/ V s kS. y * TILLAMOOK, OREGON, JANUARY 15, Tillamook Jottings. 1920. elation within the county, all of the Kilchis and Wilson rivers. It i ! Yearly Report of City Recorder Dec. 31, 1918 |4M 00 officers of last year were elected. pected that the mill will be complet iiplet Total Receipts ... 358.00 Tillamook City, Oregan Some discussion of proposed im­ ed and in operation by April 1st. For Year Ending December 31, 1919 provements in the factory was had 844.00 Aug Grab was down from Mohler Announcement. Joseph Woerndle vs. John Magin- 486.00 Total Disbursements and an assessment was ordered levied on Thursday on business. nis and wife and J. C. Ainsworth and To the Honorable Mayor and Common to pay for new equipment to be pur­ I hereby announce myself as a can­ wife is a suit filed in'The circuit court Council of Tillamook City, Oregon; Balance cash on hand Dec. S. Batterson was down front Ne­ chased. didate for the office of County Treas ­ 31, 1919 ...................... 358.00 I herewith beg to submit the follow­ to recover $5000.00 on a promissory halem Wednesday d ting business in M. Abplanalp,.G. Wyss, and Virgil note. The complaint alleges that the urer of Tillamook County, for re­ Recapitulation ing report of the Receipts and dis­ this city. $3,333.10 General Fund Donaldson were re-elected directors first named defendants borrow-ed election, on the Republican ticket. bursements of Tillamook City, Ore­ 21,350.16 Bond Imp. Fund gon, for the year 1919;1 Clark Hadley and wife and Carl of the Red Clover factory. No change from G. E. Pottratz, the above am­ Kathleen Mills. 1,983.09 Road Fund Grayson and wife came in from wgs made in other officers. Some dis­ ount and they delivered to the plain­ General Fund 6,264.64 Sinking Fund Cash on Hand, Jan. 1, 1919 $4, 614.23 Portland on Thursday. cussion was had relative to the tiff a mortgage on certain property Announcement. 358.00 Library Fund Receipts Recorder *s office ■ ■ ■ — o E. R. Rowland vs. A. C. Browning method ot paying for milk delivered In Tillamook county. The conditions By Licenses ....$954.24 I hereby announce myself as a 33,288.99 Total cash on. hand is a suit filed in the circuit court to to the factory and it was determined not having been complied with, ” Fines .............. 861.00 Respectfully submitted Sewer Pipe & Per­ recover $131.00 on a promissory that the “6 plus” method be follow­ plaintiff asks that the property be candidate for County Judge at the B. C. Lamb, ed for half the year and the old sold by the sheriff and if it fails to next primary election. My motto. mits .................100.95. note. by C. A. McGhee, Deputy method the balance. The board of di­ bring sufficient money to pay off the ”100 per cent efficiency for every ” Mise......................564.34 City Treasurer When you think of wood, coal or rectors is to determine when the promissory note, a deficiency Judg­ taxpayer's dollar.” Approved; Total .......... 2,480.53 drayage think of “Tillamook Trans- change Is to be made. W. L. Campbell. ment be issued against the defend­ C. A. Johnson Receipts by Taxes ................ 8,204.52 fer Co.’’, Liberty Temple, "We De- ant Maginnis. A. H. Harris The annual meeting of the share ” Sale Gen ’ l Sanitary • liver the Goods.” W. B. Aiderman Announcement. Sewer Bonds .................. 15,091.28 holders of the First National Bank Joseph Duncan vs. Lizzie W. Dun­ Finance Committee For Reo touring cars, Reo 1 light was held on Tuesday, Jan. 13. The can is a divorce suit filed in the cir­ —----- o Owing to the fact that a large Total ...................30,390.56 trucks, commerce trucks and all directors elected tor the ensuing cuit court. These parties were mar­ kinds of truck trailers and I tractors, year are as follows: C. J. Edwards, ried in Tillamook county on the 14th number of tax payers in different Disbursements Can War­ rants, Coupons & int. .. 