TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, DECEMBER 11, 1919. 1 HeadiigiiCj Public Questions are Ably Discussed. Per issua WOULD SEE ENDING ------ o------ Some People of Today Want to Live Merely to Satisfy their Curiosity. » - *< • WRIGLEYS ------- O'­ Detroit Free Press: "Woodrow Wil­ The old Arab who refused to have son is primarily responsible for the (an operation to restore his eyesight ISM failure of the Paris treaty to obtain on the ground that he had seen so ratification in the United States (much of the world he was tired of it, ,eln Mer» J Senate. He bad been given plenty of according to the Columbia Dispatch, two year old Jtjl warning regarding what would hap­ ought to have lived in this day and ' year old. jullJ pen if be undertook to impose his age. For, verily, there is something ’• Nu 1. Box ]J particular program on the Senate new to be seen. Dec-Ill against the better judgment of the Pick up any copy of any newspaper majority of the members; but he re­ and glance at the headlines. A dozen oaths old, Phot,, fused to listen to advice. At home wars’ going on, a thousand complica­ be defied his critics, abroad he told tions in the affairs of men and na- BUS1NBSS AND FINANCIAL LAD IRS, recogauuif the many *d- CONDITIONS er. aiatwuf new vaatagN is a personal checking ac­ the old world that there really was tions, a million strange Bituationa 88y and si»1- prohlem, ilmoat daily sad Ihu 1*1« count. will find ms ready to do every­ no divergence of American sentiment into which the race has fallen. So a‘n if soldi S m prepared itaelf With laalitae rery thing peaaible to make their transar- C. Daniels, nJ on the subject of the league covenant. much money in the world it is a bur­ valuable to a vide eariety of iatereata. tione with this bank a pleasure to then. His refusal to give in to the moderate den to carry it around, it seems; a lm°ok, Mutuili TO TBS FABMKR AND RANCB- reservation under the leadership of market basket, full of money for a TO TBt TBRlfTT. «• citer 4% ER. oar memberthip id the Frdnal Senator Lodge may have been politics basket full of vegetables—that is sntarest oaapouadod twice yearly for Reune ix aa advaatage. It their tavioga pliu the security of J but it was not statesmanship.” Ba“ke, Netarts ■ . the current price of foodstuffs—with fire, ua a broad aad practical ability Strong Home Owned Bank. to meet tbeir particular Deeda. The everybody complaining. And yet the ouring car. a Cincinnati Inquirer, of Democratic ships bringing in millions of dollars’ ■ame eonnectioa aerrea Tlu Huuu I Man Here each ot three differing hoea Ulre of Joht TO TUB VISITORS IN THIS SEC­ faith says: “No man can calculate worth of diamonds, the shops filled of eodeavor will Sod that conference, TION, thi» bank is a place for them what will follow the rejection of the to the ceilings with luxuries, the with our officer! often bring out ad­ to enter and feel at home and they pigeon-holing of the treaty of peace, streets and roads jammed with pleas­ M’k horses vantage. which anxiety and buaineae are invited to call and make their now threatened. The world may be ure cars—-and folks refusing to work earea have bidden front them. desires known. ■ Hanson or,J plunged back into blood, or the old for less than a dollar an hour. Verily Hamook. and hateful military system neces- it is a strange condition, and it is go­ fs the final analysis, it will be found that this in­ sary to maintain the balance of pow­ ing to be worth all the suffering it 11 rio out of er may be restored, with its collater­ costs to live on just to see the finish. E. 0. Both stitution is goremed by a spirit of helpfulness, and, al ascendency of kings, unfailing , We used to imagine that if we were whaterer your business interests in this section may sources of wars in themselves. There old and disabled and had never a ■f be, you can confidently rely upon its cordial, intelli ­ x Touri» is now no human way of measuring penny in the