TILLAMOOK 18, 1919. HEADLIGHT, DECEMBER 2S252sasî!S2SZSÏ525ZSBSH5252SB5E5252SB52S25SSE5ïSHSHS25H5HSZSZSHSHSHS25HS,-a5H5HSZSH5HSH52S?5HSHSHS2SZSÏ5aSHS25 t A ’Xmas Suggestion ! Buy Early ! At Koch’s Drug Store For the Men TILLAMOOK BLOCK, Both phones. T. BOALS, M.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeou S. P. Co. Tuberculosis Kills 150,000 AMERICANS every year. And yet, Tuberculosis is Preventable and Curable. The National Tuberculosis Association is con­ ducting a sale of Red Cross Christmas Seals, begin­ ning December 1. The proceeds of this sale will be used to combat Humanity’s most deadly enemy—The White Plague —in every community in the United States. Approximately 92 per cent of the money raised in your state will be spent there. This Campaign to save AMERICAN lives will succeed if you do your part. Get in touch with your state or local Tubercu­ losis Association. Buy Red Cross Christmas Seals, or Health Bonds. Don’t wait for the Seals to come to you, Foi the Women Smoker Sets. Cigar Cases. Pipes, Holders, Shaving Sets, Razors, Auto Strop, Gillete Gem. Military Hair Brushes. Collar Bags. Traveling Sets, Desk Sets. BOTTS & WINSLOW, Attorneys-at-Law, TILLAMOOK, OREGON Real Pyralin Ivory -Look for the name “Pyralin ” Hair Brushes, Combs, Mirrors. Puff Boxes, Hair Receivers. ^Manicure Sets. Box Candy. Picture Frames, Trays, Photo Albums, Buffers. (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) Tillamook H ■çHS?S252SeSa5BSÏ52SaSasaSÏ5aS2Sa525aS25aS2525asasa5ï5a5a52S25a5HSZ5H5a5B5E5?5H5H5E5ï!S?Sa5aS?sa5asa5E5?5asaSï: New British National Anthem. The latest mail advices from Eng- land have brought with them new s that may be more than passing in­ terest in this our reconstruction period. As the result of inquiries from all parts of the British Empire anent the last two verses of the nat­ ional anthem, with their out-of-date phrases, towit: “Confound their pol­ itics, frustrate their knavish tricks," etc., the wiseacres in power set themselves out to provide substitutes that were more applicable to the change in the times. It is believed that the two verses that were sung with the King's approval outside St. Paul's cathedral last August will be generally adopted everywhere. They were: One realm of races four, Blest more and ever more. God save our land. Home of the brave and free, Set in a silver sea. True nurse and chivalry, God save our land. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Kinsfolk in love with birth, From utmost ends of earth, God save us all. Bid strife and hatred cease. Bid joy and hope increase. Spread universal peace, God save us all. O pposite C ourt I- jusk O egoti Tillamook ■^^■EHSL'KR ATTORNEY-AT-LAW COM M E RC I AL BU 11. DI N G, FIRST PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON NATIONAL BUILDING, TILLAMOOK 91.7 Per Cent, of All Funds Rais ed in Any State Remain There The school history now being used to Carry Out the Local in the Columbus high school, with Programs. apparent approval, says that Wood­ IS SALE National Tuberculosis Association and American Red Cross Share Re- malnlng 8.3 Per Cent. President Wishes “The Very Best Suc- for the 1919 Red Cross Xmas Seal Campaign. ■ i President Wilson, In a letter Hat- to Dr. Charles J. field, Managing Director of National Tuberculosis the Association, expresses keen interest In the work of the association nnd wishes success to the 1919 Red Cross Christ­ mas Seal sale. More than 650,000,000 seals must be sold during the ten day drive which began on December 1, to assure a one hundred per cent appli­ cation of the Association'» 1920 educa­ tional ami preventive campaign. The President's letter follows: “Allow me to express again tny deep Interest in the work of the National Tuberculosis Association. I am very much interested to learn of the efforts of the Association to raise the sum of six and one-half million dollars that the state budgets may be financed for the coming year, and write to wish the very best success of the effort,” CHILDREN. t David Starr Jordan »ays: “There Is nothing In all the world so Important ns little children ; nothing so interesting. If you wish to go in for philanthropy, If ever you wish to be of auy use In the world, do something for little children. If ever you yearn to be truly wise, study children. We can dreM the sore, bandage the wound. Imprison the criminal, heal the sick and bury the dead, but there Is always a chance that we can save th»* child. If the great army of phi- lanthroplsts ever exterminate Bin and pestilence, ever work out the race's salvation, It will be because a little child has led them.'* RED films CHRISTMAS SEALS SAVE THE LIVES OF AMERICAN CHILDREN —Buy them to-day. IS NOW UNDER WAY. More Than 650,000,000 Seale Must Be Disposed of to Insure the Success of the Nation-Wide Educational and Preventive Campaign of the Nation­ al Tuberculosis Association In 1920. t WILSON ENDORSES STAMP SALE. OREGON. Q R. O. L. HOHLFELD. VETERINARIAN. Mutual Phone Dr. Livingston Farrand, Chair­ Oregon. Tillamook man of the Central Committee, American Red Cross, Expresses 0R. L. L. HOY, Hope That Public Will Give PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Generous Support. T illamook B lock , SMALL. “For the Health of This Com- munity.” Such is the slogan appearing on the flap of enve­ lopes on which the Red Cross Christmas Seal Is printed. The Issue of such envelopes In order to save the trouble of affixing gummed seals to letters sent out In quantity