TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. JANLA-::-Y 15. 1920- íilíanumk ìkaòlight, Fred C. Baker, Editor. SUBSCRIPTION per year $2.00 Advertising Rates. Display Advts, per meh........... Locals ........................... per line Readers, with reading matter per line................................... Notices of meetings etc, per line 20c. 7c. 7o. 7c. Editorial Snap Shots ----- o It is to be hoped that Mr. Wilson will not class Mr. Bryan with the United Blates Senators, whom he said had "pigmy minds.” ■ ■-c------ We wish that the democratic ad- ministration would quit talking about lowering the high cost of liv­ ing, for every time it does so the cost ot living goes higher. We would like to improve a little on the dairy inspector’s slogan: “Ail first grade cheese and no seconds in 1920.” Just the cart before the horse in the inspector’s slogan. o------- Whoever is the next county judge, the completion of a hardsurfaced road through the county should be the slogan until this is obtained. It is good business, and good economy to put as much effort and road funds into that as possible. ------- o------- •The supreme court has decided Governor Olcott can fill out the en­ tire term to which the late governor was elected. The supreme court was divided, with a small majority in favor of Olcott inheriting a job to which he was not elected, This de- prives the people of Oregon of voting for a governor at the next general election. Who said the people ruled in Oregon, and with the governor sticking to two political Jobs? K. E. Brodie, editor of the Oregon City Enterprise, has decided not to make the race for secretary of state. That, no doubt, is good news for the candidates who aspire to that post­ tion, for Mr, Brodie’s editor friends had intended to boost him for that position. Public office looks tempt- ing at times, but, after all, the news­ paper field is of more importance, for it is the editor who molds public opinion in the county or state in which he resides. closely paid up in taxes as Tilla­ mook City, on the 1918 tax rolls, there would be a very small delin­ quent tax list. Anyone looking over the formidable looking tax list can come to only one conclusion—that there are tqp much delinquent taxes owing the county. It seems a little strange, with money so plentiful and local conditions never better, that so many persons have allowed their taxes to become delinquent. As usual beach property owners are the great­ est sinners, and as they are the peo­ ple who clamor for road Improvement they should be the first to pay their taxes. We will refer to the delin- quent tax list later, pointing out some of the beach property owners who seem to think that it is the other fellow' who should pay their taxes and not them. We are heartily in favor of the movement to force delinquent taxpayers to pay up, and failure to do so. their property should be sold to cover the indebt­ edness. Repealing the law- doing away with the publication of the de­ linquent tax list seems to have had a bad effect in Tillamook, for the county has the biggest delinquent tax list in the history of the county. 11 SUN NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS 2 § H There is this difference between Bryan and Wilson. The pearless leader believes that it is right and proper that the United States Senate should have a right to pass upon the treaty of peace and the leage of na­ tions covenant, for that is our demo­ cratic form of government. Mr. Wil­ son, who has ignored the Senate, be­ lieves that his personal treaty and league of nations should be accepted exactly as it was brought front France. It is all very well for the presidetn to talk about making the world safe for democracy, but in the United States he has assumed the position of dictator. The Commoner says: “Is ratifica­ tion to be defeated by a Democratic majority? Can the Democrats help to escape responsibility if they prevent a compromise? It is mockery to talk about favoring a league of nations if we favor only such a league as is satisfactory to a minority of the Sen­ ate. We cannot go before the people on such an issue. The Senate is a constitutional body, and the right ot a majority to rule applies there as elsewhere. The people can change the Senate if they do not approve of its course, but a majority of the Senate cannot disregard the w ill of the ma- i jority.” *■» Mr. GEO. HANSLMAIR, Shop Foreman We will appreciate an oppor tunity to show you through our new home