MtatrtiaM TILLAMOOK, OREGON, Subscribe for the Tillamook The association unanimously voted to join the Oregon Dairy Council. L. B. ladlight, the leading County Zeimer. A. Jensen and K. E. Cavett, spoke^highly of the way in which i all ewspaper $2.00 per year, the council is encouraging the peo- I ■ pie to U3e butter, cheese and milk in illamook Head-) I the diet. light, E. E. *Bently, conductor on the Weekly ‘Oregon- Portland-Tillamook line, fell from an engine and received serious injuries . ian, in the back and leg. Dr. Robb, of Oregon Farmer, J Hillsboro, was called and the unfor­ Gymnasium Assured. DECEMBER 25, I Kluk, of Beaverton, Oregon. She be­ GEM THEATRE PROGRAM THE I. W. W. SENTENCES. gan her test at the age of 22% 1 -------o------- Considerable Interest was taken in months and finished on November Friday. Dec. 26.—"The Dictator.,” a Governor Olcott Butts In — District the special school election which was 39, 1919. Her production for thi year Paramount production featuring Attorney Goyne Makes Reply. to settle the question of a new gym­ is 13,668.7 pounds of milk and SOO John Barrymore, taken from the ■ o------ • nasium for school district No. 9, to pounds of fat. She produced 1000 lbs. story by Richard Harding Davis. cost $17,000, and when the votes of milk during her last month, Her Salem, Ore. Dec. 13, 1919. "Burton Holmes Travelogue.” were coujited on Friday evening it production is claimed to make her Hon. T. H. Goyne, District Attorney, Saturday, Dec. 27—"Pals First” resulted in a majority of about two not only the world’s record yearling Tillamook Oregon; Metro production featuring Har­ to one in favor of bonding the dis- Jersey, but the world's record in her My Dear Sir.—Please find enclosed old Lockwood. trict. The vote stood: For 127t class for all breeds of dairy cattle. clipping from the Oregonian which "He Leads—Others Follow” one ciguiiist 66. 1 There is quite a demand for Tilla- was sent to me by a man prominent reel Harold Lloyd Comedy. tunate conductor was taken to Port­ I At the special school meeting Fri- U’iM>k Jerseys. P. W. Todd recently in the American Legion. I wonder if day afternoon, the district voted in sold some Jerseys to a Washington you could furnish this office with a Sunday, Dec. 28—“Probation Wife.” land. Select Pictures production, featur­ iavor of purchasing the Hays tract of statement relative to these cases and Bernard Williams, of Tillamook five acres for $10,5uu, the vote be­ state dairyman. J. J. Van Klux and ing Norma Talmage. the reason why disposition was made Son. of Beaverton, whose heifer, county, and Grace S. Umphlett of ing: Yes 30, No." 19. The school "Hungry Lions in a Hospital”, 2 made the above record, want to pur­ of them as set out in the clipping? reel William Fox Sunshine Com­ Found, Gold watch ou Sunday j i this county, were married at the board will issue school warrants to chase the bull Golden St. Mawes Could you* kindly return the clipping court house, Thursday, Dec. 18. Jus­ pay for the land. edy. north of Tillamook. when you are through with it? Rorarie, owned by Joe Donaldson, I tice of the Peace J. O. Rogers officia­ Monday, Dec. 29—"Vickey Van,” lhe public school went on a vaca­ I but the bull is not for sale. Very truly yours, The grocery stores of Tillamook ting. Mr. Williams is a young dairy- Paramount production, featuring Ben W. Olcott, Governor. have decided to remain closed all day man from Tillamook and he and his tion on Friday for two weeks, and ( The annual meeting for the elec­ Ethel Clayton. Thursday afternoon the pupils the tion of officers will be held at New Years day. ------- •------- bride will make their home near the paraded the city boosting for a gym­ One reel Comedy. Tillamook, Oregon, Dec. 16, 1919 home of F. D. Bester, January 24, Ike Quick has sold his dairy farm, cost city on a dairy ranch.—News nasium. Hon. Ben W. Olcott, Governor of Tuesday, Dec. 30.—"Come Out of the 1920. for $25,000, which includes the Reporter. Oregon, Salem, Oregon. Kitchen,” Paramount production, stock, etc., to K. C. Williams. Farm Record Books. P. S. Brumby, of the Blodgett Co., i Dear Sir.—I am returning you here featuring Marguerite Clark. Dies in Tillamook. ------ o “Trible Trouble.” 2 reel Charley with enclosed the clipping from the Montesano General Hospital has has returned from the East, where he Oregon Agricultural College, Cor- ‘ Word was received Monday of the Morning Oregonian which you mail­ Chaplin comedy. placed on file a deed for a half in­ had gone to procure money to build vallis—The Tillamook County and death of E. S. Gilman, father of ed me with your letter of inquiry re­ Wednesday, Dec. 31.