Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, December 11, 1919, Image 4

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University, made some pertinent re- after reading what the assassins did 252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525 5252525252S2S2525252S25252525E52sîs-d
at Centralia?
Another thing we would like to en­
Fred C. Baker, Editor.
p,hobab!y, fortr
tors, when he advised the employ- lighten the Cloverdale preacher on.
ment of teachers who could keep The United States did not go to war
per year $2.00 good order in the school room. We for what he calls “humanity” nor
may add to this that if there was for democracy. It went to war because
Advertising Rates.
jmore discipline in the home there Germany, in her ruthless, cold blood­
Display Advts, per inch........... 20c. iwould be better discipline in the ed warfare attacked American vessels
Locals ........................... per line 7c. school. We do not know how Prof. and left the crews and passengers to
I Mathews arrived at his figures, but drown, to-wit: the Lucitania, when
Readers, with reading matter
per line .................................. 7c. he made the statement that 15 per over 100 American citizens lost
Notices of meetings etc, per line 7c. cent of the women and 22 per cent their lives. It was to protect the
of the men teachers failed in disci­ lives and honor of the United States
pline. That is a better percentage that involved this country in war
(than we thought and if the men with Germany, even if the Demo­
'teachers will stiffen up their back a cratic slogan was: “He kept us out
------- o-------
IVORY—The Largest and Best Assortment ever Shown in the City.
I bit this can be greatly reduced, for of war.”
Governor Olcott has made the an­ good discipline in a public school is | And we would like to enlighten
nouncement that he is going to call .one thing that should be expected, the Cloverdale editor upon another
FRESH PURE CANDIES, in bulk or package, or in pretty baskets.
a special session of the state legisla­ and insisted upon by every school point. England “the half civilized
ture next month. When a special ses­ board.
country,” went to war three years
MANICURE SETS--Leatlier Roll-Ups in Manicure Sets. All prices,
____ 0____
sion was suggested a few months ago
before the United States for “hu­
he wanted the state law makers to j The dedication of the new school manity,” for when Germany broke
LETTER KNIVES, Clocks ia Ivory, Gold Watches, Ivory Picture Frames.
forego their pay. He don’t ap: ar to [building at Nehalem on Saturday the Belgium treaty, England declar­
be worring now ab< it that.
goes to prove what can be accom- ed war to protect the smaller coun­
FLASH LIGHTS, Fancy Pipes, Cigars in Christmas Package, Amber Cigar Holders,
------- o-------
■ plished by united co-operation and try.
If the snap shot : ta:t was one of the [ pulling together, for Nehalem has a
Travelers Sets in Genuine Leather, Purses of All Kinds.
school directors o. .’al. .lev. district school building that the people of
he would be in favor of giving the ¡that district have just reason to be
SHAVING SETS, Shaving Mugs and Brushes, Safety Razors, Card Games, Fancy
youths a nice little Christmas box of I proud of. It is a modern up-to-date
Playing Cards in Leather Cases.
$5 each for saving the building from Jstructure with four rooms and a A Most Up-To-Date Building—Visit­
fire on Tuesday, just to show them basement, located on a site with a
ors Make Congratulatory Ad­
B00KS--A11 the Late Books, Large Assortment of Reprints, Leather Covered Poems,
how the district appreciated their splendid landscape overlooking the
dresses. .
prompt action and good judgment Nehalem valley, with the mountains
Leather Covered Bibles and Testaments.
------- o------
when an emergency arose.
I for a background, and we do not
Saturday Iasi the new school build­
TINKERTOYS, Building Blocks, Dolls, the Kind that will not break, Candles and
know of another grade school in the ing at Nehalem wis dedicated ‘With
True there is considerable more ¡county that is so pleasantly situated.
Holders, Potted Plants, Cut Flowers, Bulbs.
crime and of more serious ccharacter, When finished it will cost the dis-
than in pre-war times, and no one can Itrict over $20,000; and we want to provided most enjoyable to all pres-
structure is a four
CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS, Seals, Tags, Tape, Cord, Crepe Paper, Holly Paper,
blame it to booze. We are one of say it was money well spent, for it is ent. The new
room building, with a basement, and
those who believe that if the country I the most up-to-date Industry in the
Festoons, Very,Choice Engraved Christmas and News Year’s Cards, Package
was “wet” there would be more ; .city of Nehalem. What took place on
particular, and being erected on the
crime and far more
Saturday was the culmination of hill side, commands a most beautiful
people are spending their • I I ernest effort on the part of the peo-
view of the country, with ample
money similar to the Democratic ' | I pie of the district, and in having
room for play grounds. Three of the
government—like a
t lot of drunken
such an excellent school board of four rooms have been completed and
progressive business men, for we nicely furnished, the rooms having a
|were informed that one of the direc­
It is not surprising that the Ger­ tors, H. W. Tohl,, was Johnny on the bright, cheery appearance. When
mans are protesting about the terms spot from the time the building wras completed and the grounds improved,
it will have cost the district over
of peace the allied countries inflicted
first started until it was finished,, $20,000. There is nothing shoddy or
upon them, for most of us remember seeing to it that the best of work­
cheap looking about the building,
the boastful manner in which the manship was put into the building.