One of our local preachers appear to be a little peeved because the re- j vival meetings he is holding are 1 J 1 poorly attended, and at the same ' time throws out some insinuations ' and makes some uncalled for re- ' marks, by saying "There will be no' movies, pool rooms, billiard halls, i dance rooms, card tables, in hell.” We wish to say that the rev. gentle­ man, or any of us, know little of at the present time, and if the what will, or will not, be in hell. "saints and sinners of Tillamook arc All we know is what appears in holy not much Interested in their own or writ, and there is a great difference the souls of others,” we would like of opinion as to whether it is a lit­ to ask who is to blame for this con­ eral hell, with brimstone and fire to dition. TILLAMOOK BLOCK. -------o------- torment those who are unfortunate Harvey's Weekly says: The coming The 19yt delinquent tax list has to go to that place. We do not want visit of Admiral Lord Jellico to this been posted and shows a large to get into a controversy over hell, country will in one repect be of amount of taxes unpaid. espec- for there was enough hell on earth greater interest than that of any P T, DUALS. M.D., hilly beach property, There Is very while the war lasted, and it is going | other of the distinguished guests, in to be hell on the taxpayers to pay little I'lllamook City property delin- ’ that it will be a reminder of the val­ quent. Neah-Kah-Nie mountain and taxes for money squandered by thé ue of preparedness. He represents the PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. democratic administration. We want vicinity have long lists, likewise one and only militant factor on the Surgeon S. P. Co. Brighton and Brighton Beach. There to inform the rev gentleman that Allied side that was fully ready to is considerable delinquent taxes on there is nothing wrong or sinful at­ meet the shock the very moment the Garibaldi Beach, viz: Lake Lytle, tending the movies, visiting pool shock came. It took even gallant and Rockaway, Tillamook Beach, Twin looms, billiard halls and dance halls, expeditious France five weeks to ral­ Tillamook Oregon ltock... Ocean Lake and Bayoeea.i nor is there in a social game of cards, ly an army that could work the mir­ and to think otherwise shows a nar ­ and Ocean View have long ilUsof acle of the Marne, and it took Great H GOYNE, ile'iii'tuents. Sand Lake the Sea. row, bigoted spirit. The snap shot Brit inn a year to create a force able Btlullt Walers. Liverpool, Xiawanda man lias attended church socials ami to avenge the sacrifice of the "con- ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ll< .uh and other resorts wi>h a I irge one of the so-called amuseniing fea­ temptible little army" which was all I tures was to spread a canvass on the » amount of delinquents. At Wheeler Office: O pposite court L j . tse wall with the picture af a tailless she had at the beginning. But at the ■ there is quite a long list and very drop of the hat the British navy ! donkey, ami blindfolding persons, at Bay City is quite long. Tillamook - O. fgon they were expected to pin a tail on­ was ready for action and was ade­ -o------- to the portei ior of a jackass. It may quate to the task before it. so that : Y^TKBSTER HOLMES when the county he very edfying to some persons to do the mastery of the seas was never for ' court bought new maeliim ry for the trick correctly, hut, really, how a moment in doubt. How great a ser­ an-BryfOnyComp^ny. 11Q7 roud work, a number of our citizens awfully silly. And it Is not ’out of vice thus rendered to civilization can ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ciltlci >d the court. Since then poo phice to say that this game will not never be over-estimated: and it is COMMERGI AL BUILDING, pie have generally come to I he con­ he found in hades. Now as to revival that service of which Admiral Lord clusion io build and maintain county meetings. I. it Jelllcoe is the living reminder. s It seems to be th custom FIRST STREET. roads it is necessary to have up to with preachers, directly they conm TILLAMOOK. date vnuclilnery, hence not a word of to a new field, is to hold revival OREGON DR A. C. CRANK. I criticism is heard tbduy when the meetings, and. to our way of thin’k- Drs. Shearer & Crank court buys some necessary niachin- ing. it JQAVID ROBINSON, M.D, .. is .s a little overworked We sewnc ^ MACHINES wry When the county court started question whether there Medical & Surgery. is much MODELS OF PERFECTION. in to build steel and concrete bridg­ 1 hrlstianlty in a church that is icy National Building. es ami construct hardsmfaced roads cold at one time and boiling all over PERFECTLY PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON it was one of the best moves that with religious fervor at other times Tillamook - - - Oregon. could be made, and when on118 PERFECT. upon our citizens; "We would have Disease of The Tin County Court has decided to to say that saints and sinners of Needles. Oil, Belts and all kinds of Sewing 0K O. L. HOHLFELl). • Machine supplies, Repairing a specialty.* EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT v_»„ commence work on the BayocCan Tillamook are not - •puch interested " road as soon as the government in their own or the s’.uls of others' New Home Users lers." Only VETERINARIAN. dredge is available. Captain Grout Judge not. that he be not judged, is are quality chosers. 310 Selling Building, Portland, Ore. will be through with tli ■ work at the one of the precepts of the bible Bro For Sale By E-ell Phone—2F2 Burton place in a few days, when Wriggle. Because the p...pl, ot ,hN Mutual Phone SHARFF Th DUBfVER the dredge will be brought to the city are not attending this particular ECONOMY CLEANERS 172 3rd Street Tillamook city to undergo some repairs, and it noting is no criterion to j„L Oregon. is expected thnt by the 1st of Febru­ • AND DYERS ary work will start, it being the In­ •re a fine class of citizen«, especially 2nd. Between 3rd and 4th. J2)R- L. L. HOY, tention of th«' county court to con­ the conscientious. religious portion struct the road from Dick's Point by and, on the Of < her hand, the moral MODERN EQUIPMENT. dredging similar to H um built fiv I environments of the citv ,,iv PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON -- city are wonder- years ago that started from the fully improved to what they PERMANENTLY LOCATED, NO KNIFE AND LOSS OF BLOOD ---- were. A T illamook B lock , Higgs place. There Is nearly a mile good many of our citizens labored No Plasters and Pains for Hours ot that road which Ims stood up well h«rd for many years to bring this Or Days. ' Tillamook, Oregt n. with but little washout, considering •bout and seme <>f ns took the hard TUMORS. PILES. FISTULA. GOITRE that nothing has been done to it knocks hut this is no time to throw DISEASES OF WOMEN since It was built with the Bayncean a monkey wrench into the machin- J OH’i LHIV an Ò. HENDERSON dredge It is estimated that it will Four Years Study in Europe. -----o----- that raised a moral and relig­ cost considerable less to build thr ion« atmosphere of Tillamook. There Over thirty years experience ATTORNEY Storage—Oils road that way. is another plmse to this question, Portland Physical Therapy Labora­ AND Repairing of all kinds. k —- O ■ — i lillamook city never had more tories. 412 to 417 Journal Building \lf other parts of the i 'tint y wan as •hurches and more preachers than COUNSELLOR AT-LAW Give us a trial. It will be remembered when Mr. Bryan spoke at the •Chautauqua last summer he was opposed to the Shan- tung provision which gave Japan that province and 35.000,000 people. Last week he said hi a speech lie was in tavor of the treaty of peace and the league of nations be accepted when Mr. Wilson submitted It to the senate. Mr. Bryan is inconsistent, and now finding that it is impossible to have the treaty ratified he ap­ pears to be in favor of the treaty as Americanized by the United States Senate. ------- o------- BOTTS & WINSLOW, Attorneys-at-Law, TILLAMOOK, OREGON. “I Don’t Need to Tell You” says the Good Judge Why so many men are going to the small chew of this good tobacco. Both phones. You get real tobacco sat­ isfaction out of this small chew. The rich taste lasts and lasts. You don’t need a fresh chew so often. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Up In Two Styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CU i is a long fine-cut tobacco B OBERT H. McGRATH COVNSKLLOR-AT LAW,! TILLAMOOK, OREGON. NELSON & CO., General Merchandise, Bay City, Oregon. ---- o----- Square Deal and Good Goods Our Motto Phonç 72. CANCER. Bay City Garage Portland _____________ Oregon Tillamook - Otes a Goin & Wiedman. Ornamental Fire Places Built of Brick and Stone, AU Fire Places absolutely guaranteed not to smoke or money re­ funded. Brick work .of all kinds dona on short notice. We make a specialty of re­ pairing smoking Fire Places. TILLAMOOK, ORE