Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, January 01, 1920, Image 4

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    T illamook
headlight ,
J anuary 1, i9zc.
nor Olcott to propose two commis­ FIMO THEIR LIFE TOO DRAB
sions, as a solution of the game and
fish squabble. It w ill be necessary for Ex-Soldier», Returned to_Civill«n Po­
Fred C. Baky, Editor.
sitions, Yearn for the Excitement
Briefly stated the government op­ the state legislature to arm each
of the Battle Field.
eration of railroads amount to this: commission with a few machine guns
per year .$2.00 $1,000,000,000 in debt, the roads and bombs, for two commissions will
the squabble. The
Recently the following «avertise­
run down, the poorest service ever only Intensify
la the London ! hilly I
Advertising Rates.
experienced, and the familiar expres­ whole trouble Js in endeavoring to ment appeared
Display Advts. per inch........... 20c. sion heard everywhere. “Damn the reconcile twd impossibilities pro­ News.
7c. public.” That’s what democratic con­ tection of trout for sportsmen and “Young ex-soldler, three times wound­
Locals ......................... per line
ed, will risk life for £200; tired of
Readers, with reading matter
trol of railroads are responsible for. propagation of salmon for commer­ life and uTl alone.—Write Box 9944,
per line.............................. .... 7c. And how do you like it? It appears cial purpose. It is not generally
Fleet street. E. C.
Notices of meetings etc,, per line 7c. to be the prevailiur spirit with rail­ known that trout is the greatest 67, The
News tells the story of the ad­
road employees that they don’t have
to hurry, and they don’t, for business
“The writer o'
men claim that before the govern­ mon eggs and young fry turned into ment is an ex-sti»
r “f ti e
ment took over the control of the the rivers from salmon hatcheries.
------- o-------
IL A. M. <’. He was awaruK the Mill-
We wish the people of Tillamook railroads they receive freight promp­
In 1; 16 at Martlnpulch nnd
is friction, with Governor Olcott de­ tary medal
county a happy and prosperous new tly.
later at Ypres. In 1917, won n bar to
termined to make the game and fish
------- o-------
the medal b.r bravery in assisting his .
Some of the country papers are ex­ commission the “goat”, including the captain.
------- o-------
"They v ere to -titer when n shell ’
Give a guess as to the population ceedingly short sighted when they
warden, simply because they could burst close to them, wounding both I
of Tillamook County. We believe criticise Portland. Our impression is
not get along with a "bugologist.” If severely. The stretcher bearer, though I
there are over 10,000 persons in the that city is that the business men are
always willing and anxious to ass*t the state of Oregon expects to main­ wounded in four places and weak from I
in the development of all parts of tain the salmon industry it cannot loss of blood, helped his officer to .
What is your new year resolution Oregon. For illustration, when the cater to the whims of.sportsmen, for safety. After IS months In n hospital ,
going to be to help the United States coast counties solicited the support as we have intimated it is ridiculous with wounds nnd shell shock, he found ,
out of the deplorable conditions th- of the business men and newspapers to spend money and effort in the himself discharged with a 50 per cent I
protect disability pension, which was lattr re- ,
democratic party plunged the coun­ of Portland in behalf of the Roose- propagation of salmon and
of the duced to 40 per cent, making $0 a
try into? Thrift is one thing that will
help turn the trick, with “work and given, and the coast counties feel salmon industry. And Governor di­ week.
“He was recommended to try light ■
greatful for Portland’s support. An­ cott proposes two commissions, which
increased production” the other.
other thing might be mentioned in is absured. We are inclined to think outdoor work, nnd the local sub-com-
------- o-------
Who's*the lifeguard down at Bar­ this connection. One third of the that the best thing for the state leg­ niittee suggested his becoming a
view who did the “hugging, kissing bond money for road improvements, islature to do is to take the appoint­ groom. But as the work of u groom
and other demonstrations of affec- under the jurisdiction of the State ive power from the governor and Is the reverse of light, he accepted the
tion and endearment?” No wonder Highway Commission, comes from undertake to appoint a commission suggestion of a relative In the R. A. F.
and became a civilian clerk there.
that the life saving service is at- Multnomah county, and is expended Itself, remove the offices from Port­
“ ‘I am paid $15 a week by them,’
land, and locate them in some county
tractive if that Is some of the per- on roads outside of that county.
where the influence of the sports­ he told the Daily News representa­
quisities that belong to the life sav-
tive yesterday, “nnd I atn ashamed
Tillamook county produced 6,000,- men is not so strong.
