TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, DECEMBER 25, 1919. YOUTH HAS MUSICAL GENIUS HELP HIM LOAD Willy Ferrero, 13 Year» Old, and American Bom, la Capable Leader of Orchestra. % • Willy Ferrero, 13, who leads 100- piece orchestras in selections of Wag­ ner, Beethoven, Rossini, Grieg and others, Is an American and was born in Portland, Me. The child has at­ tracted the attention of Europe since he was 4 years old. but it was only recently that his American ^lrth was revealed by his parents, who are Italians. The lad was taken to Italy whither his parents were returning to take up their residence in their old home in Turin. When Willy was 4 he began his musical career, leading an orches­ tra in the Folies Bergere in Paris. A yea^ ¡jtt^r lie appeared in the Costanza theater, Rothe, where for the first time Si led an orchestra oZlOOplecei. The child took his orchestra before, Emperor Nicholas in 1013 and con­ ducted two concerts for the monarch. In the same year his orchestra was filling an engagement in London, and he was commanded to appear before Queen Alexandra at Marlborough house. He appeared before Pope Ben­ edict XV in 1916. In April, 1915, Just before Italy’s declaration of war, Willy was presented with the gold medal by the Italian minister of education nfter he had made a successful appearance in the Augusteum, where he had con» ducted an orchestra and chorus aggre­ gating 500 participants. NATIONAL HEROES OF FRANCE Lazare Hoche and Ferdinand Foch "V Are Names to Be Forever Held in Grateful Memory. Marshfd Foch is taking a particular satisfaction at this time of the con­ summation of a great victory to pay homage to the fame of Lazare Hoche, .the famous young general who escaped the Revolutionary guillotine eventual­ ly to command that army of tfie Sa'm- bre-et-Meuse which, though at first disorganized, badly fe<] and badly equipped, performed the brilliant sevCn igonths’ Gimpaign which established the reputation of French arms on both hides of the Rhine. To this day at Weissenthurm stands a monument its memory and that>pf its brilliant young chief. No wonderMarshal Foch takes pleasure in recalling Lazare Hoche to his countrymen. Of Hoche ft is said that he once proudly wrote to the minister for war of his day, "Je suis la patrie.” The French of the present century would throw up their hats at such a sentiment as en- thuslastlcally as the contemporaries of Hoche and Rouget de Lisle. With the great mass of them, though they do not perhaps express it so tersely, Foch is “la patrie” in the sense that he cer­ tainly stands for them as “la Victolre” personified. TRADE MARK AIDS TO HEALTH AND BEAUTY When mother is the doctor—> Since active youngsters WILE play out of doors in all kinds of weather—and in the biggest pud­ dles in the neighborhood, if pos­ sible, you will appreciate having in your medicine cabinet always —a jar of POROI a TBA.DB MJUUC Muster-Oint Young and old alike will be grate­ ful for the relief brought by its penetrating warmth when applied for stiff neck or back, sprains, bruises, sore throat, congestion of the lungs, rheumatism or neu­ ralgia. CHRISTMAS SALE OF W. S. S. WILL TOTAL MILLIONS Government Appeal* to Holi­ day Shoppers to Give Se­ curities as Presents PUROLA Mnstez-Oint is on« of those rimple home remediea that every house­ hold «hould have ready for the in­ numerable occasions that arise to make its use necessary. Ask your druggist for a jar of PUROLA Muster-Oint now. Make It Thrift Christmas United States Asks Governors. GUARANTEE nil guarantee appear» PUBOLA package rtu BtuoKnur- P*ank Laboratory and the drop- fdet who told you tku preparation raa/rantee it tn give eatief action. If st ehmdd not, return it to tie drug- fUt from wkrrm it woe paretaued. Be wOt ebeerfuUg refund the price you paid for it. PCBOLA Preparer- t«MU mu« miitfy. Proclamations calling upon the people to give War Savings Stamps and Treasury Savings Certificates as Christmas presents have been askei. of the governors of all the states in the Twelfth Federal Re­ serve District and mayors of the larger cities by Governor John U. Calkins of the San Francisco Fed­ eral Reserve Bank. Not only has the Governor appealed to state ex­ ecutives and mayors but similar ap­ peals have gone to clergymen throughout the district. These measures will be supplemented by a vi^QTOU^ campaign ill many other ways to bring about wide purchases of Government securities as holiday gifts. Governor Calkins said: ‘‘Economists are agreed that the present exorbitant level of prices that constitute not only an eco­ nomic but a social menace is caused to a great extent by a 'spending spree’ being indulged in by the people. Indulgence in luxuries, which, of cqurse, causes increases in tbe necessities of life, has raised prices generally to such un­ heard of heights that Christmas buying thiB year promises a dan­ gerous climax. We, therefore, ap­ peal to you to call upon the people of your state to forego the giv­ ing of the usual Christmas gifts this year and instead give se­ curities of the United