27,057.46 See TillamookAuto Co. C .A. McGhee, B. C. Lamb, John Mor- ■- *f July, 1919, .and the plaintif it al­ parts of the county have asked me to make the race for County Judge, and S/n, A. W. Bunn, Henry Rogers, Professor Harvey, a distinguished j, Ieged Balance on Hand Jan. 1,1920 3,333.10 leged that during their entile mar­ Mill Elizabeth Tandy, of the believing that with my previous ex­ Bond Improvement Fund singer of Portland entertained the American Red Cross, came in on Gust Wicklund and W. J. Riechers. ried life, except the first few weeks, am perience in County business, I Cash on Hand, Jan. 1, 1919 $ 9,212.46 Nehalem people with some songs at Thursday to meet with the executive The bank reports a very prosperous defendant treated plaintiff in a year, wrich is evidenced by deposits cruel and inhuman manner and has qualified for the office, I hereby an- Receipts Recorder’s office 36,442.38 the Joy theatre last Saturday night. board of the Tillamook chapter. of over one million dollars and cap­ heaped personal indignation upon nounce myself as a candidate for the Mrs. D. C. Peregoy, Mrs. Norris, Total .................. 45,654.84 The Watt Shingle Co., with head­ ital and surplus of $75,000.00. office ot County Judge, subject to the him; the defendant failed and refus­ •Mrs. Albert Crawford, Mr. Spend , quarters at Brighton, has been in­ approval of the Republican voters at Disbursements Cancelled ed to cook plaintiff’s meals, and that and Coupons ........... ... .. 24,304.68 and Mis. Lang motored to Tillant k corporated by Thomas B. Watt, H. The annual meeting of the South the coming Primary Election. I i on numerous and divers occasions last week on business. Prairie National Farm Loan Asso- W. Aldrich and Ralph Dunlway. «Homer Mason, Balance on Hand Jan. 1,1920 21,350.16 she left home and associated witn Mrs. Xltto’Effenberger and children ciation was held on Tuesday, when Road Fund I County Judge A. M. Hare and other men and has frequently at­ the following officers were elected Cash on Hand Jan. 1, 1919 $ 3,182.90 are visiting her brother Ansel Lorn- To The Republican Voter» of Tilla- and County Commissioners Farmer tended parties with other men, also Receipts by Taxes .............. 6,896.85 men at Southfork this week. for the ensuing year: Directors, John ' mook County. Alley are in Portland this week on took automobile rides with other Schild, Chas. Wells, Clyde Kinnaman, Mrs. Nellie Jackson of Vancouver, men, remaining out late at night on business in connection with thj Total .................. 10,079.75 Washington, is visiting her sister E. J. Gienger, Carl Possetti and E. L. the Disbursements Can War­ I am a candidate for sheriff in account of joy rides, consequently county. Robertson, secretary-treasurer, W. Republican Primaries. rants and int..................... 8,096.66 Mrs. Jim Thompson. Merril Smith, W. F. Baker and W.-' J. Reichers. To give some idea as to plaintiff asks the court to dissolve I am a deputy in this office at I Ed. Smith has returned from a the marriage contract. Foster left on Tuesday for Hillsboro, 1 the amount of government money present, have had several yetjjs ex- Balance on Hand Jan. 1,1920 1,983.09 business trip to Portland. All are where they took the civil service ex­ that is loaned through this associa- Sinking Fund periejtce there, and I submit my glad to see him back in his barber amination for postmaster of Tilla­ . tion, it amounts to $433,000. New Clark Picture a Hit. record as an officer for your consid­ Cash on Hand Jan. 1, 1919 $ 4,334.64 shop again. Receipts by Taxes ................ 1,930.00 ----- -o------- mook. eration. Mrs. West, of Coal Creek Camps, Tlle shaltesPeare club met at the Marguerite Clark, known as "the Should I be nominated and elected, Balance on Hand. Total . . .6,264.64 has been reported very sick. She was Antone Weiss brought suit in the »¿ome of Mrs. F. C. Baker, January, sweetest girl In motion pictures,” I will endeavor to serve you effi­ LIBRARY FUND justice court against Julius Erickson 9, 1920. The afternoon was spent in taken to Portland last Sunday where has scored another decisive hit in ciently, honestly and impartially. Cash on Hand Jan. 1, 1919 $ 393.69 she will be in good care in the hos- on a slashing Contract. Weiss sued reading the last two acts of “Merry her new Paramount photoplay “Let’s Receipt by Taxes .................. 