to take It. There are two of us In my
------- o-----
The snap shot man left Sunday for office, and for weeks past, we have not
There is a growing sentiment in sold for $2,000,000, which is an in­
done a stroke. I find the enforced
favor of the government passing a crease of $700,000 over last year. Portland and returned Tuesday. He idleness telling on my nerves. I can’t
law for all labor troubles to be set­ There are many places in the coast went to the metropolis to attend a
stand It.
tled by boards of arbitration, and the counties similar to Tillamook county, meeting of the Roosevelt Highway
‘“When I was in France, although
decisions to become compulsory. But with splendid dairy lands which can­
had been told I was anaemic and
labor organizations oppose this meth­ not be developed for want of roads. Imperial Hotel. This was the first op­ would never see France, I found the
od of preventing strikes and settle­ It Is our prediction that if the Roose­ portunity the snap shot man had of hardship and the danger brought out
velt military highway is built in a meeting the Portland officers of that the best there was in me. I could
ment of labor disputes.
few- years the production of cheese in association, who did such splendid rise to the occasion then, but now—
That’s going some. The average the coast counties will amount to work in behalf of the coast counties,
“ ‘I want a chance, and that’s what
price of 100 pounds of milk last $20,000,000 annually, to say nothing since the special election, and it was made me send along that advertise-
year in Tillamook county will be of the lumber and other industries
ment. Perhaps some cinema firm
somewhere around $3.30. We don’t that will follow the opening up of Tillamook county to President Pier might want someone for a particular-
know, but it is said that whiskey has this splendid and best part of Oregon. for Portland’s valuable assistance. It ly risky job.
Whatever It is, I’m
gone to $20 a bottle, so old bossy will The Tillamook dairymen have shown was certainly very pleasing to have ready.’
have to hustle some to catch up to what can be accomplished in a few the assistance of these gentlemen as
“He Is not the only one. it seems,
valleys in Tillamook, which will be well as the city ofPortland, in the op­ who finds the humdrum life of peace
that kind of profiteering.
duplicated many times when the ening up and development of large unbearable, A few days ago, four ofii-
------- o —-
and productive sections of the coast cers advertised themselves in a news­
The reason that sugar is scarce is Roosevelt highway is built.
country. The object of the meeting in paper agony column as ready to en- >
because a college professor on the
food commission did not have brains
We suppose there will be more or Portland on Monday was to obtain list in any capacity, In any campaign,
to buy the Cuban sugar, and the col­ I less throwing of hats into the polit- quick action on the bill pending in for any country, so long as there wae
lege professor at the White House | ical arena, the first to do so being congress for $2,500,000 to match some fighting to be done. The lure of
upheld him. Heaven save the country I Mr. Brimhali. who wants to adorn that amount of money by the state. danger is evidently another of war's eSa52SH5a5a5H5d5S5ï5HSH5î52S25e5BS25ZÇaSBS
front ever having a lot of unpractical ♦he county clerk’s office with his It was decided to send another dele­ queer products, and the men who have i
college professors put in charge of I presence. Some of Homer Mason’s gation to Washington, to remain tasted blood find drab respectability '
affairs again.
I friends are wanting him to make the there until the matter is disposed ot. dull.”
race for county judge, while Sheriff Five of the coast counties have
------- o-------
President Pier, of the Roosevelt I Campbell has a desire to have "coun- guaranteed $2,500, and the president
French War Memorials.
Highway Association, told the snap I ty judge” as a prefix to his name. Of of the association expected to obtain
France was threatened with a deluge
shot man that during the special I course Herb Alley w ill aim to hold financial assistance from the Port­ of monuments and tablets commemo­
election they sent the Headlight I down one of the most unthankful land Chamber of Commerce. The rating the victory of the poilu, when
everywhere, with the exception of to jobs in the county, that of county coast counties which failed to give Clemenceau stepped to the fore .and
heaven. As the Association did not I eoinivlssioner for the north part of financial assistance were Lane and vetoed many propositions advanced by
send any of the Headlight witlt the the county, and G. B. Lamb, the pop- Douglas. An effort was made to have artists and persons Interested from n
superintendent, will Messrs Pier and Brady form the del­ financial standpoint1. He thus saved
Roosevelt “hot stuff” to Tillamook, I ular school
why this county must be the ‘heaven' j will throw his hat into the ring. egation, but as Mr. Pier found that Paris and the provincial cities from
he had reference to.
