------------------------------------------------- w u jö U C if l u TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, DECEMEER 25, 1919 What the Editors Say PRINK 'N-.’ national moke a whale cigarette! Coprrlllhl IMS by R. J. Reroulds Tobacco Co. fd?OUrS When y0U lay your sm^ecard3 on the table, 1 for a tldytm or a ‘<>PPy red bag of Prince Albert and roll a makin s cigarette I You’ll want to hire a statistical bureau to keep coum of your smokestunts 1 Why, you never dreamed of the sport tha' S ZS/your m a home roUed cigarette when ie°p A ™ Awaiting your say-so, yen'll nnd toppy red bags, tidy red tma, handsome pound and half pound tin humidors— and that classy, practical pound crystal glass humidor with sponge moistener top that keeps Prince Albert in such perfect condition I Talk about flavor! Man, man, you haven’t got the listen of half your smokecareer until you know what rolling ’em with P. A. can do for your b?Ck °f P’ A?S flavor’ and rare fragrance— proofs of rrtnee Albert's quality— stands our exclusive patented process that cuts out bite and parch ! With P. A. your smokesong in a makin’s ciga­ rette will outlast any phonograph record you ever heard 1 Prince Albert is a cinch to roll It’s crimp cut and stays put like a regular oal! Prince Albert upsets any notion you ever had as to how delightful a jimmy pipe can be I It is the tobacco that has made three men smoke pipes where one was smoked before. It has won men all over the nation to the joys of smoking. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY. Winston-Salem. N. C. Kuppenbender’s Grocery the PREFERRED STOCK STORE / We recommend PR1 ERRED STOCK BRAND goods Rease these home wiles who have ised them tell us that they never fail. We are here to give yon this line at the lowest possible price. Come and investigate for yow self. We have specials every week, that are real articles of valne. We make special prices on large orders in case lots. Come in and see us. Write or pkone. we have both phones. Free Delivery in the City LOW PRICE FLOUR SALE The United States Grain Corpora­ tion has arranged with the mills In Oregon, Washington and Idaho to offer to the trade a "Standard Pure Wheat Flour” equal to or better than that now being exported by the United States Grain Corporation, at a price that will permit it being sold I to the consumer at not to exceed i $12.00 per barrel; packed in 24% lb ! cotton sacks at not more than $1.50, and 49 lb. cotton sacks at not more than $3.00. If any dealer Is unable to obtain this flour at a price that will permit Its being retailed at not to exceed prices named, or if any consumer is unable to obtain this flour at retail at not to exceed prices named please notify the Grain Cerporatien at 110 Beard of Trade Building Portland, Oregon. Notice to Contractor«. ------ o------ Notice Is hereby given that the County Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, will until 10 o’clock a.m. of Jan. 9, 1920, receive blds for the building of the Bay Ocean Road from station 127 plus 00 to station 29« plus Is.i, according to the plans and specifications on file in the office of the County Clerk, of Tillamook County, Oregon. I On the date mentioned above the ' Court will publicly open and read the bids, but reserves the right to reject any and all bids. First publication Dec. 18, 1919. Last publication Jan. 1, 1920. Homer Mason, County Clerk. Administrator’s Notice to Creditors. SPRUCE ox SHOOKS AND CRATES. New Plant Siw ready for b^lness Tillamook Kox co ., Tillamook. Oregon. ------- o--- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I the undersigned L. A. Le Miller by order of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Tillamook Coun­ ty, has been appointed administrator of the estate of Peter J. Heyvaert, deceased, late of Tillamook County, Oregon, but more recently ot the Kingdom of Belgium. Notice is further given that the undersigned has qualified as said ad­ ministrator, and that all persons hav­ ing claims against the said estate the under- 0 must - present the same ~ to ------- , or to (j signed at Beaverton, Oregon, (| bis attorneys Johnson l A Handley, ” Tillamook, Oregon, within six months from this date. Dated December 4, 1919. L. A. Le Miller, the Administrator of estate of Peter J. Hey­ vaert, deceased. Notice. with us. Depository BAY CITY DRUG CO Stock of Candies. Entire New Come and see. New Syrupy We the undersigned will prosecute all persons found fishing, hunting or trapping on our ranches without our consent. Jack Jennings, Wm Elliott, W. B. Vaughn, C. A. Elliott. ------- o There is a marked difference be­ tween conditions existing now and a year ago. Despite the severity of the weather people seem to be healthy. At least the doctors report very lit­ tle sickness. A year ago now nearly everybody had the flu and deaths were so numerous to be appalling.— Itemizer. The public will be inclined to side with Fuel Administrator Garfield, who sees danger to consumers In the settlement of the coal strike dictat­ ed by President Wilson. This set­ tlement provides for a price-fixing body composed of one operator, one miner and a third party selected by the first two. While operators and miners have been fighting bitterly, Mr. Garfield believes if their com­ mon interests—high wages and high selling prices—are threatened they will unite in price making and the third party will be a figurehead.