o TILLAMOOK TRADE HEADLIGHT, JANUARY 1. 19*0 p UROLA What the Editors Say A good suit is worth $30 and sells for $60. A pair of shoes is worth $4 and tells for $10. The Sun is worth $5 a year and sells for $2. ihere is no profiteering in this office. Sheri­ dan Sun. ------o A Michigan girl is in a lot of trou­ ble at Vancouver because of her ef­ forts to secure a mail-order husband. A mail order husband is exactly like any other mail order product—it fails to live up to the specifications and pictures as shown in the cata- logue.—Gazette Tinies. MARK AIDS TO HEALTH AND BEAUTY When your cough and tickling throat keep you awake— When you have that uncomfortable feeling of wanting to clear your throat constantly—to no avail— when you are hoarse and sore from continual coughing—then you will find The joke is on Seattle, The young "inventor Hubbard who is working the Seattle newspapers for a little fun, was occupying the spotlight in North Dakota a tew years ago with some kind of a machine which was said to get its power from the air but nothing seemed to come of it. In their desire for notoriety, however, the Seattle papers are not lik, those of oilier live Western towns.—Willa­ mina Times. fOROlA TRADE MARK White Pine Compound soothing and effective. PUROLA White Pine Compound contains White Pine Bark. Tar. Wild Cherry Bark. Balm of Gilead, Menthol and other remedial ingredients valuable for certain disorders of the throat and lungs. _M)R0U GUARANTEE VJittiÎAT A Valuab»* Couoh Syrup PUROLA White Pine Compound io guar'inteed to be pure because of ill health. But hi^ son-in- law. McAdoo, in line succeeding, will lead It to overwhelming defeat next year. Nothing seem.- surer than sweep the Republicans will country in 1920.” And this from Marse Henry, if ever there was a Democrat, a staunch, loyal, fiery and fierce Dem- ocrat, ..as precisely that Democrat! But 'hat was back in the days before Mr. Wilson had supplanted the Democratic party.—Harvey’s Weekly 1920 A Thrift Year. Everything points to a strong after holiday reaction in favor of thrift. There would in any event be some such reaction following Christmas extravagances, but this year it should be more marked than ever be*- fore, and of much more far-reaching significance. Everywhere thrift is being preach­ ed as the one way out of inflated values. With the first of the year there will come into being numerous organizations devoted to the advo­ cacy and the practice of economy. Restricted buying will have the back­ ing of the government. Through dozens of agencies the buyer will be told that he must insist on value re­ ceived. The idea that money is the cheapest commodity in the market will be fought by every public means. The very A. B. C. of common sense is to make the fat years provide a reserve store for the lean years. That 1920 will be another fat year is quite certain. It is probable that the lean years will not come for a long time. But that they will come even­ tually can hardly be doubted. It is in the power of each individual to forti­ fy himself, by thrift, against the in­ evitable. Savings banks, which naturally form the keystone of any general thrift movement, have under way plans for a thrift week in January, during which will be advocated through various civic organizations a number of the maxims of saving. Not only will there be urged the opening or increasing of savings accounts, but such other principles as the tak­ ing of life insurance, the owning of one’s home, the making of wills, and the like. This movement sponsored by the banks is mentioned only as a symp­ tom of the new spirit of the times. The chances are that instead of a thrift week we will see a thrift year.—Spokesman Review. ‘BOTTS & WINSLOW Attorney s-at-Law, TILLAMOOK, OREGON TILLAMOOK BLOCK Both phones. T. BOALS, M.D., PHYSICIAN AN1) SURGEON. Surgeon S.P. Co. (I. O. O. K. Bldg.) Oregon H GOYNE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office: O pposite IC ouki ¡I Tillamook O. rgon w EBSTER HOLMES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW COMMERCIAL BUILDING, FIRST STREET, TILLAMOOK, ------ c------ He says he doesn’t, but he does. He likewise talks sense. It is more or less a habit with him to do that if he talks at all. and he generally talks. He is too courteously amiable to re­ fuse to do that when folks want him to, and that is what they always want. So, when the New York Herald cornered him down in Jacksonville the other day, Marse Henry was his own kindly, cordial self, and answer­ ed questions that were put to him in bls own direct way. Among other things, he said the Republicans would carry "several” Southern States next year. But how many are several? Would Kentucky and Maryland make "several”? He was not pressed on this point, which is rather a pity. There are strange things reported as going on even in Texas, and as for North Carolina and Tennessee, almost anything might happen down there and no­ body would be much surprised. But Marse Henry lets in a possible -»ide-light on Solid South dlsintegra- gation. He ciphers out that there ¡ b no Democratic party any more. In its Place there is only a Wilson party. Mr. Wilson's health will not permit him to exercise his proprietary rights over this new party, so he is going to give it to his son-in-law Mr. McAdoo. Thus the Wilson party will be in the movies, anyway. Now. how much is this Wilson party belteved in in the South? Senators Smith and Shields do not seem to be held in any less esteem in Georgia and Tennessee, re­ spectively. for having gone over to the fold of the Blasphemers of the undotted i and uncrossed t Covenant On the contrary, their home stock appears to have gone up several points coincidently with their back- OREGON J~JAVID ROBINSON, M.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON NATIONAL BUILDING, TILLAMOOK OREGON. 0RJO. L. HOHLFELD. VETERINARIAN. I Eell Pnone—2F2 Tillamook Mars Henry Talks Politics. jubm Mutual Phone - 'f Oregon. QR. L. L. HOY, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , Tillamook, JOHN I.ELAND Oregon, HENLERSCN ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW Tillamook • . . • Oiega« JO OBERT H. McGRATH C ounsellor - at - L a w TILLAMOOK, OREGON. DR. J. E. SHEARER DR A. C. CRANK. Drs. Shearer & Crank Medical & Surgery. National Building. Tillamook - - - Oregon. HENRY C. VIERECK, M. D. SPECIALIST. Disease of The EYE. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Only 310 Selling Building, Portland, Ore. ECONOMY CLEANERS AND DYERS 2nd, Between 3rd and 4th. MODERN EQUIPMENT. PERMANENTLY LOCATED. si be C n. fc nioO ion. IvisK rthei put bort kopL d Ma