and the workmanship is first class,
war lords of that country talked dur­
Another moving spirit in the enter­ and the people of the district have
ing the war. Should Germany refuse
prise was that of Mr. Brimhall, the just cause to be proud of their new
to sign tile protocol, then it would be
principal of the school, and it is school building.
well to do what should have ì been
largely to his untiring efforts that
Prof. Brimhall was master of cere-
done before the armistice was signed,
the new building was erected, who ings, made a few appropriate re­
the allied armies in possession of Ber-
.had the co-operation of County marks
in regard to dedicacting
'School Superintendent Lamb in help­ tlie new building, and in having such
ing solve some of the problems that a representative body of men to take
"dope” were encountered when the propo­
part. Mr. Brimhall gave a hearty
we did sition of the new building was first
welcome to the audience and to the
.discussed. The snap shot man want vi dors. The first speaker called up­
.to congratulate the district, the on was:
school board, the county superlnten-
J. A. Churchill, State Superinten­
■ dent and others who took an active dent of Public Instruction, who
part in promoting the erection of highly complimented the district for
such an excellent school" building, building such a splendid school build­
for it seems to us they did a splendid ing, which he considered was a great
I job.
achievement for Nehalem. He said
------- o-------
that he found, in traveling over the
We copy a very "enlightened” ed- state there w'ere different kinds of
• itorial from the Cloverdale Enter- leaders and different types of people
------- o ■■ ■
I prise:
and the best kind of leaders were
The cost of news print paper Is
“The treatment received by an those of the representative class who
again causing more or less worry to American prohibition
speaker in were broad minded in public school
new -paper publishers, for after a sur­ I England a few weeks ago shows that leadership, and he congratulated the
vey had been made it was found that England is not more than half civil­ Nehalem peoplr as belonging to that
surplus news ized. If those who attacked the class who were willing to make sac­ I
I here
United States. speaker did not wish to hear him rifices and spend money so that the
With news print paper costing three they could have remained away. In­ children of tlie district could obtain
to four time more than it did before stead they go like a band of anar­ a good education. He said the country
the war, newspaper publishers see a chists and cutthioats and abuse him was exceedingly interested in educa­
large amount of their profits vanish, putting an eye out.
tion at the present time, and then
with a hard boat to row in the future
"England has a monarchial govern­ discussed the Smith Towner bill now
The increased cost of news print pa- ment and is about as much demo­ before conggress, which, if passed,
I i-r will put more newspapers out of cratic as she is civilized. Her secret will give Oregon $500.000 of federal
business this winter.
itreaty with Japan to give that coun­ money every year, provided the state
------- o-------
try a slice of China shows that she matches it with another $500,000,
Tlie county teachers have gone on will sell th<' principles of right for which would give the state $1,000,-
record as favoring school districts gain. I am proud of these United 000. Mr. Churchill estimated that it Tillamook Cow Makes Over 15.000 has produced over 15.000 lbs. milk which were obtained with nothing
providing cottages for teachers.Hap­ States that fought for the good of would require only a tax of one mill
lbs. of Milk and 600 lbs. Butter > The value of this milk at around 80c. but ordinary farm care it is sugges-
py thought. Why not provide cottag- humanity and not for selfish greed. to raise that amount of money. He
The value of this milk is around 80c. tive of the fact that it pays to keep
Fat in Less Than Ten Months.
• for state, county and city officials, As long as she will stand for those then discussed where the federal
[ per pound for fat will make a re­ good cows. A small herd of good
with a nigger servant to do the principles and put the anarchists out money would be used under different
We present herewith a photograph turn of $480.00, the calf was sold to I cows will p
better returns than a
chores and drive tlie teachers and of­ she xx ill be a model nation and a 'leads. Mr. Churchill was in favor of of a pure bred Holstein cow owned Pius Jacobs for $100.00 making a large herd or poor ones. There is no
ficials to their work in automobiles light unto the rest of the world.”
a law whereby the pupils should be by Rollie W. Watson, which was total of $580.00. The cow is milking argument against this fact. The
in the morning, drive them home at
The Rev. Pussyfoot Johnson went kept in school or until such time as taken at 4 year Jr. just before fresh­ about three gallons, or from 20 to 25 sooner the dairymen of Tillamook
noon and call for them long about to England In behnlf of the prohibi­ they could pass the high school ex­ ening with third calf- and all of the lbs. per day at the present time, will County begin to realize this the
four or five o’clock. How levely. tion movement, when a number of amination, and in favoring the in­ calves from this cow have been bulls. make a ¿rose return of over $600.00 ¡sooner will their incomes grow pro­
Wlum those delightful times come,
young men undertook to play a prac­ crease in the school age to IS, he re­ May” came fresh March 2nd and thi year. With the foregoing results portionately.
