s TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT JANUARY 15, 1920. THE CEM THEATRE ATTRACTIONS Two Big Western Features TUESDAY, JANUARY 20th WILLIAM S. HART IN “Breed of Men “Rough Riding Romance” 99 A 100 mile an hour Western Feature. Tom Mix never goes anywhere, but where he can take horse and pistols. He always rides and shoots his way to popularity. In this production are more intense and thrilling moments, than in any of his older plays. If you like western atmosphere, cow­ boys and “Highlife” on the range. “Big Bill” Hart a Dead Shot —Remarkable hibition of marksmanship in “Breed of Men.” “Big Bill” as Sheriff and Gowboy in this picture, filmed in Arizona, plays one of the best parts of his career DONT MISS IT also- DONT PASS THIS ONE UP THURSDAY NIGHT, JANUARY 22 “THE LAST BOTTLE,” a rippling two Reel Comedy. ONE NIGHT ONLY. WILLIAM. Children, 10c. Adults, 20c. S, five-tenths of one per cent.” continuously in Oregon City since DISCREPANCIES ABOUND In the face of this showing there 1866. Only two newspapers in Ore- IN GOVERNMENT NEWS. with isno need for comment! ——o------ Administration .Pails to Edit Its E. E. Brodie Withdraws From Sec­ Propaganda Sheets In Efficient retary of State Race. Manner. ------- o -------o------- Among the “economics" practiced by the present administration is a •Daily Digest of Reconstruction News.” gotten out by the Reconstruc­ tion Research Division of the Council of National Defense, purporting to give official news of the various Ex­ ecutive Departments. But the dis­ similarity of information given out by the various departments would ¡lead an unbiased outsider to imagine either that there was a lack of co­ operation and harmony in the Demo­ cratic administration or that it is trying to be “all things to all men.” A high school debating society could find authoritative data both to prove ind to refute the H. C. L. question in a single issue of this remarkable •official" sheet. For instance, under late of Dec. 22 under "Labor De­ partment,” is this interesting state­ ment: “Bureau of Labor Statistics an­ nounces that despite efforts of the ¡overnment to reduce the cost of iving, retail costs of 22 staple food irticles showed an average increase if 2 per cent in November as com­ pared with October.” In the ’’daily digest,” on Decem- ler 23, undy "Justice Department” i this item: "Attorney General Palmer an- ounced, Dec. 22, that the high cost E living has been halted and there i every reason to believe that with le new year definite reductions ay be expected.” A telegraphic dispatch of the same ite as the above, which corrobo- es the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ moment, says: “New York showed i increase of four per cent in No- mber over October. Average family penditures for food showed an in­ case in November, as compared th October, In all but two of 50 les canvassed. New Orleans and misville showing a decrease of gon are older. My connection the Enterprise over 15 years, the last 12 years as publisher.. We have just purchased and remodeled a building and have the finest news­ paper home in the state, outside of Portland. The Morning Enterprise is healthy, its growth and progress have been marked and I expect to continue as its publisher and do my part in making Oregon a better state to live in for many years to come.” Oregon City, Ore., Jan 10.—E. E. Brodie, publisher of the Morning En­ terprise, announced Saturday that he would not be a candidate for the Republican nomination for Secretary of State at the primary election next May. "My many friends among the news paper editors of the state”, said Mr. "Going Up” or "Going Down,” Take Brodie to-day, “were the first to pro­ a Choice. pose my name in connection with the ------- o------ - office of Secretary of State, and 1 In a stetement issued by Commis­ have already received, without my sioner of Labor Statistics Meeker on solicitation, the endorsement and December 23 he declares that the promised support of more than 30 cost of living will no‘t be materially papers throughout the state. reduced until currency inflation is / "This, of course, is extremely grati­ curtailed. "Until the national debt is fying and flattering, and I am deep­ reduced,” he