TILLA MOOT Ä1ADL1QHT, DECEUBIS AMELS' expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos answers every cigarette desire you ever had ! Camels give such universal delight, such unusual enjoyment and satisfaction you’ll call them a cigarette revelation ! C cents a package Camels are sold everywhere in scientific­ ally sealed packages of 20 cigarettes; or ten packages (200 cigarettes) in a glass­ ine-paper-covered carton. We strongly recommend thia carton for the home or office supply, or when you travel. il. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY \Vin*ton^ai«m, N. C. If you'd like a cigarette that dees not leave any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty odor, smoke Camels! If you hunger for a rich, mellow-mild cigarette that has all that desirable cigarette “body”—well, you get some Camels as quickly as you can ! Camels’ expert blend makes all this delightful quality possible. Your personal test will prove that Camel Cigarettes are the only cigarettes you ever smoked that just seem made to meet your taste I You will prefer them to either kind of to­ bacco smoked straight ! Compare Camels for quality and satisfaction with any cigarette in the world at any price! CB 11, lôlf west quarter and the north half of Notice of School Meeting. the northeast quarter, section 15, township 5 South, Range 10 West of Notice is hereby given, that a W. M., containing 160 acres, more or special school meeting of School Dist. less, excepting, however, the north 4 No. 9, of Tillamook County, Oregon, rods of the east 80 rods of said sec­ I will be held at the school house in tion; also excepting all saw timber said district on the 19th day of De- hour of 2 suitable for lumber oh said premises icember 1919, at the and the right to remove same until ¡o’clock p.m., for the following pur- February 6, 1925; and to bar defend­ !poses: ants of all or any interest or claim j 1st. To authorize the school board in said property and for the sale lot the said district to purchase for a thereof to satisfy said mortgage, and | school site the following described for such further or other relief as may tract of land situated in Tillamook seem equitable, Tbls summons is City, Tillamook County, Oregon, to- served upon you by publication wit: Beginning at a point 1775.5 feet thereof in the Tillamook Headlight a weekly newspaper of general circu- south and 570 feet west of the north­ lation published in Tillamook east corner of the Edrick Thomas D. County, Oregon, pursuant to an or­ L. Claim and running thence south der made by the Hon. Geo. R. Bagley, 620 feet; thence west 209 feet; Judge of the above entitled Court, thence south 209 feet; thence west dated November 18, 1919, prescrib­ 271 feet; thence north 829.8 feet; ing that the same be published in thence east 480 feet to the place of said paper once a week for 6 weeks beginning, less tract beginning at Dated and first published November the northeast corner of said tract and running thence west 240 feet; thence 27, 1919. south 235.5 feet; thence east 240 C. A. Appelgren, Attorney for Plaintiff, feet; thence north 235.5 feet to the 701-4 Chamber of Commerce, place of beginning. Also beginning at a point 2386.3 Portland, Oregon. feet south and 570 feet west of the Administrator's Notice to Creditors. northeast corner of said Thomas D. L. Claim and running thence south 119 feet; thence west 209 feet; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that thence north 119 feet; thence east to A. Miller, by the undersigned L. place of beginning, all being known County Court of the order of the Coi as the Hays tract of substantially State of Oregon, for Tillamook Coun­ five acres, for the sum of Ten Thou­ ty, has been appointed administrator sand and no-100 (>10,000.00) Dol­ of the estate of Peter J. Heyvaert, lars. And to authorize said board to deceased, late of Tillamook County, contract an indebtedness therefore Oregon, but more recently of the in accordance with Sub. 6 of section Kingdom of Belgium. two of chapter 172 of the General Notice is further given that the Laws of Oregon for the year 1913. undersigned has qualified as said ad- By order of the board of directors ministrator, and that all persons hav­ of School District No. 9, of Tilla­ ing claims against the said estate mook County. Oregon. must present the same to the under­ H. H. Rosenberg, director signed at Beaverton, Oregon, or to Chairman pro tem. his attorneys Johnson & Handley, J. M. Smith, director. Tillamook, Oregon, within six Attest: C. A. McGhee. months from this date. School District Clerk. Dated December 4, 1919. L. A. Le Miller, School District Bond Election Notice. the Administrator of ------ o------ estate of Peter J. Hey- State of Oregon, County of Tilla­ vaert, deceased. mook, School District No. 9:ss. Notice is hereby given that the Notice to Creditors. school district bond election hereby called to be held at the school house Notice is hereby given, that the un­ in