world, the suffering gent and personal co-operation. ion. Price the consequences. It is deplorable to from all manner of physical infirm­ i-oo. Hansl- be compelled to consider the fact that ities, we would pray to be taken TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK the element of personality enters in­ away, to obtain eternal relief from it The Strong Home Bank to this situation, and, while his polit­ all. But we have changed our mind louse, cap ical enemies are themselves not with­ in regard to it; we want to live East, two out blame in this respect. President however burdensome life may be­ UNITED 30111 with Wilson is largely responsible for the come; indeed it occurs to us that we M105 ft. state of affairs. This responsibility would be willing to undergo all man­ 1 at once, attaches because his policy of handl­ ner of physical torments a few years i lot on ing the treaty negotiations had the longer, our of sheer curiosity. We $5,000, appearance of being unwise, as it ex­ are that much interested in how the Williams, cluded representation of the Coordi­ world is finally going to straighten ^Mont. DID IT EVER OCCUR TO YOU nate-United States Senate.” itself out—for we are optimist it will enough to believe that THAT YOU CANNOT BUY A BETTER BRAGSAW? semente. Harrisburg (Pa.) Telegraph: straighten itself out. “Whether the treaty is dead or not, z tUe blow that laid it low was deliver­ 7 Chinese Eggs. ed by the President himself when he ---------o--------- Exclusive labor savers—Jiffy Sawholder, Metal to Metal Clutch, decided to make it a one man agree­ An inconspicuous item in the Sun ment. One-man government never Is full of suggestions as to the future Safety Angle, Adjustable Pittman Head, W did have the approval of the people of our food supply. It records that an of America and it never will. One American provision firm has a client IÄ: man’s opinion as to what is good for at Tientsin, China, who is in a po­ .<■ irm oivi the nation with respect to its inter­ sition to supply large quantities of Have kit national relations and obligations beef, eggs, poultry, potatoes and nilker. At- cannot be forced upon the country. various other products to this coun­ nook. ! If the President is realy desirous of try, and the lack of vessels with saving any portion of the treaty he proper refrigerator space plying the rear old ii will have to make concessions. If he Pacific presents the only obstacle to ir. Notify u can satisfy a majority of the Repub­ the Importation of perishable foods, lirle. 4 licans of the Senate and continue to 1ST At first sight it will strike one as bold the whip over the usual number anomalous that the oldest, most ne money, amoolt. of Democrats, he may be able to get worn out, most densly populated the treaty through in some form at nation in the world can possibly have PRICE: lile» from l^5a52t¡? the regular session of Congress open­ large surplus supplies of food to of­ ??5HS?5S5E5HSZ5?SZ5?5¿5B525?5HSZSZ5a525H5H5H5BSHSE5ZSZ5H5H52SZ5?. is i way. Fot ■ $155 ing in December. If he will not yield fer to the newest, most fertile, rich­ STANDARD i’illamook on any. points he certainly cannot est, and, among the great countries CLUTCH - $165 se in. In- £ complain if others are equally hard­ least thickly populated realm. More­ We will ship you a Vaughan if your dealers hasn’t one. Sond Ore. headed.” over, we are used to hearing of fam­ for our Free Booklet. ------- o------- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL >r krout, ing in China. They are regarded as Kansas City Star: "A great feeling a natural, goods. inevitable happenings, of relief swept over the country this every now and then. A failure of the Mutual CEMENT LIME, PLASTER, LATH AND morning when it learned that the rice crop always brings famine to cer­ n. 470 E. Main St, Portland, Ore. BRICK; DOMESTIC STEAM AND visionary attempt to plunge the tain districts—regions holding many United States into the intrigues