN NOQUE SÍNÍ OUT A BUNCH O’ STATE bb ENTS •To PiSTAbTf suasctiiBtas AND n OUO i T T‘ vNONOEttlN' ip T hen ' ll pan anv avíen - TiON "TO T' va Ebb AT A ll , ' n T hen T wo e« T va « eb PANS LATE». VOU BtûlN T* GVT A LOTTA FR i ENPLN LETTERS WMT h CHECKS ’ n P oaf TS in E m , OH,BONI AIN'T IT A GRANP ANO GLOA-t-OUS FEELIb"»’ ! Î table.—Address Box mook. 576, Tilla­ All the latest rolls for your Player Plano at the Palm Confectionery. For Life Insurance, there is nothing better than what the Mass. Mutual offers. Ask to see specimen policy. —W. A. Church. • Dr.’s Allen and Sharp. National Building. Dentists. Let W. A. Church write your hay insurance. • Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. 0. 0. F. Bldg, Tillamook, Oregon. The Nash Six with Perfected Va!ve-in-Head Motor. URGED TO BUILD HOMES NOW Labor Department Prompts Those In­ tending Construction to Begin the Work at Once. Counter Sales Books—Order your The home bnllder—he who build* b‘s immediate use rattier than for rswtat mn poses—appears to he getting under nay with his building plans. Dr. W. E. Lebow—Dentist with Dr. Tb’a especially Is noted In the central Wear. The home-building program Wise. will be facilitated and augmented if Attention Truck Owners and Truck small Investment money Is made avail­ able for building loans. In one or two Drivers. communities this is being attempted It is the intention of the County by p.ivate organizations, brought to­ Court to enforce, at once, the law gether for this sole purpose. In other regulating loading trucks and trail­ and more numerous cases the regular ers, to the manufacturers rated max­ hunks are giving thought to the prob­ lem. The buildlng-and-loan Interests imum load carrying capacity. John A. Carroll, Roadmaster. already have formulated a plan under which a system of federal home Ioan To the Voters of Tillamook County. banks would enable them to rediscount their first real-estate mortgages and I want the Republican nomination make available for further loans more for sheriff at the primary election than $1.000,000,000 of their assets. While the Department of Labor is next May. To get it I have to have enough Republican votes. All who endeavoring to co-operate with state have faith in me, and vote for me,, I and municipal authorities In getting under way road building and public thank in advance. improvements, and with private inter­ Frank Hannenkrat. ests in their more extensive building operations. It is convinced that home ; Reformed Church. building, for the use of the builder Cor. 4th Ave. and E. 5th Street. rather than for rental, must be looked to as an important factor In providing Rev. W. G. Lienkaemper, pastor. better employment for labor during Sunday School 10 a.m.. Public the transition from war to peace pro­ 11 a.m. Subject: "The worship duction, and for the stimulation of and Dignity of Service. ” Grandeur business. For this reason the Depart­ Special singing by the choir and ment of Labor Is making a determined male chorus. drive for a nation-wide “Own your You are cordially invited to wor­ home” campaign.—Chicago Evening ship with us. Post. Sales Books from W. F. Baker, agent Pacific Sales Book Co. Call 68 Headlight. Tillamook Headlight’s Trade Mart. One cent a word per issue. Singer Agency—H. F. Cook, Prop. . * Cedar Posts for sale. Order early. Phone M. Guthert, Hemlock. Ore­ gon. Jan-22 For Sale—Sow, will farrow about Feb. 1st. Also young pigs.—W. Hoenicke. Woods, Oregon. For Rent—Dairy ranch near Monte- aano, Wash. Address owner, C. W. Miller, 22 2 E. First Street, Aber­ deen, Wash. F-5. For Sale—Six room house and bath room with bath, toilet and luvitory. Quarter block of land, cement walk and paved streets both sides, ce­ ment drive to garage. Garage 12 by 20 ft, large enough for large car or truck and room enough for work bench besides. Four large shade trees. A property on the main street of the city and a property that will increase in value. Situat­ ed on corner of 2nd Ave. Eeast and Eighth street. One third purchase price down, payments on balance. See the owner. Smithy at the Var­ iety Store. For Sale—Berkshire Boar, two brood sows and 8 shouts. Also two single units Sharpies Milking Ma­ chine.—Erwin Harrison. 2 For Sale—First class 80 acre daily runch, sixty acres best river bot­ tom, twenty acres good up-land. Two miles south of Tillamook on paved highway. Well improved farm, good buildings, high-produc­ ing cows. All low' lands well tiled. City water piped in house, also barns, garden and fields. If you want a farm that pays, see us at once. Will consider a small place intrude as part payment.