Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, January 08, 1920, Image 12

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Its Doors
For Good
Jan. 17
Come, Right Now, Buy Now, Get It at Your Own Price, Come
The Tillamook Ladies Garment Store
Are Going Out of Business
Nothing in Reservation, Everything will go on Pubic Sale Tmorrow, and the SALE will Contnue
Until the 17th of this Month at WRECKED and SHAI TERED Prices, Regardless of Cost
Up to (he
ute in Style and
best of Qualities
Pay your own price whatever it is worth to you. Any reasonable Offer Will be Accepted
Every COAT, every SUIT or every DRESS in
the store is placed on this SELLING OUT SALE
and is marked down to HALF PRICE. In other
words it is giving goods away.
So Come to the Store Now
And take advantage of the great opportunity
Every one of you know that GOLDEN'S STORE
has always carried the best and dependable
merchandise and has always sold to you at a
price far lower than asked for by our competi­
We have never made any special sales
because we did not have to. This is the great­
est opportunity ever offered by our store and
more than the greatest offered at any store in
Tillamook County,
Without a Parallel, and Absolutely Beyond any Precedent
Every GARMENT IN THE STORE; many and many garments in this high class stock goes at prices way far lower than COST, and
lower than th$, present market price at which any merchant can buy.
This Merchandise is Dependable, None Better
Every Article in the Store Must be Sold
by Saturday, January 17tn.
Clothes, consisting of Ladies’ Cloaks,
Suits and Dresses to be Sold
at Any Price.
As the Goods Must be Sold, any Reasonable offer­
ing will be Accepted.
This will be surprising news to the many thousands of cus­
tomers who aided me during the mauv years 1 have been suc-
ccsstuliy selling clothes for ladies and men in Tillamook. But
the present time conditions are such that I desire to withdraw
from the mercantile business. However, complete withdrawal
from business depends soniewhat on the clothing market at the
present time. Wages, material and expenses are approxima­
tely 100 higher than they were in 1914, yet the wholesale price
of Ladies' Clothes is approximately 300 per cent higher. This
condition is unfair and unjust, and I desire to DISCONTINUE
and close the door of my store Jan. 17th, and if in the mean­
time the market should return to normal conditions I expect
to buy new stock and continue the business, or possibly re-ent­
er business whenever it does become normal, but for the pre­
sent I expect to sell my entire stock at any price and retire
until that time arrives.
Thanking the many thousands who have contributed to my
success in the past, and inviting you now to come and sup­
ply your needs while the prices are less than I could purchase
the same stock at wholesale, I beg to remain, as ever,
Yours for good clothes service,
Opposite Clough’s Drug Store