States Government, such as Thrift and War Savings Stamps, Treasury Savings Certificates and Liberty Bonds. There could be no more timely effort at stabilization of prices and production than such action upon your part and the part of the people, a majority of whom, I am sure, would answer your call.” Governor John (J. Calkins of the Federal Reserve Bank, which is the financial agent of the United States Government in the Twelfth Federal I Reserve District, has written a letter j to every bank and trust company in ' the district calling upon them to use • every ujeans within their poyrer to induce the people to buy War Savings , 8tamps and Treasury Savings Certifi- ! cates for Christinas presents this year. | It is the hope of the Governor that i the people of the Twelfth District, in- j I stead of spending their money for lux­ ■ uries to be used as Christmas presents, will help the Government finance its war debt of twenty-six billions of dol­ lars by sending War Savings S tarn its and Treasury Savings Certificates as gifts to their friends and loved ones. Demand for War Savings Stamps and Treasury Savings Certificates, tbe latter in denominations of $100 and $1000, set in last month. The Federal High Heels Lessen Vitality. High heels prevail In spite of the Reserve Bank shipped $60,200 worth promise of something wiser in build ; of Treasury Savings Certificates to coming into popular favor. Yet, to i eighteen banks on November 20, this quote a well-known doctor: "No wo- I being the largest day’s shipment since man pretends that she Is comfortable , the close of the war. The Government when wearing high heels nor can she anticipates in the light of the demand hope to be graceful when wearing of these eighteen banks for these se­ them, for the body Is thrown out of curities to meet the holiday trade, that poise and the action of the feet is re­ the seventeen hundred banks in the stricted. More serious than her awk­ district will purchase more than a wardness Is the eventual injury to her . quarter of a million dollars worth of health. For in the effort to preserve ; the Government’s paper. Increased her equilibrium the shoulders are ■ call for War Savings Stamps and thrown forward, depressing the chest; I Treasury Savings Certificates, and breathing Is interfered with, and that ' even Thrift Stamps has come in from means poorer blood and a final de­ all postoffices in the west in order crease In vitality. This comes grad­ that postmasters may have on hand ually, but it is inevitable when a wo­ sufficient supplies to meet the public man persists in wearing very high demand. The Government's holiday slogan IF YOU START heels. Her heels should conform to “Give a War Savings Stamp or a , the arch if her Instep.”—Exchange. Treasury Savings Certificate for Christ­ A ROW, BUY A mas“ is elaborated in Governor Calk­ Use for Surplus Munitions. An interesting suggestion has been ins’ letter' which»follows: SAVINGS STAMP “The Christmas holidays are almost made by a prominent Swiss meteorol­ upon us. Everything points to a ogist and physicist, M. de Quervain of tremendous outlay of money In the Zurich, to the effect that the vast purchase of holiday gifts, the greater | San Francisco Judges to Make stores of munitions collected In the bel­ portion of I think I am safe in Guilty Choose Between ligerent countries during the last four saying will which be luxuries. The present years be utilized to advance the cause situation demands not that more Fines and Investment of science Instead of being merely fir­ money be spent in the purchase of lux­ ed off to make a Roman holiday, or uries, but that we curtail as much as else sunk .In deep waters to avoid the possible, with the consequent beneficial ; Instead of forcing persons guilty of I minor transgressions of the law to pay Intent dangers which reside In them. contraction of credit. • fines, in future Police and Superior By detoning these explosives in defin­ I appeal to you as a fel­ I Court Judges of San Francisco, as a ite quantities, at definite places, and low "Therefore, banker to do everything within at definite times whose dates are an­ your power to stimulate-the purchase ■ corrective measure tending to charac­ nounced In advance, a possibility and giving of War Savings Stamps and ter building, will give offenders ap­ would be presented for the solution of Treasury Savings Certificates as Christ­ pearing before them an alternative of many interesting problems In physics mas presents in place of the usual helping themselves by investing in and meteorology. The project might needless and expensive gifts. It seems United States War Savings Stamps. ‘‘I shall be glad,” said Judge T. I. advantageously be carried out in this to me that the responsibility of leaning Fitzpatrick, Presiding Judge of the country. men’s minds along the ways of thrift ( Police Court, “to assist in the move­ and simple living rests to a great ex­ ment in this direction as far as I can, Cryptic Cable. tent upon the bankers of the country under the provisions of the charter of For