ilkinwoli Hcaúliflljt TILLAMOOK, OREGON, Subscribe for tbe Tillamook Headlight, the leading County Newspaper $2.00 per year, Tillamook Head-1 light, Weekly Oregon ian, Oregon Farmer, JANL’ARÌ 1920. A party of friends surprised Miss of the warriors who served so well in here would conserve at least 50 per Tillamook County Tax Levy. I GEM THEATRE PROGRAM. Etla Sheets on Saturday evening, at France. With no idea in mind taat it cent of the water and enable the her home. The occasion being her would be post war propaganda, Mr. present system to serve the city for The County Court, at its meeting Friday, Jan. 2—“The Women in the 16th birthday. Light refreshments Emerson and Miss Lous, made this another five yearB. last Friday, made the tax levy for Case.” Paramount production, feat­ were served and a general good time spectacular production, and their re­ Prof. Teeter recommended the pur­ Tillamook County for 1919, made up uring Pauline Frederick. was enjoyed. sults have been commented on in a chase of a fire engine in any event, as follows: “Burton Holmes Travelogue.” County Superintendent G. B. Lamb most flattering manner from all as an engine could be utilized at the Road Purposes............. _. $1 Saturday, Jan. 3—' “Mother” Mc- went toPortland on Sunday to attend quarters, particularly by government slough and protect any part of the Market road fund......... dures production, featuring Elis- business secttion. the State Teachers’ meeting In Port­ officials. abeth Risdon. A George Loan i Interest on road bonds . A good fire engine can be purchas­ County School fund . . . land, after which he went to Salem, Tucker story. where he attended a meeting of MIDNIGHT FROLICS AT BEACH ed for $13,000. High School fund......... “Heap Big Chief”, Harold Lloyd state school superintendents. CHARGED. Assessor’s office............ comedy. United Brethern Church. Clerk's office................... Sunday, Jan. 4—“Faith of The • Relatives have received word that ------o------ Dist. Attorney’s office. . Strong,” Select Pictures produc­ a little son arrived at the home of Mis. Hawley’s Name Linked With I Preaching at 11 a m. and 7:30 p. Dairy herd inspector . . That of Lifeguard. tion, featuring Mitchell Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Fremont Eellinger, ,of I m. Morning subject “ The Atone-1 ------- 0------- Sheriff’s office.............. I star in “The Barrier." Mt. Pleasant, Mich, on Dec. 23rd. meat ” . Evening subject: “ Why a Re ­ (From the Oregonian) School Supt’s. office . . . Born to the wife of Floyd Woolf, Mrs. Bellinger was formerly Miss i "Roaring Lions on the Midnight Charges of infidelity, in which his vival is Needed.” Surveyor’s office............ a daughter. Express,” William Fox Sunshine Gladys Apsley, of Sunnymead. Sunday School at 10 a.m.. wife’s name is linked with that of a Treasurer’s office.......... comedy. Frank Heyd went to Portland on On Sunday evening we will begin a I County Court.............. f. Alder Camp, No. 219, Woodmen of lifeguard at the life-saving station Monday, Jan. 5—“The Home Town Sunday on business. series of revival meetings, there will the World, will give an old time at Barview, Or., are made by Willaid Court house and jail . . . Girl”, Paramount production, feat­ P. J. Meagler, a Portland engineer, dance in their hall in the National Hawley, Jr., manager of the Hawley be services every evening during the County poor................... uring Vivian Martin. week. The services will be conducted building, on Thursday evening, Jan, Pulp & Paper Company of Oregon was in town the first of the week. Circuit Court................... “Lyons-Moran Comedy.” Sth. Old time music and old time City, in an answer and cross-com­ by the pastor,, who has had years of Coroner’s fees................. Tuesday, Jan. 6—“Captain Kid, Jr.”, A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. dances. A good time for everybody. experience in evangelistic work. District Sealer of weights plaint to his wife's suit for divorce. Artcraft production featuring Mary Burl Clemens on New Year’s Eve at Tickets $1.00. There will be nothing along the line The cross complaint was signed by and measures.............. 