T1LLJLMOOK HEADLIGHT, JANUARY 15. 1920 to a distinguished officer who had re­ ceived the unanimous recommenda­ ÍH K ------c------ tion of the board which had been K It would seem that the heralded specially appointed for the purpose K action of Attorney General Palmer of recommending awards; an officer, I B in the crusade to reduce the H. C. L. it may be added, between whom and K come in the form of advice not to buy the Secretary of the Navy some dif­ I now but to wait until later. The only ferences of opinion had recently trouble with that advice is, that if arisen. Still another distinguished œ S K you wait until later the prices keep officer, unanimously recommended S B on going up and you're naturally by the board was rejected by the sec­ K « "out of luck."—News Reporter. I* HI retary—an officer who happens to S D X be related to a prominent Republican S J Somehow the parole of a wealthy Senator. Again, the Rear-Admiral s 1 - Foitland resident on a jail sentence who commanded one of the chief I : Imposed on conviction of recklessly squadrons of the Navy all through ■q driving a automobile while under the war and rendered service of su­ in : D the influence of liquor when taken preme importance, received a much in K in connection with the number of au­ lower decoration than a Lieutenant B ♦ I D tomobile accidents in the metropolis who commanded a single destroyer B À leaves a bad taste in the mouth. And and lost it in his first action. But in * all .the more so, when we recall that i then the Admiral was not, like the K (n 1 ■ the same individual not so long ago Lieutenant, a near relative of the K stood trial on a charge of running Secretary of the Navy. B down and killing a woman. It is true Of course it may be that all these K he was acquitted by the Jury, but things can be satisfactorily explain­ K notwithstanding, the bad taste still ed. It may be that the man who gets remains.—Independent. SOLD BY beaten is more worthy of reward ------- o------- than the man who wins. It may be We hand the palm to the Baltimore that the civilian Secretary of the Sun. Hundreds of thousands of dol­ Navy is a better judge of merit in TILLAMOOK, ORE lars worth of automobiles belonging action than the expert board of of­ § to the government have been stand­ ficers constituted for the purpose, or ing out in the sun and the rain and than the commanding officer of the the enow at Camp Hollbard. Efforts fleet who personally saw the service by congress, by private initiative and rendered. Since his experiences in ¿SH5a525¿525H5B525H5H5ZS25H525H5H52SZ5?5H5?5HS25B525H5?5a5¿5H525¿5¿5ZK5 _ — IU otherwise to get Secretary Baker to Hawaii, Sir Josephus is assumed to dispose of them have been all in vain. be a past master in authority on dec­ There they stand and ruet and rot. orations. Yet there are those, not Now the Baltimore Sun comes to the only from Missouri, who will await rescue of Baker by saying that the explanation of such circumstances as fault rests with congress for not we have cited before they regard spending $53,000 for more rail« ay them as impeccable; and who mean­ improvements there and $120,000 while will be unable to rid them­ for storage warehouses.—Gazette selves of the feeling that Admiral Times. Sims would not have take so extra­ ordinary a course without making An Antidote for Sentimentalism. sure of his ground. ------- o------- This is no mere bit of personal riv­ Compelling the inmates of the alry, nor a question of comparative 31 ). n- Cook Countyf Illinois) penitentiary ranks and merits, such as arose at to witness the hanging of a murder­ the end of our war with Spain. It is i er may seem a little severe, but the a matter which involves the honor of , fact is that nothing is such a deter­ the Navy and the integrity of the i rent of wrong-doing as witnessing Administration. Upon its determina­ the downfall or punishment of oth­ tion hangs the question whether na- | ers. Many a person has been halted val decorations for service in the in a headlong career by the fate of great War are to be valued tokens of a friend, many a person has been merit or mere meretriciqjis Junk. saved from sin by seeing what has Awarded impartially, by competent happened to others who have sinned. I authority, for merit in tervice, they This may not seem fair, but it is the would be precious possessions and fact, and the experiment of Cook heirlooms to future generations. ’ county may leave in the minds of its Awarded at the personal caprice or convicts memories that may in the favor of Josephus Daniels, their val­ future save them from doing some­ ue would be measured by their ' thing that would bring them to the weight and the market price of the noose. metal of which they were composed. I We would not be hard hearted to The Navy and the Nation owe a the unfortunate, but there is alto­ deep debt of gratitude to Admiral (fa. ah m1 bu ai. JU' ■ i» nr; »««« * nt m mi « ■ a gether too much maudling sentiment I Sims for the brave and manly way expressed for those who go the way in which he has brought the matter 1 of the sinner and land in the peni­ to a head and assured a thorough in- j tentiary. Convicts still are human be­ vestigation of it. The honor of th? ings, which cannot be said of their Navy and the integrity of the Ad- ' victims, if murdered. Their downfall ministration require that the whole may be the fault of others than them­ truth shall be made known.