Tillamook City, Oregon, in and for dersigned lias been by the County ¡School District No. 9. of Tillamook Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, County, Oregon, on Friday, the 19th appointed Executor of the Will and day of December, ,1919, between the estate of Herman Henry Miller, de­ hours of 2 o’clock p.m. and seven ceased. All persons having claims o’clock p.m., there will be submitted against said estate are required to to the legal voters thereof the ques­ present them for allowance, duly tion of contracting a bonded indebt- verified according to law, at the of­ ness in the sum of $ 17,000 for the pur fice of John Leland Henderson, 206 pose of providing funds with which East Third Street, Tillamook City, to erect and furnish a school build­ Oregon, within six months from date ing for a gymnasium in and for said hereof. school district. Said building to be Dated this 12th day of Nov. 1916. erected on the cite of the present First publication November 13, high school building in said district. 1919. Last publication Dec. 10, 1919. The vote to be by ballot upon Mrs. H. C. Potter,- which shall be the word “Bonds— Executor. Yes" and “Bonds—No.” and the vot­ er shall place a cross (X) between Notice to Creditors. the word "Bonds” and the word “Yes,” or between the word “Bonds” Notice is hereby given that the un­ and the word “No" which will ln- dersigned has been by the County Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, dicate the choice. The polls for the reception of the appointed administrator of the estate against the con- of John L. Bozorth, deceased, and all ballots cast for or traction of said Indebtedness will, on persons having claims against the said date and day and at the place said estate are required to present aforesaid, be open at the hour of two them duly verified to the undersign­ o'clock p.m. and remain open until ed at the First Bank of Bay City, the hour of seven o'clock p.m. of Bay City, Oregon, within six months said day when the same will be from the date hereof. closed. Dated November 6th, 1919. By order of the district board of John O. Bozorth, School District No. 9 of Tillamook Administrator of said estate. County, Oregon, made this 25th day of November, 1919. TAKE IT IN TIME. H. H. Rosenberg, Chairman pro tern. Just as Scores of Tillamook People J. M. Smith. Have. Members of School Diet. Board Waiting does not pay. Attest: C. A. McGhee. If you neglect kidney backache. District Clerk. Urinary troubles often follow. Act in time by curing the kidneys. Who Won the War? Doan’s Kidney Pills are especially for weak kidneys. That’s easy; ihe Smith's did. War Many people in this locality re­ department records are said to show commend them. there were 51,000 of tills tribe In ser­ Here’s one case: vice. The Johnsons were second with James C. Duncan, real estate 29,000 and the others that "placed” dealer, 315 8. Meridian St., Newberg, were the Jones clan, with 22,500; Ore., sayB: "I used to be subject to the Greens, with 22,500; the Browns kidney trouble. I had a too frequent with 9,000 and the Cohens with 4 500 desire, to pass the secretions, espec­ .Moreover, there was in the ranks 74 ially during the night and had to get George Washingtons, seven Ulysses up several times. After taking a box of Doan’s Kidney Pills, my kidneys Grants and 79 Robert E. Lees. became normal. Just as soon as I notice my kidneys are not acting jurt right, I take Doan’s Kidney Pills a few days and they never fail to re- lleve the trouble." Price 60c, at all dealers, Don’t NO KNIFE AND LOSS OF BLOOD simply ask for a kidney remedy—get No Flatters and Fains for Hours Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Duncan had. Foster Milburn Co. Or Days. Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y.—Pr Adv. TUMORS, PILES, FISTULA, GOITRE show cause, if any cause there be, » Citation. why the administrator of the above In the County Court of the State of In the circuit court of the State of named estate shall not compromise Oregon for Tillamook County. with the County Court of the County Oregon, for the County of Tillamook. of Tillamook for the sum of Fifty | In the matter of the estate of L. D. Smith, Plaintiff. Dollars for the land taken by it for Nicholas Job, commonly known as vs. .. ¡Nick Job, deceased. road purposes, and, upon payment Chas. Kunze, Ben Kuppen- To the unknown heirs of Nicholas i being made, to make and deliver a] bender, Henry Rogers, Fred » deed therefore, in the usual form, for Job, deceased. Maurer, Thad Robison, Rol- In the name of tho State of Oregon, the following described land, being 1 lie W. Watson, B. A. Folks, you are hereby cited and required to the land so taken, namely: E. J. Geinger, A. L. Mapes, All that part of the property of F. appear in the County Court of the John Ebinger, M. W. Harri­ Buhrow in the NE% of the SW% of State of Oregon, for the County of son, John Schild, W. J. Pet­ Section 7, Township 3 South, Range9 Tillamook, at the court