100.00 Pickford.” the Tillamook General Hospital. of the spectacular to endeavor to at­ One day last week while working the young husband yesterday and Justice Courts................. 400.00 “A night in The Show.” two reel tract the crowd. It will be a real old Elections.......................... Mrs. Nell Rasmusson has 3,000.00 at the emery wheel at the Coats mill mailed by his attorneys, Griffith, Charley Chaplin Comedy. time revival meeting where the gos ­ pointed census enumerator Mothers’ pensions......... 2,500.00 Wednesday, Jan 7.—“Oh, You Wom- Chester Thomas received injuries Leiter & Allen, for filing at Oregon pel will be proclaimed and the mer­ Printing........................... mook City. 1,000.00 about the head and face from flying City today. en,” John Emerson-Anita Loos cies and judgments of God declared. Direct accusations of infidelity and Stuck indemnity............ 1,000.00 production, featuring Ernest Truex Mrs. John Wyss and son Frod, of pieces of the wheel. He was uncon­ Where the backsliders will be re- Truant officer................ .’ 50.00 and Louise Huff. A special scr- en Cloverdale, were Tillamook shoppers scious for a time but was able to be improper conduct on the part of his claimed and sinners converted. wile, Marjorie Hawley, are made. He Rebate on taxes............ about the next day. 50.00 classic, a comedy of unusual pro­ on Tuesday. ' Everyone is invited to attend. asserts that while she was spending Insane....................... .... 100.00 portions, a scream that will more Mr. and Mrs. William Williams left L. L. Cooper and H. F. Cooper, of a vacation at Barview in July, 1918, Health officer................. 500.00 than plase you. Don’t miss it. on Sunday for a six weeks visit to Tillamook, were visitors on Decem­ she habitually disported “i Captain Kid, Jr.,” Splendid Story. herself in Fire warden................... 1,085.00 "Love”, Fatty Arbuckle Comedy in Southern California. ber 23 al the big exhibit of Southern such undignified manner as to cause Farm demonstration . . . 1,500.00 two reels. Now that you know Mary Pickford, it is safe to say, has County Fair................... Wm. Banke, whose home is at Ne­ California products maintained free unfavorable comment in the comm- 1,500.00 what the program is you won’t to the public in the Los Angeles never in the whole course of her munity of Barview, and that she tarts was adjudged insane the first Auditor............................ miss it. 200.^0 Chamber of Commerce. They also at­ would attend nightly dances, leaving film career, had a more charming Juvenile Court.............. of the week and sent to Salem. 50.00 Thursday, Jan. 8—“Tarzan of The tended the lectures and moving pic­ their year-old baby with an inex­ story as a vehicle than her latest Relief, indigent soldiers, sail- Apes”—A First National 1 Produc- W. G. Dwight has been summoned tures that are a part of the daily Artcraft picture, “Captain Kid Jr.,” perienced girl of 15 years. ors and sailors memorial tion, from the original story by on the federal jury to meet in Port­ program. Before returning home from the stage play by Rida Johnson and monument............ 5,000.00 Edgar Rice Burroughs, featuring land on tbe 5th of the month. Lifesaver is Mentioned. they expect to visit several of Voting, which will be the attraction Emergency..................... 1,000.00 Elmo Lincoln and Enid Markey. A "More particularly, this plaintiff at the Gem. Theatre next Tuesday, Regular services at the Christian the many other places of interest in stupendous picture, filmed in the became infatuated with a member of Jan. 6. It was considered appropriate County Fair grounds and Church next Sunday. Start the new the southland. improvements............ wilds of Brazil. Taken from the the lifesaving crew of the United year right by attending church. Marathon Lodge, No. 89, K. of P. States lifesaving service at Barview,” by the ilttle star that after having Dairy and food Commis­ most widely read book ever pub­ raised millions for Uncle Sam war W. H. Heaston and wife ate Christ­ will give a semi-public installation states the cross-complaint. sion ................................. 