844.00 pital. John Aschim. for $70.00 and the >t|ury awarded Wivdte of Windsor,” Antony Cleopat- Elope” which will be presented at him a verdict of J50.00. ■ ra was chosen as the next study. The the Gem Theatre next Wednesday. The work on the new Methodist Total .................. 1,237.69 Announcement. Disbursements Treasuers’s church at Wheeler is rapidly pro- W.'A. Lewis vs. Karl Wilhelms is guests were Mesdames I. C. Smith, Miss Clark has a charming role in - - -o------- Vouchers 879.69 gressing. a suit filed in the circuit court to Leslie, Dyrlund, Hill, Haltom and this picture, and her gowns are re­ Upon the advice of a large number recover several sums of money for Koch. The hostess served a delicious markable creations. The picture is Bert Walters is taking the census 358.00 of leading citizens of Tillamook Balance on Hand Jan. 1,1920 merchandi*ie furnished the defendant luncheon after which the Club ad­ warmly commended by all who see for this part of the county. Everyone Imp. District No. 7 County, I have decided to announce journed to meet the 30th of Jan­ It. amounting', in all to $217.00. should help him to get everyone myself as a candidate for the office Balance cash on Hand Dec. uary with Mrs. Oscar Schultz. 31, 1918................................... $114.43 counted. The 1919 tax rolls will be turned of County Clerk, subject to the ap­ Total Disbursements ........... 114.43 Jersey Breeders Attention. ’ The annual meeting of the Hol­ Brighton camps one and four over to the sheriff shortly and it is proval of the Republican voters at stein Breeders ’ Association will be started up last Monday with full firBt expected that along about the the primaries to be held in May. Balance on Hand Deo. 31,1919 None The annual meeting of the Tilla­ crews. The familiar sound of the week in February the sheriff will held in Tillamook City next Monday, If nominated and elected I will Imp. District No. 8 and it is hoped that all black and mook Jersey Cattle Club will be held perform the duties of said office to Cash on Hand Jan 1, 1919 ..$409.67 donkey whistle is so plainly heard commence collecting taxes. white breeders will attend the at the farm of F. D. Bester, first these frosty mornings. Receipts by Transfer from The spelling contest that was dis­ meeting and become members of the house east of Grange hall, Fairview, the best of my ability, and will de­ Gen’l Fund 57.46 vote my exclusive time in looking Frank Burch, formerly of this continued last year in the district association, as Tillamook county is January 22. As usual, this will be an place, but now living in Southern schools owing to the “flu", will be destined* to «become a great center all day affair. Mr. Taylor and Mr. after the interests of said office and Total ....;. 467.07 California, has been here the last resumed this year, the first of which for registers dairy stock. The Jer- Fine, president and secretary-treas­ the taxpayers of Tillamook County Disbursements Can. War­ rant and Int ........... 467.07 week disposing of the property of will take place on Friday, January sey and Guernsey men are likewise urer respectively of the Oregon Jer­ affected thereby. Dated this 14th day of January, his uncle, Frank Whitaker. They ex­ 16. greatly interested and the three sey Cattle Club, will be present. Of­ 1920. Account Closed .. 000.00 pect to make California their future ficers for the ensuing year will be The fine weather of the past few breeders’ associations are working Recapitulation C. J. McClure. home. elected. The annual Jersey Jubilee Balance—Gen’l Fund . .$ 3,333.10 weeks is a blessing to Tillamook together to bring this about. Mrs. Johanna York expects in the and other important business will be ” — Bond Imp. Fund 21,350.16 county, for It has kept the roads, The Ladies’ Aid Society of the disoussed. Shall the Jersey Breeders near future to occupy the Whitaker “ The Final Close-Up ” a Hit. ” — Road Fund . . 