J I » z y TILLAMOOA HEADLIGHT. JANUARY 15. 1920¿ HOME® TOWN® HELPSi> G « i I PLAN WELL BEFORE BUILDING l Failure to Do That la the Most Fro- quent Cause for Investment Being a Failure. < FÎRE-PROT ê CTION Coaxing YoiPto Smile. It’s A Dull Life. "What is your idea of the average man?” "In a city he's the fellow who’s al­ ways waiting for the raise that never comes; takes his meals off the arm ol a chair until he gets married and after that eats in the kitchen with his coat off; never spends more than 50 cent3 on amusements in one day, until after he’s married and then never spends more than a quarter, and whenever there's a street parade down town he’s always somewhere along the line of march. FIRE -1N SURA NCE THIS AGENCY OFFERS What Would Your wife do if fire broke out ? If I had all I've SA VED, believe me, I'd be some rich kid! YOU BOTH Nothing gives a keener zest to thrift Are you leaving her with­ than saving to own a home. Our out the panic-proof protec­ Not A Chance of It, thrifty foreign-horn citizens, as well tion of es many of our native-born, are home A few days ago a well dressed and one-quart hand chemical ex­ owners. The home-owning spirit Is very charming young lady hailed a tinguisher; instant and panic­ commendable. A city of home owners four-wheeler, there being no taxi in proof in operation; child can Is a stable city. A city of renters is sight. Just as she was getting in she Don’t delay getting this ex­ apt to be shifting and transient. noticed that the horse was inclined work it perfectly; for fac­ “ „THE ¡.INSURANCE MAN. ” tinguisher in your home. If you lose money In owning a home to be frisky. tories, offices, homes, garages, Call or phone right now. It Is usually attributable to one of the He was jumping about and swish­ TILLAMOOK1CITY, - - OREGON. following causes: autos. Install at once; call ing his tail in a way that alarmed Bear« label • "Yon Invest In a home too expensive her; she was a timid little thing. NATIONAL BUILDING.1 of the or phone now, onderwriter for your Income. Œ So she addressed a few words to "You pay more for It than its loca­ the ancient Jehu. tion and cost of construction justify, "I hope,” she said smiling bravely, letting the other fellow gobble the "that you will not run away with Notice of Sheriff’s Sale. profits while you nccept the loss. me.” “You are a poor judge of location The cabby sighed mournfully. • In the Circuit Court of.the State of values and get into u location where "No, mum,” he replied. "I have a there Is little or no demand for prop­ wife and seven kids at 'ome already” Oregon, for Tillamook County. F. H. Brandes, Plaintiff. erty or where values are decreasing. ------- o------- • vs. “You construct a home devoid of Encouraging. Linda Thompson and Linda conveniences, grotesque In appearance, Lord Tomnoddy was very much in E. Thompson, heirs at law or out of the ordinary and of a type love with Flufty-Flipflop, the fam­ of L. E. Thompson, deceased, thnt few people would desire. “You neglect little essentlnls, such ous revue "star”, and announced his and J. H. Middleton, admin­ as closet room, sunlight, location of intention of asking the young lady istrator of L. E. Thompson, Estate. Defendants. stairways and other things. While to marry him the following night. "And you think she will say 'yes'?’ By virtue of an execution, judg- you may think it matters little, nine nient order, decree and order of sale other persons out of ten will object asked the father, amiably. “Oh, I zdon’t know,” said the love­ ; issued out of the above entitled to them. Think of building a home in a city where sunshine Is pleasant sick youth. "She’s so beautiful and court in the above entitled cause, to eleven months of the year and then of fascinating I feel I can never hope to me directed and dated the 22nd day of December, 1919, upon a judgment placing the stairway to the south, win her love!” "Oh, rot!” said the father, encour­ rendered and entered in said Court cutting out all the sunshine, while the windows are placed at the north. Such agingly. "Lois of men have succeed­ on the 25th day of November, 1919, To make sure of getting a Ford car, buy one now. Don’t i in favor of F. H. Brandes, plaintiff, Is sometimes done. The owner then ed. Why shouldn't you?" wait until spring but buy now while deliveries are possible. Ev­ ¡and against Linda Thompson and will wonder why so few desire to buy or rent ft. The renson should he i Linda E. Thompson, heirs at law of en next month is an uncertainty. Dazing Logic. clear.”