by large corporations and business houses has been Inaugurated this year as part of the machinery of distribution set In motion by the National Tuberculosis Association and Its 1,000 State and lo­ cal organizations In disposing of more than 650,000,000 Rod Cross Christmas Seals during the ten day sale which began on December L The significance of the slogan lies in the fact that whether the letter Is mailed In Los Angeles or Boston, In Chicago or In Galveston it still holds true. “This community” literally means the place where the seal Is bought and used. To be exact, 9L7 per cent of the funds raised Is devoted to local antl-tuberculosls activities In the state. Of the remaining 8.3 per cent a portion goes to the Red Cross. OREGON AVID ROBINSON, M. D tell Phone—2F2 FUND STREET, TILLAMOOK, RED CROSS OFFICIAL TO BE SPENT LOCALLY APPROVES SEAL SALE NATIONAL HOLMES I The New Freedom” row Wilson after becoming president 'with a quiet confidence and unruf­ fled tenacity, established his power over cabinet. Senate. House and lob- by, and before six months were past, made himself the most complete mas­ ter of congress since the days of Thomas Jefferson.” If it is ever de­ sirable for the executive to become master of the legislative branch in a republic the present trend of thingH in Washington has done away with anxiety In the matter. GO Y NE. Office: To Look is to Buy. Come Early Get Your Pick First. This Notice is Worth 5 per cent on all above Listed Goods. Bring this with you and get youi discount XMAS SEAL MONEY E. E. KOCH, Druggist, Tillamook, Oregon. Come In Oregon I Dr. Livingston Farrand, exec­ utive head of the American lied Cross, has given his un­ qualified endorsement of the 1919 Red Cross Christmas Seal sale, which la now under way and which will extend for ten days under the auspices of the National Tuberculosis Association and Its 1.000 allied organ­ izations. A fund of more thnn $6,500,- 000, which will be used In the 1920 ed­ ucational and preventive campaign, will be raised through the sale of the seals. Acquainted as he Is with all ques- tlons of general health ccramunlty Im- provement and relief because of the nature of his work and office, Dr. Far- rnnd’R endorsement Is based upon an expert knowledge of what the Na­ tional Tuberculosis Association has ac­ complished and will accomplish In the future. His letter to Dr. Charles J. Hatfield. Managing Director of the Na­ tional Tuberculosis Association, fol­ lows : "I hnve been greatly Interested In the plans that the National Tuberculo­ sis Association Is making for the sale of Christmas Seals during the coming holiday season. The success of that effort Is Indispensable to the carrying out of the farreaching plans of the Association In Its fight against tuber­ culosis In this country. “’rhe American people, fn common with the nations of Europe, are be­ coming aroused to the critical Impor­ tance of the problem of vitality and conservation of health as the neces- sary factor in .re-establishing the world after the devastation and de- st ruction caused by the war. Of all the preventable diseases, tuberculosis takes perhaps the first place In Impor­ tance. For that reason I view with keenest sympathy and approval the splendid work which the National Tu­ berculosis Association la conducting, and I trust that the response of the American people In the Christmas Seal Campaign will be generous and univer­ sal. Sincerely yours, (Signed) LIVINGSTON FARRAND, "Chairman, Central Committee, Amer­ ican Red Cross." > X HEALTH BONDS POPULAR. Tillamook, J Oregon, ÔH’i I.EI.AND HENDERSON ATTOKNKY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW Tillamook - - - * Oregon TT) OBERT II. McGRATH C ounskllor - at -L aw ,! TILLAMOOK, OREGON NELSON & CO., General Merchandise, Bay City, Oregon o----- Square Deal and Good Goods Our Motto. Phone 72. CANCER. NO KNIFE AND LOSS OF BLOOD No Plasters and Pains for Hours Or Days. TUMORS. PILES, FISTULA. GOITRE DISEASES OF WOMEN Four Years Study in Europe. Over thirty years experience Portland Physical Therapy Labora­ tories. 412 to 417 Journal Building Portland Oregon HENRY C. VIERECK, M. D. SPECIALIST. Disease of The EYE. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Only 310 Selling Building, Portland, Ore. ECONOMY CLEANERS AND DYERS 2nd, Between 3rd and 4th. MODERN EQUIPMENT. •V ' , PERMANENTLY LOCATED. The detnnnd for the Health Ornamental Fire Placer. Built Bonds which the National Tu­ I of Brick and Stone, All Fire berculosis Association Issued Places absolutely guaranteed this year for the first time are not to smoke or money re- meeting with a ready sale. The bonds funded. 1 are In graduated denominations, the Brick work of all kind» done smallest being for $5. In the past on short notice. some of the large business houses and We make a specialty of re­ pairing smoking Fire Placea. other large contributors found ft dllfi cult to use up the number of Bed • 'roas Seals their subscriptions called for. The bonds have been Issued for the convenience of larga subscribers TILLAMOOK. ORF. and th» proceeds of their sale will be used for the same purpose as the Christmas Seal funds—the financing of the 1920 effort to reduce the num­ ber of death» from tuberculosis fn the United States. Ijist year the disease Agent For claimed ISO,000 lives. The health PAGE AND ALLEN AUTOMOBILES bonds can be obtained from stat* and local tuberculosis associations. Write For Demonitration RALPH E. WARREN, Wheeler Garage And Prices. ji