1,983.09 -which have been torth up for hard- Methodist Church met in the regular ” —Sinking Fund .. 6,264.64 place near the new public school, ood J condition' for session at the honi ne of Mrs. R^bt. hold a sale at the next Pacific Inter­ eurfaclng, in good You should see Shirley Mason in ” —Library ” ... 358.00 which she recently purchased from national in 1920? travel. McGrath. The Ost isisting hostesses Gen’l Warrants $8,596..93 Frank Burch. As the^president and secretary of “The Final Close-Up” at the Gem Outstanding ft Special ” 124.00 I J. William Gil ilq^jE vs. Alexander were Mrs. Paul and Mrs. Martin, a the Oregon Jersey Cattle Club will Theatre next Monday. It is a beauti­ Arson Hay, of Portland, had Im­ Road ’’ 2.00 Watt is a suit fi ilifi — Ain the circuit most refreshing luncheon was serv­ be present, every member and all ful picture and filled with action portant business up at Coal Creek ‘ ‘•■iff claims that ed. Twenty five members were pres­ who are interested in the Jersey from start to finish. The picture has Respectfully submitted, bourt in which plaiiKiff camp the first of the week. the defendant took possession of cer­ ent and two new members joined. breed must be present to show the been finely produced and the support Frances B. Stranahan, Mrs. E. K Barnes, Intermediate tain articles converting them to his The invited guests were Mrs. Dyr­ officials that the Jersey breeders of is excellent. City Recorder. teacher at the public school, has been bwn use, claiming $100.00. lund, Mrs. Kuratli, Mrs. Leslie and Tillamook county are progressing Approved; quite sick the past week and is still Film Fans Admire Hail's Qualities. C. A. Johnson J. A. Parker sold his business Mrs. Hoffman. The next meeting wonderfully. unable to teach. She is improving ------- o------- Joe Donaldsin, Secretary. A. H. Harris pere, left Thursday morning for will be at the home of Mrs. W. E. however. Noyes, Jan. 22nd. Verility, the breeziness of the west W. B. Aiderman forest Grove, where his family re­ The Hon. Frank Regan, noted lec­ the qualities of manhood that inspire sides. He expects to be back again at George Watt was in the city on Finance Committee. turer and chalk talk orator, of Chi­ High School Notes. admiration, are the strongest traits ------- o- ■ - ■ borne future daté, for he considers Monday and he informed us that the, cago, will be the third attraction of lhat this is a fine business city. Last week the Sophomore class set of William S. Hart, whose latest Ara- Brighton saw mill started up tlm our Ch&utauqua course. He appears craft picture “ Breed of Men ” will be Yearly Report of City Treasurer the ball rolling in athletics, when at the K. P. hall on Tuesday night, H. L. Provoost and son Clarence first of the week after being shut Tillamook City, Oregon they challenged the High School to shown at the Gem Theatre next down for a month, owing to the car January 20. Everyone should hear vere in the city Monday, having a basket ball game Thursday after­ Tuesday. of Receipts and Disbursements for him. The entertainment is given un­ loscd a deal for the purchase of the shortage. The new shingle mill com­ Tis new picture offers great oppor ­ noon in the grade school play shed. the year 1919 17 acres of land belonging to Victor pany that was incorporated last der the auspices ot the public school, Under the leadership of Martin tunities for the famous star, for th<^ lolden, near Bay City, which they week will erect its mill at Watseco, It will be a rare treat for all. His role he portrays is that of a positive Crank the Sophomores will give some General Fund btend to put into loganberries in on Garibaldi beach, which, it is ex­ lecture is on "Fool Tax Payer.” daredevil amoi^ cow punchers, a pected, will be In operation in about new and peppy yells. Friday after­ Balance cash on hand Dec. ne near future. man who is afraid of nothing. He is ; Will Christei^pen and wife expect 31, 1918 ...........................