2,400.00 lished. The greatest sensation of chest she should participate in a mas dinner with Mr. and Mr> Robt. of officers next ' Monday, Jan 5 at 1,000.00 the year. Eight reels. It then relates that she was con­ photoplay having to do with a buried Advertising..................... Library tax..................... Stillwell, they having a family din­ their hall. Ail Pythians and their tinually in the company of this life­ 1,000.00 Adults 25c. Children 15c. treasure and all the mystery which State tax.......................... friends are requested to be present. ' 71,475.70 Coming Attractions—“Romance of ner. guard, whose name is unknown to usually surrounds the same. Bounty ............................ The ordinance passed by the City him, and would stand watch with 500.00 Tarzan”, "Rough Riding Romance” A. H. Harris and W. B. Aiderman However selling Liberty bonds was “Lombardi Ltd,” "Wolves of The went to Portland the first of the Council recently in regarding to him during the day time and attend far more serious business than the Night”, "The Brat”, “Back to week on business. Both are city dads numbering the houses of Tillamook dances with him at night. The fur­ search for the mythical hidden mil­ Total all funds less $7,000 City was to be completed by the first ther charge is made that she permit­ estimated receipts ... $417,742.09 God’s Country”, "The Thunder­ and both in the automobile business. lions on the Butterfield farm, which of the year, and as there are a num­ ted this lifeguard to wear a wrist Following is the levy made under bolt” and others. When you think of wood, coal or ber who have not done so will be watch in public which Mr. Hawley is an interesting feature of the Btory the different heads: drayagc think of “Tillamook Trans­ given a few days grace in which to had gave to her as a birthday pres­ of “Captain Kid, Jr.” so that “Mary” Mills entered upon her suspected film ac­ State and county ................. Vivian Martin in Yankee Girl Role. fer Co.”, Liberty Temple. “We De­ do so, after which they are subject ent. ------- o - - tivities much as one would begin a liver the Goods.” • to a fine for each day that the num­ State and county In Tillamook On the night of August 7, 1918, vacation. Contrary Vivian Martin appears as a quaint to published City................... . . 18. For Rao touring cars, Boo light ber is not placed on their building. Mrs. Hawley entertained this life­ statements Mary returned from her but charming little Yankee girl in . . 14.5 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thomas re­ guard at her cottage from 1 a.m.^to! arduous Eastern trip in better phy­ Tillamook City . . trucks, commerce trucks and all her new Paramount picture, “The e Bay City .............. . . 14.6 kinds of truck trailers and tractors, turned on Sunday, Dec. 27th from a 4 a.m. the husband charges. He fur­ sical condition than was hers at the Home Town Girl,” which will be . . 16. two week's trip outside. While gone ther asserts that they sat upon a cot beginning of the long trip. She ac­ Town of Nehalem See TlllamookAuto Co. shown at the Gem Theatre next Mon­ City of Wheeler . . . 18.2 day, Jan. 5. The old year passed away Wednes­ they attended the Butter and Cheese where they engaged in mutual hug­ tually gained five pounds while hop­ Port of Bay City . . 3.5 Miss Martin’s many admirers will day, it being a very pleasant day, Makers’ Convention at Portland and ging, kissing and other demonstra­ scotching over'the continent, doing Port of Nehalem . . 6.2 be glad to learn that in this picture one night stands for Uncle Sam and and the new year was htshered in and visited Hairy’s parents at Gresh­ tions of affection and endearment. Road Dist No. 8, special road am. A brother Frank Thomas came After his wife’s return to Oregon the Allies. she is at her best. In the role of a with fine weather. tax Bayocean. . . . 10. back with them and will locate here. City and on the evenihg of August New England girl, she admirably Union High School .............. .6 Carl Haberlach and wife and Mrs. Frank’s wife will come later. While 25. 