TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JANUARY No Flourish of Trumpets Her- aided Roosevelt. OYSTER RAISING IN HOLLAND SUMMONS. Highly Scientific Method* Employed In That Country Have Been Re- markacly Successful. (Continued from another page) 15, 1920. ------ o Immediate Delivery on Nash and Overland Cars. Bay City Land Co., Lot 10, of- block 55, Pacific In the Industry represented h.v oyster Add. to Bay City...................... $ 1.26 ! cultivation. Holland is the most sys­ Bay City Land Co., __ tematic In Its operations and employs Lots 4, 5 and 6, of block 57, Just One of the Crowd Doing Good more elaborate methods than any other Pacific Add. to Bay City, .. $ 6.46 Work In Hopl Land, but Supreme country In the world. The numerous Bay City Land Co., Lot 4, of block 58, Pacific in Quality of Leadership— sounds tlmt indent the coast of Hol­ Add. to Bay City, ............... $ 2.29 Proved HI* Energy. land, particularly In the region of the River Scheldt, afford excellent facili­ John T. and Thos. F. Kenny, rpilE wide-spread and heavy de- performance the Nash Six is now E% of Wl-2 of lots 1, 2, 3 I was travel stained from head to ties for the propagation of the oyster and 4, of block 64, Pacific I mand which exists for the Nash generally reorgnized to be a class an...................... $10.13 Its Three-Point Cantilever Springs create a riding buoyancy which estab­ few minutes Inter he lay in utter nology of measuring high tempera­ Dwight & Curtis. chivalry under the car, milking gftso- tures which will melt any known sub- Lot 1, of block 3, Maple lishes Overland 4 as a new type of car. Grove Add. to Tillamook. . $12.40 line Into my cup. I thanked him stnnce. Making use of this new knowl­ Before the Overland 4 was submitted to the verdict of the public it was warmly and sped awny. I was glad to edge, other bureau men huve greatly Geo. B. Lamb. Lots 7 and 8, of block 9,> subjected to preliminary trials covering more than 250,000 miles in widely see that he was just as weather stained Improved the high-temperature ther­ Miller’s Add. to Tilla­ as I. varying climates and road conditions. In high and low altitudes, in rock and mometers which are used Ln the steel mook......................................... $ 7.15 As I climbed the crest of one of the Industry to measure the temperature sand, in mud and snow and dust, the Overland 4 withstood every ordeal. And W. G. Dwight. sandhills I stopped short, open of molten steel. On* of the biggest Lots 4, 5, 6 ,7, 8, 9, 10, and in so doing, this car established a new.standard, not merely of roadability, but mouthed In wonder. A stalwart figure Improvements In the production of 11, of block 13, Miller’s on a cow pony was riding up the hill, steel In recent years Is the result. of economy. Add. to Tillamook.............. $20.64 alone and unattended; without any “Formerly many millions of dollars’ S. Hughes. flourish of trumpets, Col. Roosevelt worth of st*el products depended upon Lot 6, of block 2,. Woods.. $ .82 had arrived 1 His sunburned face was the trained eye of the foreman In es­ ------- o——- partly shaded by a big felt hat, a timating tlje temperature of steel from Allof the above described lands red handkerchief fluttered at his Its color. But these new thermome­ are situated in Tillamook County, throat, and he, too, looked as though ters don’t drink; they don’t fail; and State of Oregon. gasoline might Improve his khakis. I their accuracy means vast savings In You, and each of you, are hereby waved my sombrero and cried “Hall money, better steel, a decided step for­ notified that there is now due and to the chief I” No one hnd expected ward in America's industrial sov­ owing and unpaid to the plaintiff, the great guest so soon, but It was ereignty.” Tillamook County, on said Certifi- Certify like him to be ahead of the rest of cate upon the several pieces and 7^5ZSZ5B5Z5Z5Z5Z5Z5ZS?SESE5B5ZSZ5Z5^5E5R5Z5RSESH5R.5Z5Z5RS25HSR5?Sr!5?_5?