HEADLIGHT, JANUARY 1/, 1020 Scraps of Paper. . o------ About everything else has happen­ ed to the country that could happen; why shouldn't we have another Bryan boom? -------o------ Nobody’s holding anyone in the Republican presidential contest. It's a free field and no favors and may the best man win. ------- o------ The various statesmen mentioned in connection with the Democratic presidential nomination might draw­ cuts and hang the thing on the loser. BUSH & LANE PIANOS Walnut, Both Dull and Highly Pollished. At Less Prices Than Is Agencies. We are the Makers and Sellers from Factory to Home. Thus Eliminating the Agency Profit BUSH & LANE PIANO CO Portland, Ore. Phone MR. LARSEN! Jha_ siness. !>'• Cn^TRANSFER^SECOND ST. Por One Week We Will Sell Palm Olive Soap at 10c. Offer Good Valley Spuds $4.75 cwt.,don’t pay more. Last week’s Soap prices will prevail for another week. We Have Car of SUGAR at the Old Price Í1 H E E E K K E K lq E E K It is said that Col. Bryan is “the “1 only man who can poll the Irish vote.” Presumably that's because he g has acquired a son-in-law in the British army. -------o------ Colonel House is said to be casting about for a new leader for the Dem­ ocratic party. Where did the Colonel get the idea that the people of the United States are anxious for him to do the Warwick act again? -------o On January 1st, last year, Presi- dent Wilson woke up in Buckingham Palace as the guest of King George, but he really didn’t wake up until later in 1919, in the U. S. A. Finished in all Woods, Mahogany, Oak and Usually Asked for Inferior Pianos by Local Stradivara Phonograph $ E E E When Wm. J. Bryan was told that his name had been presented as a presidential candidate in Michigan he said: “This is so sudden.” It’s awful to surprise a fellow like that. -------o------ More railway mileage was aban­ doned in the United States last year than was built. Probably political management of railways would in time solve the railway problem by causing all the tracks to be torn up. ------ o------- Edmond Pillon, a French aviaton pilot, established a new record for looping the loop the other day when he made twenty-nine in five minutes. Pillon was testing a small new air­ plane built for sport. - " o How can Colonel Bryan run for president as an apostle of discon­ tent? If the thirty-cent dollar is the cure for all that ails us, as the Colonel used to say, everybody ought to be perfectly satisfied. -------o------- Attorney General Palmer’s effort to kill off the high cost of living by gassing it doesn’t seem to be work­ ing out as well as expected. t still appears that there's nothing cheap but talk. ------ o------- We are told that without the fed­ eral reserve act we couldn't have financed the war. Well, the old re­ ceipts for inflating the currency and K borrowing money might have worked —you can’t tell. I* I I I I I I I I I I I I I I | | | |. | | | |. | | ^ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The Sweatest Tone Phono­ graph made. Plays all records of their best without the harsh metallic sound found in so many Former Senator Pettigrew says the Republicans could elect u yellow dog for President this year, but that doesn’t mean they are going to nom­ inate one. We Are To-Day Prepared to Show You the Most Complete Assort­ ment of Guaranteed Standard Pianos ip ir sec tpdntf s t » - ?| I I I I I I I I I I I I » I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I |" * SOLD BY 5BSZS2SH52S2525H5ESHSZ5ES25HSZS2SH52S25BS252SZ£¡B5BSBS25 mlLLAM00K E KOCH & BENNETT. TILLAMOOK. ORE. g NOTICE The Tillamook Transfer Co. is now under the sole management of J. P. Maginnis. We are equipped to handle Brayage of any Kind, anywhere. ji iv in hi ii in lit in in m hi hi ii 11 in in- ii hi in in nr in * For 'Wood, Coal or Drayage' CALL ’TILLAMOOK TRANSFER CO,.’ *ai auiiiB in w an ib va mt **»****.» m r m hi ¡IF LIBERTY TEMPLE. “We Deliver the Goods.” BEEMAN GARDEN GARDEN rriTACTO«, TRACTOR THE ONE-HORSE TRACTOR It will Plow, Harrow and Cultivate. It will haul Horse Lawn Mowers, Carts, Wagons. Mowing Machines, etc. It will run your Putnp, Cream Separator, Churn, Washing Machine, Feed Grinder, Corn Sheller, Cir­ cular Saw, etc. It trots front job to job under its own power. In the platform in which they originally elected President Wilson there was a blank declaring for a single term in the presidency, but just at present it looks as if the trouble from now on would be even to get a single term for any demo­ K cratic candidate. ------- o—----- President Wilson compromised with the representatives of foreign PRICE 4 K powers at Paris, but thinks it be­ With One Row Cultivator K neath his dignity to yield an inch to those officials of his own country K who are charged by the constitution with joint responsibility in making FOB. PORTLAND. treaties. It ’ S It. ------ o------- B The Saturday EvEening Post says E "no matter what the right or wrong H. L. PR0V00ST, E of the treaty question is,” the peo- Paints, Oils, Glass, Hardware, Doors and E pie are sore because it has not been Windows, Wall Paper, Crockery. But the right and wrong of E decided. the question does matter to a lot of Bay City, Ore. people, who would prefer no decis- Let us demonstrate to you the value of this won­ H I ion at all to a decision harmful to E their country. derful little machine. We will do so at any time. ——o------ E S Former Senator James Hamilton K Lewis says that Wall Street is con­ spiring to discredit Wilson. That is probably the plot that is being en­ gineered by Bariney Baruch and W. § BAYOCEAN SHEET METAL WORKS, g j G. McAdoo to revenge Wall Street for the hard time speculators have been having since the new freedom TILLAMOOK, ORE. paralyzed the plutocrats and chased i the money devils to the tall timbera. -------o------ The much bedamned Carnegie at I the time of bis death had given $350,000,000 to the public and as l his death left the remaining thirty ’ million dollars to friends and phllan- NEXT TO WILLARD SERVICE | i thropies. Of his $145,000,000 Henry For Sale. | C. Frick gave $120,000,000 to the public at his death. The "reds” who 52Sa52S2S252S25a525H525E5a5a5ZSE5ZS?5E5a5HS2SB52SHSZSZSH5?5BS25Z5HSa5HSH Registered Holstein Bull Calf, born denounced these two men are gen­ Nov. 14, 1919. His Dam Lady Ruth erous with other people's money, Fayne; Sire, Hollywood Lilith Korn- but did you ever notice them giving dyke, was sold at the J. W. Pomeroy away much of their own? sale, July 25. 1919, for 13,000.00 His - - - - o------- Dam’s 7 day record; Milk, 460 lbs.; Lloyd George says that Australia is butter, 18.72 lbs.; per cent fat 4.02, entitled to as many votes as the at Jr. two year old. New Syrups. Come and See. * His Sire's Dam 7 day record: Milk United States in the league of na- Phone 32. tions because she lost more men in 638.75 lbs.; Butter 32.92 lbs. percent the war. But as Liberia and Hayti, fat 4.25. Further particulars and price en­ along with a lot of other nations quire of Chris Reichcn, R. F. D. No.l, that didn’t lose a man, have the same number of votes in the as­ ¡Hillsboro. Oregon. BAY CITY, OREGON. sembly as either Australia or tilo United States, or even the ! United Hunters Take Notice. We have furnished cottages and Kingdom or France, Lloyd George good accommodations at our camp at presumably hasn't stated the I real basis of representation In that re- Netarts. A. N. Davies, Prop. mark. Phone Main 73. H E a E E H H H E $325. E H E It is a good time to fix up your cutting machinery for haying. We carry parts for all lines. Jz 'T iLC 'Y’V CONOVER & C0NDIT. retary, Tillamook, Oregon, on or be­ Notice. We the undersigned will prosecute fore Feb. 1st, 1920. Company re­ all persons found fishing, hunting serves the right to reject any and all or trapping on our ranches without bids. Red Clover Creamery Company. our consent. Jack Jennings, Smoked Fish For Sale. Wm. Elliott. W. B. Vaughn, Silver Side backs, per lb........... 40c. C. A. Elliott. Silver Side Bellys, per lb........... 35c. Chum Backs, per lb...................... 35c. Bids Wanted on Wood. Chum Bellys, per lb.................... 30c. -------o------- These prices are post paid any The Red Clover Creamery Company where In first zone. And remember 1 wishes to receive bids on sound four pound of smoked fish is equal to 3 foot wood delivered at its factory, pounds of fresh fish. jWood to be either fir, fir sla£s, hent- Wm. Stuivenga. *ck or alder, in lots up to one hun­ dred cords. Halt the wood to be de­ Lost. livered by June 1st and balance by Lost a gold wrist watch. Finder September 1st of this year. Leave pleose leave same at Henry Plasker’s. bide at office of Carl Haberlach, Sec­ Suitable reward. FIRST CLASS PLUMBING | Todd Bldg. BAY CITY DRUG CO. Entire New Stock of Candies. C. H. JONES TRADING COMPANY Fruit, Groceries and Campers’ Supplies, Dry Goods and Gasoline.