TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. JANUARY 8. 1920. went so far as to appropriate to pay | the transportation charge to all who were willing to separate themselves ' —°-------- New York Sun: “President Poin­ from the service of their homes, and ' I care opened the Paris aircraft show after all we could not get them sep­ TBADL| Friday, thus giving official sanction arated from the service. I have gone to the greatest exhibition of aircraft ! through branches of the service, ever assembled, if is the sixth exhibi­ when I have had come in view at tion of Aerial Locomotion, the first least a thousand people between the held since 1913. In the intervening hours of 10 o’clock and 11 o'clock in years aircraft builders have been the morning—and one would suppose too busy to exhibit their products. It that would be the busiest hour of the includes "marvels which almost ex- j day. I have gone into rooms where ceed the flights of fancy:” And it dis­ they had groups of stenographers, closes one thing which must humili­ anyway from five to ten in a group, ate every American: There is not a I and not a stenographer doing any­ Or if you have rheuma­ single American offering in the thing.” tism, ulcers, swelling or show.” --- —O------- other forms of inflamma­ Charles W. Fear in the Missouri tion— Petaluma (Calif.) Argus: “The Trade Unionist, Joseph, Mo.: Conser­ contest between the President and I vative, patriotic American union men the Senate over the peace teraty must wake up and take charge of seems to be a battle to a finish. The running the union affairs of America, Senate will not ratify the treaty with must attend the unions and curb the out reservations, and the President radicals, or the whole labor move­ says he Will “pocket” the treaty if it ment of the nation will run pell mell is ratified with reservations; and to ruin! Half-baked union men, irre­ will tend to reduce the inflam­ there you are! If such an impasse is sponsible self-appointed leaders In mation quickly and effec­ reached there is but one conclusion marty cases, have assumed to take tively. It contain, a ailicioua than can be drawn: That is that the full charge of affairs in all too many earth, with boric acid, gly­ President is determined to usurp the cases. Unwise strikes have been illeg­ cerine and antiseptic, of known constitutional powers of the Senate ally organized and called, against the value. It work, quickly and in the matter of treaty making and wishes and advice of responsible doe. not blister. set himself up as Lord High Execu­ leaders, and in open violation of ex­ You should have a small can tioner. Let us hope the senate stand» isting agreements and contracts. Un­ of PUROLA fyledicated Plaster on its rights.” ion workingmen. working under in the house at all times. Heat ------- o---- agreement, have violated these agree­ in the can and apply—it is Boise (Idaho) Statesman: “An- ments, taken vacations (?) concerted always ready. nouncement made by Senator Hitch- and violated every union principle— at all drug stores cock, as well as announcements is- refused to support and obey national suing from the White House, all in. or international officers, and other­ GUARANTEE dicate that Preident Wilson will con­ wise brought the whole American la­ PUROLA Medicated Plaster is guar­ anteed to ¡/me satisfaction. If it tinue to refuse to compromise in or- bor movement into disrepute and should not your druggist will re­ der to meet half way the Senate’s contempt in many cases. Organized fund your money. attitute on the peace treaty and i labor is today in bad with a large league of nations covenant. When 1 portion of the nation—and Prepared even and Mr. Wilson went to Paris he compro­ i i union men themselves are repudiat- Guaranteed mised on a number of things. His ig and denouncing the unwise acts By the ■freedom of the seas’ principle went of other union men and other fellow­ Blumauer- into the discard. ‘No annexations and workers. The conditions in the coun­ Frank no indemnities’ followed post haste. try demand that the real union men u Laboratories Opn covenants of peace openly ar­ of the nation—the conservative, fl rived at’ were not heard of after the steady working, stay-at-home fellows actual conference began. ‘Self-deter­ —wake up and attend the meetings mination of peoples’ is violated by of their Craft unions, the central the Shantung provision and others bodies, the state conventions, and the i muiHinttn hihihi hi which have Mr. Wilson’s approval. national gatherings—and rout the lutiuiiwiuiiiiiu tui mm»« AU Work Guaranteed. Why, when the President was so radical element—curb their unreas­ Let Me Keep You Out of Trouble. I carry a Stock of Goodrich ready to compromise with the diplo­ onable, irrational acts—and save or­ Tires, Tubes and Tire Accessories. mats of foreign nations,, he is now ganized labor in the country before so unready to effect any compromise) it is too late.” Your Patronage Solicited. A nJ with the Senate?” J. C. HOLDEN, 2nd STREET, OPPOSITE O.P., TILLAMOOK. Ln ------- o------ Senator Walsh, Democrat, of Mass- hl chusetts, declared that if the demo­ ------ o------- K cratic party goes into the national Professor Garfield realizes the feel­ 5H5aSÏ5H5E5E5ï5ZSZS?S£Sï5B5a5Z52SH5ESa5î52S2Sï5HS25HSHSH5H5E5HSHSZSH5Z5H campaign with the league of nations ings of the small boy who is induced as the dominant issue it will meet to ring the door bell for the crowd disaster. He