_5i; parcels of real property hereinbe- the world. If it is MEAT you want On Toad*. fore described, the sums of money He leaped from the saddle and we "Many stories are extant tending to set opposite each of such tracts, and shook hands warmly. “This Is capl- try the addition thereto, there Is due and , tai I” he exclaimed. "But don’t spill show that toads have been found alive _ in _________________ owing and unpaid on the respective j my gnsollne,” I cried. “Every one In In rocks or In soil deep in the earth; sums, further sums for interest ; Hopf land Is trying to clean up for yet so far a* Investigated by the writer thereon at the rate of twelve per you I” He laughed heartily. “You in no case has the evidence b**n ut all cent per annum from the 30th day must meet my boy,” he said, and called conclusive,” says A. H. Kirkland In an of August, 1919; and you are fur­ loudly, “Archlei”—and at this the article on “The Garden Toad” Ln Boys’ ther notified that the plaintiff. Life. "On the other hand, experiments Tillamook County, will apply to the knight in overalls appeared I Yours for “W* have met today before,” he have shown that toads may be kept circuit eourt of the State of Oregon, said, with a smile, and glanced sig­ alive at least 18 months sealed up In for the County of Tillamook, for a Quality and Quantity. nlflcantly nt my cup. It was nearly plaster or limestone. Thar* Is little decree foreclosing the liens against BELL PHONE, MAIN 3. MUTUAL PHONE each and all of the said several empty. The desert sun was drinking doubt that the toad may live to be We give 5 per cent Dis­ pieces and parcels of real property 20 years old, or more. lip all my efforts, but I did not care. count for Cash. The stars were still alight the next “Though it lives alone la summer, mentioned in said Certificate. Sil5E5E5aSE5ZSÏSH5ï525HSH525Z5B5ï!5?SH5HS2525HS25HSH5Z5H5ZSH5B5252S?5HS2SÏ And you and each of you are morning when we left our camp fire, toads often hibernate in colonies of directed and summoned to appear but we paused for a moment to fill a half a dozen or more, In feeding within sixty days after the date of bottle with hot coffee for the colonel, usually by night, the toad patrols a the first publication of this sum­ who had mude his headquarters In the fairly well-defined bent; garden and mons, exclusive of the date of said -------o------ schoolhouse. When we reached the flower beds are frequented, Hnd par­ first publication, and to defend the Agent For schoolhouse, the colonel’s room was ticularly the ground under are lights, action or pay the amounts due; and empty. "One must Indeed get up early where numerous Insects fall fluttering in case of your failure to do so, a de­ PAGE AND ALLEN AUTOMOBILES to he abreast of Theodore Roosevelt.” from the lamps above. When food is cree will be rendered by said court, Write For Demonstration Phone 32. we told each other, rather shame­ abundant, ns shown by experiments on foreclosing the liens of said taxes And Prices. and costs against the lands and the toads In cages, the animal eats an facedly. Now. to climb the Walpl trnll, a equivalent of fonr square meals dally, premises named in this notice and Hunters Take Notice. Lost. Ornamental Fire Places Built steep 600 feet, even on horseback, Is consisting of caterpillars, cut-worms, set opposite your respective names. ------- o------- r>— The date of the first publication of of Brick and Stone, All Fire no plensant task before daylight (nnd beetles, ants, etc.” We have furnished cottages and Lost a gold wrist watch. Finder this summons is the 25th day of De­ Places absolutely guaranteed breakfast) 1 But when we scrambled pleose leave same at Henry Plasker’s. good accommodations at our camp at cember, A. D., 1919. not to smoke or money re­ on foot to the summit, tired and All processes and papers in this » Suitable reward. Netarts. First Clocks Simple Affairs. funded. breathless, there stood the colonel, proceeding may bo served on the A. N. Davies, Prop. Th<> first clocks were simple affairs Brick work of all kinds done strong and secure, among the topmost which showed the hour alone; then District Attorney of Tillamook Announcement. on short notice. rocks of the Hopl buttes, silhouetted followed the addition of the minute County, Oregon, at Tillamook, Ore­ Night School Re-opens We make a specialty of re­ against the "yellow line,” as the Hopfs hand, and later came clocks which re­ gon. Twentieth Century wood saw now f pairing smoking Fire Placa*. W. L. Campbell, call the dawn. The little incident was corded the day of the month, the Night school re-opens January 5th, Sheriff of Tillamook in operation. characteristic of his natural drive of phases of the moon, and many other All orders promptly attended to. at the High School Bldg. Special at­ County, Oregon. energy, his unfailing promptitude and pieces of information, generally of a Call Bell phone 6F2 or leave orders tention given pupils beginning at his inborn quality of leadership. at Star Grocery or Sutton’s Market. this time. Commercial subjects offer­ more or less