Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, January 08, 1920, Image 8

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cott. When the leaders of the suf­
fragist movement asked the gover­
nor to call a special session of the
Fred C. Baker, Editor.
state legislature to ratify the suf­
fragist amendment,
he quibbled
per year .$2.00 about the expense of doing so, and
in that way he side-tracked the wom­
Advertising Rates.
en. No sooner does a squabble bob up
Display Advts, per inch............
in th* fish and game commission,
Locals ............................. per line
why, then, a special session of the
Beaders, with reading matter
state legislature is perfectly in order
per line.................................. . • 7c. and no mention is made about the
Notices of meetings etc, per line 7c. expense.
(Tillamook ìkaòligljt.
----- c-----
phase to this matter. With that en­
ormous amount of harness, saddles
etc., there were only 391,000 horses
and mules belonging to the govern
ment in the United States and
France. The government took poss­
ession of the leather and left prac­
tically little to shoe the llO.OOO.OUi*
people. It is the war departments
blunders and extravagance that is
really the cause of shoe leather be­
ing high, and all this extravagance
and waste was going on at a time
when the government was exhorting
the people to buy liberty bonds and
war savings stamps. While discuss­
ing this matter in congress one con­
gressman told a little story: ’ I re­
member one day, down at one of the
storage houses of the city, of one of
the express companies, arguing to a
crowd of men during the noon hour,
when they had about 15 minutes in
the hope that we could get them to
subscribe for bonds for the support
of the war, and after we had talked
to them and we had gone out among
them to subscribe and take at least
one bond, we came up against an old
colored man that was sitting there
eating his dinner, with a little bit of
coffee and some rye bread, and we
asked him if he would not at least
take a fifty dollar bond. His answer
was. "I know better how to spend my
money than they do down at Wash­
ington." He says, “What do they
care about my $50 down there? They
will just spend it and get nothing for
it, anyhow." After we had talked
with him for a long time the old man
finally said that he would take a $50
bond, and he did, and he contribut­
ed out of his wages for weeks to pay
for it. And yet with such expendi­
tures as thesfe, made by the war de­
partment for saddles and harness,
how could anybody go back to that
city and really look that colored man
in the face and say to him that he
did not really tell the truth when
we undertook to sell him the bonds?”
to do it at their own expense,
not load the uncntscionable stenog­
raphic and printing bills on the suf­
fering public. Probably this reform
never can or will be effected. But It
ought to be.—Harvey’s Weekly.
Just a few of our Regular Prices
on Good Merchandise :
Hark From the Tomb The Big Noise
(National Republican)
Nearly a year ago this paper pre­
dicted the political rejuvluatiou of
William J. Bryan; declared that he
would be an agi
e candidate for
the Democratic
ait -i for Presi­
dent; that he was .
get the
nomination; that he would .»robably
turn out to be the most available
man for the nomination; that his
plan of campaign in 1920 as in 1896,
would involve the practical repudia­
tion of the record of the administra­
tion he helped put in power four
years before on pledges forgotten and !
promises unredeemed.
Well, William J. is at large once I
more. He is preparing to make the ef­
fort to capitalize the discontent his
own party has created for its own
vindication, as he did in 1896, when
Cleveland and all his works were
thrown overboard and the country
was asked to forget and forgive all
that had happened, Because Mr.
Bryan hall »hanged the subject from
the robber tariff to the free and un­
limited coinage of silver at the ratio
of sixteen to one.
Keep your eye on the Colonel. His
lungs are as good as ever. He is as
much a demagogue as ever. He is as
anxious to run as ever. He needs ad­
vertising worse than ever. The Demo­
cratic party is in the condition of a
badly run down
shape to take any disease that comes
along. And then, beside,the great ad-
vantage of nominating Bryan is that
he only runs
for exercise .and his
share of the gate receipts.
Guittard's Ground Chocolate, 3 lb. can $1.10
Armour’s Solid Pack Tomatoes
Blue Lawn Tomatoes -
' .20
Famous Brand Peas
Ridgeway’s Black lea,
1 lb. -
• >
Sandwichola (It makes a good sandwich -.15
Bulk Coffee, 3 lb. for -
- $1-00
A new company has been formed
with Russell Hawkins at its head,
which will operate the Cummings
Owing to the scarcity of paper,and Moberly Co.’s saw mill at Garibaldi,
its high cost, a large njimber ai pub­ and it is reported that the saw mill
lishers predict that they will have to will be made one of the largest in
raise the price of weekly newspapers the county. The Whitney Company is
to save them from going into the making good progress with its log­
ging road up the Kilchis river and a
plentiful supply
of logs will be
In looking around for a pi eviden­ available when the new saw mill is
tial candidate, some of the demo­ completed, which will take three
crats have started a Hoover boom. months. The logging road will tap
That’s funny. Hoover is not a demo­ the timber that was burned over in
crat. Well lie fed us on "substitutes” the fall of 1918, and which was a
during the war and now the demo- serious and regretable loss, not only
crats want a “substitute” to head to the Whitney Company, but to
other timber owners who have paid I
the party.
large sums in taxation for many
There is every reason to believe years.
