c* r' •-i. 9 ’LLAMOOK > HEADLIGHT, JANUARY 1. J 920 t. • Co., N. M. Elmer, Morris B. Wells, I. I R. - ------ 8W-, and Ett of SE ’4 and carney City.................... ... 9 5.03 City....................................... I 3.75 Lot 1 of block 20, Necarney K. P. Gilchrist, The Canterbury Club, ’.I SW54 of SE 14, Sec. 3, Tp. Nehalem Bay Land Co<, City........................................... $ 1.28 Jos. J. Hague. Ellers Music House, Sarah J. Parkin- • 3N. R. 8W., . »73.03 Lots 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, of Nehalem Bay Land Co., o Lots 4, 5, and 6, of block 40, son. Wm. C. Miller, L. K. MiRer, I. W. G. Dwight, Block 3, Necarney City, .. 9 7.58 I Lota 21 and 22, of block 20, Necarney City...................... | 4.63 ;he Circuit Court of the State of H. Smith, J. Edward Fennell, Phil J. ' NEV* of SE>4 and Lot 1 10. ” Fannie E. Ruff, Necarney City........................ $ 3.75 Nehalem Bay Land Co. in. for Tilamook County. Murphy, T. B. Potter Realty Co., Sec. 10, Tp. 3N. R. 8W„ and Lot 1, of block 4, Necarney Geo. Long, in. ok County, a Municipal Cor- John Natches, Frank J. Fallon. Port­ Lots 7, 8, 9, and 10, of block SW>4 of NW >4 and Lot 1, City, ......................... $ 1.28 —................................... Lot 14, of block 21, Necarney lion, and one of the Political land Motor Car Co., Lillian Deering, 40, Necarney City............. 3 7.07 Sec. 11, Tp. 3N. R. 8W„ ... 51.33 Lewis N. Williamson, City ........................................... $ 1.2» [¡visions of the State of Oregon. Geo. M. Hyland, Mattle J. Sauter, Daniel Luce, Nehalem Bay Land Co. I Lott 3, of block 4, Necarney Geo. A. Epperly, Plaintiff. Lota 11, 12. 13, and 14, of John Grover, I. G. Sauter, Lois C. NE% of NW’4, W% of NE’4, City.......................................... $ 1.28 Lot 4, of block 22, Necarney TS. block 40, Necarney City ... 9 7.07 Webb, Jessie G. Bennett, Frank E. and NE’4 of NEtt Sec. 7, Nehalem Bay Land Co., City ........................................... $ 1.28 Jos. J. Hague. •them Pacific R. R. Co., Tilla- ---------- Tp. 3N. R. 9W....................... $88.56 I Disbrow, , G. H. Higgins, W. N. Chil- Lots 6, 7, 8, of block 4, Ne- Nehalem Bay Land Co., Lots 15, 16, and 17, of block , Wm. H. Geo. Ludtke (Est.), I carney City............................. $ 5.03 Lots 16, 17, 18 and 19, of 40, Necarney City............... 3 4.63 Lot 6 South of County Road , _------ - --- - Wm. P. Dawson, F. W. Nehalem Bay Land Co., block 22, Necarney City, .. $ 6.30 Nehalem Bay Land Co. and SE‘4 of SW’4 and Lots 1 Peterson, Smith Wagner Co., Mary J. Lot 20, of block 4, Necarney Nehalem Bay Land Co., 7 and 8, Less sold, Sec. 31, Lots 18, 19 and 20, of block I. City.......................................... $ 1.28 | Wentwonth, Herbert E. Higgins, Lot 26, of block 23, and Lots Tp, 3N. R. 9W, ... ............ ■ $75.44 Nehalem Bay Land Co., I Clara B. Withrow. G. B. Lamb, E. L. 40. and lots 1 and 2, of 1, 2, 3 and 4, of block 24, Ne­ block 41. Necarney City. . . 3 7.98 I Lots 23, 24, 25 and 26, of Cooper, A. J. Dorland, Claude Dunno- W. W. Jacobs, carney City............................. $ 7.98 Tract No. 137. For further Nehalem Bay Land Co. block 4, Necarney City, ... $ 6.30 Nehalem Bay Land Co., gan, M. E. Vessey, L. R. Morcom, F. description see tract book in —-------------------- I Nehalem Bay Land Co.. Lots 24, 25, and 26. of D. Abbey, Josephine Duffey, Margar­ Lots 6, 7 and 8, of block 24, ' assessor ’ s office page 84, Sec. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, block 41, Necarney City, et Morris, C. G. North, R. Rommel, Necarney City,...................... $ 4.63 23, Tp. 3N, R. 10W. ................ $ 4.24 of block 5, Necarney City, $11.40 I. L. Appleton, and lots 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. L. Amadon, Melvine Hansen, W. E. E. D. Barrett, i Nehalem Bay Land Co., 9, 10. 11, 12. 13, 14, 15, 16, Thomas, O. Durham, J. D. Swank, L. Lot 9, of block 24, Necarney SW ’ 4 of NW*4, Sec. 33, Tp. Lots 19, 20, 21 and 22, of 17, 18, 19, 20. 21. 