—"Johnny , Get terest in a timber claim on the the railroad over the Wilson river,' First National Bank of Tillamook Charles Gilman., of Willamina. Mr. garding the sentences imposed upon arid it is reported that he not only Your Gun.” Artcraft production, Salminberry. obtained the necessary money, bat are among the 50 banks in Oregon to Gilman has made his home for some members of the I. W. W. society in featuring Fred Stone. The cumraings-Moberly Co.’s saw could have obtained four times the order farm record books for distribu­ time in Portland with his daughter, the circuit court ot this county re­ "Bray Pictogrgph." mill at Garibaldi has changed hands, amount. The Blodgett Co., had a tion among the farmers. These books Mrs. R. D. Richards, but just before cently. Thursday, Jan. 1.—"A Temperamen­ John L. Edwards of the Whitney Co., large amount of timber burned, as are published by tAe department of the storm he went over to Woods on I have some hesitancy in answer- tal Wife” First National production extension and the coast to visit his son Ernest, and ing your inquiry as to why such sen­ took charge this week. well as other timber owners last farm management featuring Constance Talmage. A have just been sent out to the banks. Sunday he was stricken with paraly ­ tences were imposed, owing to the For Reo touring cars, ’ Rco light .year, and the building of the rail­ Super Special feature in six reels. With one of these record books a sis which caused his death. fact that the power of sentencing trucks, commerce trucks and all road will be constructed as rapidly "Love’s False Faces," two reel farmer can keep accurate and com­ The body was brought here by convicts rests solely in the hands of kinds of truck trailers and tractors, as possible to get out this timber as Mack Bennett Comedy. plete account of the year’s business. train from Tillamook Wednesday and the judge of the court; but will for­ soon as possible. See TillamookAuto Co. Adults 25c. Children 15c. County agricultural agents assist funeral services were held in the M. ward Judge Bagley a copy ol' my let­ Married on the 23rd of December, Mr. Paul F. Cooper and Miss Leona the farmers in starting the records E. church Thursday. Rev. James, of ter, that he may be informed as to by the Rev. Harry E. Tucker, of the Alley were united in marriage in and in balancing them at the end of Sheridan conducted the services.— matters 1 have written. Gasoline Price Jumps. Christian Church, George Wallace I Tillamook on Tuesday, Dec. 23, Rev the year and also give any other help Willamina Times. ------ o----- - 1 believe such articles as this are, Oliver, of the M. E. Church, offi­ that may become necessary. and Esther Alice Duchun. • as in this instance, based upon only Elsewhere in this paper the Stand­ Teachers of agriculture in the Who Slew Schuyler? "Vickey Van” a partial understanding of the facts. ciating. The ceremony was attened Jack Harper had a preliminary ard Oil Co. announces an advance in by the immediate relatives of the high schools working under the Mystery! People rush into print, or take mat- tile price ol gasoline of 1 Mi cents hearing on Monday before Justice of ------- o ------- Smith-Hugbes vocational education I parties. Mr. Cooper is interested ters up with the higher authorities per gallon which became effective the Peace Stanley, charged with an How a'woman, wife of a wealthy | in the Mohler Mercantile Co., store act are using these books in connec- frequently to get a little notoriety December 17, but reached us too late assault with'intent to kill. at Mohler and Miss Alley, who is a tion with borne project work. The New Yorker, passed through a secret for themselves. for yur last week’s issue. It is said When you think of wood, coal or daughter of Commissioner H. V. Al­ high school student will keep the door into the next house and there It was the universal opinion of all that this advance is necessary to i assumed a different name, appear ­ record of his pigs or acre of corn or drayagc think of “Tillamook Trans­ ley, is teaching in the Mohler school who had anything to do with those meet the exria cost of refining and fer Co.", Liberty Temple. "We De- district. The happy couple left on whatever is the nature of the home ance and .personality, is partly the cases, after a careful investigation, handling special gasolines required I * the train for a short honeymoon trip project, and these records are the I story of “Vicky Van,” a new Para­ that the persons charged with a liver the Goods." basis of farm management studies in mount picture starring Ethel Clay­ violation of the Syndicalism and under the existing Oregon state law. to Seattle and other points. on When interviewed by a representa­ Carl Schultz and family left ton, which will be seen at the Gem the class