— Independent. The custom that prevailed during the war to force unpatriotic citizens to kiss their country’s flag should not continue. The plan doesn’t cause such a citizen to love the flag or to make him more loyal. It may curb his unloyal propensities for a time. Dis­ loyal citizens should be expatriated. They should not be given an oppor­ tunity to continue to live under the protecting folds of Old Glory. The person who harbors anarchistic theories should be made to go out and seek an anarchistic government. Don’t insult the flag by having a dis­ loyal citizen press bis lips to Its colors.—N e ws-Reporter. their purpose to continue the effort to bring the agricultural workers in­ to a political alliance. It is now ap­ parent though, that the effort will not succeed. Even though an appear­ ance of farmers representation might yet be brought about it will be ap­ pearance rather than reality, for the rank and file of the country’s grow­ ers are against the proposed coalition —Spokesman Review. Scraps of Paper. ------ o------- Mr. Gompers now controls both the Department of Labor and the De­ partment of Commerce, but he does­ n’t seem to cut much figure with Palmer or Burleson. ------- o------- Presumably Mr. McAdoo will never get so desperate as to attack the profits of his Indigent clients, Char­ lie Chaplin, Mary Pickford and Douglass Fairbanks. ------- o------- It the Democrats are hard up for an issue how would it do for them to accept the Wilsonian theory of government in toto and declare in favor of the repeal of the Constitu­ tion. and the abolition of Congress? ------- o------- President Wilson must be right in his claim that he is the exclusive manager of American foreign affairs. Didn’t he keep us out of war until after the campaign of 1916 all by himself? BOTTS & WINSLOW, Attorneya-at-Law, TILLAMOOK, OREGON. TILLAMOOK BLOCK, Both phones. T. BOALS, M.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon S. P. Co. (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) Oregon Tillamook rp H OOYNK, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW Office: O pposite C ourt ; e jusk O, egon Tillamook ^^EBSTER HOLMEà ATTORNKY-AT-LAW COMMERCIAL BUILDING, FIRST STREET, TILLAMOOK, OREGON £JAVID ROBINSON, M.D, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON How could anyone have doubted NATIONAL BUILDING, the authorship of that last preslden- tlal message? Wasn’t lt a beautiful OREGON. bunch of rhetoric that meant most TILLAMOOK anything in general and nothing in particular. O. L. HOHLFELD. ------- o Vice President Marshal saye he Is in favor of an "industrious democ­ VETERINARIAN. racy.” “Industrial democracy" makes a much better political phrase. It Eell Phone—2F2 Mutual Phone rather conveys the Idea of everybody being his own boss and not making Tillamook Oregon himself work. There Is more than ten thousand grangers in Oregon. For many years the grange has been one of the great­ est factors in national progress. Parcel post, equal suffrage, direct legislationand many other good things were planted and grew in grange halls, amid the social life of ----- o — our best citizenship. Weighty mat­ A British subject who was seized QR. L. L. HOY, ters are now on for a tryout. Are by Mexican bandits was rescued farmers responsible for the high cost promptly by the Carranza govern­ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON of their products? Is the prevailing ment on demand of the British con­ unrest due to our national growth T illamook B lock , sul. You’ll have to give old whiskers or decay? Is reaction necessary in the credit for knowing whose dog he can high cost of living? Or, shall we be­ Tillamook, Oregon. prudently kick around. gin price fixing for everything? The farmers are going to help answer The deliberateness with which the JOHN LELAND HENDERSON these questions, and will try to an­ administration got into and gets out swer them In the Interest of the of war reminds one of the calf whose ATTORNEY people as a whole.—Telephone Reg­ owner said he had to pull his blamed AND ister. ears off to get him to drinking the ------- o------- COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW milk in the pail and his darned tail Dr. Garfield resigned his position Tillamook - - - • Oregon as fuel director because the compro- off to get him to quit. ——o------ mlse settlement proposed by the President Wilson thinks It would president was "contrary to funda­ TD obert h mcgrath mental principles of government.” If be a fair division of labor for him to C ounsellor - at -L aw ,| all the government officials resigned look after the framing of world con­ ■*" every time the president proposes stitutions while Congress attends to TILLAMOOK, OREGON. something contrary to fundamental i little matters like solving the labor principles, there wouldn’t be any of­ problem and reducing the high cost ficials. He cares less for fundamen­ of living. tals than any man on earth, nor is there anybody in the world, or In If, as the democratic orator and edi­ the heavens above or in the waters tors said for so many years, the pro­ under the earth who so strictly tective tariff was the mother ot obeys the Injunction, to take no I trusts, the breeder of strikes and the thought of morrow, but let the mor­ ancestor of profiteers, it has certain­ row take care of Itself. The main ly been having an awful crop of thing with Mr. Wilson always Is to posthumous children. get trouble out of his way even if It Maybe the reason the administra­ is done by compounding it for the tion regards with so much equani­ future.