Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, January 08, 1920, Image 9

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Tuesday Night, Jan. 13th
For Better for Worse
Gloria Swanson
Who are very favorably known.
CHARLES CHAPLIN in a two reel comedy “POLICE.”
For mart a , Foi Bö ttei ,Foi ^fol Se*
An AkiTCßAFT Picture
Coaxing You to Smile.
Joke on the Highwayman.
Notice of Sate of Beal Estate.
At The Zoo.
The dear old thing, with her usual
stock of questions, was visiting the
Zoo. "Keeper,” she said, tapping him
with her umbrella, “what do you
consider to be the most remarkable
animal in these wonderful gardens?"'
“Well, ma’am,” replied the keeper
thoughtfully, “after careful consid­
eration, as you might say, I should
say that that there laughing hyena
gets the prize.” "Indeed, my good
man! and what makes you think
that?” “Well, he only has a sleep
once a week, and a meal once a
month and drink once a year,” said
the keeper moving on. “So what he
has to laugh about beats me.”
-‘Hands up” cried the business-like
highwayman. The victim laughed as
he complied. “The joke is on you,”
he asserted, chuckling. "I've just
paid a large bill sent by a lawyer
for aiding me to fill out my income
tax schedule. A month ago my land­
lord raised my rent. My sqj^ has just
come home from France and can’t
get a job. Yesterday my salary was
decreased. Today the bank in which I
kept the remnant of my money went
smash. I’ve been looking all night for
one of you chaps. I want to learn this
hold-up business.” Weeping bitterly
the highwayman thrust the revolver
She Knew Him Not.
into his would-be victim’s hands and
fond of each
They were very
disappeared in the darkness.
they had quarreled, and were too
Knowledge Unnecessaiy.
Little seven year old James came proud to make it up. He called after-
home from school the first day with wards at her house—to see her fath­
a determined look on his face. He er on business. She was at the door.
was decided on one point. "Mother,” “Ah—Miss Blank, I believe?” said
he cried. "I’m going to quit school he, “Is your father in?” “No sir ” she
and be a school teacher.” "Why, replied, “father is not, at present.
James,” said his mother, laughing Do you wish to see him personally?”
“how can you? You don’t know “Yes” was the bluff response of the
enough.” "Don’t know enough" ex­ visitor, who felt that his former
claimed the would-be teacher.•‘You sweetheart was yielding. "I want to
don’t have to know anything. All you see him on very particular business,
and he turned away haughtily,
have to do is to ask questions.”
beg your pardon,” she called after
■ •-------
him, as he reached the last step.
Not For Her.
“but who shall I say called?”
Apropos of the modern fashions,
Senator Watson told a story at a
Facing a Shortagge.
Rushville (Ind.) dinner. "A strug­
An English schoolboy wrote: "Eng­
gling business man,” he said, "same
home one evening with a joyful land has much coal beds when it is
countenace, ‘My poor dear,’ he said finished we shall have to use our
to his wife, ’I have just been admit­ brains for fuel, and it will be scarce.’
ted to the League of Reconstruction
Profiteers. Our hard times are over Notice of Hearing Administrator’s
now. At least you can have some de­
Final Account.
cent dresses.’ A steely glitter came
------- O-------
into the women’s eyes. "No you dont,
Notice is hereby given that Otto
Joseph,’ she said, “I’ll have just the
same kind of dresses all the other Kliem, administrator in the estate of
F. P. Kliem, deceased, late of Tilla­
women are wearing.”
mook County, Oregon, has filed in
the County Court of said County, has
Very Much Convalscent.
Helen had the whooping cough, and (final account. Notice is further given
so was not invited to her little i that the said Court has set Monday.
friend Margaret’s birthday partjl, j the 9th day of February, 1920, at 10
though the list included all the ! o’clock a.m., as the time and the of-
other children in the neighborhood, ’ flee of the County Judge of said
On the morning of the affair the | 'County, as the place for the hearing
telephone girl might have overheard , of said final account. All persons
having any objections to the said
the following conversation:
are hereby notified to appear
"Hello, is this Margaret Hillfield’s at said time and place and show
cause if any there be, why the said
account should not be approved and
the administrator discharged.
"Is this you, Margaret?”
Otto Kliem, Adminis­
"Yes, who is this?”
trator of the Estate of
"This is Helen Martin, You are
F. P. Kliem, deceased.
going to have a birthday party to­
day, aren’t you?”