room. Sabotage laws of Oregon, were, in tive of the Headlight, Mr. J. E. Sunday for Aberdeen to spend the Tillamook boys home for the holi- ■ Theatre next Monday, Dec. 29. The nearly every instance, induced to Balsley, district Huies manager of lhe Christmas holidays with relatives. days from Hill Military Academy are big problem is the death of Randolph join this society without realizing Standard Oil Company, said "To Miss Lola DeLillies is Married. they expect to be gone two weeks. Lee Stephens, Magnus Wooley and Schuyler, husband of the heroine. ------- o------- that such society taught or advocated meet the requirements of the existing Who killed Schuyler? "Vicky Van? ” Mrs. 0. A. Schultz and Mrs. Stran- Errol Haltom. These lads were One of the sweet voiced “Hello” syndicalism or sabotage. They were Oregon state law, which I specifies among the leaders in the rescue bri- I >ahan entertained relatives and girls in the local office created the You will know when you see the a bunch of men who appeared to be that gasoline shall be of 56 degrees gade that went to Westover Terrace, picture. friends at the home of the latter on surprise of the season when she re­ Portland, w here a large 11 ton oil ported for duty Friday evening, Ethel Clayton is said to be at her no worse than the average man, and gravity, Baume test, to be saleable Christmas. Places were set for 25. tank was stranded. The boys by unit­ best in a sort of dual role. The cast were merely joining the society be­ in this state, it is necessary for the Harry Ashmore, one of the I. W. ed effort of about 100 cadets sue- With her came a young man escort. is also declared to be excellent. Noah cause they were led to believe that Standard Oil Company to make a W.'s working at the Whitney camp, ceeded in getting the truck to its des- i The young man acted as though he Beery lias the important role Schu­ it was going to be the means of bet­ special gasoline. This special gaso- has been placed in the county Jail tination, the Portland Central Heat-! was going to stick around awhile. yler—-a seml-heavy part, which de­ tering their conditions, botli as to line, although of no greater effl- wages and as to the surrounding ciency than the gasoline regularly again, having failed to paytis fine. ing plant, 'lhe Portland papers com- , But as he was removing nis coat a mands much fine acting. i large white paper fluttered from his circumstances; and, in no instance, refined by us and soldi in Washing­ Married on the 20th of December, ' mented on their bravery in saving pocket to the floor. so far as we were able to determine in this city. Justice of the Peace E. the district from suffering ftom tll~ j ylle O1 tjje gjyiB quickly stooped Fred Stone’s New Artcraft Picture unless it might be one or two excep­ ton, California and elsewhere, is more expensive to furnish because it up. Hardly had she set Has Splendid Plot. W. Stanley performing the ceremony, cold by getting the oil to lie p ant. and picked tions, did the parties agree with any requires special refining and handl­ ------ o Carl M. Anderson and Eugenia The Tillamook lads all stand well tn her eyes upon it before she let out a doctrines advocating violence, crime, ing. Also there is a lower yield of their studies. The government has , scream and everyone scrambled for The story of Fred Stone’s new Art­ Mary Smith. shipped arms and equipment to Hill stools and chairs and began looking craft photoplay, "Johnny 'Get Your or destruction of property. The offi­ this special gasoline from the crude cers, including myself, of course, took oil than there' is ol our regular gas­ Married on the 19th of December, Military Academy and the lads will Gun” which will be shown at the at the home of Mrs. Martha Sawyer, soon be getting the advantage of new around for the mouse. Gem Theatre next Wednesday, is careful melins to inquire diligently oline, with consequent increase in But there was none. It was simply into the character and beliefs ot Rev. Harry E. Tucker performing equipment. The commandant at Hill that the young lady -who had picked ideally suited to that distinguished these men, and to find out how they the cost of the special gasoline. The the deremony, George Edwards and is Colonel Bowen, U. S. A, advance of 1 cents per gallon in comedian ’ s third appearance ’ in mo ­ up the paper and discovered that she came to join the society, and after a Viola F. Sawyer. held in her hands a marriage license. tion pictures. The characters are ■—are to Illake their home in Portland, sister Janet, who is about to be mar­ recruiting duty. as all who have enjoyed ter of fact teaches and advocates United States Fuel Administration's ried to a fortune hunting Count. Bill ' — From Oregon