says, "there will be no ly appreciative of the kind things- noticeable depreciation in prices, that have been said about me. This is Any attempt .at great reduction the first time I have ever been even would bring a blow at the whole a prospective candidate for public structure of business and possibly a office, though I have been honored panic would follow." by election and appointment to non­ Yet Attorney General Palmer is salaried positions in the state, and daily assuring the country that "the have been for four years chairman cost of living is under control,” and of the Republican central committee the Democrats, official and other­ for Clackamas county, which gave a wise, are and have been boasting plurality of 1015 to the Republican about the financial system they have nominee for President foui- years inaugurated in the federal service ago, and a clear majority for Mr. which prevents, absolutely and en­ Hughes of 227 over all other candi­ tirely and forever, any such thing as dates for president. stringency of money or panics In the "After long reflection, I cannot country! separate myself from a profession And, when you read the satisfying with which I have been connected big total in the next Treasury Report since boyhood. The publishing of a just remember that enlightening newspaper, in my opinion, is of. little phrase of Commissioner Meek- greater dignity and service than ’ er’s—“currency ------- inflation.” Paper holding a public office. The true hasn’t much value unless there is newspaper man may be tempted by good hard gold behind it. visions of easier tasks and shorter hours, but if he is true to the calling Notice. of his own choosing, he will stick We the undersigned will prosecute and resist the temptation to forsake all persons found fishing, hunting a legitimate business wherein he or trapping on our ranches without should be a leader in influencing our consent. public opinion within the radius of Jack Jennings, his newspaper’s circulation. Wm. Elliott, “The Enterprise was established W. B. Vaughn, 54 years ago, and has been published C. A. Elliott. The Holiday Season is over. However late, we wish to thank our customers for the splendid business given us during the holi day season We offer the following at these low prices White Linen Soap White Navy Soap 20 Mule Borax Soap - Folder’s Baking Powder Golden West Tea Blueing, per bottle - Rolled Oats, per packet Maple Syrup, per gal. $6.25 Case. $6.00 Case. $7.00 Case. 50c. lb. 50c. 10c. 35c. $1.85 our Feed Prices. They are right ave plenty of Sugar and can supply your wants / kt CONOVER & CONDIT 4 'Breed Adults, 25c. of Men. Preachers’ Invitations to Attend Church. Hl ■w ß c 16 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. s preaching- by Rev. Wayne Phelps. B B 7 p.m. Peoples service. Mid-week service on Thursday at B D 7:0 p.m. B ------ o------ b Reformed Church. b Rev, W. G. Lienkaemper, pastor. b WE WISH TO THANK ALL Nazarene Church Services. Sunday School at 10 a.m.. Morning worship at 11 o’clock, subject “The Conditions of Following Christ.” Evening service at 8 o’clock, sub­ ject: “A Remarkable Interview.” Everybody welcome. ------ o c I B D B B Reformed Congregational Church.. B 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. B preaching. B This Sunday we will have a special B service program. The new elected B church council will be ordajned and B installed. All of our many friends are B invited to join our service with a de­ B B votional spirit. Rev. Richard Schuetz, Children, 15c. Of our Customers for their Business during the past year. And wish them all a Happy and Pros­ perous New Year. * E. E. KOCH, Ph. G Tillamook, Oregon. D? Presbyterian Chnre t. Sunday School 10 a.m. The Sunday School is growing. Morning worship, 11 a.m. Subject: "Drfes Death End All?” This is the most important question in all the universe. What are the facts which we must face? Evening worship, 7:30 p.m. Sub­ ject PThou Art-Thou Shalt Be.” Special music by the choir. You are more than welcome always. Allan A. McRea, Minister. ------- o------- United Brethren Church. Preaching at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p. m. Morning subject "Why the Lord destroyed Them." Evening subject: “A Warrior's