astronomical character. TILLAMOOK. ORE WHY THAT LAME BACK? Karl Wilhelms. ed. * 1 During the sixteenth century, the Ital­ Portia to Date. ian and German clockmakers, notably For the first time In history a wom­ those of Nuremberg and Augsburg, That morning lameness—those an lnwyer, Signora Coinanl, has con­ made great progress In their art. sharp pains when bending or lifting, ducted a case In an Italian courtroom; There are those who claim that ons •nd commentators are nnturally re­ ft Richard Harris, an Englishman, In­ make work a burden and rest impos­ minded of Portia and the famous case vented and set up the earliest pendu­ sible. Don’t be handicapped by a bad of Shylock vs. Antonio. Shakespeare lum clock some time during th* first back—look to your kidneys. You may have found hi« Idea for the scene four decade« of th* seventeenth oen will make no mistake by following In an Italian tradition, for the tale tury; bid this story does not appear comes down from the fourteenth cen­ _ . . A ■ » - —■ 1 -■ . . “ this Portland resident’s example. tury of how the daughter of a Juris­ to be v. ell authenticated, and tbs H A money-maker and hard work saver for land clearer« and wood-cutting Mrs. J. H. Van Buren, 807 Mal­ honor of introducing the pendulum ■ contractors. One man can move it from cut to cut. Simple and reliable. consult In old Bologna took her fa­ seems to belong to the Dutchman. lory Ave, Portland, Ore., says: "I ■ Hundred! tn use all over the U. S. When not In UM tor wood «uttluir, the 4 H. P. motor will ther's place in the law school. had suffered for a good while and ■ run mills, feed mills, feed nutters, pumps, etc. Q h I-* dMvtrUt fnm mr Huygens. But even If ttpa tradition Is based I “Hr U'tdttmb rMXarwwrA'traaAear.eMS ZOOoot.t. <*re.o*o«< had failed to find anything to help on fact. It detracts nothing from Sig­ II a ord."— f. 1. K'lUUau, Sanu. Or.. .f*** t>‘* ^"t**1* SMat. me. Doan’s Kidney Pills cured me of Kangaroo Tendons Bset Suture*, l I "ZA mv Mum/ rArwr* )h» A* lafi M •*. rtu _ nora Comanl’s appearance In an Ital­ kidney trouble. Doan’s built me up, dt’ofMaml.lM. —N T. Mfr". ' The kangaroo, which propels its ian law court, for law schools and giving me excellent health and I law courts are somewhat different, and body over the ground In a series of America must burn more shall always praise them. I am hard­ wood for fuel. One Wsde If-rm/*vrFj| \ r- L the "lady lawyer” of Bologna did not long leaps or hounds, has a very pow­ ly ever without Doan’s Kidney pills will do 10 men's work at / W appear publicly; she taught law to erful tail which is of great assist­ one-tenth tbe cost Write I ■f'-'Z f\ I / Z W in the house and using them now for free Book.'How Dan V ' * *% ajp \X \ 1 /\f W ance to the legs In enabling It to leap, her father’s students from behind a and then keeps me well. There is Rosa cuts M cords . .„• ‘ AJP .^Ufdvtd > ■ A great muscle or group of muscle«, curtain.—Christian Science Monitor. a day,” full de- X dTcr t ^>ilSJr2W ~a I tails and speo- ,, -bl fl each little bundle of them with Its own nothing as good for anyone suffering lai price. X/A J with a weak, aching hack and dizzy tendons extending to the extremity of Partnership. Broker—Darling, we are ruined I I the tail, gives power to this Important spells and whose kidneys don't act organ. Dr. Henry O. Marcy of Boston right.” tiave lost every dollar. Price 60c., at all dealers. Don’t Wife—Not so, dear; I still have the discovered that these tendons were th* stock that you gave me last Christmas. ideal thing to use in sewing up mu» simply ask for a kidney remedy—get cles after a surgical operation, as they ■Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that Broker—You have—really? Mrs. Van Buren had. Foster-Milburn Wife—Ye«, pet; so only you are are not elastic and they do not soften until their work is done, and theu they Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Pd Adv, ruined—not w*. are absorbed by the tissues. The Nash Six with Perfected Valve-in-Head Motor Price $1720.00 Tillamook, Ore We are Agent for the Celebrated Nash Truck. See us if you are contemplating buying a Truck, for you want the Best. OVERLAND 4 O Price $1090 Tillamook, Ore C. F. PANKOW, Tillamook, Ore SANITARY MARKET Dr. E. L. Glaisyer, VETERINARIAN, County Dairy Herd Inspector Wheeler Garage BAY CITY DRUG CO. Entire New St ock of Candies New Syrups. Come and See. RALPH E. WARREN, A WADE does 10 men j work Saws 25 cords a day! B Sold by Standard Feed Co., Tillamook, Agent.