1918, she entertained some young Masonic and Eastern Star Install conveys all the qualities of loyalty, School District No. 1............ Burge left Sunday to visit friends at at the convention Harry delivered an nian'of about her own age in the par­ .9 faith and unselfishness. By the em­ Officers. 2............ . . 1.8 i M ». Clackamas. Mr. Haberlach will go to address on the subject “Starter and lor of her home, charges Mr. Hawley. ------- o------- ployment of these attributes, she 3 ............ . . 3.9 the sound country for a fev days. Starter Control,” We have heard Tillamook Eastern Star, and saves her boyish lover from moral Visitor Hidden, is Charge. 5 ............ . . 5.2 »» »» »> ruin and routs envy and selfishness J. C. Pangporn, whose fingers were much favorable comment in regard He asserts that when he arrived Masonic Lodge No 57, A. F. &. A. M. 6............ . . 2.6 from the minds of all with whom she cut by a saw at the Coits mill a to h>s address. It was considered by home and entered through the rear held a joint installation and banquet 7 ............ . . 2. »• •• ff comes in contact. short time ago, found it necessary to many to be the bedt address of the door his wife hid her male guest in a in Masonic hall December 27th. Mrs. 8............ . . 15.7 ff »» ff The story is written by Oscar undergo an operation ftr further convention. back bedroom during the time the de­ Carl Haberlach installing officer and 9............ . . 7. ff ff ff Graeve and Edith Kennedy adapted treatment of the wound. The Red Clover School Dist. No. fendant remained in the house. After Mrs. Robt. Boats, Marshal, seated the 11 ......... »» ff ff . . 6.3 following Eastern star officers: the story,. The support cast is all star Ante Blum very narroily escaped 49, celebrated Christmas on Wednes­ Mr. Hawley left the house to be gone 12.......... . . 1.1 ff ff ft Mrs. Stanley Coates, Worthy Ma­ including such popular Paramount for two hours, he says his wife ’ s un ­ day afternoon of last week. A nice serious injury on Tuesday by his 13......... . . 1.7 ” ff ff tron; Mrs. Frank Heyd, Worthy Pa­ players as Ralph Graves. Lee Phelps, auto going over the grace near the tree was put in place and properly known guest emerged from his hid­ tron; Mrs. Joe Franklin, Assiciate 14......... . . 5. ft ff »» Carmen Phillips and others of equal Schlappi place and tuning upside­ decorated. Miss Laura Krause, teach­ ing place and continued to be enter­ Conductress; Mrs. Joe Steinback, As­ 15......... . . 10. ff ff ft note. tained by Mrs. Hawley until a late er, had arranged a nice program and down. 17.......... .. 5.2 ff ff ff sociate Matron; Mrs. H. A. Williams, hour. a general good time was enjoyed by 18......... . . 3.3 »» ff ff Mrs. Lacy, wife of Rev Lacy, form­ “Faith Of The Strong.” The cross-complaint further charg­ Conductress; Mrs. Lee Doty, Secre­ 19......... ff ff ff erly of this place, died it a hospital the children and the visiting parents. .4 tary; Mrs. Frank Heyd. Treasurer; Old Santa, who was represented by es Mrs. Hawley with neglecting the 20.......... .. One of the strongest stories of the in Salem last week, after undergoing .8 Mrs. Geo. Chaffee, Chaplin, Mrs. H. 21......... . . 13.4 ff ff ff an operation for cancer. The Lacys John Stuivenga, caught fire from one welfare of their child and with be­ E. Tucker Organist; Mrs. W. J. Hill. north that has ever been ________ ..... filmed will of the candles. Fortunately he re­ ing a poor housekeeper. The defend­ 22......... . . 11.2 »f ff ff have been located at Anity. be seen at the Gem theatre next Sun­ Warden; Mrs. H. A. Williams Senti- ceived no seriour injury, before the ant says he provided her with a good nal. 23 ......... . 2.2 ff ff ft day night when Select Pictures pre­ Chester Vanderpool, vho had been- fire was extinguished. Miss Krause, home, paid all the bills and allowed 24......... . . 3.4 »» ff ff sents Mitchell Lewis in “Faith of the Star points: Ade, Miss Lizzie paroled from the penitentiary and accompanied by the Misses Anna and her $50 a month for personal spend­ 25......... . . 2.5 ff ff ff Strong.” Coates; Ruth, Mrs. Clarence Stanley; has been residing at lis home at Stella Stuivenga spent the holidays ing money. 