Choice” Sunday School at 10 a.m.. . j i.i Revival meetings are still in pro ■ ­ j gress, while a good spirit is being manifessted, yet if attendance is to be the criterion by which you judge people, we wouid have to say that saints and sinners of Tillamook are not much interested in their own souls or the souls of others. If so, what an awful mistake people are making, there will be no movies, no pool rooms, billiard halls,, dancing rooms, card tables, in hell. What will you give in exchange for your soul? You are invited to attend the meet­ ings. E. F. Wriggle, pastor. . ------- o------- balance on hand. And in every phase of the church’s life a vigorous healthful condition is indicated. The Sunday School, which meets at ten A. M„ G. B. Lamb Supt., is mak­ ing fine progress, but if you who read this are not in any Bible School the inspiration and informa­ tion to be gained at this hour will be helpful throughout the week. Try it. Communion service Sunday morn­ ing. Theme: "The Empty Seat at the Master’s Table.” Evening service at 7:30. G. O Oliver, Pastor. tively religious he is classed as a hypocrite, if he takes no interest in religion he is a hardened sinner. If he gives affection he is a soft one, if he seems to care for nobody he is coldblooded. If he faces danger he is foolhardy, if he doesn't he is a coward. If he dies young there was a great future before him, if he lives to an old age he missed hts calling. The toad is full of bumps, but man loves to travel it, and he usually gets his money’s worth. THE LIFE OF A MAN. — o------ Unknown Philosopher Describes Ups and Downs of Average Journey. . Some unknown philosopher de­ A good piano is a lifetime invest invest- ­ scribes the ups and downs of the ment, giving lasting satisfaction nient, average man’s journey through life, for your money, whereas a cheap in this fashion: piano goes to pieces in a hurry, in A man comes into this world with this climate. out his consent and goes out of it You, as a prospective buyer cannot against his will, and the trip be­ tween the two is fall of contrarios, afford to experiment. The policy of this firm for over 45 years has When he is little the big girls kiss him and when lie is grown the little been, “Your moneys worth or your girls kiss him. If he is poor he Is a money back.” Drop in the Palm bad manager, if he i;- rich tie is dis- Confectionery and hear the new honest. If he needs credit he can’t models. Sold on easy monthly pay­ get it, if he is rich everyone wants ments. to do him a favor. It he is in politics he iH a grafter, Christian Church Sei vices Sunday, if lie is out of politics lie’s no good The church.with a cordial welcome to his country. If he gives to charity Leland B. Erwin Drawer M. and a message for all. We will be he wants to “show off,” if he doesn't pleased to have you attend all the give he is a stingy cuss. If hi' is ac- County Representative. meetings of the church and worship with us. Church services at 11 a.m. and 7: 30 p.m. The Bible School will be of par- ticular interest to you and yours, you will find the graded system used and-each class will manifest a fine spirit toward you, as well as to one another. In a few words it will meet all your needs. Come! C. E. Socities, Senior and Junior, meet at 6:0 p.m.. In each you will find some thirty of forty enthusias­ tic workers—this maybe just what you want and need. We will say wel­ come. OPE is father of the wish for Holiday Happi­ Speak one to another, and say, ness to yon and yours from the I’irst National "Let us go into His Courts with Batik. praise." y 1920 find your success hiituer and broader Harry E. Tucker, Minister, o------- and services of this institution are HAPPY NEW YEAR ThrfChurch of the Cordial Welcome. (Methodist Episcopal) A steadily increasing interest In all the activities of this church Is be­ ing manifested on the part of the members and friends of the congre­ gation. Two other new members were received Sunday morning. Oth­ ers to follow soon All financial ob­ ligations are paid date with a here promote that siiccess, DIRECTORS : BI’NN. Farmer. JOHN MORGAN Furnier C. LAMB Building Mal crini « I’. Hi'.lSEI.. I'nrmrr. C .1. HDW AHIis, Mur. C. Power Co. W. J RIKCIIKRS. Viec-Pre«. nml M»r