TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, DECEMBEH II, 1910. ES25E5a525ZSaSHSïSaS25H5H5BSZ5H525aSZ5Z52525H5B52SZSZ525252SH52SH5HS25252SBSH5ï52525a5HS25Z5Z5HSH5Z5ESï5ESa52SH5ZSZSa£ïaS2S2S2525H5BS2Sa5H5H52S2£^ K - I o B What are you doing about that Early 'Xmas Shop- K I ping ? K B B The Early Shopper gets the I pick of the Good Things. I in K H B B K S Wheel Goods. The largest variety in Tillamook —Automobiles, Velocipedes and Wagons. All at a saving to you over prices ask elsewhere. Dollies. Every size, every kind, eyery complexion. All wanting a good home in Tillamook. Priced with­ in your means. § Mechanical Toys. Enough to satisfy and please most any boy—and that’s a plenty, Game Boards and Games. Rook—Flinch—Pet and dozens of others that you’ll like. For the Babies. You will find Beautiful Rattles— Booties Brush and Comb sets, etc. Japanese Baskets. Just received a new lot of these both in Fruit, Sandwich and Work Basket Style. SMITHY’S FOR TOYS. ANTA CLAUS" TRUE HEADQUARTERS are at SMITHY’S this year. Never before in the history of the city or county lias so great a var­ iety of TOYS and GIFT GOODS been assembled. Practically the whole floor is given over to the tremendous new stock of well made Toys and the varied stock of Suitable Gifts. So varied is the stock that it is possible to do your entire Xmas shopping at this one Great GIFT SHOP. Bring the Kiddies to Smithy’s to see the toys. Kiddies, bring your Mammas and Daddies to Smithy’s so that they can settle the gift question, Selections made easy. Plenty of sales people to wait upon the huge crowds. S TOOL CHESTS For the Young Carpenter or Mechanic of the Household. CUT GLASS- Well made Red DOLL BUGGIES Something Entirely New in this line. Not heavily cut but very pretty and neat. $5.75, $8.75 and $9.75. $3 00 Ball-Bearing Roller SKATES - Ç1) A A Santa Claus Says “Dont forget the little kiddies this year--you are more prosperous and better able than ever before-and the children will not be little but one time in their life-Let them enjoy it while they can--They grow up and are gone too soon-Make them happy while with you.” TOY TABLES, CHAIRS and LITTLE RED ROCKERS. DOLL BEDS and FURNITURE. See these. Hand Painted CHINA in Beautiful Shapes and nicely decorated. All handsome Buggies that would send any little girl into ecestasies. The two better ones have reclin­ ing backs and are half lined. TOY BROOMS, for the Little House Keeper OAp “** re5B5H5H5H5?52SE525E5a5H5H5?Sa5H5H5ï5H5HS2SHSB52SB52525Z5a5H5Hra5H52H525?5?5?5î5'H5H5H525a5ï5B5H5H5H5ÏSESÏ5?5H5HSHSH5H5HSaSH5H52SH5HSHSH5^ SUCCESFUL TEACHERS’ INSTI­ Mrs. Hanson, Mrs. Burge and Prof. light, was a visitor at the Institute. The weather was ideal. Bennett as a committee to prepare a TUTE IN TILLAMOOK CITY. Respectfully submitted, (Continued from fifth page.) program for the next local institute. Delegates Elected. H. S. Brimhall, Institute Reporter. oughly recommend teacher^ cottages Prof. Turnbull, Supt. Tillamook Edwards-Burton Wedding. as a solution for this problem and City Schools, was elected as a dele­ make every possible effort to influ­ gate to the State Association at the ence school boards and patrons in State Teachers’ Association to be On Wednesday, Dec. 10, 1919 at 4 that direction. held at Portland during the holidays. p.m. a simple home wedding was held Fifth Whereas, we have found the P. H. Wyman, of the Bay City at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel teachers have not always carefully school, was elected u. as . „ a delegate to Blasure, friends of the party, when observed their “code of ethics.’' first, (he State Association to represent the Miss Nellie Burton became the bride in withdrawing applications in other County Institute of this county, of Jesse Edwards. places as soon as accepting a position I — - ~ L. H. — Prof. Bennett, of ------- Tillamook, The groom and the bride are well aecond, in competitive bidding for was elected as a delegate to the state known residents of Tillamook, and positions; be it resolved that we convention, to represent the Princi- will be at home to their many teachers of Tillamook County be I pals' Club of this county. friends. After the ceremony, which more punctilious in observing the The Principals Club was organized was conducted by the Kev. Richard Code of Ethics. by the election of P. H. Wyman as Schuetz, a nice wedding dinner was Sixth—Resolved that we hearily I president and L. H. Bennett as secre­ served. With all their friends we support a general school exhibit at tary and treasurer. wish this couple good success. the next county fair, in place of the About one hundred teachers were individual school booths, thereby in attendance at the institute. It was Reformed Church. giving each school in the county an full of enthusiasm, and many teach­ opportunity for exhibition that other ers were heard to remark, "What a ------- o------- wise might not be available. ¡good institute.” Cor 4th Ave. and E. 5th Street, Rev Seventh.