—John Eblnger. For Sale—457 acres of the best dairy laud is Grays Harbor, Washington. Practically all cleared and under cultivation. Big barn, two good houses, running water. At least 400 acres Chehalis river bottom land. Price >60,000. Easy terms. Write or inquire Gerald Cloud, Montesano, Wash. For Sale—Hay in whole or mixed car lots. Grain hay, clover hay. Cheat, Straw and Alfalfa.. Carlton Elevator & Mill Corporation, Carl­ ton, Oregon 4 Owing to the fact that the Portland Stove Works burned down. Allen Page will not be able to supply these stoves for a few months. He has a good assortment of slightly used stoves on hand w hich will be sold at a great reduction. • For Sale 150 acres situated on Ne­ tarts Bay. quarter mile bay front­ age, 8 room house, 6 acres cleared, balance timber. Price >2500.00. Terms. Addies inquiry in care of The Headlight. Jan-22. For Sale or Trade—2 stores with 5 flats above, steam heated, 15 mln. ride from heart of the city of Port­ land Enquire.E. E. Kock, drug­ gist, Tillamook. Miscellaneous Advertisements. Dr. Wise—Dentist. Wanted. The complete rear half of Miss M. Patterson .is representing Ford running gear, spring and wheels. W. Bay City. Ore. including B Flagg. F-12. the Nu Bone CorNu Co., formally represented by Mrs Edwall Leave your orders at her Millinery store.4 We do hauling and draying of any kind. Call 5JJ. or see Elliott A Son, Franklin Market. Jan. 23. A better piano for the same money. Cook's Music House. Tillamook. Wanted to buy. small steel safe »»Ljlore. office desk and See Smithy al Immediate Delivery on Nash and Overland Cars, ttomeTown Christian Church Notes. A goodly number attended church last Lord's day. Several were present who have just moved into the com­ munity. The Inter Church movement is urging that every member "win one” by April 15th,—let us try. The Bible School is great in num­ bers, spirit and in work. Come at 10 a.nt. Church services at 11 a.in. and 7:30 p.m. We are counting on you. The sermons next Sunday should be heard by a very large gathering. Ladies Aid every Thursday at two o'clock at the church. Senior and Junior C. E. at 6:30 p til. Sunday evening. Harry E. Tucker, Minister. United Brethren Church. Preaching at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Morning subject. "Safety First.” Evening subject, "Adoption” Sun- day School at 10 a.m. i Study topic: "Peter stands tor truth I and honesty, Here is a school that is growing in interest and membership, It has nearly doubled its enrollment wlth- in the last three months. We invite you to attend this wide awake and progressive Sunday School. Prayer meeting every Wednesday at 8 p.m.. Here Is the church you are looking for, a church where you will receive the right glad hand of fellowship. This is the stranger's church. If you are a stranger in the city or have lately moved in and are lonely, come out to church next Sun- day and worship with us and get acquainted with our people. What Is Christianity ? Our religion, what is it? Is it a fixed sum total of belief and piactice dependent upon the historicity of fragmentary records of God's niani- festitations to humanity in the past? Or is It a reconstructive and dynamic force, a manifestation of the spirit of God in the present, whose mission is to transform the lives, spiritualize tile aims and exalt all the activities of men. ilit Church of the Cordial Wel­ come.” MethocQst Episcopal, extends to you a most urgent invitation to be present at the sei vices on Sunday morning when the above subject will be discussed. A live and constantly glowing Bible School meets at ten a. m. This school is well officered and is fortunate in having a splendid corps of competent teachers. A class for every one. You wilt be made to feel at home. In the evening the pastor will speak on the theme: "The Progeny of Thoughts." All those interested in Christian Science. New Thought, and similar lines of study will find this service interesting and profitable. If it is MEAT you want try the SANITARY MARKET Yours for Quality and Quantity. We give 5 per cent Dis­ conut for Cash IMPROVE THE SCHOOL YARD Should Be Second to No Part of the City in Its Appeal to Lovers of Beauty. d heavy de­ rPHE wide-spread ba the Nash I mand which exi Vai ve ìn-Head Six with Pei - ■ < d ualii f its Motor but reflects, performance in owners This big and steadily n. demand is certain proof that thu- has more than met the expectations of its owners in practically every community from coast to coast. It has performed and is perform­ ing in a way that creates for its hosts of admirers wherever it is in service. Because of the high character of this performance the Nash Six is now generally reorgnized to be a class leader—to offer an unusually attrac­ tive value at its price. The thousands of Nash Sixes in have demonstrated conclusively hev do posses the three quali- u vliieh owners appreciate most in a motor < <) ’'he Nash Six is unusu­ ally poweruii ' usually economical anti unusuallv comfortable to ride in and to drive. Its Nash Perfected Valve-in-Head Motor is now gene- lly accepted as marking a distinct p forward in motor car engineerin / Price $1720.00 Tillamook, Ore We are Agent for the Celebrated