22, 23, City........................................... $ 1.28 T. Tone. Eva L. Swank, R. G. Sum­ ox, „ f po block 3N. R. 10W., ....... 5, Necarney City......... $ 6 30 W, A, Kirts, 24, 25, and 26, of block 42, mers, Thos. Racbner, C. L. Sample, M. W. Harrison, I Lot 3, of block 4, Necarney Lot 10, of block 24, Necarney Necarney City..................... 333.50 A. E. Raidle, G. B. Conklin, Wm. Lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, I Nehalem Bay Land Co., City........................................... $ 3.24 Nehalem Bay Land Co. Kenyon, P. A. Bredeen, W. E. Haus­ i Tp. IN. R. 9W., ... Sec. 23, $15.99 ............ Lots 23, 24, 25, and 26, of Nehalem Bay Land Co., Lots 1, 2. 3 ,4, 5, and 6. of er, John Swank, Edith Swank, L. A. Tillamook Water Co., I block 5, Necarney City, ... $ 6.30 Lots 12, 13 and 14, of block of block 43, Necarney City. 3 8.85 Jones, Henry Atwater, I, M. Vose, Tract No. 225.. For further | Nehalem Bay Land Co., 24, Necarney City.................... $ 5.03 H. A. Bell. Belle McDonald Lacy, Roy A. Allen, description see tract book ............. in Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5, of olock 6, Nehalem Bay Land Co., Lots 7, 8, and 9. of block 43 F. Fisher, Stewart Crayne, Wm. assessor’s office, page 133, in Necarney' City, .................. $ 6.30 Lot 20, of block 24, and lots Necarney City....................... 9 I 4.63 Johnson, A. B. Castles, Chas. E. Sec. 26, Tp. IN. R. 9W., .. $ 6.25 Nehalem Bay Land Co., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 9, Nehalem Bay Land Co. Moore, Frank W. Smith, Miller Mur­ J. H. Perkins, Lots 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 of 10, of block 25, Necarney dock, Irene Brunner, E. N. Crouch, Lots 10 and 11, of block 43, Tract No. 723, Sec. 25, Tp. block 6, and Lot 1 ot block ", City.......................................... $16.39 Necarney City.................. I J 5.28 E. H. Dement, Alice V. Dement, Mar- 1 IS. R. 10W. For further des- Necarney City........................ $ 9.25 Nehalem Bay Land Co., H. A. Bell. geret Vessey, Gowan-Moore Co., J. R. ’ cription see tract book in as­ Lots 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, Nehalem Bay Land Co., Eggeman, Donald M. Graham, I. B. Lots 12, 13, and 14, of block sessor’s office, page 236., .. $11.40 j 19 and 20, of block 25, and Lots 19 and 20, of block 7, 43, Necarney City................ $ ( 4.63 C. Fisher, Josephine Perrault, Geo. B. O. Snuffer, lots 1 and 2, of block 26, Ne­ 3.75 Necarney City ....................... $ S% of NW’4 and N’4 of W. Clark, J. D. Morris, L. R. Morcom, carney City............................. $16.03 Nehalem Bay Land Co. Nehalem Bay Land Co., SW’4, Sec. 29, Tp. 2S. R. L. O. Dixon. Mrs. Anna Gatzka, Mar­ Lots 15. 16. 17, 18, 19. and Nehalem Bay Land Co., Lot 8 of block 8, Necarney 8W., .................................. $10.61 garet E. Vessey, Ole Jorgenson, A. K. 20, of block 43; Lots 1. 2, Lots 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, of 1.28 City, ........................................ $ Barker, Lizzie Moore, Fred W. Ger­ G. W. Byers, Sr., 3, 4, and 5, of block 44; and block 26, Necarney City,. .. $ 7.58 Nehalem Bay Land Co., Tract No. 1165, Sec. 7, Tp. man, W. S. Risley, I. M. Vose, Ethel lots 1, 2. 3, 4, and 5, of A. J. Henneman, ’ Lots 20, 21 and 22, of block 2S. R. 9W. For further des­ Servick, M. J. Falmer, G. A. Abbott, * block 45, Necarney City . . $21.80 5.03 Lot 25, of block 26, Necarney • 8, Necarney City .................. $ cription see tract book in as­ C. O. Bellis, M. Maiden, A. E. John­ City........................................... $ 1.28 Nehalem«Bay Land Co. Bay Land Co., ’s office, page 282, .... $ 5.68 Nehalem ston, E. M. Spencer, Nellie Beswick, Z1 sessor Lots 6. 7, 8. 9. 10, 11, 12, TV W Lamb, ’ Nehalem Bay Land Co., Lot 5, of block 9, Necarney G. B. Wm. Padnerknook, Anna A. Sickles, 13. 14. 15, 16, 17, 18. 19, Lots 2, 3 nnd 4, of block 27, City........................................... $ 1.28 E% ------- of SW ’ 4 Less 10 acres, A. A. Muck, E. J. Thomas, 20, and 21. of block 41, Ne­ Necarney City............ .......... $ 5.03 Ivan L. Farmer, Sec. 9, Tp. 2S. R. 9W ........... $26.08 May Bingham» T. Nehalem Bay Land Co., carney City........................ $21.80 H. Goyne, G. B. Lamb, Lots 6 and 7, of block 9, Ne­ The Nehalem Co., Bell F. Con- Lot 13, of block 27, Necarney I carney City, ..................... Nehalem Bay Land Co. $ 3.35 W ’ /à of SE14 Less 20 acres, logue, D, C. City........................................... $ 1.28 Latourette, A. E. Verona B. Zollers, Lots 3, and 4, of block 1, Sec. 9, Tp. R. •/ 9W.,~?U wwa A 2S. ZV. VT • • • • $50.56 T Nehalem Bay Land Co., Nolan, Geo. L. Allen, E. A. Pugh, James Lot 10, of block 9, Necarney Seabright ............................ 9 3.75 Christensen, Und. ’ 4 Lot 15, of block 27, Necarney Ethel M. Fraser, D. B. Sheridan, J. H. Int., and Blanche Beach Und. City, ........................................ $ 1.28 Nehalem Bay Land Co. City........................................... $ 1.28 Elwell, Tillamook Cranberry Co., L. % Int., H. W. Lytle, Lot 7, of block 1, Seabright 9 1.28 Nehalem Bay Land Co., Lot 11, of block 9, Necarney W. McAdams, J. A. Haran, E. M. Myrtle E. Buckley. Tract No. 747. For further City, ........................................ $ 1.28 I Lots 18, 19 and 20, of block Cadwell, Annie Friendlich, Cloie SU of lot 11, of block 1, description see tract book in I Roy Farmer, $5.03 I 27, Necarney City, Hill, Claude Thayer, C. & E. Thayer, Seabright................................ $ .63 assessor’s office, page 299, I Lots 14 and 15, of block 9, Robert Painter, M. E. Smith, C. B. Nehalem Bay Land Co. Sec. 29, Tp. 2S. R. 9W„ .. $ 4.44 Necarnery City...................... $ I 3.35 Nehalem Bay Land Co., Handley, Bay City Land Co., S. W. Jas. Tone (Est.), Lot 16, of block 1, Sea­ Lots 2, 3 and 4, of block 28, Nehalem Bay. Land Co., Pelley, R. J. Hendricks, Chassie Orr, bright...................................... $ 1.28 ' SE’4 of SW’4, Sec. 3, Tp. Necarney City, .................. I 5.03 Lots 20, 21 and 22, of block Emma Co., L. Williams, Nehalem Bay Land Co. ^Krk Land Co., A. 2S. R. Co., 10W........................... $10.04 ' 9, Public Service Raymond Geo. cote, Gavares, Wagner U. & Smith L. H. Hansen, 5.03 Necarney City .................. $ I S. Grout. W. S. J. Cone, Frank Strick­ S. *’ S. ~ Phelps, ^Kriet E. Herrion, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, and 6, borne, Claude Thayer, N. ' Flaunigan, Lot 12, of block 28, Necarney Nehalem Bay Land Co., ler, Dennis Murphy, Lot 6, Less part platted, Sec. ^Krrol Van Orsdell, opf, Tillamook County Bank, L. M. Bozorth, City, ....................................... $ 1.28' of block 2, Seabright.......... $ 8.85 Lot 3, of block 10, Necarney J. R. Harter, W. Geo. L. Riefenberg, J. W. 6, Tp. 2S. R. 10W............... $ 8.88 D. W. Strachan. ^Bieckla Blight, A. M. Hanson, E. W. Morris Martiny, B. Wells, W. H. Harter, City........................................... $ 1.28 ' H. 0. H. Butler, Henry Butler, Fred Hargreaves, ^■orion, F. W. Walter, F. L. ner, Kelley, Lot 7, of block 2, Seabright $ 1.28 Jack Butler. Tone (Est.), E. Lot 14, of block 28, Necarney Nehalem Bay Land Co., E*4 of NE *4, Less 27 acres, Railways Co., Geo. W. Kiger, E. C. Heidtbrink, ^Kuce Wolverton, L. Allison, L. J. F. United , Edward Robson, A. Mohne, City, .................. , .................... $ Lots 7 and 8, of block 11, 1.28 O — -o — R 10W( $136 - Sec. 13, Tp. 2S. J. Hendricks ^■' dd. L. B. Brobst, C. T. Schroeder, Lot 8, of block 2, Seabright $ 1.28 Dwight, R Daniel Luce, Geo. (Trustee), John Necarney City, .................. $ 3.75 Nehalem Bay Land Co., Barrett (Est.), E. John A. H. Smythe, S. Gregory, J. J. Walters, Julia W. Lots 16 and 17, of block 28, e (Est.) W. Jacobs, D. T. Kenny, Thos. T. W. Ross, H. M. Lake, NE’4 of SW%, Sec. 31, Tp. F. Kenny, Tillamook Jas Maginn, Sarah J. Mc­ ■ . Royal, It. M. Wright, T. it, H. M. John- Lot 10, of block 2, Sea- ■ Necarney City...................... $ 3.75 W. Harrison, Lot 13, of block 11, Necarney 2S. R. 10W........ .................... $34.26 Mrs. T. W. bright........................................ $ 1.28 ^Kn, D. A. Collings. H. H. Peters. Lulu Tyson and M. C. Ruff, 1.28 Co., J. J. H. Millan, Perkins, Lizzie B. O. Hadley, Snuf- City ........................................... $ Dwight & Curtis, S. Hughes, W. G. Dwight, Richards, C. M. Hunter, Mary H. Clark, Nehalem Bay Land Co. Lot 18, of block 28, Necarney D. L. Rader, W. Byers, Sr., G. B. Lamb, NEU of NW’4, Sec. 36, Tp. J. Downing, City........................................... $ 1.28 ^Burly, R. L. Sabin. Trustee, Christensen, Frank Catherine Lot 11, of block 2, Seabright $ 1.28 Lot 15, of block 11, Necarney Blanche Beach, E. M. Crockett 3S. R. 7W ............................... 3.24 W. M. Owen, Kelly Clinton, Fred $ Nehalem Bay Land Co. ^fcarnley, B. L. Yost, Clyde one Lyster, City........................................... $ 1.28 (Est.), G. S. H. S. Strachan, Phelps, Fred J. H. Jackson (Est.), Lots 1 and 2, of block 29 Ne­ Stipe, Nehalem Bay Land Co., ^Rrank Bluchet, C. M. Sharpenstein, Lots 13, 14, 15, and 16, of eaves, T. W. Ross, H. J. L. H. Stauer, Jack- H. W. Strebig, Tract No. 584, Sec. 16, Tp. carney City............................ $ 3.35 Lou Geo. Fountain, and D. M. Lots 16 and 17 of block 11, block 2; lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, M F. Howard. Alfreda Lindberg, Est.), H.H. Clara C E J. Coon, Rease, ' 3S. R. 8W. For further des ­ Nehalem Bay Land Co., Defendants. Necarney City...................... $ 3.75 ^Bettit, Edward Scott, B. E. Browning andG, of block 3, Seabright $14.35 , Conrad P. Smith. Olson, Emil Euna, cription see tract book in as ­ Lots 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, of Bay Land Co., To H. each and all of the above namjd Nehalem Bay Land Co. ^Khas, V. Hadjieff, F. L. Vaughn, P. H. Parsons, J. Kaufmann, sessor’s office, page 325, .. $ .41 Nehalem block 29, Necarney City, .. $ 7.58 Lot 20, of block 11 Necarney and to Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and M. . Bussey. Mina Olson. Elenor Cur- defendants, Lowrance, Edith L. Pike, Un all ­ persons known Clars J. Rease, Nehalem Bay Land Co., City.............. ;........................... $ 16, of block 3, Seabright .. 3 8.85 Mls, Thos. B. Watt, John Mui ray, Eu- or Owners, J. unknown, W. Boyer, having, Ed. or claiming to ' Tract No. 591, Sec. 7, Tp. 3S. Lots 15 and 16, of block 29, Nehalem Bay Land Co., Nehalem Bay Land Co. have, interest R. in, lien, or claim ^■vne Lefler. Brighton Development W. W. Hale, J. any E. Coyner, R. 9W. For further descript­ Necarney City, .................. $ 3.75 Lots 3 and 4, of block 12, Ne- any of the properties Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and NU Bn.. H. D. Port wood, J. N. Boldrick. rd, Fred J. upon Mietzke, Wm. respective J. ion see tract book in assess­ I Nehalem Bay Land Co., Necamey City......................... $ of lot 6, of block 4, Sea­ hereinafter R. described; J. Peterson. L. G. Pickel, V. Wm. M. Carlander, J. Car- or’s office, page 333, .......... $ 6.02 Nehalem Lots 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, Bay Land Co., bright...................................... I 8.20 In the name the State of Oregon, Geo. Pierce, ^Rupprecht. Geo. P. Wetzler, J. B. S. M. McCullogh, C. M. of Tlff- 23, 24, 25 and 26, of block 29, Lot 5, of block 12, Necarney Nehalem Bay Land Co. and Co., each ^Karlson, M. Falvey, E. Falvey, Alice Bay you ehalem Land E. of W. you G. are hereby no­ ’ SE’4 of NW’4 of NEU, Sec. and lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, City, ........................................ $ 1.28 Lot 7, of block 4, Seabright $ 1.28 that Tillamook Hinman, Geo. W. Bittner, Thos. C. tified 16, Tp. 3S. R. 9W..................... $ 2.24 Nehalem Fannie E. Ruff, Lewis N. County, a jnu- 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, Bay Land Co., Nehalem Bay Land Co. corporation ^Earroll, R..A. Hume, W. C. nson, Higgins, Ivan nicipal L. Farmer, Verona and one of the W. G. Dwight, 17, 18, 19 and 20, of block 30, Lot 12, of block 12, Necarney SU of lot 11, and all of lots subdivisions H)ito Boehi, Wm. Barrett, ers, E. H. L. W. political NW’4 of SE’4 and NEU of Lytle, Roy Farmer, of the State of I Necarney City........................ $42.58 City, ...................................... $ 1.02 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16, of Hweet, L. B. Jejeune, Catharine and Chas the plaintiff herein is SWU, NU of NWU of NEU, Lake, D. Oregon, L. Rader, E. Nehalem Bay Land Co., Nehalem Bay Land Co., block 4, Seabright.............. $ 8.20 the owner and holder of the lax Blr.van, J. D. Mayhugli, It. in, J. Chas. Pom- Silver, SW’4 of *NWU of NEU, Royal Osman, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and Lots 16, 17, 18 and 19, of Certificate Delinquency numbered •roy, F. W. Haberlach, A. S. [. Dresser SWU of NEU apd SEU of Hayes, L. M. Hill, of Fred C. 9, of block 31, Necarney City, $12.68 Nehalem Bay Land Co. block 12, Necarney City, • $ 6.70 Lets 1, 2, and 3, of block 5, ■(Trustee), Walter Rock, C. R. i, Curtis, one. Geo. issued in book form to said R. J. Barr, Geo. Long, A. Epperly, NWU Sec. 16, Tp. 3 S. R. Nehalem Bay Land Co., Seabright................................ $ 5.03 ■II. P. Templeton, Phillip ppleton, Kaady, W. Tillamook County, A. Kirts, A. J. and dated Lot 10, of block 31, Necar­ Lots 21 and 22, of block 12, 9W. ............................................ $i ■Wedsell Skinner, V. M. Godfrey, F. J. day of August, ney City............................ $ 2.84 Nehalem Bay Land Co. nann, L. 30th H. Hanson, W. H. A. D., X9^9> by Conrad P. Olson, Necarney City................... . .. $ 3.35 Smith, the Sheriff of said W. county; said cer­ Lot 5, of block 5, Seabright 9 1.28 iGattrell, J. Pulo, Alice B. Lulu G. J. Williams, Tyson, M. C. Ruff, Nehalem Bay Land Co., SU of SEU, Sec. 13, Tp. 3S. Nehalem Bay Land Co. Margaret Sharkey, C. E. Brown, tificate so issued for the Lot 11, of block 31, Necar­ in, R. A. J. Barr, G. J. being Williams, Lot 10, of block 13, Necarney R. 10W., ................................ $ 7.83 amount taxes then overdue and Lots 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14. L. Davis (Trustee), H. P. Burroughs, ney City, ............................. $ 2.84 Harter, Anna K. of Weber, R. City, ........................................ $ 2.84 of block 5, Seabright.......... $ 7.58 Jr., delinquent the J. year 1913, to­ Emil Euna, Julius Nehripg, John Clifford Nehalem Bay Land Co., y, Mary Bohlander, for Jos. Nehalem Bay Land Co., Tract No. 1041, Sec. 20, Tp. the Bell, penalties, interest, Nehalem Bay Land Co. M. E. Ella Fortney, Alma Olson, Wm. Lots 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, H. gether Innas, with H. A. Lots 16 and 17, of block 13, 3 S. R. 10W. For further des­ Lots 1 and 2, of block 7, costs Edwards, A. C. Thompson, E. M. E. andi D. 19 and 20, of block 31, and Buckley, W. thereon, Strachan, and which are Necarney City, .................. $ cription see tract book in as­ Seabright............................ $ 3.35 the L. various pieces and lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Carroll, a A. lien Fremain, Bert Noble, E. N. eidtbrink, Nehalem Bay Land Co., H. upon, Smythe, L. sessor’s office, page 360, .. $ 3.98 and 10, of block 32, Necar ­ L. L. Wright. McGregor, property assessed up­ Conrad Emma Guild, Minnie • Lot 19, of block 13, Necarney , Pearl H. parcels Rose, of E. real T. Kelly, P. Olson, ney City................................. $26.23 on Land the tax roll Invest- of said county for the Lot 8, of block 7, Seabright $ 1.28 Ethel Donlon, Margrette Lambson, City, ........................................ $ 1.28 ivey, Sunset and NU of NEU, Sec. 24, Tp. 3S. Nehalem Bay Land Co., vear 1913, and hereinafter described, Nehalem Bay Land Co. Andrie Davis, E. L. Davis, Anna o., R. H. B. Mills, L. M. Mills, R. 10W................................... $ 7.83 Nehalem Bay Land Co., Ind you and each B. of you, being the Lots 17, 18, 19, 20. 21. 