------- o-------
that in the game and fish ruction
Governor Olcott thought it was a
When the saw mill at Garibaldi is
good opportunity to get rid of the completed and in operation there is
late Governor Withycomb’s appoint­ going to be considerable travel in
ees on the commission, but it acted that vicinity, and it will be economy
as a boomerang.
to hardsurface the roads to with­
stand the heavy travel. In fact, the
Olcott is still holding down two of­ road between this city and Garibaldi
fices, that of governor and secretary should be liardsurfaced as soon as pos-
of state. It is to be hoped that the i sible. With considerable logging and
state treasurer will not pass in his I lumbering activity at Idaville, Bay
checks for that would give the gover­ ( City and Garibaldi a large amount of
nor an opportunity to usurp three j manufacturing is in sight, and to
public offices.
| meet these conditions it is necessary
' to have hard surfaced roads. It is to
In mentioning, last week, the be hoped that the State Highway
names of several gentlemen who as­ | Commission will come through with
pired to county ottlce it seems to have | its promise to give Tillamook county
set the political pol boiling. One of I 15 miles of hard surfaced road this
the most important offices to be fill­ year, and if this is done there will be
Rules for Pedestrains.
ed is that of county judge, and from no difficulty in having the road hard
Bert Gresham expects soon to be­
(From the Oregon Voter.)
all indications there will be a num­ surfaced to Garibaldi. It surely will
gin his logging.operations at Fishers
ber of aspirants.
Some one in Dr. Wiley's office in point for the Brighton Mills Com­
be a disappointment to the people of
i this county if it fails to do so, after the Oregonian building, .evidently a pany. We wish him success.
Another fallacy has been ripped in the county going to tlje expense of stenographer, forwarded to Assistant
After a joyous Christmas with re­
i I I I I I I I I $ I I I 4 I • I I • • • • • < Hill • • I • • $ $ • • • • $
I I'!»1 • $i'$ I I I4|< $-'$«$<.|.i| i$ $ $ |
two. One frequently hears the re­ preparing 15 miles of road bed on Secretary of State Sam A. Kozer, the
latives and friends, Leona and Wil­
mark that "Talk is cheap." Not so, surveys authorized by the state en­ following clever satire on rules of
liam Peregoy, last Friday returned
however, in Washington. Senator La gineers.
the road:
to their labors at the University of
Follette talked five days and it is
1. Pedestrains crossing streets at Washington, in Seattle. •
computed that it eost the government
The Tillamook County Creamery night
The Nehalem public school opened
37200.00 to have the speech printed Association has been wrestling with front and a red light in the rear.
in (lie Congressional Record.
Before turning to the right or Monday with a full attendance of
the question of advertising in the
pupils and teachers, with the excep­
------- o-------
dallies in the bigg cities, but the
If the snap shot man had anything Headlight, which has boosted the on a horn at least three inches in tion of Mrs. E. K. Barnes, inter­
mediate teacher who was sick with
to do with road building, lie would cheese industry from its infancy, diameter.
inaugurate a policy of constructing does not get a show in the advertis­
3. When an experienced automo­ a kind of "grip.” She expects soon
at least one mile of hard surfaced ing propaganda, which looks like dis­ bile driver is made nervous by a ped­ to be at her desk again.
road in each of the three road dis­ criminating against the home news­ estrain. he shall indicatce the same,
After the Christmas holidays busi­
tricts every year. And we are in fa­ paper.
It may not be generally and the pedestrain shall hide behind ness is getting back again into the
vor of the county owning and operat­ known that the association sold less a tree until the automobile has pass­ regular channels.
ing its own plant to do this work.
The Wheeler Logging Camp at
cheese in the cities where it adver­ ed.
4. Pedestrains shall not carry in Coal Creek began work again Mon­
tised than it did *n 1he previous
Here’s u good receipt to combat the year. This may be accounted for, their pocket any sharp instrument day morning with a full crew. Re­
high cost of living. Buy one acre however, in the price of cheese be­ which may cut automobile tires.
ports that there are plenty of men.
tract near the city. Keep a cow, raise ing so high. If the association would
5. In dodging automobiles, pedes
The Brighton camps, one and four,
chickens, grow small berries and
do some advertising in the weekly trains shall not run more than seven will begin operations next Monday.
raise sufficient vegetables for the newspapers of the state it would miles an hour.