of millions of people, Yet China can SMITHING COAL. old world politics had been defeated. spare us “large supplies” 1 of meat, J The vote in the Senate against rati­ eggs, poultry, potatoes and other WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE— fication represented the sentiment of things! COR. FRONT AND 3 rd AVE. WEST, TILLAMOOK, OR. the nation. The country is against It might also be added that .given r stove, abandoning the international policy farly moderate ocean freight rates 252S2S252S25252S2525252S2525252525252525252S2525252525252S252S252S252525 sec mjr which has proved its worth over these foods can be delivered here at 8. I kb more than a century of national exis­ a price far below what it would cost for olà tence. It is against taking a hand in us to raise them. There is, in fact, a the intricate game of European very large trade in Chinese eggs. It politics with nations of different is no new thing, and it is likely to in­ ike or- standards of morality and of passion­ crease, because it Is easy to preserve ghbon JACK HARPER, ate ambitions. It is against assuming eggs and our consuming market is íoserj, i BUSINESS MEN, HOUSEWIVES the mortal obligation to send its uncritical. BALL SHOP, TILLAMOOK. i and | AND CHILDREN. soldiers overseas to fight in some ob­ With ships enough—and Japan is Take your Horses there and get g. We ACH and every one of those find the First Na­ scure quarrel in which it had no con­ building them for Chinese-American me or First Class Shoes for them. tional —a Rood place to bank. Our facilities cern. It is against throwing over ­ trade as fast as she can—the Orient 5xper- I guarantee all work to be cover the needs of all three classes and our board the principle under which it can follow its eggs with preserved srnat- service is appreciatively helpful — whether one has a freed Cuba and helped save civiliza ­ chicken, beef and vegetables. They satisfactory, if not, bring it back tovn, tion in the great war—the principles will find a ready market. large account or small. sc'JO. and I will make good without of developing on this side of the Why? The reason is not far to seek. By banking here—you place your account under extra charge. ocean a strong and just nation which With all other handicaps China has the supervision of the.NATIONAL banking Laws luit». We pay top prices for Hides. can best serve humanity by holding the one thing that we conspicuously and Regulations. itself free to interfere in European or lack: an immense surplus of cheap DIRECTORS: 252525a525252525252525252525252525252S?S25252525?.5 hay Asiatic affairs only in emergencies, and efficient labor. It isn’t a question A. W. BUNN. Former. I’. HEISEI.. Farmer. the exisctence of the emergency to be of whether we like the contemplation JOHN MORGAN. Farmer. C. J. EDWARDS, Mgr. C. Power, Co. determined by itself and not by a of It or not, but rather a brute fact 5H5?SBSHSH5H525Z525HS?S?5EKSHSH52525Z5?5Z5?Jf2.I2S¿5?S[JSéSH52í17S25Z5?.S¿S^ BV LAMB It 1 ■• r. it M .1 ■ ■ • : •: " I F I Fl H E KS. Va-e-lTl-a. • ». F. i which we cannot safely ignore. W th foreign council.” 01 free, plentiful ocean carriers we are I. o - - your 3 New York Tribune: “Senator coming squarely into competition iker, E ¡Hitchcock says he is strongly in fa­ with Oriental production, from pri­ Cail I TILLAMOOK- ORLGON. vor of compromise—now. Why wasn’t mary foods to the most complex man­ Armoured Inner Tires are a practical, common sense, he strongly in favor of it when the ufactured articles. The Chinese egg is money-saving tire necessity for all tire users. By Dr. treaty was before the senate in com­ likely to batch out a monstrous big mittee of the whole and compromise bird some day.