State Senator T. B. Handley is again he would not be able to get away, B. many exhibitions of gratitude perpetu­
a candidate for joint Senator, He F. Jones the father of the Roosevelt ated In marble, wood, stucco and plas­
Tillamook County is going to be in gave the best of satisfaction and the Highway bill was chosen in his place. ter.
The Touring club of France has
a duce of a fix of the State Highway Joint senatorial district should re- He will leave for Washington on
Commission fails to obtain more mon­ turn him to that position.
Monday, and Mr. Brady will follow built perhaps the most dignified me­
ey. The commission told the county
------- o-------
later. They will stay on the job at morial to the men who fought to save
their country. Near the place on the
The democratic administration is Washington until the matter
court to go home and prepare 15 I
Is dis­ Marne where in 1914 the Germans
miles of road bed for hard surfacing, doing another stunt. In attempting posed of.
were pushed back from their march to
and now thqt this ic practically fin­ to solve the enormous troubles in the
Paris and where In 1918 the great
ished the highway commission Is United States brought about by mis­
Legion Vigilants are Condemned by offensive of the allies started, the
without funds, having appropriated management and spendthrift meth­
National Commander.
Touring club chose the top of a hill
what money was available.
ods. The new idea is to call a con­
------- o-------
and there built a chapel over the door
------- o-------
ference for this, that and the other
Action by the local posts of the
We tried to convince John M. Scott thing, which ends In a fizzle. The American Legion in appointing them­ of which are the simple words: “The
to put on a night train
when the democratic party has put the whole selves self constituted vigilance com­ Benediction of a Prayer In Eternal
railroads go back to the companies, country into a devil of a hole and
mittees “in disregard
to law and
but he was not impressed with our don’t know how to get it out, and it
properly constituted authority,” was
Why Daylight Scheme Failed.
contention that a night train wan will be a mighty hard job for the
condemned by Franklin D’Olier, na­
The secret has leaked out that the
the proper thing. From a business republican party to tackle. When the
tional commander of the organiza­ real reason why the farmers were op­
man’s point of view It would be a government undertook to build ships,
tion, in an address at a legion rally posed to the daylight saving plan was
time killer to leave here tucked away took over the control of sawmills, in Washington. He said:
that they were not able to get the
in a sleeper at night and wake up the production of spruce and control
We know that there are many roosters to adopt It. The he-chickens
the next morning in Porlland.
of railroads, it brought about serious other patriotic, loyal and 100 per
insisted on going to work on the old
------ o------ -
industrial troubles and made a fizzle cent American forces in this country
schedule. Tn open defiance of con­
A good deal of free advice is given of most everything it took over in
keenly interested in the maintenace gress, they refused to knock off the
these times, one of which Is get to ihe industrial line, and i{ is going to
of law and order,” stated Mr. D’Oller, extra hour from their morning beauty
work. A large number of persons for be many years before all this trouble
“and that is through orderly process sleep. So, under the new plan. Instead
several years have been doing that, and dissatisfaction can be righted.
of government and its duly constitut­ of the roosters waking up the farm­
and it is almost impossible for them There is no doubt in our mind that a ed agencies.
ers, It became necessary for the farm­
to work harder unless they want to large number of men, especially the
“Neither national, state nor any ers to wake up the roosters.
work themselves to death. Since al go-betweens, have made large for­
local organization has the right nor quite naturally, aroused feelings of
great many men refuse to work more tunes by the cost plus system advo­
will it presume to take the law into mutual antagonism. No fnrmer rel­
than eight hours w hen the country I cated by the government
in award- its own hands or interfere with prop­ ishes the task of going out each
was at war. we think the advic^J Ing contracts.
er authority. We must always clearly morning, while the moon Is still riding
should be given to them and not to
bear in mind that any disposition on high In the heavens, and cuffing a
those who have put in long hours for
We gave Representative C. J. Ed- tiu part of individual members of the barnyard full of roosters off the perch.
several years.
wards a hunch on his way to Port­ American Legion or of local posts to So there was nothing to do but re-
-------n -
land as to the probable amount of lake law into their own hands, or to peal the law.—Thrift Magazine.