—From “Ten Lessons In Thrift,” The number of Fojd cars allotted to this territory is limited "Pordon me, sir,” said the sales* I L. E. Thompson, deceased, and J. H. by Thomas E. Sanders. of L. E. man, in his superior way, ‘ bitt this Middleton, administrator and specified. Even to get our allotment, we must have real, Thompson, estate, defendants, for is not the hat you should have at all. bona-fide orders for cars. Just so many cars allotted to us; just HAVE EYE TO CITY'S FUTURE Now here is one much more becom­ the sum of Three Hundred ($300.00) bo many will get cars; will you be one of them? Those who or­ ing to you. The price is only two Dollars, with interest at the rate of seven per cent from September 12, Intelligent Building Plans Mean Much dollars more, and”------- der their cars now will be protecting themselves. If you should to Its Development and Proper "If a colored man with a wooden i 1918, and the further sum of thirty­ be forehanded, get your name on an order today. leg should ask for a seventy-five cent eight and 82-100 ($38.82) Dollars, Growth. with interest at the rate ot six per Don’t think you cannot use ic it you get it now. The four pink, purple or polka dotted hat you cent per annum from August 16, Slums are not the product of n city’s would sell it to him if you had it, seasons are all alike to the Ford car. It is a necessity every 1919, until paid, and the further sum Inevitability. They are the product of wouldn't you?” interrupted old Fes­ month of the year. Besides, the Ford car is lowest in upkeep ot Fifty 00-100 ($50.00) Dollars, Its stupidity, of Its Indifference, luck of tus Pester. and for the further aunt of til.75 cost rtnd easiest in operation. And the new Ford electric start­ perception and thought. A great muss "Yes, sir, but”------- of people cannot live together ns four "Then please treat me as kindly as costs and disbursements and the ing and lighting system makes driving more convenient Your famtllM might live ut a country crozs- you would a colored man with a costs ot and upon this writ, com- order for either open or enclosed cars will have our prompt at­ jnanding me to make sale ot the fol- Jijf,'!“, Their Interdependence de­ Wooden leg." lowing described real property, to- tention. mands an assumption or responsibility wit: "by the people wl><> «in *1° things foj I ’ Poetry of Advertising. The Southwest quarter of the the people who cannot. An advertising man who returned Southeast quarter (SWJ4 of S.E.'4) A reHl home will be one Jn which recently from the Orient says the East half ot Southwest quarter (E*4 there Is a recognition of res|*onslbillty Japanese merchants and nianufac- of SW*4), and the Northwest quar­ by the people who might do things for turers who have occasion to make ter ot the Southwest quarter (NW*4 the people who cannot. Life has a sight to comfort and ma­ use of printer's ink are not disposed ot SW*4 ) of Section twenty-one (21) terial competence; It has a right to to limit themselves to dull, prosaic Township Three (3), South Range color and decoration; It has a right to statements concerning the excellence Nine (9), West of the Willamette County, find Itself Interesting. It cannot pro­ of their wares. Among the entertain­ Meridian, in Tillamook Insist on Genuine Ford Parts ceed by the suppression of everything ing bits-thirt the traveler noticed in State of Oregon. Now, therefore, by virtue of said that Is alluring nml by failure to sup­ his study of Japanese advertising are I hese: execution, judgment order, decree press what Is squalid. "Parcels done up with such loving and order of sale, and in compliance A hmm- fit for Ideal citizens will have healthy allure and beauty, cleanliness, as a wife bestows upon her husband. with the commands of said writ, I "The print of our books is clear as will, on Saturday, the 24th day of convenience and