22, Byrne, Harvey Mansfield, May Lot 11 and 12, of block 7, • Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5, of block man, En- E. O. Stadter, Geo. Rad- A. M. H. Parsons, 23 24 and 25, of block 32, owners of the several pieces and par­ and lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, of I right, W. E. McCourt, F. R. E. Beals, 14, Necarney City, .............. $ 6.30 II. Ellingsworth, Blanche WU of WU of SEU of SWU Necarney City ...................... $13.08 Nehalem Bay Land Co., I H. T. Botts, Anna M. Morton, of of real property hereinafter block 8, Seabright.............. $ 8.85 ion, Beals J. C. cels Auterson, Neppach and SWU of SWU, Sec. 36, W. H. Harter, Lots 2, 3 and 4, of block 15, Nehalem Bay Land Co. out M. next to your respective Land Co., F. R. Beals (Trustee), H. set n, Marion Edee, E. Holly- Tp. 3S. R. 10W................... $ 8.88 Lot 7, of block 33, Necarney Necarney City......................... 9 4.63 W. Berger, L. M. Berger, Etta Kelly, names, Nehalem as appears Lots 6, and 7, of block 8, Clinton Bay by the tax roH of H. J. Kauffman, City, ....................................... $ Nehalem Bay Land Co., Breiter, Carrie Breiter, L. First Bank Mar- & Tillamook County, Oregon, now in Seabright. Lots 2 and 3, SEU of NWU Quint, 9 3.75 Anna K. Weber, Lots 6 and 7, of block 15, Ne­ Nehalem Bay Land Co. Trust Co., A. V. Povey, M. the hands of the sheriff of said coun­ and SWU of NEU, Sec. 4, B. Frank M. Summer, Lot 8, of block 33, Necarney carney City .............................. 2.95 9 Walling, Geo. L. Henderson, V. B. ty for the collection of the taxes Lot 9, of block 8, Seabright 9 1.28 Tp. 4S. R. 7W....................... $ 9.76 R. S. Lindsay, ’ City........................................... $ Nehalem Bay Land Co., John Lowrance, Henderson, Wm. P. Dolph, John A. thereon for the year 1918. Nehalem Bay Land Co. R. Caughey, Lots 9 and 10, of block 15, Milton, Geo. Dimming, F. H. Watts, I The names of the owners Lot 3 Less sold, Sec. 19, Tp. Lots 11, and 12, of Block Lot 9, of block 33, Necarney Necarney City ...................... 9 1.28 . ...................... $ 3.24 4S. R. 9W............................... Sophia Weiss, A. F. Stillman, Ida M. said several pieces and paicels of 8, and lots 1 -and 2, of block City ........................................... $ Nehalem Bay Land Co., Strebig, C. W. Kelley, Walter Kelley, property, the several des”‘^‘"eng8 Edith L. Pike, 9, Seabright........................... 9 6.70 Mary Bohlander, Lot 12, of block 15, Necarney Tract No. 1043, Sec. 19, Tp. Theo. Gunderson, G. W. Long, Clara thereof and the amounts of taxes, Nehalem Bay Land Co. Lot 10, of block 33, Necarney 1.28 Necarney City ...................... $ 4S. R. 10W. For further des­ Gunderson, Harry Petrow, L. Mar­ penalties, interest and costs overdue Lots 4, 5, and 6, of block 9. City, ....................................... $ 1.28 Nehalem Bay Land Co., cription see tract book in as­ ken, Della Scott, Pctei Mellinberger, and delinquent upon each of said Seabright................................ 9 5.03 Joseph J. Hague, Lot 15, of block 15, Necarney sessor’s office page 379, .... $ 3.64 H. B. Ferris, Rockaway Beach Co., several tracts, and for which the said Nehalem Bay Land Co. Lot 13 of block 33 Necarney City, ........................................ $ 1.28 N. A. W, Turnbull, A. B. Berger, D. certificate was issued, are as follows, Unknown Owner, Lots 7, 8, 9, 10. 11, and 12, City........................................... $ Chas. E. Swanson, Tract No. 711, Sec. 18, Tp. O. Fisher, C. W. Ischer (Mrs)., A. L. to-wit: of block 9; and lots 1, 2, Wm. H. Innes, Und. 1-7 Int. Lot 19, of block 15. Necarney 5S. R. 10W., For further des- Snyder, J. B. Moore, Matt Gerde, D. Northern Pacific Rail Road Co. and 3, of block 10, Sea­ and E. N. Crockett, Und. 6-7 1.28 City ........................................... $ scription see tract book in Hurlbert, C. H. O. Fisher, C. M. “ " “ ” I Lot4. Sec. 18, Tp. 1 N., R. bright...................................... $13.08 Int., Nehalem Bay Land Co., assessor ’ s office, page 461, .. $ 1.24 Gardant, Jose- ! Hammond, Marie ........... $15.73 Nehalem Bay Land Co. Lot 14, of block 33, Necarney Lot 22, of block 15, Necarney J. W. Boyer, phine Schneider, Jennie L. Mayo, City........................................... $ 1.28 Lots 6. 