—Har­ selves, but often those with false vey’s Weekly. ideas of ultruism make the lot of the Rill Mil. .Mi: ■ IMI Mill*. MUI iflBII. IMWi ■KIMII i MII’MII.MI' 'Kl IM F '■ .1» i# felon more pleasant in Jail than It The League of Public Opinion. was out in the world. -------- o-------- We have never yet seen an expla­ nation of why women will tote From the Enid (Okla.) Eagle. flowers to the wife murderer and Below we give a letter from a weep at the door of his cell. The traveling man published in the Kan­ “We Deliver the Goods.” sheriff of Cook county may be taking san City Journal which accords with some of the sentiment out of incar­ our own view oFthe sentiment of the ceration but no great harm will come country as it relates to the league of of his action and some good may be I nations. If there Is any honorable accomplished. He is at least original way to get out of the muddle Presi­ in his idea.—The Sentinel. dent Wilson's bungling has got America into at Versaillies, it ought to be adopted even to the extent of When Medals Go By Favor. repudiating the whole league cove­ Admiral Sims refuses to accept^the nant, and we desire peace with the Armoured Inner Tires are a practical. common sense/ Distinguished Service Medal. In that whole world just as ardently as money-saving tire necessity for all tire users. By brief statement of fact is the sure President Wilson does. "The .obstinacy with which the preventing punctures and blowouts, they add plea­ promise of a lifting of the lid from sure, safety and economy to motoring. Lubricated the mess of alleged favoritism that press generally adheres to the idea has for some time been brewing at I that the people are in favor of the inside and out, they require no cementing aud no vul­ the capital. For when the foremost I leaguge of nations is. one of the canizing. Placed on your tires as easily as inner tube. officer of our Navy in the great war I most inexplicable things I ever met refuses to accept from the hands of ■ with. Will you explain it? the Secretary of the Navy the dec­ i salesman, I have, within tl C525¿SH5?S2Sn5?525?K52SS5a5aS2S25E5ES25ESiSH5E5aScSHS2SH5?.5E!7¿F2575E5;2'5 oration which he of all men is en­ eight weeks been in the pr titled to receive, of a truth "it is a I towns and cities of no less condition, not a theory, that con- 1 eight states. In talking wi fronts us and it is a condition that , people on the trains and with those 5HSE52525B52SaSB«5aSZ5¿S?SHSa5?5S5aSHSZ5¿5Z5BSE5H5H3H5H5^ES2S25í52SH5a cannot be disposed of without a whom I met iu a business way, I searching inquest, the result of ' have made it a special point to try to , which can scarcely fail to have most 1 find out what public opinion is on I serious consequences to one of two ' the leag ue. I sincerely believe that | eminent men chiefly concerned. That i on a popular vote the league would this fact has been forcibly brought not get one vote out of 20. And ' ru home to the Administration is evl- 1 when it comes to a question of rati- I AU Work Guaranteed denced by Secretary Daniels’ panlcky fication without any reservations, I , action in reconvening the Naval absolutely did not find a man in all • Let Me Keep You Out of Trouble. I cany a Stock of Goodrich my trip who favored such a course. ' Board of awards. Tires, Tubes and Tire Accessories. Admiral Sims does not merely re­ I was in Louisville on election day, Your Patronage Solicited. ject the proffered medal. He puts in (that being my home), and I heard strong expressions writing his reasons for that extra­ hundreds of J. C. HOLDEN, 2nd STREET, OPPOSITE O.P., TILLAMOOK. ordinary action. In brief these are against any league at all, but not that the recommendations of com­ one for it. I am a Democrat and have ( manding officers have been overrul­ tried to remain neutral on the sub- i ed and disregarded by the Secretary Ject of the league and treaty. And of the Navy in awarding decorations, I want to say to you that if the ¡ that thus grave injustice has been league is made - a dominent issue in I done to worthy men; that ridicule 1920, there is no use of the Demo- i has been brought upon the awards; crats to spend a dollar In trying to and that the morale of the service carry the election, They wouldn’t has been seriously impaired. Speci­ have the slightest chance of success. fically. he points out that the Secre­ Just put this forecast in your hat.” tary has adopted the anomalous plan of bestowing equal honor upon offi­ For disinfecting where Contagious or Bids Wanted on Wood. cers who succeeded and those who ------- o------- infectious diseases are prevailing failed, upon those who won victories, The Red Clover Creamery Company and those who suffered defeats. CARBOLIC COMPOUND is a power­ Admiral Sims Indulges, of course« wishes to receive bids on sound four in no personalities. It is pointed out foot wood delivered at its factory, ful Germicidal mixture and by its '.use by others, however, that the Disting­ wood to be either fir, fir slabs, hem­ lock or alder, in lots up to one hun ­ will improve general stable conditions. uished Service Medal, the same that Admiral Sims himself refused to ac­ dred cords. Half the wood to be de­ cept, the high» est of all the honors livered by June 1st and balance by bestowed, has been awarded to an September 1st of this year. Leave officer whose chief distinctions are, bids at office of Carl Haberlach, Sec­ first, that he was beaten in action retary, Tillamook, Oregon, on or be­ and lost his ship, and second, that he fore Feb. 1st, 1920. Company re­ RELIABLE DRUGGISTS. is a near relative of the Secretary of serves the right to reject any and all the Navy. On the other hand, the bids. Red Clover Creamery Company. secrefary refused to award a medal What the Editors Say NOTICE Have sold my interest in the Tillamook Transfer Co. and have bought into the City Transfer Co., and all of the old customers who wish me to do their work will find me on the Job. Prices Ri ¿ht H. BROOKS § Stradivara Phonograph H I The Sweatest Tone Phono­ graph made. Plays all records of their best without the harsh metallic «sound found in so many g í i KOCH & BENNETT. g Expert Dyeing That Old Coat, Dress or Suit can be dyed to look like new at at a Small Cost. CALL Pacific Cleaning and Tailoring Co. JF your immediate need is a de pendable, painstaking handling of some business or financial matter, read, the last paragraph of this ad­ vertisement. Our desire is to go less directly to the point. BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL LADIES, recognizing the many ad­ CONDITIONS are maturing new vantages in a personal checking ac­ problems almost daily and this bank count. will find us ready to do every­ has prepared itself with facilities very thing possible to make their transac­ valuable to a wide variety of interests. tions with this bank a pleasure to them. TO THE FARMER AND RANCH­ ER, our membership in the Federal Reserve System is an advantage. It gives us a broad and practical ability to meet their particular needs. The same connection serves The Business Man Here each of these differing lines of endeavor will find that conferences with our officers ofken bring out ad- v^ptage.s which anxiety and business cares have hidden from them. TO THE THRIFTY, we offer 4% interest compounded twice yearly for their savings plus the security of A Strong Home Owned Bank. TO THE VISITORS IN THIS SEC- TION, this bank is a place for them to enter and feel at home and they are invited to call and make their desires known. fx the final analysis, it will be found that this in­ stitution is governed by a spirit of helpfulness, and, whatever your business interests in this section may be, you can confidently rely upon its cordial, intelli­ gent and personal co-operation. TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK The Strong Borne Bank / % RLiEX. mohair & co GENERAL HARDU1ARE Kitehen Ranges and Heating Stoves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere NOTICE The Tillamook Transfer Co. is now under the sole management of J. P. Ma ginnis. We are equipped to handle Brayage of any Kind, anywhere. : For Wood, Coakor Drayage ¿ * JACK HARPER, BALL SHOP, TILLAMOOK. Take your Horses there and get First Class Shoes for them. I guarantee all work to be satisfactory, if not, bring it back and I will make good without extra charge. We pay top prices for Hides. B5E525ï525aS2SaSH5a5B5aS2S25B525a525ZSB5E525H5ZSBSZS?5asaS252SH5a5ï5H LAMB-SCHRADER CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CEMENT LIME, PLASTER, LATH AND BRICK; DOMESTIC STEAM AND SMITHING COAL. u ’ WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE- COR. FRONT AND 3 rd AVE. WEST. TILLAMOOK. OR. -^5ZSH52S2SHSH5SS25Z525ä5a5?52SB5H5H5H52525H5a5H5HS?S?SZSZSH5H5ZS?5Z5H5 Ï 'TILLAMOOK TRANSFER CO..’ LIBERTY TEMPLE. ARMOURED INNER TUBES Prevents Punctures and Blowouts. C. MILLS, Agent, Tillamook, Ore S SHOEING. GALL City Vulcanizing and Tire Shop Expert Tire Service Vulcanizing and Retreading CLOUGH’S CARBOLIC COMPOUND a I. CLOUGH co *** V