TILLAMOOK HEADL1QHT. DECEMBRE 19, 1910. | HRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS And now the __ _______ _______ __ of school children Highland Park have gone on strike. It’s beginning to look as if the whole world needed a good spanking. ------- o------- Since the introduction of camou­ flage into politics you have to take a second look at every proposal ad­ vanced in order to be sure that it is what it seems. ------- o------- Government by fear may flourish for a while, either in public or pri- vate affairs, but the time always comes when people decline to back up further. * i o------- Prof. Irving Fisher, of Yale, advo­ cates a more elastic dollar. The Dem­ ocratic party is hunting around for an issue.. How would the free and un­ limited coinage of rubber do? I ------- o-------- There is more secret diplomacy go­ ing on in the world right this minute than there was before the fourteen points were invented. And of most of I this intrigue it is expected to make I Uncle Sam the goat. Toilet Accessories Among a multitude of other seasonable sug­ gestions we oiler a fine line of toilet accessories, such as hair brushes, beautiful ornamental combs, dainty hand mirrors, manicure sets, ex- quisite perfumery, toilet soaps, etc. All our goods are high class and we promise that you will not be disappointed in the articles them­ selves, the prices, or our treatment of you. EDISON AND COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPHS 5000 Records to Choose From. Tillamook - - Oregon. rotal in Japan’s favor to the extent of $29,000.000. In other words Japan ------- o------- is entitled to call upon us for nearly To those who think that there is $29,000,000 to balance the account no need to fear trade rivalry follow­ for the month of July. Manifestly, ing the war, and that the United American producers cannot compete States may safely pursue a watchful on even terms with Japan. waiting policy, the latest statistics But that is not all. In our trade of trade with the Orient are respect­ with China and India we suffered fully referred. These figures indicate L Japan is not only vigilent in in- similar reverses, with the result that Iti-rhational politics but in internat­ our total debt to the Orient on ac­ ional trade. And she has not neglect­ count of trade balances for July was ed her opportunities offered in $70.000,000. If the trend of affairs, Lmerica under the Democratic Tariff shall keep up, we shall soon have an adverse trade balance with the than $100,000,000 I In June last we imported from Ja- Orient of Iu"r‘! (pan goods to the value of $29,000,- per month, which would mean that i ------ — —--- » woman and child in - 000 and in July to the amount of |VVV»J every wan, ¡America would, on an average, send $39,000,000, an increase of $10,000,- L suffered a dollar a mouth to the Orient to pay OOO In ------- nuu. in the mt same month we suffered difference between our imports Amount*" oeiXH9 000?00;i,aPashowi°ng a -md our exports to that port.on of Japan Wins American Trade. Crackers Rolled Barley Macaroni, Bulk White Soap per bar 40c 65c. 48c 50c 18c $2.90 10c. 5c. CONOVER & CONDII A •b ■. * • a ».»• • a * aw a.a a- ar a a jahdN LIBERTY TEMPLE. “We Deliver the Goods.” Administration politicians are ten times as badly worried over the five months "delay” in Americanizing the peace treaty as they are over the seven preceding months of "delay” it took to get into it everything else tn the world wanted. I f I tn in rd ru Ln nJ Ln President Wilson says the solution of the labor situation __ is found in the labor clauses of the league of na- I tions covenant. President Wilson hasn't much faith in the compacityof any legislative body to solve a prob­ lem until the British Empire has six times as many votes in it as the United States. I K B in K B 0 - - o-------- President Wilson ought not be too hard on congress for not remedying the high cost of living, it took his ad­ ministration several years to get liv­ ing costs boosted where they are af­ ter coming into power pledged to lower them, and he ought to at least give Congress a few months to neu- tralize efforts extended over so long a period. ------- o------- I Last year Al Smith was elected governor of New York on a Democ- cratlc pledge to cut down expendi- tures. The increase in estimates of he various departments, however, is only forty-two million dollars over last year's appropriations, or about one-third, so that really they do bet­ ter in Albany than they do in Wash­ ington. With all the talk about the abolit­ ion of secret diplomacy the world now learns of a secret treaty where­ by England, Italy, and France have agreed to prevent the sale of muni­ tions to China, at the demand of the Japanese government, which has de- termined to keep China helpless in the face of seizure of her territory, And this is the sort of business with which we are asked to go into part- nership. your immediate need is a de­ pendable, painstaking handling of some business or financial matter, read the last paragraph of this ad­ vertisement. Our desire is to go less directly to the point. I I has never failed to be regular from a straight Democratic standpoint at any election since he was naturaliz­ ed, the leaders of the D. O. P. \*ill probably not be worried much. ------- o------- Pennsylvania Democrats, the great­ est optomists on earth, have assem­ bled and solemnly agreed to defeat Senator Penrose next year, with the league of nations as their issue. Mississippi Thunderatlon! Even wouldn't go Democratic on that is- sue. nJ Ln Imports into the United States In­ creased in October, 1919, $129,000,- 000 or about sixty per cent, over the imports of the corresponding