—Gazette Times. mity the revolutionary propaganda carried on by the Carranza govern­ Farmers Will Not Unite With Labor. ment in the United States Is that it ------ o------- Refusal of farm organizations to is believed now is the time for all “I. Phone 72. join the American Federation of La­ W. W.,’s" to stand together. ■ o------- bor in the conference called by Mr. Fred Howe, immigration commis­ Gompers and now in session at Washington was foreshadowed by ut­ sioner at the port of New York, terances of heads of farm associations 1 who seems to have kept open house LOSS OF BLOOD and the agricultural press. The na­ for bolshevikl and was addressed by NO KNIFE AND tional grange. In annual convention, Emma Goldman as "Dear Fred” is No Plasters and Pains for Hours by resolution sent this ci?rt tele­ another college professor In politics. Or Days. gram to Mr. Gompers; "The national Ought we not proclaim an extra day TUMORS. PILES, FISTULA, GOITRE of prayer for colleges this year? grange declines your invitation for a DISEASES OF WOMEN conference In Washington, Decem­ Four Years Study in Europe. Indictments have been returned by ber 13.” Over thirty years experience A resolution of the Farmers’ Na­ a federal grand jury against man- tional congress declared: “We know agers of a senatorial campaign for Portland Physical Therapy Labora­ that the 4 4-hour week cannot feed "using the malls to defraud all the tories. 412 to 417 Journal Building the world and we proclaim that it ■ people of Michigan.” Doesn't this Portland Oregon . put the authors of the Democratic can not clothe It.” Milo D. Campbell, chairman of the national committee's 1916 literature, HENRY C. VIERECK, M. D. National Board of Farm organiza­ declaring that the re-election of SPECIALIST. tions, gave the following reasons for Wilson would keep us out of war. In some danger? declining Mr. Gompers' invitation: Disease of The "Events of the year, and particu­ EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Probably when President Carranza larly of the last few weeks, have, In my opinion, alienated much of the plotted to give to the negro of the Only good will toward organized labor United States the same new freedom 310 Selling Building, Portland, Ore. that was previously In the heart of President Wilson has been working the farmers. For this condition you to get for the peon of Mexico he car­ ECONOMY CLEANERS may not be responsible, nor other ried the great principle too far. He AND DYERS I sane and conservative members of ought to remember that Democratic 2nd, Between 3rd and 4th. the A. F. of L. 1 think 1 can appre­ devotion to democracy is all intend­ ciate the difficult position you hold, ed for the export trade. MODERN EQUIPMENT. but at this moment your team Is running away. We, as farmers, would PERMANENTLY LOCATED. Attorney General Palmer is always be glad to aid in stopping them, but saying that he can’t prosecute the ( not to ride in the wagon. We do want plutocrats because there aA no laws Ornamental Fire Places Built the right to sell collectively our farm i under which he cau do it. And just j of Brick and Stone, All Fire products and the right to buy our I to think that Mr. Palmer’s party : Places absolutely guaranteed necessities collectively; but we do ! was in full control ot both the legis­ not to smoke or money re­ not ask the right to impose our col­ lative and executive departments of j funded. lective agent upon any purchaser, government for six years prior to Brick work of all kinds dona nor the right to tell anl purchaser. If March 4th, 1919, and, although on short notice. We make a specialty of re­ he does not want our collected pro­ ' pledged to paralyze the plutocrats pairing smoking Fire Placee. ducts at the price ws name, that he j and pulverize the profiteers, vjent must arbitrate, or that he must not out of power without having enacted supply bis wants from any other laws now declared to be essential be­ source if he would avoid trouble.” fore anything can be done toward The incidental circumstance that the accomplishment ot that purpose. TILLAMOOK. ORE Victor Berger’s radical socialist or- gan urged the farmers to unite with Announcement. labor “and conquer” added nothing to Mr. Gompers’ appeal. ------ o - Twentieth Century wood saw mow Only one farmer showed up for the In operation. * Agent For Washington conference, » blch is Ail orders promptly attended to. PAGE AND ALLEN AUTOMOBILES avowedly both economic and politi­ cal. The labor leaders, while confes­ Call Bell phone 6F2 or leave orders Write For Demonstration sing their disappointment, asserted at Star Grocery or Sutton's Market. Karl Wilhelms. And Price«. . . , NELSON & CO., General Merchandise, Bay City, Oregon. Square Deal and Good Goods Our Motto. CANCER. • RALPH E. WARREN, Wheeler Garage