room there- erson, E. H. Zurflueh, Hugh West of the Willamette Meridian In- of, at Tillamook, in the county of Til- Barber, B. W. Neilson, F. J. cluding within a strip of land 60 feet ^amook, on Thursday, the 4th day of Klinehan, F. R. Beals, J. J. wide, being 30 feet on each side of'December, 1919, at 10 o’clock, in the Rupp and Chas. I. Clough, the center line of the Coast HigE- forenoon of that day, then and there Defendants. To M. W. Harrison, one of the way as surveyed across said property ¡to show cause, if any exists, why an and more particularly described as ’order of sale should not be made as above named defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon: follows: Beginning at a point on the in the petition prayed for after ten You are hereby required to appear North line of the NE“4 of the SW% i days from and after said 4 th day of and answer the complaint filed of Section 7, Township 3 South, j December, 1919, for that certain against you in the above entitled Range 9 West of the Willamette | real estate described as Lots 1 and 2, cause on or before the date of the Meridian, which point is North 60 of Block 46 of Thayer’s Fifth Addi­ last publication of this summons, degrees 25 minutes West 901 feet | tion to the City of Tillamook in the and if you fail so to answer for want and South 34 degrees and 15 minutes County of Tillamook and State of thereof, the plaintiff will apply to west 496.1 feet from the % corner in , Oregon, and that said citation be — on — . you - - by - order of the County ---- the above named court for the relief the center of Section 7, Township 3 served prayed for in the complaint, to-wit: South, Range 9 West of the Wiliam-; Judge, A. M, Hare, entered No- that the association composed by the ette Meridian; thence South 34 de- vember 4, 1919 by publication in the T!"—."2 Headlight, ~ a weekly news­ plaintiff and the above named de­ grees 15 minutes west 540.5 feet to a Tillamook fendants (being an association deal­ point in the present traveled road. paper published in said county and of ing in Holstein cows) be dissolved Containing 60-100 acres, more or general circulation therein, for not less than four successive weeks and by a decree of this court, and that less; And also why said administrator for five insertions,prior to said date. each of the defendants be required to appear herein and make an individ­ should not be authorized to sell the First publication November 6, 1919. ual accounting and adjustment of following described real estate (sub­ Last publication December 4, 1919. the business of said association with ject to the right of way for said road) f The sale to be made for claims 'r>n-nlma> thn nctntn the individual members thereof, and at private sale, in the manner provid- against the estate, | Witness, the Hon. A. M. Hare, ed by law, for cash, namely; with all other persons who have or The Southwest Quarter of Section Judge of the County Court of the have business relations with said as­ sociation, and to make distribution Seven, Township Three South, Range State of Oregon for the County Of and allotment of any profits or losses Nine West of the Willamette Meri­ ,Tillamook, with the seal of said court among the members of said associa­ dian, in Tillamook County, Oregon, affixed, this 4th day of November, A. tion; and that the plaintiff have less Tracts 1264, 814, 1283, 589, 592 D. 1919. Attest: Homer Mason, Clerk. Judgment against each and all of and 588, described in Tract Book in By Vida A. Millis, Deputy. the defendant's for whatever sum an the office of the County Assessor of accounting herein may show the said Tillamook County, Oregon, on pages association is due and owing him, 335, 334, 334, 333, 334 and 333, re­ Summons. less his appropriate share of such spectively, of said Tract Book, con­ cum, and for such other and further taining 110.5 acres more or less; In the Circuit Court of the State relief in equity as the Court may all according to the petition of the of Oregon for Tillamook County. Administrator of said estate hereto- A H. Harding, Plaintiff. deem meet and just. This summons is published by the fore filed in the above entitled pro­ vs. order of Hon. Geo. R. Bagley, Judge ceeding. C P. White and Eva White, The foregoing citatlon is served ,his wife, also all other per- of the above named Court, dated October 23, 1919, and the first upon you, the unknown heirs, if any, ¡gons i or parties unknown ' publication is fixed at October 30th, of Fritz Buhrow. deceased, by pub- ¡claiming any right,, title, 1919, an^the last publication Dec. lication, by virtue of and in pursu- rmfnta estate, Hon ]jen nr or intoroat interest in th the ance of an order entered in the above lreaj estate described in the 11, 1919. Johnson & Handley entitled proceedings on the 21st day ¡complaint herein. uvienaaiiiB. Defendants, vuiiipiciiiii ncieiii, Attorneys for the Plaintiff. of October, 1919, by Hon. A. M. Hare, _______ To C. P. ________________ White and