months of the preceding year. Ex­ ports increased $35,000,000, or about twelve per cent. A very considerable proportion of our exports are food­ stuffs and raw materials; our Im­ ports, manufactured products. Rapid­ ly increasing imports with exports declining, means two things in the United States; increased cost of liv­ ing with decreased means of earning a living. Altho Mill Run has taken a Jump Our Old Prices Prevail. STORE ; For Wood, Coal or Drayage: C-AJLULi I CALL ! •TILLAMOOK TRANSFER CO.,* BU81NESS AND FINANCIAL CONDITIONS are maturing new problem« almoit daily and thia bank haa prepared itself with facilities very valuable to a wide variety of interests. TO THE FARMER AND RANCH­ ER, our memberthip in the Federal Referee Syitem ia an advantage. It gives us a broad and practical ability to meet their particular needs. The same connection serves The Bueineet Man Hereeachof these differing lines of endeavor will find that conferences with our officers often bring out ad­ vantages which aniiety and business cares have hidden from them. 9 LADIES, recognising the many ad­ vantages m a personal checking ac­ count. will find us ready to do every­ thing possible to make their transac­ tions with this bank a pleasure to them. TO THE THRIFTY, we offer 4% interest compounded twice yearly for their savings plus the security of A Strong Home Owned Hank. TO THE VISITORS IN THIS SEC­ TION, this bank is a place for them to enter and feel at home and they are invited to call and make their desires known. JN the final analysis, it will be found that thia in­ stitution ia governed by a spirit of helpfulness, and, whatever your business intereats in thia aeetion may be, you can confidently rely upon its cordial, intelli­ gent and personal co-operation. TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK The Strong Home Bank A National Bank and Member of Federal Reserve. HERE is the greatest combination of safe bank­ ing principles ever devised. It not only repre­ sents the maximum degree of protec tion to'a depositor--but the maximum amount of service also. In banking here at the First National—YOl' TOO will enjoy those advantages. DIRECTORS : W BUNN. Farmer. JOHN MORGAN. Parmer. B. C. LAMB, Buildlnx Material. 1». HEISEI.. Parmer. C. J. BI>WARr>S. Mgr. C. Power Co. W. J. KIKCHKKS. Vicc.pr.M. and Mgr I J Carl S. Vrooman, foimer Assistant Secretary of Agriculture, in an ad- dress at Chicago, recently declared his opposition to the Plumb plan of __ - TILLAMOOK OREGON_____ railroad operation and his denial of < the statement by Glenn E. Plumb, author of the plan, that labor, capit­ public are equal. Mr. B al and the Vrooman made the point that the s public is superior to either labor or Qi capital—that the public is greater than any of its parts. Mr. Vrooman’* point is well taken. Labor and capital may be equal in their importance, but the public is greater than either All Work Guaranteed. or both by reason of the fact that it -j Let Me Keep You Out of Trouble. I cany a Stock of Goodrich includes both of them in conjunction with every other element of human Tires, Tubes and Tire Accessories. endeavor in an organized society. Your Patronage Solicited. ------- 0------- J. C. HOLDEN, 2nd STREET, OPPOSITE O.P., TILLAMOOK. The real reason for the failure of the deportation laws is the unwill­ ZSZ5H5Z525ZSHS?S2SZ5B5Z52SH5ZS25ZSi5ESZSZ5BS2S2SZS2525HS25ZSBSZSHSHS?S?5 ingness of the U. 8. Department of Labor to enforce them. Radicals have been in charge of the bureau of im­ migration and their business seems to have been to keep the doors prop­ ped open for revolutionaries, and to thwart effortB to deport them. The case of Andrechtyne the Bulgarian anarchist arrested In Minnesota, and REMAINS OPEN CHRISTMAS EVE UNTIL 8:00 o’Clock saved by the interposition of power­ Phone Main 71 CLOSED ALL DAY CHRISTMAS. ful administration politicians, and of Trotzky, held up at Halifax but sent on his way to Russia with the avow­ ed purpose of smashing the govern­ ment that was fighting Germany, come to mind. And there are instanc­ es which illustrate the attitude of I those paid and sworn to guard the 1 252SZ5Z525ZSZ5i*5SSzS2S2S2S2S2S25252SZSZ525Z5Z52S2525ZSZS25Z525?5Z5252.c the gates of America against alien destroyer*. Phone 32. Mixed Nuts for Xmas Y. C. Meal, 10 lb Can Coffees ■ Folgers Baking Powder, 1 lb. K . gfr ■ ■ ■ * « ■ • * • • • ■ a v » .«:w ■ a ar K Samuel Gompers is now threaten­ N Lr ing the Democratic party, but as he I the world. League or no league, if Japan can keep up the July record we shall not break her heart, however badly we may treat the “heart of the world.” Full Line of Xmas Candies The Tillamook Transfer Co. is now under the sole management of J. P. Ma ginnis. We arc equipped to handle Brayage of any Kind, anywhere. o Ln in Lamar’s Drug Store, » ------- o------- I K ru Ln In many Styles and NOTICE P] Chairman Hays said some time ago pj that the Lodge reservations were an S irreducible minimum.” They still Sfl are and will so remain. The time to “shop” is now, before the crowd conies. The place to “shop” is at our store, which we have made headquarters for Christ­ mas Gifts. We present this year the largest assortment of practical Holiday Gifts in our history Whatever a good drug store ought to have —and many things that other drug store don’t keep—you’ll find here. Come to us first, and you’ll get what you want. Scraps of Paper. The first National Batik City Vulcanizing and Tire Shop. Expert Tire Service. Vulcanizing and Retreading. C. H. JONES TRADING COMPANY. BAY CITY, OREGON. Fruit, Groceries and Campers’ Supplies, Dry Goods and Gasoline. BAY CITy DRUG CO. Entire New Stock of Candies New Syrups. Come and See