City Paper. criminal Syndicalism and Sabotage, Committee on Standard Specifica­ Marriage licenses were issued to prepared by her dainty hands, have prevails upon Johnny to personate Mrs. Lucas is a daughter of Mr. it would have been a difficult mat­ tions for Gasoline. As a result, the Albert M. Scriplure, of Portland, substantial reasons to know. him, go to Florida, prevent Janet ’ s Miss Clark has a splendid equipped and Mrs. J. M. DeLillies of this city and Beulah May Schultz; Everett T. ter to prove even that the society • and has many warm friends here who marriage and take charge of the fy- taught such things under the techni­ government adopted boiling point kitchen in her New York home and Wells and Ruby M. Johnson. George tune until Bill ’ s jail term expires. standards for aviutlon and all other wish them a long lite of happiness. Wallace and Esther Alice Ducham; when she is busy with some gastro- And when Johnny reaches Florida cal rule of lhe introduction of evi­ motor gasoline purchased by the Paul F. Cooper and Gladys Leroy Al­ mic chief d'oeuver. it is highly ln- a series of events happen which is dence, and as to the individual., government ley; Carl M. Anderson and Eugenia discret to ask her to come out of the j themselves, it would have been im­ Jersey Breeders Meet. full of thrills and laughter. "Our regular gasoline comes with­ kitchen until her work is done. But i May Smith; Harry Simmons and Jes­ possible to convict them of sucii ac­ in the United States Government in "Come Out of the Kitchen", Miss I The Jersey Club met at the fatrn of tions, and the only thing we could sie Benter. standard specifications. It 1 h refined Frank Paul In South. Dakota. Clark is seen as an aristocratic L. C. Daniels tor the regular month­ convict them of, it at all, was of be­ to a net specification of u chain of ------- o------- Married on the 16th of December, Virginia girl who finds it necessary , ly meeting December 18. Mr. Daniels’ Frank Paul, who left to visit re­ ing members of a society which boiling points determined by our ex­ in Tillamook city by the Rev. Harry to assume the role of a cook, but place is located on the Wilson river, taught and advocated sucii acts. Yet, perts as being that which will give Tucker, of the Christian Church. while her accomplishments in this about one mile north of Tillamook, latives in .South Dakota and New George A. Edwards and Mis.- Viola line are nil, she manages to win the and is one of the finest farms on the York, arrived at the former place we all felt that us an example they lhe maximuift power and mileage should receive i some punishment, and consisted with due regard to gaso­ I. .Sawyer. The bride is the daugmt'-r love of a rich Northerner, w hich, river. He is building up a splendid and expected to spend Christmas in Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sawyer, and the after all, proved the best thing she herd of Jerdlys. The dinner as usual New York. It is thirty years since he they have all promised to renounce line conservation and the mainten­ had seen some of his relatives. He I. W. W. ism, and have received the ance of reasonable prk.'es to the con­ happy couple left on the 17th for could have done. was very appetizing and much ap­ writes from South Dakota. sentences and been paroled as set sumer. Portland, where they will will make their preciated. A vote of thanks was ex­ forth in the il tern. We all feel thut I arrived here Thursday after sev ­ "Another lamentable phase of the home. tended to Banker Rowe, of W’heeler, eral delays and blockades. The train more has been accomplished than if Presbyterian Church. Oregon State law is that it limits the the Christian who tendered the banquet to the was held up six hours one night in these men had been sent to the peni­ The services at ------- o------- breeders al the Pacific International Montana on aecount of a wreck on tentiary, when, so far as could dis­ possible extraction of gasoline from Church next Sunday will be of in­ the crude oil and thus operates di­ Sunday School 10 a.m. Morning Stock Show. terest to the general public and you the track ahead, and the thermome­ cover, they were induced to join this rectly against gasoline conservation, worship. 11 a.nt. Subject "Invoicing Bible School at "How is the county going to raise are cordially invited. ter was at 35 below zero. 1 walked a society without realizing the menace 10 a.m. Senior and Junior Endeavor dur Treasures in Heaven.” Evening funds for building on the land re­ few blocks from one depot to the which it meant to our country, and making less plentiful and mote coa ­ worship. 