Eva White, bls all other persons Or P. O. Address: Tillamook, Oregon. County Judge. The date of the first [wlfe also A 1 ä 11 f* < publication is October 23, 1919- and ties unknown claiming any right, A Hand Clasp. the date of the last publication 1® title, estate, lien or interest in the Citation. ------- o------ -------o------ November 20th, 1919. real estate described in the corn­ E're we criticise too freely, In the County Court of the State of Witness the Honorable A. M. Hare, 'plalnt herein, defendants: It were best to stop and think, Oregon, for the County of Tillamook. County Judge of the County of Tilla- . In the name of (he state of Ore(?on In the matter of the estate of Fritz mook In the State of Oregon and you are hereby required to appear Least a hasty verdict, careless Some true effort blight and shrink. B'ihrow, late of the county of Tilla­ Judge of the County Court of the and anHWer the complaint filed Ere we point our glaring errors, mook, deceased. State of Oregon for the County of'agajnat you jn the above entitled Turn and let the lime light fall To the State of Oregon and to all Tillamook. ¡suit within six weeks from the date On our selves, what are we doing? Attest: Homer Mason unknown heirs or next of kin. if any 'of the first publication of this sum- Often nothing much at all. County Clerk of the county of ------- raonH , ’ — t’o-wit7"on such there be. of Fritz Buhrow, late ....... -J or before the 8th Tillamook in the State of Ore- i day of January, 1920, the last day of If we lack the vim and daring of the county of Tillamook in the gon and ex officio Clerk of the the time prescribed by the order of To portray, tbo we’ve a gift. State of Oregon, deceased. County Court of the State of publication hereof, and if you fail bo We by other effort sharing In the name of the State of Oregon, From dispair some soul may lift. Oregon for the county of Tilla­ to answer for want thereof, the you are hereby cited and required to Tbo we think we’ve helped but little. mook. be and appear In the County Court of plaintiff will apply to the Court for All results are great or small the State of Oregon for the County T. H. Goyne the relief demanded in his said com­ A mere hand clasp at beginning. of Tillamook, at the court room Robert H. McGrath. plaint; viz: tor the foreclosure of a Led to greatness after all. thereof at the county court house in Tillamook, Oregon. mortgage dated July 1, 1915, record­ —Janette Martin. Tillamook City, in said county, at the Attorneys for the Administration. ed in book 1. page 403 for >2,950.00 December term of said court, on the and Interest from said date at 8 per Sam Go m pern says the administra­ fifteenth day of December, Nineteen President Wilson la always ready cent per annum upon real property tion h * fooled him Well, Sam ought Hundred and Nineteen, at ten o'clock for a compromise it the other fellow in Tillamook County, Oregon, to- not complain—he helped put over a.m. of that day, then and there to will do all the compromising. wit: The East half of the north- that "He kept us out of War" thing. Summons. I CANCER. DISEASES OF WOMEN Four Years Study in Europe. Over thirty years experience BOTTS & WINSLOW, Attorncys-at-Law, TILLAMOOK, OREGON. TILLAMOOK BLOCK. Both phones. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon S. P. Co. (I. O. O. F. Bklg ) Tillamook .... Oregon rp H EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Only 310 Selling Building, Portland, Ore. GOYNE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office: O pposite C ourt F - Tillamook ^^EBSTER jush O. ego n HOLMES. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW COMMERCIAL BUILDING, FIRST STREET, TILLAMOOK, OREGON AVID ROBINSON, M. D PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON NATIONAL BUILDING, TILLAMOOK OREGON. — R. O. L. HOHLFELD. VETERINARIAN. Eell Phone—2F2 Mutual Phone Tillamook Oregon. QR. L. L. HOY, I’I IYS IC I AN A N D SU RG EON T illamook B lock , Tillamook, - • Oreg< n, J 011’1 LELAND HENDERSON ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT I,AW Tillamook - - Oiegj.i OBERT H. McGRATH C ounsellor - at -L aw , I TILLAMOOK, O R EGO N. NELSON & CO., General Merchandise, Bay City, Oregon. Square Dcial and * Good Goods Our Motto. Phone 72. T he . L atest î I I i Portland Physical Therapy Labora­ tories. 412 to 417 Journal Building Portland Oregon HENRY C. VIERECK, M. D. SPECIALIST. Disease of The T. BOAI.S, M.D., JD i ? Electricity’s latest gift to the housewife greatest since the electric iron and electric vacuum cleaner—the Western Electric P ortable S ewing M achine No more tiresome treadle pushing - no more backache a little electric motor does the hard work. A foot control gives any speed desired. The entire machine in its case can be carried anywhere—it’s no larger than a typewriter. Ask for a demonstra-* tion. ECONOMY CLEANERS AND DYERS 2nd, Between 3rd and 4th. MODERN EQUIPMENT. PERMANENTLY LOCATED. I COA57 POWER CO THE ELECTRIC STORE 1