» TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, DECEMBER 18. 1919. What the Editors Say Gj -------o A Portland speed fiend was given a fine the other day that will be a real punishment to him. He was forbid­ den to drive a car for a year. More fines of this kind would doubtless prove effective in curbing reckless driving. A sigh of relief would go up from the public if similar punish­ ment were inflicted on the paranoi­ acs who persist in driving down resident streets at midnight with cutouts wide open.—Eugene Register WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CEMENT LIME, PLASTER, LATH AND BRICK; DOMESTIC STEAM AND SMITHING COAL. WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE— COR. FRONT AND 3RD AVE. WEST, TILLAMOOK, OR. that en«-« El City ever ed than Ei! of Tt •titu the s helpf progr Btipet solve« the ir ciatlo iasm been c Ten merits count) known be it i instru« resolut State Teache Resp man, l Olinea. Cot The ( was no» Prof. E. rreslden Tfllaniw er.. Prof FOR YOUNG AND OLD IVORY—The Largest and Best Assortment ever Shown in the City. considerable furor There was among the papers of the Idolator’s Club when Congress adpourned last February leaving unenacted seven great financial measures and the black-legged Republicans were ac- cused of being responsible. If so, then they are also responsible for en- acting the same important measures with amendments within a month after congress reconvened with a saving to the country of $1,888,000,- 000. They cut the administration es- timetes that much, which is equiva­ lent to $16 of taxes for every man, woman and child in the United States. There was never such a reck­ less extravagant administration in the history of America and it is high time somebody was cutting appro- priations.—Gazette Times. B00KS-A11 the Late Books, Large Assortment of Reprints, Leather Covered Poems, Leather Covered Bibles and Testaments. Income Tax Plan A Failure ? FRESH PURE CANDIES, in bulk or package, or in pretty baskets MANICURE SETS--Leather Roll-Ups in Manicure Sets. All prices. LETTER KNIVES, Clocks in Ivory, Gold Watches, Ivory Picture Frames. FLASH LIGHTS, Fancy Pipes, Cigars in Christmas Package, Amber Cigar Holders, Travelers Sets in Genuine Leather, Purses of All Kinds. SHAVING SETS, Shaving Mugs and Brushes, Safety Razors, Card Games, Fancy Playing Cards in Leather Cases. TINKERTOYS, Building Blocks, Dolls, the Kind that will not break, Candles and Holders, Potted Plants, Cut Flowers, Bulbs. CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS, Seals, Tags, Tape, Cord, Crepe Paper, Holly Paper, Festoons, Very.Choice Engraved Christmas and News Year’s Cards, Package Perfumes. A T C. I. Clough’s I I "In 1914 our national wealth wa.tjture,” says the clubman, “I offer estimated at $250,000,000,000. this: Measured in dollars of the present i “Desiring to mark his laundry for value, it is probably $400,000,000,-I purpose of identification, he inscrib- 000. Our national debt is about $26,- ed his name on one piece and marked 000,000,000. Even if the relatively the others ’’ditto.” ' mpecunious were exempt, a 10 per cen tax upon property would pay this The Echo. debt, reduce the inflation and enable He was fond of bragging about the us to start again with a clean slate. wonderful echo to be heard on his es­ I “Germany has imposed such a tax. tate. One day, when expecting friends England is thinking about it. to dinner, he placed his servant in .Would it not be well for us to con- the wood, with instructions to repeat sider it? every word he had heard said. | “The tonic effect of paying one’s Imagine the language when he 'debt is wonderful.” called out: “Are you there?” and the answer came “yes sir”; I’ve been here since 1 o’clock.” COAXING YOU TO SMILE. ------- o “Every moment dies a man, and every moment one is born.” When this poem was published a statistician of the British census bu­ reau wrote tlie poet laureate a re­ monstrance: "You are making no al- ' lowance,” he said in substance, “for tile increase of population. According* to your statement the population of * the world would be absolutely 'sta tionery, while, in fact, there is a con­ siderable surplus of births over deaths. I suggest, therefore, that you |change this line to read: j “Every moment dies a man and one and one sixteenth is born." Announcement. ------- o------- Nehalem, Oregon, Dec 15, 191! Tired Tim sat in his prison cell list­ To the voters of Tillamook County; “So you really think your memory Teaching schcol has been my pro­ is improving under treatment. You less and despondent. I remember things now, then?” “I tell