26.......... . . 6.1 ff ff ff Esther, Mrs. Leslie Harrison; Martha In this attraction Mr. Lewis Is seen tarts, was adjudged Insane the first with her people at Gresham. The plaintiff asks that the decree 27......... ff ff ff .4 Mrs. Albert Plank; Electa, Mrs. A. as Paul La Rue, a man whose word the first of the week. be granted him and that the custody K. Case. 28.......... .. 7.9 ff ff ff is law to the lumber camp of Louis of the child be awarded to him on Business men report ioing a good 31 .......... . . 3.0 ft ff ff Thief After Drugs. Rey. La Rue fears neither man nor The Masonic Marshal was Carl the ground that his wife is incompe ­ ----- o ff ff ff Christmas business, notwithstanding 32.......... 19 Wallin, and those who will serve the God, and the friction, between the One night last week someone enter­ tent to care for it. He further asks ensuing year are. the snow storms, one of our advertis­ 33......... . . 1.01 lawless element and the supporters ff ff ff ers who carried a pageadvt (Smith­ ed the dental parlors or Dr. Grider that her temporary alimony be re­ 36......... . . 7.1 ff ff ff Frank Cardiff, Worshipful Master; of the church become so acute that and ransacked the place. Every nook duced to $250 a month and wants H. A. Gaylord. Senior Warden, Lou y’s) said it brought thebusiness. 37......... . . 8. La Rue threatens to burn the church. and cornel was investigated by the her attorney fees lowered to $2500. Eberhart, Junior Warden; I. E. Keld- 38......... . . 3.1 Jean Follet learns of La Rue’s C. F. Stone vs. Cumnings-Moberly thief, and every little box was over­ He further asks that she be deprived son. Treasurer; Leslie Harrison, Sec­ 39......... . . 6.9 ff ff ff threat, and he himself burns the % Co., is a suit filed in th< circuit court of all dower or other interest in his turned. However, a sack containing 42 ............ retary; Stanley Coates and Fred church while attempting to steal lit­ to recover $14,189.17. sowing out of gold and upon which the word gold real property. 45......... . 3.4 >1 ff ff Rhorback, Stewarts; H C. Boon, tle Babette, the motherless waif and a contract to furnish he company was printed was left untouched. At 46......... . . 5.8 Senior Deacon; W. T. Oathart, Jun­ ward of the camp. A fight follows with piling. first Dr. Grider was in a quandry to 48......... . 6 ior Deacon; Minnie Stillwell, Tyler. and Babette is rescued, but La Rue Nazarene Church Services. Mr. Alfred A. De Lillea, formally know what the thief could have been 49......... . 3.6 ff ff ,f ------o------ The music for the evening was in is carried to the minister’s house in a of the 37th Spruce Sqtn division at after, but later discovered that a 50......... . 3.4 10 a.m., Sunday School, Mrs. B. E. charge of Miss Alice Todd. ff ff ff dying condition. There he meets Ena, Snoqualnta Falls, Was), is visiting large pait of his cocaty* was missing King, Supt. 51.......... . 1.2 ff ff ff a girl who has tried to drown herself with his parents Mr. aid Mrs. J. M. and then it dawned upon him that a 54............ . . 3.9 11 a.m. preaching by the pastor, in the river, and believing that he is “ Tarzan of The Apes, ” De Lillies of this city. drug fiend was in his apartments. Rev. A. F. Ingler, subject "Forget- 55......... 1.6 nearing death Lo Rue marries the ting the past 56......... ff ff ft 4. girl to save her from disgrace.. It is compulsory for very house in and pressing For- “Tarzan of the Apes,” which will ward.” 59......... . 2.2 ff ff ff the city to be number'd, and in the However, in the end La Rue recov­ be shown at the Gem Theatre next See “Oh. You Women’’ at the Gem 61......... ff ff ff 7 p.m., Peoples, service, led by Mrs. Thursday, Jan. 8, excited consider- event of this being overlooked, this .8 ers his strength, and also grows to William Fletcher. Tillamook Drainage District, lc. care for the girl, but she is unable to must be attended to it once, last able interest among the readers of It may have been fine for the wom- 8 p.m. Evening service and appro­ fiction several years ago. Being the per drainage point. Wednesday was the laa day of grace. return his love. Then