—Whereas, we have found W. G. Lienkaemper, pastor. Notes of Convention, that the health program auvocuieu advocated , ,, , , . .. .. Sunday School at 11 o’clock. incalculable 1 re 1 8 £ H Ackerman.of the Mon ­ for the school* to be of i---------------- Public worship at 11 o’clock, sub- : mouth Normal, could not be present value and that Interscholastic games on account of the serious illness ject of sermon: "The Parable of the and track meets do much to further of one of his instructors and the Reg­ Ton Virgins, or Christ’s Admonition its program; therefore be it resolved to Watchfulness.” An Advent sermon istrar of that institution. that we give all possible support and II. S. Brimhall extended a cordial The season of advent makes the be­ encouragement to these subjects. invitation to the teachers of the’ ginning of the church year. The gen- I Eighth—Whereas, the Tillamook county to attend the dedication of eral subject of this season, of which City teachers have extended to us the new school building in Nehalem Christmas is the culmination, is the every curtesy, therefore be It resolv­ three fold coming of Christ, i.e. His on December 6th. ed that we express to them our j Mrs. Blanche M. Jones, managing coming i^to the flesh, His coming in- j thanks for their generous hospitality. editor of the Oregon Teachers’ to our lives and His coming to judg- | Eight It Whereas, we, the teachers 'Monthly, representing that paper at nient. Not what death finds ns doing, Of Tillamook County in Annual In­ I the institute and took subscriptions but how death finds us furnished, is stitute assembled, have found, during for other educational papers and the important question. the Hesston, much Inspiration and | 'magazines. Come and worship with us. helpful guidance from the splendid | Prof. Mathews was very much program provided by our County pleased with his first visit to a Tilla­ Superintendent, therefore, be It re­ Tor Sale. mook County Institute. solved that we tender to him and to We need a Secretary of Education the instructors, our grateful appre­ the same ns other cabinet office. Registered Holstein Bull Calf, born ciation of tile professional enthus­ The Smith-Towner bill now pend­ Nov. 14, 1919. His Dam Lady Ruth iasm with which this Institute has ing in congress will bring $500,000 to Fayne; Sire, Hollywood Lilith Korn- been conducted. i Oregon every year. It is a part of the dyke, was sold at the J. W. Pomeroy Tenth—In order that the senti­ national plan of education. sale, July 25. 1919. for $3,000.00 His ment* of the Teachers of Tillamook There are 160,000 school children Dam’s 7 day record; Milk, 4 60 lbs.; county may in some measure be made butter, 18.72 tbs.; per cent fat 4.02, I known in other sections of our state, in Oregon. The attendance at the University at Jr. two year old. be It resolved that the Secretary be of Oregon is double what It was His Sire’s Dam 7 day record: Milk instructed to send copies of these three years ago. 638.75 tbs.; Butter 32.92 lbs. percent resolutions to the leading county and We need two more Normal schools. fat 4.25. State papers and to the Oregon One in Eastern and one in Southern Teachers’ Monthly. Further particulars and price en­ Oregon. Respectfully submitted, P. II. Wy­ quire of Chris Rclchcn, R. F. D. No.l, Many new teachers were seen at man. L. W. Turnbull and Ethel R. Hillsboro. Oregon. the institute. , (Hines. The committee said the county was County Teachers Organise. going to be 100 per cent strong in I Krout, Krout. The County Teachers’ Association membership at the State Teachers* was now organized by the election of Association. | Who want's krout this winter? Prof. E. K. Barnes, of Nehalem, as Prof.H. C. Seymour could not be , president, and Prof. L. II. Bennett, of present and his department was rep­ Stuivenga has got the cabbage. Send him your order, prices right. Mutual Tillamook, as secretary and treasur­ resented by Miss Helen Cowgill. er.. Prof. Burnes named Supt. Lamb. Wm. Stuivenga. F. C. Baker, editor of the Head- Phone, • Bay City Garage. —-o Storage—Oil« Repairing of all kinds. Give us a trial. Goin & Wiedman. I BAY CITY DRUG Entire New Stock of Candies New Syrups. Come and See Phon« 32.