"Well, say Margaret. I’m all over Johnson'& Handley,
Tillamook, Oregon.
the whooping cough now.”
------ o------
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon,, for the County of Tillamook.
In the matter of the estate of
Nicholas Job, deceased, commonly
known as Nick Job.
Notice is hereby given to all whom
it may concern that the undersigned
Administrator of the estate of Nicho­
las Job,,deceased, by virtue of an
order of the Honorable A. M. Hare,
Judge of the County Court for the
County of Tillamook, State of Ore­
gon, in the matter of the above en­
titled estate, duly made and entered
in the Journal of said court, on the
31st day of December, 1919, will
from and after the 5th day of Feb­
ruary, 1920, at the office of John
Leland Henderson, at 206 East 3rd
Street, in Tillamook City, Oregon,
offer for sale, and proceed to sell the
real estate hereinafter described,^at
private sale, to the highest and best
bidder for cash, in one parcel, sub­
ject to confirmation by said court,
the following real estate situate in
the corporate limits of the City of
Tillamook City, in the County of Til­
lamook and State of Oregon, to-wlt:
Lots one (1) and Two (2) in Block
forty-six (46) of Thayer’s Fifth Ad­
dition to the Town (now City) of
Tillamook as per the recorded plat
First publication Jan. 8, 1920.
Last publication February 5, 1920.
Dated at Tillamook, Oregon. Jan­
uary 7th, 1920, and posted January
8th, 1920.
Lohn Leland Henderson,
Administrator of the
estate of Nicholas Job,
Book; containing 110.5 acres, more
or less:
Subject to the
easements for
county roads now running over and
upon said premises.
The terms of sale are as follows:
For cash in hand—ten percent of the
amount of the offer to be paid at
the time of the acceptance of such
offer, and the balance at the time of
the delivery of the deed, which will
be made subject to the approval of
the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Tillamook County. If the
Court should refuse to confirm the
sale the amount of the deposit will
be refunded.
Dated January 8, 1920.
W. L. Campbell,
Administrator of the
estate of Fritz Buhrow,
late of the County of
Tillamook, deceased.
Call for City Warrants.
Reformed Church.
Sth Street, the paster, Rev. W. G.
Lienkoemper, will
preach at 11
o’clock, taking for his subject. "The
Sovereignty of God.” Sunday School
at 10 a.m.
United Brethren Church.
Thursday Night, Jan. 15th
A Sequel Story to “Tarzan of the Apes.”
Taken from the writing by the Author of the several “Tarzan” Stories. It is just as big, just as
pleasing and satisfactory as it’s predecessor. It is a picture you should see.
It will be here one night only.
BOXOFFICE OPENS AT 6:30and show will start at 7:00 sharp, unless
all seats are taken earlier, in which case the picture will start immediately.
ADULTS, 25c.
Singer Agency—H. F. Cook, Prop. . *
All the latest rolls for your Player
Piano at the Palm Confectionery.
Wanted, by girl 14 years of age a
place to work for her board and
roomand go to school. Apuly at
the Headiigght office.
Miss M. Patterson
the Nu Bone Corset Co., formally
represented by Mrs. Edwall. Leave
your orders at her Millinery store.4
January, slate grey color. Notify
Jack Robertson, Long Prairie.
One cent a word per issue.
Cedar Posts for’sale.
| ¡Miscellaneous Advertisements.
Dr. Wise—Dentist.
Lost, Jersey heifer calf, year old in
Trade Mart.
We do hauling and draying of any
kind. Call 53J. or see Elliott & Son,
Franklin Market.
Jan. 23.
Phone M. Guthert, Hemlock, Ore­ A better piano for the same money.
Cook’s Music House, Tillamook.
Sale—Used cars: One Ford. $375.00 20 acres prune land 2t/2 miles from
For Sale—457 acres of the best dairy
Santa Rosa Cal. on highway. For
sale or trade for good Tillamook
County bottom land close in. In-
puire Box 152 Tillamook, Ore.
For Life Insurance, there is nothing
better than what the Mass. Mutual
offers. Ask to see specimen policy.
—W. A. Church.
Dr.’s Allen
National Building.
For Sale—Hay in
Let W. A. Church write your hay
Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. 0. 0. F.
Bldg, Tillamook, Oregon.