yer I ain’t don nuffin,’ guv­ fession for 34 years, 16 years ol "Well, not exactly, but I have pro­ nor,’ he declared to the prison chap- which has been in the state of Ore- I gon, and 9 years of which has beet 1 gressed so far that I can frequently lain. “I ain’t hurt a fly.” “Come, come!” said the chaplain in Tillamook county. During thest | remember that I have forgotten something, if I could only remember “People don’t get Imprisoned for years I have endeavored to give t« I nothing, you know, my man. What the public schools the very best ser- | what it is.” was the charge against you?” vice possible. ------- o—----- "Blest if I know, guv’nor. As far as Teaching school Is no very easy Fresh from Fleet Street. I can make out, they put me in here task as some people may infer ani ’arry ’ad a ’awk, i from fragrancy!”» oft times remark, and the compensa­ 'arry ’id the 'awk in a ’at box; tion paid teachers today, no matter The 'awk stuck its ’ead out of the how careful a teacher may save, will Wouldn’t Be Missed. ’at box; • Recently a man who fancied he had not insure one a comfortable living I 'arry 'it the 'awk on the 'ead with a six or seven different diseases was in alter years, when his teacliin/ ’ard 'animer; staying at a coast resort for his days are over. I have remained witl The 'awk ’owled 'orrible. health. One morning the invalid met lhe teaching profession all the* And ’arry said. the doctor that lit was accustomed to years, becau ■ I liked the work, it ”0 ’ell!” call upon every time he thought he has been in, delight to help boys an! ------- o------- girls, young men and young women, needed a new brand of pills. After the Revival. "Good morning. Mr. Jones,” said to higher and better things. But a “Ask and ye shall receive,” said the doctor cheerily. “How are you man’s first duty is to provide lot the evangelist. “Pray for anything feeling this morning?” .himself and family. During my re»- you want, with faith, and your pray­ "Rather good for me doctor.” 'idence In Tillamook County 1 have er will be answered." weakly answered the patient. ‘While never asked of the voters their sup­ That night the grocer’s youngest bathing yesterday I swallowed about port for any public office; but be­ son was heard to pray for the first a tablespoonful of salt water, which lieving that I could well serve them lime, as follows: seemed to ben -fit me. Do you think in a public office, I have decided to “O Lord, here Is a small trial order. 1 might take a little more?” -announce myself as a candidate for Please, 3end us ten palls of candy, "Why yes,” answered the physi- Icounty Clerk on the Republican tick- ten sacks of sugar, ten barrels of cian. with an inward smile, “I don’1 let, subject to the will of the voters flour and ten barrels of pepper. Oh! think another tablespoonful will be at the primary election next May. h —1! that’s too much pepper.” missed.’ ’ Respectfully submitted, ------- o— - — —o------- H. S. Brimhall. Improving. A Fragrant Vagrant. A recent Issue of Commerce and Finance has an interesting article on the income tax by Theodore Price, financial expert, in which he claims it greatly increases the cost of living Sï5B525HSÏ5aSHSH5Z5H£HK5HSH5E5?525HS?5HSÏ5HSPS25ZS75A5?5a5KHS2525253S? and places undeserved burdens on the poor, while not costing the rich anything like a proportionate amount in the final analysis. He proposes a system of national taxation to be JACK HARPER, j built around a tax levied on capital BALL SHOP, TILLAMOOK. I instead of on income. He says; Take your Herses there and get | "The time has come when some re­ vision of the income tax law ojight First Class Shoes for them. |to be made. It is greatly aggrevating - I guarantee all work to be the inflation and greatly increasing 1 satisfactory, if not, bring it back I the cost of living. In order to recover i tile tax that must be paid to the gov­ and I will make good without ernment, everyone is demanding a extra charge. large profit on his goods, a bigger We pay top prices for Hides. price for his property and higher in­ terest rates on his capital. The word ’spiralysts" has been coined to de­ scrib? the result. "The Income tax has been passed Ln m on to the consumer and he in turn » has to ask more for his work, so ad­ ding again to the cost of production and tlie cost of living. Won't Answer Purpose. “There is a great deal of building Stick to Facts. A clubman tells of a young friend Armoured Inner Tires are a praclical, common sense, Editors get a great many letters It is evident that the apostles of and constructive work that ought to of his, a very methodical youth re ­ money-saving tire necessity lor all tire users. By questioning the literal accuracy of the unamended covenant, having be done in this country. It is held up preventing punctures and blowouts, they add plea­ because those who own the realestate cently graduated from a northern some of their statements. failed to put It over, will now try to sure. safety and economy to motoring. Lubricated Which reminds us of an incident in slip it over.They are already talk’^f required won't sell it even at the tuniversl|y, who, upon setting up his own establishment, undertook to the life of Alfred Lord Tennyson. In of a compromise on Mr. Wilson3 inside and out, they require no cementing aud no vul­ [q high prices offered, because they canizing. Placed on your tires as easily as inner tube. K would have to pay most of the profit look after his own domestic affairs. one of his poems he had written the original scheme, with a few meaning­ "As an evidence of his orderly na- line: Di realized to the gogvernment. less phrases embroidered on it. Ml “In the stock market securities D) have advanced to figures that are in many cases absurd because the larger capitalists cannot dispose of their holdings without Incurring an in- come tax liability that would absorb •5 a .most of their gains. “The theory upon which the grad­ uated supertax was imposed assumed that it was possible to take from the A money-maker and hard work saver for land clearer« and wood-cutting rich without mulcting tbe impecu­ contractors. One man can move it from cut to cut. Simple and reliable. nious. but the result has only been Hun edi in ue all opr tb« U. S. Wben not in UM tor wood cutting, the « H. P. motor will run ..ilia. feed mills, feed cutters, pumps, etc. to make capital inert and so restrict Qnirk èttlrfria from ovr “u, lx» << r«w»r Mf fa Im Oun S oM 100 point, throaptml enterprise and opportunity while ' ard.**—r. J IdiUlmu, bbrwi. O». For disenfecting where Contagious or «A. Unit'd Stat". increasing the cost of living for the "ZSxw.«w*y.*rw*)«w»ft«..« Ivxrra.,,» dim fa,, -.IW. *—N. r. Mm Lam, cats poor. infectious diseases are prevailing. America must burn more I “We hold no brief for the rich and wood for fuel. One Wad« think they ought to pay a higher rate CARBOLIC COMPOUND is a power­ will do 10 men's work at one-tenth tbe cost. Writ« of taxation than those who have less, for free Book, Bow Dan ful Germicidal mixture and by its use but we are coming to the conclusion Ross cuts M cords a day.” full de­ that u tax on capital or property is will improve general stable conditions. tails and a tai price. to be preferred to a tax on income. "A great capitalist said to us the other day that he would be glad to surrender 10 per cent of his wealth to the government at once if he could be free of the inquestional in­ RELIABLE DRUGGISTS. come tax. and we are inclined to think that there are many rich men who feel the same way SHOEING. I CHRISTMAS GIFTS Buyers of raw hides are paying enormous prices for them. If any­ body wonders why furs are so expen­ sive just read this. A price list before us offers $10 for raw skunk hides; $2.75 for muskrats; $12 for minks; $15 for coons; $250 for “cross” fox hides and $60 for red foxes; $18 for wolf hides and $55 for raw lynx hides. Almost any man who reads I this can remember when he was tickled to death to trap skunks, skin ’em, leave in the barn for weeks and sell the hides for six bits.—Gazette Times. In spite of the mysterious move­ nient which has resulted in covert suggestion from many sources i of the unfitness of Coioned Wood I for the presidency there are a surprising number of people scattered all over the country who refuse to be al­ armed by the warning against "the man on horseback” and find in the general’s long and honorable record the administrative qualities coupled with executive ability which they be­ lieve so essential in the present em­ ergency. Indeed a very large number of people are midly wondering why, if the general is as unfit as his mys­ terious detractors hint, such a fuss is being made about his candidacy,, for if it were true and not imaginary it would be so apparent as to easily eliminate him. And while they won­ der they also remember that often the assault of organized politicians is a recommendation and in it many people find good reasons why the victim should receive support.— Hillsboro Independent. . LAMB-SCHRADER CO 3 8 ARMOURED INNER TUBES Prevents Punctures and Blowouts « a C. MILLS, Agent, Tillamook, Ore- A WADE does IO men j work ; CLOUGH’S CARBOLIC COMPOUND cords a day! C. I. CLOUGH CO Sold by Standard Feed Co., Tillamook, Agent