Nash Truck. See us if you are contemplating buying a Truck, for you want; the Best. OVERLAND 4 VERLAND 4 marks a fundamental advance in motor car construction— the most important improvement in comfort to the passengers and in pre­ serving the chassis from real shocks since pneumatic tires made motoring possible. Its Three-Point Cantilever Springs create a riding buoyancy which estab­ lishes Overland 4 as a new type of car. Before the Overland 4 was submitted to the verdict of the public it was subjected to preliminary,' trials covering more than 250,000 miles in widely varying climates and road conditions. In high and low altitudes, in rock and sand, in mud and snow and dust, the Overland 4 withstood every ordeal. And in so doing, this car established a new standard, not merely of roadability, but of economy. O The average rural school ground can stand considerable benutlfylng. Some of these barren spots, where the young In the country learn their three R's, are blossoming like th> rose and more will do so as a result of the work done by county hmm demon­ ’all are stration agents. Spring dud fall the time for setting out shj hjubbery 'bery and trees. Mnny home econoi >, il. workers celebrated arbor day this s •I’l'jug Smile of those who didn’t hav^ 4 held .local celebrations this fall. In Fairfax county, V'rgi. H. the home demonstration ag'j t >! the people of the neighborhood completely transformed Inst spring th< lied Hill NEHALEM NOTES. school ynrd. The teacher- with the pupils and patrons, caine early on Otto and Will Effenberger and Mr. i the tiny appointed, brlngl'ng -ltb them Spencer transacted business in Tllla- n splendid array of trees i by Its Improved Appearance in Nehalem and vicinity. In the Sprang. Mrs. E. K. Barnes, intermediate teacher in the public school, is back ■ The appearance of the home has at her desk again, having sufficiently much to do with It* utility ns well ns recovered to resume her school work. I Its beauty. A home where there nre A local teachers' institute will be I flowers, trees, lawn, etc.. ae|ins more comfortable than where these things held at the new school building in ■ «re absent. Such a home is always Nehalem on next Saturday, Jan. 24, i beginning at 10 a.m.. The public) more satisfying, and that, of course, is cordially invited. ■ quality of utility. The rumor that the Mohler Supply [ Fall Is a good time to Improve the yard, lawn and genera I appearance of Co., of Mohler, was going to put in a ■ the home, t-ate f; ’ a favorable store at this place was a false alarm. ' Wayne Franklin, of Brownsville, ' time to tram plnnt .!<■« ^biennials and perennials. 1 <•»•*. ••!., tens of flow­ Oregon, brother-in-law of Wm. Gage ers." niny be set; other shrubs may be of this place, has purchased the Ku-i transplanted violet* bulbs of various ppenbender ranch on the North fork ' kinds, sweet pens, etc may be started of Nehalem river, and will shortly move onto the place where he ex­ for early spring bloss'vks A little time gtVen to the yard and pects to make extensive improve- i Inwn now will be worth much to the meats. We welcome Mr. Franklin to I appearance of your hoc . next spring. this part of God's country. Orville Parks with a crew of men, Look over the yard and see what Im­ provements can be made. Doubtless is busy on the old Hempie place get­ you will And that mo< b can be done ting out the piling for the construc­ to make your home more attractive. tion of the dikes and jetty work necessary in preparation for the new Fall Garden Preparation. Nehalem-Wheeler road. Land that Is to be used for vegetable The United Artisans gave a fine or flower gantens next spring will be entertainment un last Friday night, greatly Improved by liming it heavily it being their opeu meeting night. A at thia season «nd turning It over with goodly number enjoyed the evening the spade or t4ow. with the Artisans. High School Note*. Next spring, before planting, ma­ The ladies of the Methodist Church ------ G------ nure heavily and turn the soil over will give a banquet at the K. P. hall Owing to the fact that the final again. At that time flne the plowed on this coming Friday night, to examinations for the fall semester soil well with a disk harrow. Where many invited guests. It promises to are „ear at hand High School activ­ the spade is used the pulverlziug is be a live affair. Several prominent ities h,ve slackened up a bit This done with the spade, working the top speakers will be in attendance. hem ’ ‘i* mon,hl> nations are soli carefully with a steel rake. Jack Atwood has purchased the held and next week comes the finals Joy Theatre from D. M Adams, We The outcome of the Sophmore vs' Community Gardens Valuable. all wish him success. -emor-. Juniors and Frosh was 12-» Last year S.3HO war gardens were favor of the Sophmore. The root conducted In Manchester. N. II.. as a -r. for the Sophomores made L pnrt of the