Mr. Gayne, principal of the Mohler
family for the whole year. And a lit­
6. Pedestrians must register at the
bring good results, for it is these
tle Htrenuous effort in that direction newspapers that go into the homes. beginning of each year and pay a school, resigned his position during
the holidays, and Mrs. Pollock, of
will keep one healthy as well.
If the Tillamook County Creamery license fee of $5.00 for the privilege Barnesdale, has been secured to fill
Association want to pull off a real of living. There shall be no rebate if the vacancy.
Wouldn’t that Jar you. Water Is
advertising stunt that would pay they do not live the entire year.
the most plentiful thing in Tilla­
Mrs. Leona Alley Cooper, the
7. Each pedistrian before receiv­
big. it should invite the Oregon
mook and most of us were thunder
State Editorial Association i to Tllla- ing his license to walk upon the promising young teacher of the pri­
struck to hear that it was suggested mook this year to hold I its annual streets must demonstrate before an mary department of the Mohler'
that the city sell water by the meter
examining board histskill in dodg­ school is to be congratulated on
convention and give the newspaper
system, which will force another boys a good time.
ing, leaping, crawling and extricat­ staying with her teacher’s contract
"dry” fight. We move that the mat­
and finishing her school, although
ing himself from machinery.
ter be referred to the women who op­
became a party to a life long
Senator McNary, in a
8. Pedestrains will be held re­
erate washing machines by water.
Representative B. F. Jones, implies sponsible for all damages done to contract during the holidays. Her
there is no hope of Congress voting automobiles or their occupants by many friends wish her and her hus­
The democratic party Is facing a the $2.500,000 for the Roosevelt -Mil­ collision.
band every success through life.
crisis. The question is whether the itary Highway, giving his reason
Will Effenberger and family, of
Wilson party has devoured the demo­ that there is urgent necessity - for
Castle Rock, Wash., are
visiting re-
Too Expensive.
cratic party, or whether the demo­ economy at Washington. We want to
latives in Nehalem during the va-
cratic party will put the Wilson pur- remind Senator McNary that there
Mr. La 1 Follette’s speech will be cation.
ty on the skids. An autocrat does is urgent need and demand for a mil­
Ellis Bartrow of Woodburn, is
published after it shall have been
not appear to be making the world itary highway through the coast
visiting his brother, Mr. Eldrick
safe for democracy when the demo­ counties, and it is one of the most concluded. , — Congressional Record
Bartrow and family.
cratic party tn this country is hav­ important bills now in Congress. Any Dec. 11.
And he talked for five days
Lang has purchased the |
ing a real live factional fight.
way, we believe in fighting to the straight! Let us see about what the Whitaker place near the new school I
------- o-------
last ditch, and should we be knocked American tax-payer had to pay for house.
ir Lloyd George had gone back to
out, then come up smiling with an­ this little flight of oratory, which
the British Parliament mid suggest­
Miss Jennie Crawford, of Nehalem, !
other proposition. That is Western was delivered to empty senatorial
left for Monmouth last Sunday where' I
ed that Great Britiai: adopt tile peace
grit and determination, and no mat­ seats, and which no human being.
treaty carrying with it the covenant
ter who may oppose the Roosevelt save perchance Mr. La Follette him­ >be is attending school ..
oi a league of nations tha. would
Leverly Daniels left tor Portland
Military Highway, it is our firm con­ self. will ever read.
giv ; Great Britian but one and the
last Sunday where he is taking up
viction that it will be built at some
I’niiid States six votes in the as­
future date. The cold water thrown Congressional Record. Any average, dentist work.
sembly of the league, how long be­
New Year’s night the K. P. lodge
on tlie proposition is having one ef- able-bodied orator, will till a record
fore Parliament would have adopted
iect, it is urging the const counties page in about ten minutes’ talk. That gave a fine entertainment at their !
a vote of lack of confidence in Lloyd
on to greater effort. No matter where is six pages an hour. There are no hall which was enjoyed by hundreds I
George? Just long enough to draft
one goes tn Oregon, there is a strong statistics to determine just how of people. Good eats, such as the I
the motion and call the roll.
sentiment in favor of building the many hours per day Mr. La Follette members of that fine order can get i
Roosevelt Military Highway, and it talked, but even he would probably up. were a, main part of the festivi- I
The new year’s number of the Ore­ Senator McNary had his ear to the not be able to put in more than a ties.