Counter Sales Books—Order .your
Sales Books from W. F. Baker,
agent Pacific Sales Book Co. Call
68 Headlight.
land in Grays Harbor, Washington.
Practically all cleared and under
cultivation. Big barn, two good Dr. W. E. Lebow—Dentist
houses, running water. At least
400 acres Chehalis river bottom
land. Price $60,000. Easy terms.
Write or inquire Gerald Cloud,
Montesano, Wash.
with Dr.
whole or mixed
car lots. Grain hay, clover hay,
Cheat, Straw and Alfalfa.. Carlton
Elevator & Mill Corporation, Carl­
ton, Oregon
Preaching at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Sunday School at 10 a.m..
We are in the midst of a series of
revival meetings. A growing interest Owing to the fact that the Portland
Stove Works burned down. Allen ,
is being manifested in them. There
Page will not be able to supply
will be services every evening during
these stoves for a few months. He
the coming week. Everybody are urg­
has a good assortment of slightly
ed to attend the meetings and all
used stoves on hand which will be
Christians are invited to come and
sold at a great reduction.
fight the battles of the Lord against
the host of the mighty.
For Sale 150 acres situated on Ne­
tarts Bay, quarter mile bay front­
First Christiaii Church Services.
age, 8 room house, 6 acres cleared,
------ o------
balance timber.
Price $2500.00.
The church'with u cordial welcome
Terms. Address inquiry in care of
to all. You will come again after you
The Headlight.
have once attended the services.
of C.
We therefore take pleasure in ex­
Hanenkrat or phone 4F2.
tending you and yours an invitation
Tillamook Headlight’s
One Chevrolet, $§25.00; One Max­
All General Fund warrants en­
well, one ton truck, $825.00; One
dorsed prior to and including May
Overland roadster, $1000.00. Chas.
12th, will be paid on presentation.
F. Pankow, Star Garage.
Interest ceases this 3rd day of Jan­
uary 1920.
For Sale—First class 80 acre dairy
ranch, sixty acres best river bot­
B. C. Lamb, City Treasurer.
tom, twenty acres good up-land.
Two miles south of Tillamook on
Nazarene Church Services.
paved highway. Well improved
farm, good buildings, high-produc­
10 a.m., Sunday School; Mrs. B. E.
ing cows. All low lands well tiled.
King, superintendent.
City water piped in house, also
11 a.m. preaching by Rev. Wayne
barns, garden and fields. If you
Phelps; subject: “The Blazed Trail”
want a farm that pays, see us at
7 p.m. Peoples service, led by Mr.
once. Will consider a small place
and Mrs. John Ebinger.
intrade as part payment.—John
Mid-week service on Thursday at
7:30 p.m. Strangers welcome.
Administrator’s Sale of Real Property
Next Sunday morning in the Re­
------ o------
formed Church, Cor. 4th Ave and E.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Tillamook.
In the matter of the estate of
Fritz Buhrow, late of Tillamook
County, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, by virtue of an order
of the above named court, made and
enteren in the above named proceed­
: ing on the sixth day of January,
1920, will, from and after the Ninth
1 day of February, 1920, proceed to
sell, at private sale, at the office of
the sheriff of Tillamook
Oregon, the following described real
property, sittlate, lying and being in
the county of Tillamook and State of
Oregon, namely:
The Southwest Quarter of Section
Seven Township Three South Range
Nine West of the Willamette Merid­
ian, less Tracts 1264, 814, 1283, 589,
592 and 588, described in Tract
Book in the office of County Assess­
or of Tillamook County, Oregon, on
pages 335, 334, 334, 333, 334 and
333, respectively, of said Tract
to the preaching services at 11 a.m.
and 7:30 p.m., also the C. E., Sr. and
The Bible school is growing and
going as it should be, we can use
with your enthusiasm and smile to
help others over the rough places in
the path of life. Conte on!
The new officers will take charge
next Sunday and they solicit your
Harry E. Tucker, Minister.
A good piano is a lifetime invest­
ment, giving lasting satisfaction
for your money, whereas a cheap
piano goes to pieces in a hurry, in
this climate.
You, as a prospective buyer cannot
afford to experiment. The policy of
this firm for over 45 years has
been, “Your moneys worth or your
money back.” Drop in the Palm
Confectionery and hear the new
models. Sold on easy monthly pay­
Leland B. Erwin
Drawer M. /
County Representative.