—New York Sun. preventing punctures and blowouts, they add plea­ was in order and thoroughly practi­ sure. safety and economy to motoring. Lubricated cable? The Nebraska Senator expres­ Everybody Work Fanners Demand. inside and out, they require no cementing aud no vul­ t ses a regret strangely at odds with ------ o------- canizing. Placed on your tires as easily as inner tube. L his attitude during the long treaty | Ai its recent three days session in struggle. What was the main obsta­ Kansas City the International Farm \ng cle to an agreement on a form of rat­ Congress passed resolutions pointing g LSt. k ification which could have been sup­ with pride at the splendid record of I 2525252525252525252S252525252525?S2S2à2525252525252S?52S252S252525252.'i ¿5 St- ported by sixty-four senators? Look­ increased production during the war 1 3 ing back most fair-minded men will made by the farmers, pledging them All Work Guaranteed 'er agree that it was Mr. Hitchcock or to continue to produce in such meas­ Let Me Keep You Out of Trouble. I cany a Stock of Goodrich nd bis principal whose agent he was. ure as may be required by future Oj s Tires, Tubes and Tire Accessories. Nearly every member of the mild res- emergency, expressing friendship and ul I ervationist group has testified that good will toward labor, but viewing Your Patronage Solicited. the Democratic leader wouldn't dis­ with apprehension the turbulent con­ J. C. HOLDEN, 2nd STREET, OPPOSITE O.P., TILLAMOOK. cuss compromise with them. He took ditions prevailing in that field of £35Z5a5ZSa5aS25ZS25E52SZ5B5HS the stand originally that ratification production, and demanding that in­ should be unconditional. He banked creased production In the factories on the success of President Wilson's should go aleng with increased ag­ For disenfecting where Contagious or 52SZS2S252S25a52SZS2S2SZS2S2S2525H525ZS2525ZS2S?Sa5H5B5SS252SHSH5H5H5^ appeal to the nation. Mr. Hitchcock ricultural output. The resolutions op­ now talks of compromise. But the posed unionization of public officials, infectious diseases are prevailing. majority of the friends of the treaty deplored the growing tendency to have put themseves clearly on record, idleness all classes of people, protest- CARBOLIC COMPOUND is a power­ The minority bas not. It must expect *ed against the wide margin between ful Germicidal mixture and by its use cmicede more than it would have to concede nave j production and retail costs, condemn- I >..a ataxraa profiteering and oppose! further had to concede in thn the cariior earlier stage, will improve general stable conditions. of the discussion. An agreement need government operation of railroads. Ì not be despaired of. Yet it can be ob­ The demand voiced at the convention tained only if the minority frees it­ was that able bodied men of all clas- S self from dependence on outside es should work as long and as hard judgments. Until the Democratic as the farmer does. Senators begin to speak and act for RELIABLE DRUGGISTS. BELL PHONE. MAIN 3 MUTUAL PHONE themselves there will be little hope Watchful wobbling is a pretty good g of that union of forces which will policy if you can make your get-away |make ratification possible.” before the finish arrives. ¿5252525252525252525252525252525 ¿52S2£UZ5?5252S252S2525Ui i25HSÍ5Z52S¿52S I f Fc°ok, Pupil your immediate need is a de­ pendable, painstaking handling of some business or financial matter, read the last paragraph of this ad­ vertisement. Our desire is to go less directly to, the point. 5C 5C 5C m : a package before the war a package during the war **■ a package NOW ’*■1 \ THE FLAVOR LASTS SO DOES THE PRICE! % 4 THE VAUGHAN DRAG SAW §£/A LAMB-SCHRADER CO. VAUGHAN MOTOR WORKS, Inc. IS SHOEING. » E 4 *. ‘ j ? 1 I • a 9 B C. MILLS, Agent, Tillamook, Ore- C, « I c I r & / ARMOURED INNER TUBES Prevents Punctures and Blowouts The first h/afiona! City Vulcanizing and Tire Shop. Expert Tire Service. Vulcanizing and Retreading. * g I K Dr. E. L. Glaisyer, VETERINARIAN, County Dairy Herd Inspector II CLOUGH9 S CARBOLIC COMPOUND C. I. CLOUGH CO I RS2S2S2S2Sa5asaS2S2S252SaS2SH5ZS2Sa525eS2S2525HS25?5ZSHS?SZSZ52SZS2SZS2 I ; / Mm .. .nót'~'5T^i - • ■*-- i * x . •'W ♦ fj S2" L 4 y F" r É