asserts that the only es­ and then is left to take the licking / 1 nJ S I cape for the party from the inevita­ from the indignant house-holder. ■ ! ble defeat lies in the acceptance of Ln ------- o------- nJ Ln the reservations to the peace treaty Sam has things to learn: “A wom­ B favored by the majority of the senate. Armoured Inner Tires are a practical, common sense, an In Buffalo was killed in the rush money-savins tire necessity for all tire users. By 9 He says: “ I hope the league of na ­ nJ at an army food sale. Uncle Sam preventing punctures and blowouts, they add plea­ hl tions will not figure as an issue in I nJ with all his ability,, does not yet sure, safety and economy to motoring. Lubricated the campaign. If it is injected into know how to conduct a bargain sale. inside and out, they lequire no cementing aud no vul­ the campaign It will become the pré­ -------o------- canizing. Placed on your tires as easily as inner tube. dominent issue and overshadow all In South Dakota candidates for domestic issues. The Democratic par­ president are required to state their J ty is seriously divided on this inter­ platforms in eight words. South of I 1 national question and in my opinion the Ohio Democratic candidates state a campaign on this issue would be their platforms in six letters: “Nig- disasterous to the Democratic party. gah.” , From the outset of the Democratic J ------- o------- party would be placed on the de­ Couldn ’ t lose by the trade; Newt 25aS25a5aSH5HSa5aS2SaSasa5a5HS252525aSa5HS25a5252SE5H5H5aSZSaSaS2S2525a IU fensive. It would be required to ex­ Baker may have a change for the plain why the administration demo­ crats did not accept the reservations presidency, but if he gets an oppor­ l which the Republicans offered and tunity to trade his chance for any­ which they claimed would protect thing tangible he would do well to 0 make the exchange. K nJ American rights and interests. It is s ------- o to predict in advance nJ not difficult Ln s I what the decision of the American It is announced by the Glornale B people would be in a fight between d’Italia that Prince von Buelow, for­ K the two parties on the question of mer German Ambassador to Italy, c Americanism against international­ will go to Rome, accompanied by B CALL ism.” Princess von Buelow, returning to s K the villa which they own there. K Kansas City Star: "The case of a ------- o------- e I? 31 J. Connecticut girl was reported the fit The people who say President Wil­ other day. She had just been made 52ça525H52S2SZS2Sasa52SB5HEHSa52S252S25ZSHSH525E5BSîSZ5H5?52Sa5Z525e5asa the president of a million dollar con­ I son is "the foremost statesman of the age' ” probably mean the most fore ­ cern whose employment she had en­ 5aSE5ESZ5HSHSa5ZS2S25H5SS25ïSeS2S252S25ZSE5B5HSa5a5E5ESH5ES2525H5S52S2SB tered fifteen years ago at the fat most statesman.” That Is to say, he salary of $12 a week. Incidentally, has been for most everything anyone 5a525H525HS252SH525H5HSB5il5B5ì5Z5?5Z5H5B5H5a5ù5E5BSES2E?5H5E5E52S25ìl5HSB the same girl conducted a farm of can think about at one time or an­ her own near the place of her em- other. ------- o------- ployment and from the two sources These people who are always try­ was said to have accumulated a for­ tune of nearly a quarter million. Of ing to start new parties are taking a WHOLESALE AND RETAIL course she could not have done what lot of chances. How do they know your immediate need is a de­ she did unless she had had more than their baby will not grow up as big a CEMENT LIME, TEAS! ER, L A TH AND ordinary ability. But also she would di »appointment as the one that might pendable, painstaking handling of BRICK; DOMESTIC STEAM AND not have proved that she had unus­ have kept everybody fooled forever some business or financial matter, SMITHING COAL. ual ability if she hadn’t worked hard if it had always stayed out of power. and faithfully and show n a disposi- ' ------- o ------- read the last paragraph of this ad­ tion to use her head. The boy or girl The .United States Supreme Court vertisement. Our desire is to go on a small salary who doesn’t try for declares that "a treaty is onlyTl pro­ all there is in him may not be throw­ posal until approved by the Senate.” less directly to the point. ing away the chance to become head This seems to dispose of the belief 252SaSU5HSHSE5HSZ5HSESE5ZSH52SE5HSZS?5H5ESE5BSE52SB525H5E5E5H5R57SH5t!5«L5 of a big business. At least he is into which some people have per­ throwing gway the chance that every suaded themselves that the Senate is BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL LADIES, recognizing the many ad­ person with health and any sort of merely interferingg with Mr. Wil­ CONDITIONS are maturing new vantages in a per ton al checking ac­ training has of making a comforta­ son’s private treaty. problems almoat daily and thu bank count, will find us ready to do every­ baa prepared itself with facilitiea very thing possible to make their transac­ ble and satisfactory place for himself valuable to a wide variety of interests. tions with this bank a pleasure to them. in the world. It is still as true as it j The Massachusetts stale grange, ,in was when Emerson said it, that JACK HARPER, TO THE FARMER AND RANCH­ TO THE THRIFTY, we offer 4% ER, our membership in the Federal America is another name for oppor­ it forty-seventh annual convention, interest compounded twice yearly far BALL SHOP, TILLAMOOK. £ Reeerre Syetem is an sdvanta