smartness the following will be and in asking you to push the sales of this city and county, upon the thesis hard to beat: A well-known person­ Treasury securities during the Christ­ that a thrifty man is a better citizen age in Devonritire. England, received mas holidays, I am askiug you only to and that many of our economic ills a cable from his soldier son» In Meso­ take advantage of an* opportunity to and much of our present day social potamia containing only three words: meet this responsibility.” unrest are due directly to thriftless­ “Two John twelve.” After much put- In addition. Christmas posters car­ ness.” sling the meaning dawned upon him. rying an appeal to give War Savings The policy agreed to by tbe San Taking down his Bible he turned up Stamps and Treasury Savings Certifi­ Francisco judges is a move to pro- the Second Epistle of St. John nnd cates for Christmas presents will be ■mote a better citizenship among those read the twelfth verse, which runs ns distributed throughout the Twelfth persons coming before them upon mis­ follows: “Having many things to Federal Reserve District, and all banks demeanor charges. Fining them, write unto you, I would not write with have been 'asked to Include a similar while serving as a corrective meas­ palter and Ink, but I trust to come appeal In their advertising. ure, lowers the self supporting ability unto you and speak face to face, that of defendants, whereas compelling I — attr w. a. s.--- our joy may be full." His son was on them to purchase interest earning se­ his way home to England. Givo hint a War Savings Stamp for curities of the United States Govern­ Christmas—a $5 present for $4.23. ment, In the judges' belief, will give Bridegrc-m Grows in Important them a start toward building up a The war has given tlie brldegfoosi I The conference extraordinary of bank account, and. proportionately, a a significance he never before pos­ he:qLs of international labor unions feeling of responsible citizenship. The sessed. Formerly wedding notices called for December 13 by Samuel only condition attached to the alter- were devoted to thd bride, her trous­ Gompers In Washington will consider i native of purchasing securities in­ seau. her bridesmaids and her family. the advisability of incorporating in stead of paying the fine will be that The bridegroom was mentioned only In­ their program a provision for pet ma­ the defendants must hold the securi­ cidentally. if at all. By reason of bis nent Government War Savings as a ties until maturity. rank, he has become one f the most sure way toward economic independ­ 1. ¡A T important persons In tbe alliance.— ! ence for the worker. j»Wladelphla Public LtMj^r. l p OROI a AT ALL DRUG STORES Prepared and Guaranteed By the BLUMAUER-FRANK LABORATORIES If you want to know what rare and unusual enjoyment Camels provide smoke them in comparison with any cigarette in the world at any price! AMELS are a cigarette revelation any way you consider them! Take quality, or refreshing flavor and fragrance; or, that wonderful mellow-mild-smoothness you never before got in a cigarette smoke! Yet Camels are so full-bodied and so full-of- satisfaction you marvel that so much de­ light could be put into a cigarette! Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos makes them so irresistibly appetizing! And, the blend explains why it is possible for you to smoke Camels liberally without tiring your taste! You will prefer Camels to either kind of tobacco smoked straight! You’ll realize pretty quick, too, that among the many reasons you smoke Camels is their freedom from any unpleasant ciga- retty aftertaste or unpleasant cigarettyodor I Once you know Camels you won’t take much stock in premiums, coupons or gifts! You’ll prefer Camel quality! C R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Win.ton-Salem, N. C. fat 4.25. ------ o------ Further particulars and price en­ We have furnished cottages and quire of Chris Reichen, R. F. D. No.l, good accommodations at our camp at Hillsboro. Oregon. Netarts. A. N. Davies, Prop. Hunters Take Notice. For Sale. For Sale. Registered Holstein Bull Calf, born Nov. 14, 1919. His Dam Lkdy Ruth Fayne; Sire, Hollywood Lilith Korn- dyke, was sold at the J. W. Pomeroy sale, July 25, 1919, for $3,000.00 His Dam's 7 day record; Milk, 460 lbs.; butter, 18.72 lbs.; per cent fat 4.02, at Jr. two year old. His Sire's Dam 7 day record: Milk 638.75 lbs.; Butter 32.92 lbs. percent Dairy-man, this is a snap for a ’ man who wants to make money. 180 ‘ acres, 2 >4 miles south of Coquille, 40 acres cleared, ■% mile frontage on . river, about 5 acres up land, balance : the very finest bottom easy to clear, j Fair barn on place, no house. My j price is $90 an acre if taken soon, . worth $150 now, easy terms to right man. Address Mrs. K. A. Cole, Myrtle Point Oregon. MACitlHiS M0MLS OF PERFECTION. PERFECTLY SIMPLE SIMPLY PERFECT. Needle», Oil, Belta «nd all kind« of Srvitig • Machine auppliea, Repairing a specialty-• New Home Users are quality chosers. For Sale By SHARFF lb DU BI VER 172 3rd Street