Some son of a gun raided “tig' «4- • Cheese that was produced
Tilla­ act as self-constituted vigilance com­
ltor s turkey roost and carried off a mook county last year, and In
he stole
Best Influenza Treatment.
large nmmmouth bronze gobbler that our thunder, for in the Interesting mittees in disregard to lawful and
There is only one point in regard
was kept for breeding purpose«. column ' Those who come nnd go” in
to influenza on which the medical pro­
Thinking we might find a clew we the Oregonian. there appeared the
ideals of the American Legion, but fession Is In agreement. This Is stat­
went to the sheriff« oftlcg but failed following paragraph:
will weaken and tend to destroy our ed by the Journal of the American
to prove that anyone |n the sheriff s
Medical Association as follows:
' Six million pounds of cheese have influence for good in this country.
office had dined Chrlstmaa day on been manufactured and stdd in Tilla­
“The pulmonary complications of In­
the missing tin key. so w< have com. mook county in the past year, accord­
fluenza, which make It so serious a
to the conclusion that the culprit ing to C. J. Edwards, banker of Till­ maintenance of law and order, the disease, may be avoided to a large
must be a democrat solving the ques­ amook city .who Is at the Seward. American Legion must Itself set an extent by rest In bed at th’e onset of
tion of the high cost of living. So If I lie cheese has brought in about example of lawful and orderly action. the illness. Influenza Itself Is not usu­
We discover the mean cuss and plug $3,000.000 to the county, which The American Legion has become so ally fatal, and generally insistence on
strong that we need fear no force
him full of lead he will only get
speaks pretty well of Tillamook as a from without- but let us be sure the Importance of rest and warmth at
what's coming to h’nt.
the onset of the Illness will accom­
dairy country. Mr. Edwards savs the
mat no overzealous or thoughtless or plish more than all else tn preventing
exact figures on the cheese output unfair act of our own occur to weak­
complications and reducing tatalltles
or course labor organizations are I are not yet available, but 6.000,000
from the disease.”
opposed to the railroads being turn- I pounds will not be for from the mark en our influence for good or alienate
ed back to the railroad companies 1 This would represent several train­ the suppot t of all true Americanism.'
China Egg Traps Snake.
-No matter how much they may pro-I loads of the substantial foodstuff
Swallowing a china nest egg was the
test, it is
•* about
tithe that the demo-1 The market tor Tillamook cheese is
Smoked Fish For Sale.
fatal mistake which brought to a close
crntlc party and the labor unions I the Wide. Wide world, and the cheese
------ o-
the long egg-stealing career of a black
quit tanking he railroads, and the I makers are determined to keep the Silver
Side backs, per lb .... •. . 40c. snake. Found In a hen house which
poor ti xpayer was given more con-1 market supplied as far ns they are
Silver Side Bellys. per lb
■ ■ . 35c. it had been plundering, the reptile was
Just think of.lt, the tax- I able. At present, however, the de­ Chum Backs, per lb. ...
•. • 35c. vainly trying to squeeze through the
payer< haie to pungle up one billion | mand exceeda the supply, but there
Chum Bellys, per lb. ...
. .. 30c. hole by which It had entered the build­
dollar'* been ----
use the
._j railroads have are still thousands of acres available
These prices are ----
post P«id any ing. The lump formed In the scaly
been milked that much money, and If tor dairy herds in I'illnntook.
wheic In first zone. And remember 1 body by the nest egg would not per­
the labor unions have their way
pound of smoked fish is equal to 3 mit the exit, and the snake was killed.
another billion dollars will be added
How foolish and absurd of Cover- pounds of fresh fish.
A post-mortem operation was perform­
ed to remove the egg.—Popular Me­
W m. Stuivenga.
chanics Magazine.
âilluiiuwk íñruóliijht.
to the Indebtedness
of the
This is inventory week
and in the next issue we shall
be able to (piote you some
Editorial .Snap Shots
Jlist now we wish to
thank vou one and all for the
courtesies vou have shown us
durinji the past year
assure von that during the
coming year we shall bè even
better able to serve you in
tile grocery line.
C. 0. & C. M. Dawso
New Plant now ready for business
Tillamook Box Co
'Tillamook, Oregon.
Kuppenbender’s Groce
We recommend PRFERRED
STOCK BRAND goods because these
home wiles who have used them tell
us that they never fail.
We are here to give you this line
at theflowestl | possible price. Come
and investigate for your self.
We have specials ’every week,
that are real articles of value.
We make special prices on large
orders in case lots. Come in and
see us. Write or phone We have
both phones.
Free Delivery in the City
Some Men Don’t Know It Yet”
says the Good Judge
This class of tobacco
gives a man a lot more
satisfaction than he
ever gets out oi crciin
ary tobacco.
Smaller chew—the good
taste lasts and lasts
Y ou don’t need a fresh
chew so often. Any man
who uses the Real To­
bacco Chew will tell
you that.
Pat Up In Two
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco