TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. JANUARY Bids Wanted for Hauling and Wood, o FIRE-PROTECTION FIRE-INSURANCE at Would Your wife THIS AGENCY OFFERS YOU BOTH do if fire broke out ? 1020 Jfl had all I've SA VED believe me, I'd be some rich kidl South Prairie Creamery Co. wishes to recelvfe bids on hauling cheese to Tillamook and supplies to the fac­ tory. Also on from ten to one hun­ dred and ten cords of four-foot Alder, Hemlock, fir or fir slab wood deliv­ ered at its factory, all wood to be good sound wood piled at the wood shed. Twenty-five cords to be de­ livered by May 15, 1920, 25 cords by June 25th, 1920, 25 cords by August 15th, 1920, and balance by October 1st, 1920. Leave bids and propo­ sitions at the office of Carl Haber- lach, secretary, on or before Jan­ uary 16, 1920. Company reserves the right to reject any and all bids. South Prairie Creamery Co. In case of your failure to do so, a de­ cree will be rendered by said court, foreclosing the liens of said taxes and costs against the lands and the premises named in this notice and set opposite your respective names. The date of the first publication of this summons is the 25th day of cember, A. D., 1919. All processes and papers in proceeding may be served on District Attorney of Tillamook County, Oregon, at Tillamook, Ore­ gon. W. L. Campbell, Sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon. Call for School Warrants. The following outstanding county school warrants will be paid upon Administrator's Notice to Creditors. presentation. Interest ceases 31st day of December, 1919. one-quart hand chemical ex­ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that School District No. 2. Warrant No. 4, Minnie Ripley $100 tinguisher; instant and panic­ the undersigned L. A. Le Miller by Warrant No. 5, Minnie Ripley $100 proof in operation; child can order of the County Court of the School Dist. No. 5. Don’t delay getting this ex­ “ THE INSURANCE MAN. ” work it perfectly; for fac ­ State of Oregon, for Tillamook Coun ­ tinguisher in your home. Warrant No. 80, 3. D. Thomp­ ty, has been appointed administrator Call or phone right now. tories, offices, homes, garages, son ......................................$107.50 TILLAM00K CITY, - - OREGON. of the estate of Peter J. Heyvaert, Wai rant No. 79, 8. D. Thomp­ autos. Install at once; call deceased, late of Tillamook County, son ......................................$ 75.00 NATIONAL! ¡BUILDING.! or phone now. Oregon, but more recently of the School District No 6. Kingdom of Belgium. All outstanding warrants. Notice is further given that the School District No. 7. ad- undersigned has qualified as said of SW’4 ) of Section twenty-one (21) Warrant No. 8, Tillamook Summons. Township Three (3), South Range ministrator, and that all persons hav­ County Bank.......................... $100.00 In the Circuit Court of the State Nine (9), West of the Willamette ing claims against the said estate No 43, Hetty Wells............ 6.25 Meridian, in Tillamook County, must present the same to the under­ of Oregon for Tillamook County. No. 49, Cora Finch..........$ 65.00 signed at Beaverton, Oregon, or to State of Oregon. A. H. Harding, Plaintiff. School District No. 8. Now, therefore, by virtue of said his attorneys Johnson & Handley, vs. Dec. 13, 1917, R. E. Wilson $12.17 six Tillamook, Oregon, within execution, judgment order, decree C. P. White and Eva White, Dec. 21, 1917, Daisy Golds­ ( months from this date. and order of sale, and in compliance his wife, also all other per­ worthy ............................... 60.00 Dated December 4, 1919. with the commands of said writ, I sons or parties unknown Dec. 24, Jas. Goldsworthy . 18.00 L. A. Le Miller, will, on Saturday, the 24th day of claiming any right,, title, Nov. 28, 1917, D. Golds­ the Administrator of January, 1920, at 10 o’clock a.m., at estate, lien or interest in the worthy ................................... 60.00 Hey- estate of Peter J. ] the front door of the County Court real estate described in the Jan. 2. 1918, R. E. Wilson. 18.60 vaert, deceased. house, in Tillamook, Tillamook complaint herein. Defendants. School District No. 9. i To C. P. White and Eva White, his | County, Oregon, sell at public auc- All outstanding warrants endorsed * • xrx SUMMONS. {Wife, also all other persons or par-j ! tion (subject to redemption) to the prior to Oct. 1st. 1919. ------ o------- ties unknown claiming any right, highest bidder for cash in hand, all School District No. 10. title, estate, lien or interest in the the right, title and interest which (Continued from another page) All outstanding warrants. real estate described in the com- the within named defendants Linda A vast amount of work now remains to be done which the School District No. 11. intervention of war has necessarily delayed and accumu­ Thompson and Linda E. Thompson, Bay City Land Co., plaint herein, defendants: Warrant No. 20, M. Spring­ lated, and the result is that • • • • • very large capital I In the name of the State of Oregon, heirs at law of L. E. Thompson, de- expenditures ought to be made to make up for the inter­ Lot 10, of block 55, Pacific er......................................... $ 15.70 ruptions inevitably due to the waf, and to prepare the rail­ you are hereby required to appear ceased, and J. H. Middleton, admin­ Add. to Bay City, ............... $ 1.26 No. 27, Marie S. Doughney 144.00 roads to serve adequately the increased trafiic throughout and answer the complaint filed I istrator of the L. E. Thompson, es- Bay City Land Co., the country. WALKER D. HIXES, School District No. 14. Dirtttor Gtntral of Railroads. against you in the above entitled tate, had on the 11th day of June, Lots 4, 5 and 6, of block 57, Warrant No. 31 Ora A. Tuck­ suit within six weeks from the date 1914, the date of the mortgage here­ Pacific Add. to Bay City, .. $ 6.46 er ........................................ $ 75.00 of the first publication of this sum­ in foreclosed, or since that date had Bay City Land Co., No 32 Emmett Illingworth 10.00 Lot 4, of block 58, Pacific mons, to-wit: on or before the 8th in and to the above described prop­ No. 33 Frank Illingworth 95.00 2.29 Add. to Bay City ...................... $ erty or any part thereof, to satisfy day of January, 1920, the last day of No. 34, Ethel Glines.......... 100.00 John T. and Thos. F. Kenny, the time prescribed by the order of said execution, judgment order and No. 35, Ora Tucker............ 75.00 E^ of WV2 of lots 1, 2, 3 publication bereof, and if you fail so decree, interest, costs and accruing and 4, of block 64, Pacific No. 43 Emmett Illingworth 7.50 to answer for want thereof, the costs. Add. to Bay City, ............... $ 1.26 No. 44, Ethel R. Glines . . 75.00 W. L. Campbell, plaintiff will apply to the Court for Bay City Land Co., No. 40, Mrs. R. W. Bleim. 2.00 Lot 4, of block 67, Pacific Sheriff of Tillamook the relief demanded in his said com- No. 46, Grace T. Saire .. . loo.oo Add. to Bay City, ............... $ 2.49 'plaint; viz: for the foreclosure of a County, Oregon. School District No. 15. Bay City Land Co., By John Aschim, Deputy. mortgage dated July 1, 1915, record­ Warrant No. 1, National Lot 6, of block 67, Pacific ed in book 1, page 403 er $2,950.00 Dated this 22nd day of December, Surety Co............................. $ 6.00 Add. to Bay City................... $ 2.49 1919. and interest from said date at 8 per Emma L. Williams, No. 2, Joyce Mason............ 85.00 real property First publication, Dec. 25, 1919. cent per annum upon Lot 7, of block 70, Pacific No. 4, Andiew Zuercher . . 25.00 Last publication, Jan. 22, 1920. iin Tillamook County, Oregon, to- Add. to Bay City, ............... $ 3.72 School District No. 18. Emm L. Williams, |wit; The East half of the north- Mrs. James Langley............ $4.00 Lot 9, of block 71, Pacific I west quarter and tlie north half of Notice of Hearing of First and School District. No. 21. 2.29 the northeast quarter, section 15, Add. to Bay City................... $ Warrant No. 1, Edna Dam­ Final Account. township 5 South, Range 10 West of Emma L. Williams, nion........... ........................... $89.00 pW. M., containing 160 acres, more or Lots 1 and 2, of block 71, No. 2, Edna Dammon.......... 89.00 Pacific Add. to Bay City, -- $ 4.57 I less, excepting, however, the north 4 In the County Court of the State of No. 3, Dora Drake.............. 94.00 Emma L. Williams, ¡rods of the east 80 rods of said sec- Oregon, for Tillamook County. No. 4, Dora Drake.............. 94.00 Lots 4 and 5, of block 71, ition; also excepting all saw timber In the matter of the estate of A. No. 5, Edna Dammon .... 89.00 Pacific Add. to Bay City, -- ? 4.57 I suitable for lumber oh said premises W. Fox, deceased, by George J. No. 6, Edna Dammon .... 99.00 Emma L. Williams, and the right to remove same until Scharff, administrator. Lots 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and School District No. 2 5. February 6, 1925; and to bar defend- Charles J. Scharff having filed 16, of block 71, Pacific Add. Warrant No. 1, Frank Eck- lants of all or any interest or claim herein his first and final account to Bay City, ........................... $14.03 loff....................................... $40.00 I in said property and for the sale and report as Administrator of said R. J. Hendricks, No. 2, Leia V. McKinley .. 1.00 i thereof to satisfy said mortgage, and estate whereby it appears that the Lots 3, 6,11,12, 13, and 14 of No. 3, G. W. Hammond ... 8.00 for such further or other relief as may administration of said estate is fully block 75, Pacific Add. to Bay City............................................ $15.09 School District No. 26. 'seem equitable. This summons is completed, it is ordered by the All outstanding warrants. ¡served upon you by publication County Court of said County and Bay City Land Co., Lot 24, of block 78, Pacific School District No. 31. ¡thereof in the Tillamook Headlight a State, that Monday the 2nd day of $ .95 All outstanding warrants. Add. to Bay City, ¡weekly newspaper of general circu­ February, 1920, at 10 o’clock in the School District No. 33. lation published in Tillamook forenoon of said day, be the time, Jas. Maginn, May 24, 1919, Fred Pink­ Lot 1, of block 80, Williams I County, Oregon, pursuant to an or­ and the County Court room in the staff .............. ..................... $90.00 der made by the Hon. Geo. R. Bagley, County Court House of the County Add. to Bay City, ............... $ 2.29 School District No. 36. Judge of the above entitled Court, of Tillamook, in the City of Tilla- Emma L. Williams, Warrant No. 30, Tillamook | dated November 18, 1919, prescrlb- mook City, County of Tillamook, Lot 2, of block 80, Williams County Bank.......................... $121.48 I ing that the same be published in State of Oregon, be the place, for Add. to Bay City, ............... $ 2.28 No. 31 Tillamook County said paper once a week for 6 weeks hearing said first and final account Emma L. Williams, Bank................................. 2.96 Lots 5 and 6, of block 80, Dated and first published November and report, and of any objections to No. 75, H. J. Tohl............ $42.70 such final account and report, and Williams Add. to Bay City, $ 4.57 27, 1919. School District No. 38. C. A. Appelgren, for the settlement thereof, and that Sarah J. McMillan. Balance On Warrant, favor Attorney for Plaintiff. said administrator is hereby directed Fractional lot 1 and lot 2, of D. Krake...................... $300.00 block 6, of Idaville............ $ 1.41 701-4 Chamber of Commerce, to give notice thereof in the Tilla­ School District No. 48. Portland, Oregon. mook Headlight, or other weekly Lizzie Hadley. Lot 6 of block 28, Thayer’s Warrant No. 430, W. L. May­ newspaper, published in Tillamook Add., to Tillamook............ $ 3.97 er......................................... 1 $603.71 County, for four successive weeks, Notice of Sheriff’s Sale. Mrs. T. W. Clark. No. 463, Harriet M. Ford. 115.00 and for five consecutive insertions ------ o------- Lots 6, 7. and 8, of block No. 470, Harriet M. Ford. 115.00 In the Circuit Court of the State of thereof. The first publication of this 49, Thayer’s Add. to Tilla­ notice is the 25th day of December, Oregon, for Tillamook County. mook ........................................ $10.13 School District No. 54. Warrant No. 4. Mrs. Donna 1 F. H. Brandes, Plaintiff. 1919, and the last publication is the Dwight & Curtis. Lot 1, of block 3, Maple vs. Walker................................. $136.00 22nd day of January, 1920. | Grove Add. to Tillamook.. $12.40 No. 9, Marion Croker .. . 85.00 ' Linda Thompson and Linda Dated December 22nd, 1919. ■ E. Thompson, heirs at lav^ George J. Scharff, | Geo. B. Lamb. Kathleen Mills. Lots 7 and 8. of block 9, of L. E. Thompson, deceased, Administrator of the County Treasurer, and Miller’s Add. to Tilla­ and J. H. Middleton, admin­ Estate of A. W. Fox, de­ I mook......................................... $ 7.15 Treasurer of Tillamook ! istrator of L. E. Thompson, ceased. County School Funds. W. G. Dwight. Estate. Defendants. John Leland Henderson. Lots 4. 5, 6 ,7, 8, 9, 10, and By virtue of an execution, judg- Attorney for said estate. 11, of block 13, Miller’s Tho»e desiring information ronctrn ing the railroad nitr­ DON'T TAKE A CHANCE. Add. to Tillamook.............. $20.64 ment order, decree and order of sale ------------(J------------ ation may obtain literature by writing to the Atrocity. S. Hughes. issued out of the above entitled tion of Railway Ejrocut.ret, 61 Rroadway. New York. Tillamook People Should Act in Notice to Contractors. court In the above entitled cause, to Time. ------ o ------ Lot 6, of block 2,. Woods.. $ .82 me directed and dated the 22nd day ------- O------- Notice is hereby given that the Allof the above described lands of December, 1919, upon a judgment If you suffer from backache; County Court of Tillamook County, are situated in Tillamook County, rendered and entered in said Court Oregon, will until 10 o’clock a.m. of If you have headache, dizzy spell:; State of Oregon. on the 25th day of November, 1919, If the kidney secretions are irreg Jan. 9, 1920, receive bids for the You, and each of you, are hereby in favor of F. H. Brandes, plaintiff, building of the Bay Ocean Road from notified that there is now due and ular. and against Linda Thompson and station 127 plus 00 to station 296 Don’t delay—likely your kidneys Linda E. Thompson, heirs at law of plus 18.9, according to the plans and owing and unpaid to the plaintiff, are sick. Tillamook County, on said Certifi ­ 1 L. E. Thompson, deceased, and J. H. specifications on file In the office of Thousands recommend Doun’s Kid­ Middleton, administrator of L. E. the County Clerk, of Tillamook cate upon the several pieces and ney Pills. parcels of real property hereinbe­ Thompson, estate, defendants, for County, Oregon. And hundreds reside right in this fore described, the sums of money i the sum of Three Hundred ($300.00) On the date mentioned above the set opposite each of such tracts, and locality. Ask your neighbor. I Dollars, with interest at the rate of Court will publicly open and read In addition thereto, there Is due and Read the statement of this nearby I seven per cent from September 12, the bids, but reserves the right to owing and unpaid on the respective resident; sums, further sums for Interest 1918, and the further sum of thirty­ reject any and all bids. A R. Wallace, prop, of Cottage thereon at the rate of twelve per For disenfecting where Contagious or eight and 82-100 ($38.82) Dollars, First publication Dec. 18, 1919. cent per annum from the 30th day Hotel, A ii Second Avenues, South, with interest at the rate of six per Last publication Jan. 1, 1920. of August, 1919; and you are fur­ Forest Giove, Ore., says: "Doan’s infectious diseases are prevailing. cent per annum from August 16, Homer Mason, ther notified that the plaintiff, Kidney Pills are a family medicine 1919, until paid, and the further sum County Clerk. Tillamook County, will apply to the for kidney troubles In my home and CARBOLIC COMPOUND is a power­ of Fifty 00-100 ($50.00) Dollars, circuit court of the State of Oregon, whenevi i occasion calls for a kidney and for the further sum of $11.75 ful Germicidal mixture and by its use for the County of Tillamook, for u medicin- they give satisfaction. I Notice. costs and disbursements and the decree foreclosing the liens against couldn't recommend a more reliable will improve general stable conditions. each and all of the said several costs of and upon this writ, com­ medicine thap Doan’s Kidney PHI h manding me to make sale of thw fol­ We the undersigned will prosecute pieces and parcels of real property for back uche and kidney disorders, mentioned in said Certificate. lowing described real property, to- all persons found fishing, hunting And you and each of you are for I have never found their equal.” or trapping on our ranches without directed and summoned to appear wit: Price 60c. at all dealers. Don’t The Southwest quarter of the our consent. within sixty days after the date of simply ask for a kidney remedy „et Jack Jennings, Southeast quarter (SW*4 of S.E.>4) the first publication of this sum­ Doan's Kidney Pills the same that RELIABLE DRUGGISTS. Wm, Elliott, East halt ofiSouthwest quarter (E% mons, exclusive of the date of said Mr. Wallace bad. Foster-Milburn Co. W. B. Vaughn, first publication, and to defend the Mfrs, Buffalo. N. Y.—I’d.Adv. of SW*4), af|d the Northwest quar- action or pay the amounts due; and C, A. Elliott. i ter of the Southwest quarter (NW >4 Are you leaving her with­ out the panic-proof protec­ tion of FYR-FYTER FYRFYTER ROLLIE W. WATSON, Work more Produce more Save more But we can’t continue increasing our production unless we continue increasing our railroad facilities. The farms, mines and factories cannot increase their output beyond the capacity of the railroads to haul their products. Railroads are now near the peak of their carrying capacity. Without railroad expansion—more en­ gines, more cars, more tracks, more ter­ minals—there can be little increase in production. But this country of ours is going to keep right on growing—and the railroads must grow with it. To command in the investment markets the flow of new capital to expand railroad facilities—and so increase production — there must be public confidence in the future earning power of railroads. The nation’s business can grow only as fast as the railroads grow. cThis adwrliAcmmt û published by the édòAociatJpn ofÿbukuay fìxecuiiveA, CLOUGH’S CARBOLIC COMPOUND C. I. CLOUGH CO i I