$ 4614.23 sixty days. A number of the employ­ noon the debate try out was held. C. All persons owning dogs In the ees of the Brighton Mills Co. have M. Dawson, Geo. P. Winslow and Mr. involved innocently in a great wrong Total Receipts ..................... 25776.33 soon to move to Wheeler, where Will is engaged in the btfnk. aunty, and cities as well, must pro­ taken stock in the shingle mill. McRea acted as judges. Clarence which he rights, finally alter some 30390.56 The family of Wm. Gilbert, at Coal lire a dog license from the County Small, Betty Lantz, Harry Elliott strenuous work. Senna Owen is his 27057.46 Creek camp, has moved to Tillamook Total Disbursements Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sercy, from and Martha Crank and Cora Oliver leading woman. lerk and the dog must wear‘the dog The children hated very much to blla.r furnished by the county. The Tillamook, were visitors on January were chosen as the alternate. The Bal. on hand 3333.10 leave the Nehalem school. tense fee is $1.00 for a male and 7th at the big exhibition of Southern first debate of the season will be GEM THEATRE PROGRAM Bond Improvement Fund California products maintained free held February 11. ------ o------- E GO for a female. H. F. and O. M. Cook,, brothers,, Balance cash on hand Dec. 1 to the public in the Los Angeles Friday, Jan. 16—“Gretna Green” Friday evening the girls entertain ­ 31, 1918 ........................... $ 9,212.46 piano salesmen of Tillamook and F. C. Esch, who had charge of the Chamber of Commerce. They also at- Paramount pioduction, featuring Total Receipts .................... 36,442.38 fine K. I’, fellows, attended lodge in C. Penny store at Dallas was in 1 tended the lectures and moving pic­ ed file boys at a leap year party at Marguerite Clark. the new K. of P. hall. Each girl was Nehalem Monday night. They are le city the first of the week, when tures that are a part of the daily 45,654.84 Burton Holmes Travelogue. e made arrangements for fixing up program. The exhibition is the larg- to bring a boy but some of them— Total Disbursements ......... 24,304.68 fine entertainers. * k- Roseberg building, where the , est of any in the country maintained the girls—were quite bashful. Miss Saturday, 17—"Shadows of Suspi­ cion," Metro production, featuring Balance cash on hand, Ddf. For Sale. bmpany will start a new store in by a commercial organization. Before B. was the gamiest of all the teach­ ers and Miss Sk. didn't even appear 31, 1919 ........................... .21,350.16 Harold Lockwood. ie near future. returning home, they expect to visit on the scene. At an early hour the Road Fund Registered Holstein Bull Calf, born "She Loves Me Not" Harold Lloyd K. V. Rowland vs. A. C. Browning several of the many other places of refreshments were served alid then Balance cash on hand Dec. Nov. 14, 1919. His Dam Lady Ruth Comedy. interest in the southland. $3,182.90 31, 1918, ........................ I a suit filed in the circuit court to the party broke up, some going home. Sunday, Jan. 18—“In the Hollow of Fayne; Sire, Hollywood Lilith Korn- Total Receipts ...................... . 6,896.85 cover $131.00, growing out of a The annual meeting of the Tilla­ The boys are glad that this is leap dyke, was sold at the J. W. Pomeroy Her Hand. ” Select Production, Ihtract to slaajt. clear and improve mook County Bank was held ’’this year—especially Albert Vierick—for 10,079.15 sale, July 25, 1919, for $3,000.00 His featuring Alice Brady. h acres of land belonging to the de- week, when the following officers they can get some pointers for the Total Disbursements ........... 8,096.66 Dam’s 7 day record; Milk, 460 lbs.; “ What a Knight ” William Fox pdant at $20.00 per acre, the were elected; President, R. E. Wil­ next three years from tire girls. Some butter, 18.72 lbs.; per cent fat 4.02, Sunshine comedy. |ioupt sued for being the balance liams; vice-presidents, H. T. Botts people are watching with great in- Balance cash on hand Dec. at Jr. two year old. 31, 1919 .......................... . 