7 ,8, 9, and 10, of 1.28 ' City ........................................... $ Lot 2 and N14 of Lot 3, Sec. V. M. Brady. E. C. Golden, H. Nehalem Bay Land Co., Nehalem Bay Land Co., • I block 10, Seabright.............. 9 7.58 12, Tp. 6S. R. 9W.................. $42.00 R, Golden, N. M. Van Natta, Fred A. 1 NEV z of Sec. 26, Tp. IN. R. r Lots * 15 •- and 16, of “ block 33, Nehalem Bay Land Co. Lots 2, 3,4 and 5, of block 16, Ed Hunt, W. W. Hale, and J. XT ----------$ City........................ Poulson, G. D. Gatt, E. D. Cass, Scott Necarney $20.30 E. Coyner, 3.75 Dot 2 and SU of lot 3, of Necarney City........................ $ 6.30 9W., ........................................ Nehalem Bay Land Co., Bozorth, Rose Morgan, F. A. Gaus, I block 11, Seabright........... 9 3,12 Chas. Silver, E'4 of W% less SE ’ 4 of Lot 1, of block 34, Necarney Adeline G. Miller, A. S. Keller, Ida %V n W: s ~3«.T p .1N- Nehalem Bay Land Co. Lot 13, of block 16, Necarney SWK andWVi of E% less City........................................... $•1.28 M. Wade, L. J. Weiss, S. W, Poutzke, City, ........................................ $ 1.28 Lot 5, of block 11, Seabright $ 1.28 R. 9W., .......................... $11.70 NWK of SE’4, Sec. 3, Tp. Nehalem Bay Land Co., I Anders Lee, H. B. Ferris, Frances J N. Rosskopf, Pearl H. Rose. . 6S. R. 10W............................. $41.55 Nehalem Bay Land Co., Lots 12 and 13, of block 34, Ricks, Dottie L. Davis, J. H. Shep­ ’ Lot 18, of block 16, Necarney of SW%. Sec. 36, Tp. IN R. S. Ward, Lot 5, of block 1, Sunset Necarney City........................ $ 3.75 herd, Harry Gibbs, A. E. Lenhart, J. City........................................... $ 1.28 Nehalem r 9W., .................. . ............. $20.30 Beach...................................... 9 1.02 NEV* of SE%, Sec. 30, Tp. Bay Land Co. ’ G. Nichols, F. C. Osborne, Ed. Olson, Tillamook County Bank, H. W. Lytle, 5S. R. 10W.............................. $ 9.36 E. T. Kelley. Lot 26, of block 34, and lots Lot 1, of block 17, Necarney Jas. Wood, J. G. Griffiths, Wm. Gray, Fred J. Meitzke, i Lot 21, of block 4, Sunset 1 and 2, of block 35, Necar ­ City........................................... $ 1.28 Carmen Swanson, Doglus Taylor, J. SE’4 of NEU, Sec. 15, Tp. Beach ................................... 9 1.02 ney City............................... I 9 5.03 F. *Taylor, O. E. Gustaveson. W. L. DVnd. 4S. R. 10W.............................. $ 7.83 Royal Osman, J. S. Povey. In NEJl and Nehalem Bay Land Co. Lot 13, of block 17, Necarney Gilger, A. E. Jones, R. L. Dudrow, H. Wm. J. Howie, Lots 17. and 18, of block 5. City........................................... $ 1.28 , Lot 20, of block 35, Necar - . SE%, Sec. 36, Tp. IN. R. 9W., $57.70 C. Werner, A. M. Silver, N. J. Camats Lot 4, block 14, Neah-Kah- Sunset Beach...................... $ 2.84 ney City ............................... 1 Nehalem Bay Land Co., . Nie Mt..................................... $ 2.84 W. D. Terry, J. Hanson, Bertha E. Morris B. Wells, $ 1.28 Sunset Land and Investment Co., Nehalem Bay Land Co. « Lot 3, of block 18, Necarney Tract No. 833, for further V. M. Carlander, Glenn, Magntfs Olson. F. J. Barr, Lot 9, of block 7, Sunset City ........................................... $ Lots 1 and 2, of block 37, description see tract book in 1.28 Classic Ridge Beach, Lot 4, of Leurettle Brace, L. Marken, Emma L. Beach.................................. $ 1.02 — ’ 12, " ............. ’............... $ 1.28 Lulu M. Hayes, Necarney City............. i ... I 9 3.75 ’s office, page 10, Sec. Block Smith. Crystal A. Fowler, H. M, I assessor R. B. and L. M. Mills. 6, Tp. 1 N. R. 10 W.,............ $ 8.09 R. J. Carlanckr, > Lot 6, of block 18, Necarnery Nehalem Bay Land Co. Maddan. Nora McGinnis, Eva M. Lot 15, of block 7. Sunset City........................................... $ 1.28 Lot 12, of block 37, Necar- Lot 5 of block 12, Classic Taylor, Will Keller, H. B. Ferris. N. Geo. R. Edner, $1.02 L. M. Hill, I ii'y City ................................... i Tract No. 28, Sec. 21, Tp. IN. Ridge Beach ........................... 