gonian is another splendid pictorial ground he would be surprised how four hour day at it. Say he talked
production, which also gave a large popular the project is everywhere in
Bids Wanted on Wood.
four hours a day for five days. That
amount of valuable and useful Infor­ this state. And the coast counties are
would come to a 20-hour continuous
The Red Clover Creamery Company
mation about Oregon. It Is editions not going to be satisfied until the
flow at the rate of $360.00 per hour,
wishes to receive bids on sound four
like this that attract visitors and highway Is built, either by govern­
the whole totting up to the sizeable
foot wood delivered at its factory,
bring home seekers to this state, and ment aid or by the state. If Senator
little figure of $7.200.00.
It Is safe to say that it will be in­ McNary would go to the War Depart­
wood to be either fir, fir slabs, hem­
This, of course, is saying nothing
lock or aider, in lots up to one hun­
strumental in convincing many per­ ment and point out the dangers that
of the dead loss of valuable time in
sons in the East and middle west that confront the Oregon Coast from in­
dred cords. Half the wood to be de­
there are great opportunities fur | vasion, he could help some, espec­ delaying enactnteht of the vitally livered by June 1st and balance by
capital as well as home seekers It; ially as Oregon has offered to give important railroad bill about which September 1st of this year. Leave
the Wisconsin Senator was speaking
this sparsely populated state.
bids at office of Carl Haberlach, Sec­
the government $2.500,000 for the his mercilessly interminable piece.
retary. Tillamook. Oregon, on or be­
building of this road for national de­
Mr. La. Follette has long been fore Feb. 1st. 1920. Company re­
Premier Lloyd George in the house fense.
of commons said "England cannot
serves the right to reject any and all
For Sale.
Smoked Fish For Sale.
linguistic deluges. Probably he prides blds.
undertake to set th. whol< world on I
People wonder why shoes remain at himself on his long-distance record.lt
Its feet.” Sooner President Wilson
Red Clover Creamery Company.
Registered Holstein Bull Calf, born Silver Side backs, per lb .
conies to the same conclusion better such prices. One little incident will is with him almost exclusively a
Silver SMe Bellys, per !b
partly tell the story, it was over­ physical matter. He does not dig deep
It will be for the t’niied States,
Chum Backs, per lb..........
production. Not over production of for his thought treasures. Of course
Subscribe for the Tillamook
There are plenty of difficult ques-
Chum Bellys, per lb..........
leather, hut overproduction of sad­ Mr i a Follette is by no means tne
lions to be solved In the United
These prices are post paid any
dles and harne-s for the army. It is oniy member of congress who fills up Headlight, the leading County sale, July 25, 1919, for $3.000.00 His
States In the reconstruction period,
where in first zone. And remember 1
hardly believable, yet it is a fact, th ceitly pages of th- Record, but
and when we have settled
Newspaper $2.00 per year,
------- them nevertheless, that contracts were en­
butter, 18.72 lbs.; per cent fat 4.02, I pound of smoked fish is equal to 3
he seems to be about the only one
right we will be better prepared to
pounds of fresh fish.
tered into for one million sets of har­ who is without even rudimentary Tillamook Head-
Jr. two year old.
give advii <■ and assistance to other
Wm. Stuivenga.
scruples of conscience on the subject.
worth of ambulance harness, and
638.75 lbs.; Butter 32.92 lbs. percent
It senators or representatives wish
------ o
Krout, Krout.
fat 4.25.
The woman suffragista of Oregon when the war was over the govern­ to "extend their remarks," or to talk »S <■,...
Who want’s krout this winter?
hate the horse laugh on Governor 01-
Stuivenga has got the cabbage. Send
of black leather. There is another nearly a week at a stretch, they ought
quire of Chris Reichen, R. F. D. No.l, him your order, prices right. Mutual
Oregon Farmer,
Editorial .Snap Shots
Take advantage of these Prices
and Save Money.
C. 0. & C. M. Dawson
The Sweatest Tone Phono­
graph made. Plays all records
of their best without the
harsh metallic sound found
in so many
Klippenbender’s Grocery
We recommend PRFERRED
STOCK BRAND goods because these
home wiles who have used them tell
us that they never fail.
We are here to give you this line
at the lowest possible price. Come
and investigate for your self.
We have specials every week,
that are real articles of value.
We make special prices on large
orders in case lots. Come in and
see us. Write or phone. We have
both phones.
Free Delivery in the City.
Hillsboro. Oregon.
'Phone, Wm. Stuivenga.