1,983.09 ring the plaintiff. and David Kuratli; Cashier, C. Dyr­ terest the courtships that are start­ Monday. Jan. 19—"The Final Close- His Sire's Dam 7 day record: Milk Sinking Fund Up.” Paramount production, feat­ 638.75 lbs.; Butter 32.92 lbs. percent After more than two weeks of lund; 1.. istant cashier, B. L. Beals, ing to make their appearance al- Balance cash on hand Dec. uring Shirly Mason. ight sunny weather, with frosty Jr.; directors, R. E. Williams, H. T. ready. Of course the girls are mak- 31, 1918 ........................... .$4,334.64 fat 4.25. Lyons-Moran comedy. Further particulars and price en­ Total Receipts ...................... . 1,930.00 gilts, rain made its appearance Botts, David Kuratli, T. W. Lyster, ing all the advances and the boys Tuesday, Jan. 20—"Brged of Men” quire of Chris Reichen, R. F. D. No.l, »in on Wednesday. There is some- James Williams, John Erickson, Wm. are showing a ladylike demeanor? ? Artcraft production, featuring Balance cash on hand Dec. Tuesday afternoon Rev. Wiggle, of Hillsboro. Oregon. ing remarkable about the weather Maxwell, D. Fitzpatriclc and Albert Dec. 31, 1919 .................. 6,264.64 Wm. S. Hart. Is year, for up to the present time Marolf. Under the new management the United Brethren Church, gave a Improvement Dis. No. 7 "The Last Bottle,” 2 reel comedy. Bids Wanted on Wood. ere have been no northwest rain with experienced bankers at its head helpful talk before the student body Balance cash on hand Dec. • . o------ this bank is making considerable and faculty. Wednesday, Jan. 21—“Let’s Elope”, Id wind storms. Dec. 31, 1918 .................... $114.43 progress. The Red Clover Creamery Company Paramount Production, featuring Total Disbursements ................ 114.43 There is a strong probability that wishes to receive blds on sound four Marguerite Clark. * The Tillamook Lumber Co. is the e Seaside-Nehalem road will be foot wood delivered at its factory, Balance cash on hand Dec. • “Bray Pictograph.” Subscribe for the Tillamook name of a new corporation just or ­ tked this spring and summer, the Dec. 31, 1919 .................... None wood to be either fir, fir slabs, hem­ Thursday, Jan 22.—“Rough Riding Improvements Dist. No. 8 »rk being done by co-operation be- ganized for the purpose of manufac­ Headlight, the leading County lock or aiddr, in lots up to one hun­ Romance ” William Fox Special Balance cash on hand Dec. egn the State Highway Commis­ turing lumber, with a capital stock I dred cords. Half / In- wood to be de­ feature, presenting Tom Mix in $ 49.45 31, 1918 . ti and Clatsop county. —Wheeler of $50,090 C. Foelkner, of Aberdeen, Newspaper $2.00 per year, his best ever. 426.62 livered by Jund^lst and balance by Total Receipts Iporter. Clatsop county hag appro­ Washington, and O. A. Schultz, of September 1st of this year. Leave Adults 25c. Children 15c. this city, are tl|£ incorporators. The Tillamook Head­ bated $20,000 for this work. 467.07 bld'-, at office of Carl llaberlaeh, Sec­ Note: Watch this space for our an- company has taken over the timber light, 467.07 retary. Tillamook. Oregon, on or be­ nouncement eaah week, we have Total Disbursements rhe annual stockholders' meetings holdings of the Miami Lumber Co. fore Feb. 1st, 1929. Company re­ |the Alder Vale Creamery and the which comprise about sixty milion Weekly Oregon-^ some of the largest and best pro­ Balance cash on hand Dec. serves the right to refect any and all ductions ever put into pictures . id Clover Creamery were held dur- feet of spruce. The new saw mill with ian, Nene bids. Dec. 31, 1919 ................ k this week. At Alder Vale, which a capacity of $0,000 daily, will be coming every week. Watch for Library Fund Oregon Farmer,, Red Clov 1 ''reamery Company, them and then see them. the only purely cooperative asso- erected on the railroad between the Balance cash on hand Dec. 'Political Band Wagon Nehalem Notes. $2.75