comfort, clean air, clean streets, decent street cars, no crystal; the matter charming as a January, 1920, at 10 o’clock a.m., at f and for five consecutive insertions M singing girl.” slums, plenty of amusements. the front door of the County Court thereof. The first publication of this “Customers are treated as politely house, in Tillamook, Tillamook notice is the 25th day of December, Roads and Trees. as by rival steamship companies.” County, Oregon, sell at public auc­ 1919, and the last publication is the "Our silk, and satins are as smooth tion (subject to redemption) to the 22nd day of January, 1920. The American Forestry nssoclntlon ik doing good service In linking the as a lady's cheek and colored like the highest bidder for cash in hand, all Dated December 22nd, 1919, ennses of roads nml forestation. It rainbow.” the right, title and interest which George J. Scharff, has already given advice mid aid In ------- o------- the within named defendants Linda Administrator of the setting out shade trees along the high­ Thompson and Linda E. Thompson, Estate of A. W. Fox, de­ Au H. C. L. Complication. way In »cores of cities mid towns A Congressman who is investigat­ heirs at law of L. E. Thompson, de- ceased. throughout the country. The tree» are ing the high cost ot living said to a censed, and J. H. Middleton, admin­ John Leland Henderson. Intended to be memorials of our sol­ istrator of the L. E. Thompson, es- Attorney for said estate. Washington correspondent: diers who died in France and to the'r "The li. c. 1. is responsible for tate, had on the 11th day of June, cotnrtules who have come homy (/enr- many vagaries and queer complica- 1914, the date of the mortgage here­ • • - - * I ing victory. in foreclosed, or since that date had Why Winter Demands a Low Test t ions. Something more Is Involved thnn a Oil. "A young chap who had got engag­ in and to the above described prop­ I ■entlment. The best friend of a road, ; ed to a girl was talking over the fu­ erty or any part thereof, to satisfy ••it the oil in your engine will Con­ ■ s of the traveler. Is a shade tree. said execution. Judgment order and geal, or thicken excessively, at 15 Extremes of temperature, such a« come ture with her. decree, interest, costs and accruing "With prices what they are, ” said degrees above zero, you should hard­ on a blazing summer day with it down­ the girl, ‘we must be content, George costs. ly it to splash and flow freely at pour of cooling rain, lii'rive mid crack W. L. Campbell, 12 degrees above zero,” said Mr. the unshaded roadbed, opening it to dear, with a small flat and one or at Sheriff of Tillamook Boone, Special Agent of the Stan­ the ultimate ravages of frost mid thaw. the most two servants.' County, Oregon. George coughed. dard Oil Company. The ybatjod road lpsta longer and By John Aschim. Deputy. "It's my ideu. he said, 'to live with "Yet some motorists wonder why brings a double comfort to the trav­ eler. The war has taught us what your old man the first couple of t Dated this 22nd day of December, it takes so long to get the engine to 1919. years. ” this may mean, financially mid other­ run freely these cold mornings. The First publication, Dec. 25, 1919. "But George ” wise. Before 1911, according to Rob­ cold engine, not getting. sufficient Last publication, Jan. 22, 1920. "Think of the money we can save, ert Sterling Yard's “Book of National lubrication, is subject to excessive l’urks." Americans «pent g'-’Hii.ixio (m) 'Think of the money we can save. , and damaging friction. The oil Notice of Hearing of First and annually In foreign travel, mainly In No rent, no light, no grub bills, no pump cannot circulate congealed oil, Final Account. Europe, l-'or five years travel ha« coal.” so there will be an efficient supply "But—.* been largely confined to the United thrown upon the cylinder wall—un­ tn the County Court of the State of "1 insist on this thing. ” George in ­ States. The country Is richer by a til the struggling motor has warmed Oregon, for Tillamook County. billion dollars or more, mid richer also terrupted again. "I tell you. I up the oil so that it will flow more In the matter of the estate of A. in. self knowledge.