we are inclined to think that t we tical joke on the preacher, similar to ferred to the illiteracy of men draft­
i light throw our hat into the • ring those that frequently take place nt ed. when it was discovered that 700,- S2525F 525252525252525¿52S2S2S25257i2S252S252525252S252S2£252S2S252525r..7:’i2S25252S?525H5252S2525252.12S2S25252
a. a candidate.
our colic .<• and universities, and 000 of the men could neither rend
------- o-------
Pussyfoot Johnson lost one eye, but nor write. In closing Mr. Churchill
Senator George Chamberlain has there is nothing to show that the highly commended Mr. Brimhall for
g >.ie on a junket trip with Secretary young men intended to do him bodily the part he had taken in the building
Baker to formally open the Panama harm, but In the rough play’ the of tlie new school building.
Canal. That accounts for our George preacher was Injured. On account of
J. T. Mathews, department of
l.eing able to hand out the political that the rev. gentleman who runs mathmatlcs, Willamette University
j lis In Oregon, for he must have the Cloverdale sheet
says that was the next speaker, who was fol­
been received back Into open arms l“shows that England is not more lowed by state senator T. B. Handley.
by the administration. And our than half civilized." Then the same Rev. Oliver. County School Supt. G.
George also at the dictation of Presi- remark must apply to the people liv­ B. Lamb, and County Agriculturist
dent Wilson voied against the treaty ing in our college and university R. C. Jones, who presented the school
of peace and the league of nntions [towns, where hazing is often carried with a picture of a Holstein cow. and
after it lmd been Americanized by on. and to repeat what is said in the in doing so contended that in a dairy
Senate. How editorial “they go like a band of an­ county the schools should have pic­
the United States
George Is going to square himself archists and cutthroats.”
tures of dairy cows, so that the pu­
with the people of Oregon is hard to I Here, however, is the funny part of pils could study the beauty of these
tell since he became a rubber stamp the editorial:
animals. Tlie other speakers were E
Viler (England's) secret treaty K.Barnes. of the Tillamook High
- ----- o ■ —
with Japan to give that country a School, and editors Fred C. Baker
One of the questions now upper­ slice of China shows that she would and Nunn.
most n the minds of Republicans is:
sell the principles of right for gain." | It was in the interest of Tillamook
Who will receive the Republican It needs but few words to answer Chapter. American Red Cross, .that
nomination for president? We be­ this. The treaty of peace and the Mr. Baker spoke, asking the people of
lli re it will be General Wood, for league covenant stipulates that Ja­ that district to finish its roll call
President Wilson did a mean trick, pan Is to acquire Shantung which drive as soon as possible, and Mr.
he “kept him out of war," because he President Wilson agreed to and Oliver who is chairman of the home
it friend
of Mr. Roosevelt, which was freely criticized by Repub­ service work in Tillamook County,
although Wood was one of the best lican Senators and people all over the drew attention to what the Tilla-
generals in the United States and United States as decidedly unjust to mook Chapter American Rfd Cross
the country should not have been de­ treat China in that manner, depriv­ was doing to help ex-service men.
prived of his set vices in France with ing that country of a large amount
All the speakers highly complimen­
tile American army. That was one of land. It must be. then, that the ted Nehalem people on their enter­
foolish thing President Wilson did.
.United States is just as guilty as prise and progressiveness in erecting
but it Is acting as a boomerang and.
Wilson such a splendid building, and Mr.
England, for
In our judgment, will not only give would not consent to a change in the Brimhall also
complimented the
Wood the nomination at the Republi­ treaty whereby China could get a school board, especially H W. Tohl.
can convention, but the Itemocratlc square deal. As the rev. editor of the who had seen to it that the building
party w ill be so badly whipped that Enterprise has come to the conclu­ was put up in first class shape and
the unterrifled will wonder w hat sion that England is only half civil­ had carefully watched its construc­
struck them.
ized because a practical joke was tion from the time work was
■ - ■ —
on the preacher, what must started until its ‘completion,
We believe it. In discussing the
the people of England think about other members of the board are C. H.
question of discipline in the schools
clvillzatlaon In the United States Christensen and C. E. Allen.
Prof Mathew-, of the Willamette
His advice,
eulamiwk tirauluuit, marks on that subject. schcool
Editorial ¿Snap Shots.
C. I. Clough’s
Here is a little inside information to our
Flour is due for another rise soon. Would
recommend that you buy now
We are told that in 60 days there will be
no more Syrup or Raisens on the market.
We have a limited supply of each on
hand and is well to get your requirement
in advance.
We have been able to supply our cus
tomers with Sugar so far, but cannot say
how soon our Stock will be through. Re­
ports are that about Feb. 1st there will be
plenty of Sugar. However, now the sit­
uation is serious, and if all will only just
their immediate needs, there will be en
ough to go around.