7; 30 p.m. Subject "Names cently purchased for a fair ground?” other at Aberdeen. S. Dakota, and without Intending in anywise to ad­ ly the supply. The demand for gaso­ at 6:30 jJRii. Preaching at 11 a.m. 7:30 p.m.. With best wishes.toyou, in the Book of Life.” This question was the basis of much when I got there, there were (sides vocate what in the indictments we line Is growing faster than the sup­ ply and It is unfortunate that any­ Our church extends the most sin ­ Year. Happy New discussion. Is the money to be raised Xmas and Merry set out that the society was guilty of thing should be done to decrease the cere holiday greetings to the com­ by taxation, subscription or bonding? two inches long on my mustache, .Harry E. Tucker, minister. teaching. Things are very comfortable here at production of good gasoline.” munity; may 'peace and woodwill’ be Each method was favorable to some. There are a good many things to be The tall smoke stack of the Coast incarnated in all our lives; may the The Jersey Breeders are anxious for Charley's house, as he has a furnace taken into consideration in sentenc­ Power Co.’s plant collapsed on Tues­ Lord Christ be our only king; may all improvements to be strictly mod­ in the basement and a radiator in day evening, and fortunately did not . the angel’s song cheer our lonely ern, they would like very much to each room. Charley did not know me ing men charged with criteie, and I Bids Wanted for Hauling and Wood, o at all. I asked him if he had a job of feel that the judge han acted wisely injure anyone. The smoke stack at hearts. hold their next county fair on the work. He said he did not. but per­ in the matter. South Prairie Creamery Co. wishes the Joint above the root had become Allan A. McRea. Minister. newly purchased grounds. to receive bids on huuiiug cheese to haps he could get me a job in town. Yours very respectfully, pitted and rusted out, and being un­ More Jersey’herds start on official Then I told him I thought I had seen Tillamook and supplies to the fac­ T. H. Goyne. able to withstand the weight, part of test. Mr. H. J. Olson, who came to do him before, He said perhaps I had. District Attorney of Til­ tory. Also on from ten to one hun­ the stack crashed down by the side ' Nazarene Church Services. the official testing had charge of the but he had no recollection of ever dred and ten cords of four-foot Alder, lamook County. •I the boiler and part fell out side ’ Tillamook Cow Testing Association, having seen me, He was greatly «ur­ Hemlock, fir or fir slub wood deliv­ the building. It will cost about 10 a.m. Sunday School, Mrs. B. E. until a few months ago. ered at Its factory, all wood to be prised when I told him who 1 was. I $1,500 to replace it. King Superintendent. Another Jersey world’s record has should not have known him either, Smoked Fish For Sale. gd sound wood piled at the wood 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Preaching by just» been completed in Oregon, and he weighs about 215. He is not Portlanders who attended the con­ shed. Twenty-five cords to be de­ Kray by an Oregon bred heifer, a record but rather stoops and walks and talks Sllvei Side backs, per lb.......... 40c. livered by May 15. 1920, 25 cord- by vention of Qie Oregon Butter and the pastor. Rev. A. F. Ingler. 7 p.m. Peoples’ service led by Wm. scarcely less remarkable than that of quite slow. I do not know how Cheese Makers’ Association recently, long Silver Side Belly», per lb. . . . 35c. June 25th, 1920, 25 cords by August Vive La France, when she increased I will stay, hope you are well. Chum Backs, per lb..................... 35c. 15th, 1920, and balance by October said the speech of H. W. Thomas, of Branstetter, of Pacific City. Mid-week service on Thursday at the butter production for all ages by Chum Bellys, per lb..................... 30c. 1st, 1920. Leave blds and propo­ ’ Tillamook. on* 0 ^he most prac- over 31 pounds. This time the record • lica| talks they ever heard Hugh 7:30 p.m. Ail weltome. These prices are post paid any sitions at the office of Car) Haimr- Lost. We hereby thank the members of is made by a yearling heifer (so j^rber »as a w hirlwind »beff it where in first zone. And remember 1 lach, secretary, on or before Jan­ o — *«ame to taking prizes and Mr Thom­ I the Sunday School and all who took classed because she was under two Lost a gold wrist wateh. Finder pound of smoked fish is equal to 3 uary 16, 1920. Company reserve- the as and Frank Wilson had some prise part in the Christmas program for when the test began), Lulu Alphea, pleowe leave same at Henry Plasker’s. pounds of fresh fish. right to reject any and all bids. of Ashburn, owned by J. J. Van Suitable reward. Wm. Stulvenga. - cheese there that was hard to beat. the splendid rendition of the same. South Prairie Creamery Co. Tillamook Jottings