La Rue los«s oA of the country to take the posi­ priate solos. Big Nestucca drainage District faith even in God. He challenges the story of a primeval man, or, rather, Having a little time to spare. Prof. tions held by the men while they percent of benefits assessed minister to give him proof that God Mid-week service on Thursday at of a man brought up among apes and Brimhall was in different parts of served !.. the great war and helped 7:30 p.m.. All welcome. against land in drainage district. really exists and the challenge does endowed with many of their abili ­ the county giving the glad, hand to make the world safe to live in, but Trask Drainage district 22 pet cent not fall on barren ground. La Rue ties — it presents not a few difficul ­ the voters, as he is a candidate for it is all wrong for them to keep these ties to the movie maker. All of these of benefits assessed against land in gets his proof, and with it conies the Expert Examines Water System. county clerk at the pr niury election. positions when their heroes come faith which makes him the happiest have been overcome in the film and drainage district. Idaville Diking District, total man in the north. • J. C. Edwards left Stnday for Port­ back home . apes swing realistically from bough On Monday and Tuesday evenings to bough in the jungle, the wild lions amount assessed $6,137.90. So firmly did they believe in those land. where he conferred with Rus­ nell Hawkins, of the Whitney Co., in principles that they made a photo­ Prof T. A. H. Teeter Hydraulic En­ and leopards seek their prey on the Night School Re-opens ------ o------ regard to electric power for dradging play based on that theme, which has gineer at the O. A. C., met with a ground below. committee from the city council and been released by Famous Players- Notice. • Night school re-opens January 5th, at the saw mill at Garibaldi. Interwined with the jungle story is Lasky Corporation as one of their a committee from the water commis­ at the High School Bidg. Special at­ .Married, on the 24th of December, special Paramount Productions, un- sion, together with Mayor Boats and a domestic narrative which grows tention given pupils beginning at Notice is hereby given to all pa ­ tedious at times, and the expedient at the parsonage of the U. B der the title “Oh, You Women.” Fire Chief Coates, and discussed the this time. Commercial subjects offer- trons oT the Tillamook Cow Testing of the cut-back is resorted to a trite Church. Rev. E. F Wriggle perform- which will be shown . i at the Gem present water system and fird pro­ J * ed. too freely. All of this is more than Association who have not paid their Ing the ceremony. Harry Sintmons Theatre on Wednesday Jan. 7. Ernest tection facilities. . ........ 1 '^L compensated for, however, by the testing fees in full by the 15th of and Jesse Benter. On Monday and Tuesday Prof. stirring scenes of the jungle. A ma­ January. 1929, said amounts will be Truex the celebrated comedian, and Announcement. A marriage lieen^r «as issued to Lounse Huff are the principals of the Teeter made a personal inspection of jority of these were photographed in collected through ------ o-- — the Tillamook the system. He stated that tbe pipe Century wood saw now Frank W. Hunter and Miss Alice cast. Brazil, and several hundred natives Creamery Association, Feb. 1st, 1920, in Twentieth operation. The subject is one of the most ab­ lines were in good shape, and that appear before the camera. The pic­ and same charged to their account. Irene Todd, daughter of Postmaster All orders promptly attended to. P. W. Todd, who «ill be married at sorbing that has çome as the result there was plen'y of water, but that ture, as a whole, in addition to being Done in behalf and by order ol Call Bell phone 6F2 or leave orders war, and is particularly the town had outgrown the system. interesting, also has a touch of edu­ the board of directors. the Christian Clutrch this (Thurs- of the recent wi at Star Grocery or Sutton's Market. timely, because • of the recent return He stated that meter system installed | cational value. day) evening. C. N. Gilmore, Sec. Karl Wilhelm«. Tillamook Jottings. I