—Exchange. Then the door opened softly and freely. W. Fox. deceased, by George J. the girl s father entered the room. A zero cold test oil flows freely at "Children”, lie said, tenderly, “I Scharff, administrator. The Study of Beai Estate. all temperatures down to zero, and Charles J. Scharff having filed Xeni estate ls n professimi ccverlng have decided that when you get mar- that's why it ls called a Zero Cold many branche* of hi nnrnble emleiivor. tied I II come and live wit h you for herein his first and final account Test Oil. Zeroline Medium (or Zero- and report as Administrator of said Profetimi study ami ethlcal trainiti» the rest of my life." line Light for Fords), is a Zero Cold estale whereby it appears ’ that the ■ re as mandatory n« thè pinot Irai »x- ------ o------- administration of said estate is fully Test Oil. It is correctly refined from I perlence i.-ulned tlirough office nork Not Official Business. completed. It is ordered by the selected California crude oil and or personal contact wlth buyer sud The farmer's wife betook herseli County Court of sold County and flows freely and splashes properly Heller. I eneerty look furwurd to an earl.v. concentrateti, narfon-wlde meve- to the tiny village postoffice and in­ state, that Monday the 2nd day of at all temperatures down to zero, tnent b.v those leedlng reultora who, ti u I red: February, 1920. at 10 o’clock in the This Zero Cold Test Oil gives the "Anything for tnc?” reallzliiK thè potentini benetlta arlzing forenoon of said day, be the time, same correct luberication to your en­ "No ma'am," answered the post­ and the County Court room in the gine during these cold days that throUKh hitelligent Instrmtlon by competent edm-ntors In our sehoola nml master. utter a perusuiU of his letter County Court House of the County you are used to getting during the Colh-ites. wlll see to tt flint thè study bug. of Tillamook, in the City of Tilla- summer months.” Of reni estate ls mudo n pnrt of thelr " Well look here. I've been expect­ mook City. County of Tillamook, curriculum The hlglior we pince thè ing u packet of medicine for a week State of Oregon, be the place, for Smoked Fish For Sale. pinne of our ehosen professlon thè now. and its hasn't arrived yet.” ------ o—— hearing said first and final account hlslvr wlll become thè pcrsonnel of "Oh. I see, ma'am! Will you and report, and of any objections to Silver Side backs, per lb.......... 40c. those engngiMl In It.—Reni Estate Dul­ please fill in tills form, and state (he such final account and report, and Silver Side Bellys, per lb........... 35c. BAY CITY, OREGON. Chum Backs, per tb. ................. . 35c. ie! in. nature of your complaint." for the settlement thereof, and that The farmer's wife gave the office said administrator is hereby directed Chum Bellys, per lb..................... 30c. Cauee and Effect. These prices are _ post ____ __ paid any official a sharp look. J to give notice thereof In the Tilla- “Why Is there auch n scramble of Well. 1 don t see that it’s any , mook Headlight, or other weekly where in first zone. And remember 1 the men 7” business of c*------- * ‘ — yours, " ” she said: "but if ' newspaper, published in Tillamook pound of smoked fish is equal to 3 “I think one of the hardbolled otti you must know. It»' indigestion.” County, for four successive weeks. pounds of fresh fish. Phone Main 73. la «viuiuf.** sera Wm. Stuivenga. L FYRFYTER « FYRFYTER *■ ROLLIE W. WATSON, I] The Universal Car j Buy Your Ford Car Now p I f $ 4 ? Tillamook Garage $ Tillamook, Oregon j Kuppenbender’s Groce the PREFERRED STOCK STORE « I « I ( I t I We recommend PRFERRED STOCK BRAND goods because these home wiies who have used them tell us that they never fail. i We are here to give you this line at the lowest possible price. Come and investigate for your self. We have specials every week, that are real articles of value. . We make special prices on large orders in case lots. Come in and see us. Write or phone We haw both phones. Free Delivery in the City i 1 C. H. JONES TRADING COMPA f'- V K « k Fruit, Groceries and Campers’ Suppl Dry Goods and Gasoline. ¿525 % ? ’■iaS •’j ■ V ' ■ _■ m » ?; » « ♦ ■ •< lik'J ! w » ■ "• r. 1