1.28 9 1.28 M. Cook. Julia Long. Fred Dundee. A. 9 B . E. Gritman, Lot 13, of block 18, Necarney i R 10W. For further descript ­ Nehalem Bay Land Co. J. S. McCullogh, T. Hansen, Emma Wells, John Lew­ Lot 2, of block 9, Sunset City........................................... $ 1.28 ion see tract book in as- Lot 7 of block 21, Classic Lot 15. of block 37, Necar­ ellen, E. B. Salisbury, D. K. Bill, Beach...................................... $ 1.02 Nehalem Bay Land Co., sessor ’ s office page 18, .... $l« id Ridge Beach ........................... ney City ............................... 1 1.28 9 Layton Wisdom, Isador St. Schiel, H. Jack Tone (Est.), 9 1.28 . O. Stadter. - Lots 14, 15 and 16, of block Catherine J. Downing, Nehalem Bay Land Co. A. Haworth. Henry Jordan. B. K. 18, Necarney City.................... $ 5.03 Lot 4, of block 19, Sunset Tract No. 50, Sec. 22, Tp. IN Lot 6 of block 36, Classic Lots 25 and 26. of block McIntosh, Lewis Irish, Eneas . Mc­ Beach .................................... $ 1.02 R. 10W. For further descript­ Ridge Beach, ........................ $ 1.28 Nehalem Bay Land Co., 37. and Lots 1, 2, 3. 4, 5. . ., Intosh. E. F. Story. F. H. Bell, Fred Lot 19, of block 18, Necarney eo. Raddaway. ion see tract book in assess­ C. M. Tiffany, ‘ 6, 7. 8, 9, 10. 11, and 12 of A. Paulsen. Tillamook Bay Co., B. J. City, ............................. ... $ 1.28 Lot 23, of block 19, Sunset or’s office, page 25, .......... $11.63 Lot 9 of block 36, Classic I of block 38, Necarney City. $19.45 I King. M. W. Wilkins. Ralph W. Fee­ H. E. Noble. Beach ................................... $ 1.02 Ridge Beach............................. $ 1.28 , Nehalem Bay Land Co., Nehalem Bay Land Co. ney, E. W. Hall, G. A. Gore. Chas. Lots 6 and 7, of block 19, Tract No. 56, Sec. 22, Tp. IN Nehalem Bay Land Co., D . W. Strachan. Lots 15, 16, 17. 18, 19. 20. Freeman. Sarah O’Malley, Maud M. 1 Necarney City........................ $ 3.75 R. 10W. For further descript- Lots, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of Lot 4, of block 21, Sunset 21, 22. 23. 24, 25. and 26, of Burns, B. F. Doddridge, W. A. Green, ’ ion see tract book in assess­ block 1, Necarney City,.... $ 9.73 Nehalem Bay Land Co., Beach...................................... $ 1.02 block 38, Necarney City . . . Lots 14, 15 and 16, of block $16.90 G . H. Strachan, Jack? Keats. W. H. Daly. U. G. Berry or’s office, page 26................. $15.63 Nehalem Bay Land Co., Nehalem Bay Land Co. 19, Necarney City, ............ 1 ("rank L. McGuire, Frank Tenerclli, Edward F. Robson, $5.02 Lot 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, of Lot 5, of block 21, Sunset Lots 4. 5 ,6 7. 8. 9. 10. 11, I block 2, Necarney City......... $ 9.73 Nehalem Bay Land Co., nez Olson. C. A. Morris, Dan Ried, I N'W>4 of SW%, Sec. 16, Tp. Beach...................................... $ 1.02 12, 13. 14. 15. 16. and 17, 1 Lot 18, of block 19, Necarney fra. S. J. Jenner. Tillamook Beach 2N. R. 9W., .......................... 34 f E. W. G. Walsh, E. . C. H< idlbrink. City, ........................................ | 1.28 of block 39, of Necarney lealty Co.. Sylvia Lyle. W. W. Kelby. 1 ANEv?nSec. 9. Tp. 3N. R. 6W„ $45.40 Lot 8, of block 2, Necarney Lots 6 and 7, of Block 21, City......................................... $20.98 larry Ballard. O. H. Staron, J. B , City, ......................................... $ 1.28 Nehalem Bay Land Co., Hunset Beach....................... $ 2.84 Lot 20, of block 19, Necarney Nehalem Bay Land Co. bnnor, C. W. Michael, J. S. McCord, 1 W. G. Dwight, I Nehalem Bay Land Co., E. H. Ellingsworth, —City............................................ $ 1.28 Lot 20. of block 39, and lot Lots 7 and 8, Sec. 2, Tp. 3N | Lot 2, 3 and 4, of block 3, Ne- Jbert Bennett, Twin Rocks Land Lot 7, of block 22, Sunset Fred C. Dunlap, 1, of Block 40, Necarney SUMMONS. ; i i I < > ^2, « « 1 1 « 9 1 1 i ^4 à * *l—i r