Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, December 11, 1919, Image 2

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Tillamook Headlights
of Paper
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The administration's latest motto:
When in doubt call another confer­
No doubt
about the Democratic
party being th* "liberal party”. Look
how they spent the money.
------- o
One reason this nation has endured
that in every contest between reason
and hysteria, reason finally rules.
The skill of Democratic leadership
in making a mess of things has never
been fully understood until recently.
"Something beside the treaty has
perished," cries the New York World.
Yes, thete’s the Democratic party,
for instance.
------- o-------
The proper punishment for every
fellow who says he’s n bolshevik la to
make him go and live right among
Big Bill Haywv~- ^..js ihe Ameri-
can legion men are "cooties." Well,
they do bite the I. W. W.’s, which is
one of the best things the cooties do.
------- o-------
Since the defeat of the un-Ameri-
canized covenant the papers say that
Lombard Street
and William J.
Bryan are shedding tears in the same
A Stradivara
four grade Holstein heifers
sale, three coming two yeara>id
one coming three year old. Jui
Erickson, R. F. D. No i Bo.,
’ 7* 1
once. Apply to L. C. Daniels, n.
Phone n°rth °f TiHamook’
Pigs for sale—W. H. Banks, Netart
E.njov your evenings and after work with a Stradivara
Phonograph. Imagine while you are listening that the
Artist is before yon. The tones are real and as perfect
a reproduction as is possible.
Foi Sale—1918 Ford touring car, a
good condition. Inquire
Zwald, Tillamook. .
of John
F i >oo "3T^° Food W0I'k horses-
1200 and 140J lbs. N. Hanson one
half mile north of Tillamook
CV?„ ^u01Ì orS>ins even tic ont of
repair. H F. Cook. Opp. P. o. Bo”
Price $115.00 to $225.00
Fo.r Sale-1919 & ant Six'
car. In perfect condition. Price
$900.00. Enquire of Geo. Hansl-
mair, lillamook, Oregon.
For Sale-7 room modem house.
ner 3rd Ave. and 5th St. East’ two
toilets, large laundry room with
stationary tubs, fot 52^105 ft
Price $2,500 cash «taken at once'
Also two story store and lot on
second Ave. East, Wte ?5 Ofl()
Terms. Address W. k. williams’
10 N. Higgins Ave, Miw^jj^
------- o
Female juries might be <
in some cases. But Heaven
woman defendant if she is
and better dressed tliun an;
The advocates of the un-Amerlcan-
ized covenant who were saying that
they had grown weary of the discus­
sion in the Senate will now have ail
opportunity to get a long rest.
Singer Agency—H. p.
Is the Best Xmas Present for a Home
Ono advantage of a peace treaty
from which one gets nothing is that
it doesn’t make so very much differ­
ence whether, we have a treaty
------- o
At the present high price of rubber
the administration runs true to form
in the extravagance with which it
maintains rubber stamps at the cap-
The war has caused a lot of infla­
tion not only in the currency but in
ideas and language. Some of the talk
tile statesmen have been handin
is entirely too tall to be true.
One cent a word per issu«.
What Would Your wife do
if fire broke out ?
Are you leaving her with­
out the panic-proof protec­
tion of
Miscellaneous Advertisements?
Dr. Wise—Dentist.
Now is the time to can your wat
Let me fill your order from grain
fed cows. Prices right and safe/«,
tlon guaranteed Mutual ¡tat
Wm. Stuivenga.
If 1 had all I've SA VED.
believe me, I'd be
some rich kid!
Wanted to rent a dairy farm mil
work on a dairy fana. Have tai
good experience. Good milker. Aj-
ply to John Zwald, Tillamook.
Lost, Jersey heifer calf, yearoldii
January, slate grey color. Notify
Jack Robertson, Long Prairie. <
one-quart hand chemical ex­
tinguisher; instant and panic­
Some newspaper correspondents
seem to be surprised that there were
proof in operation; child can
Don’t delay getting this ex­
not a lot of popular uprisings against
tinguisher in your home.
it perfectly; for fac­
the Senate for slaying the league of,
Call or phone right now.
offices, homes, garages,
notions. Some of these guys must
Boars label
actually believe the stuff they write.
Install at once; oall
of the
-------o------- .
President Wilson is said by his
friends to be "full of fight." Mr. Wil­
son i always full of fight when the
situation calls for peace, and full of , national convention comes
peace when the situation calls fot Democratic
politicians will form a
, political suicide club and draw cuts
------- o-------
to see who has to take the presiden­
Senator Pomerene says the Demo­ tial nomination.
crats will meet the Republicans at
Some high priced harvest workers
Philippi on the question of Ameri­
canizing the covenant. Well, if the in Kansas demanded and received six
Democrats can carry Philippi on that meals a day, but were discharged be­
cause they spent so much time rest ■
i- ne, it must be in Mississippi.
ing after meals that they barely did
One reason the Democratic politi­ enough work to pay for their board.
cian ifant us to get in on a world
------- o-------
Still, you know, it isn’t likely, even
goveflftnent is that with the mere
■ a K*? . z.î W av . Z- a .
. . . ..
l nited States as a field of operations in the absence of a treaty of peace,
they do not believe they can spend that the German government will in­
the public's money fast enough.
sist on us stripping up our merchant
ships like zebras or telling us just
It is impossible for Carranza to when and how we are going to sail
write a note to the United States 'em.
government without being Impudent.
------ o
The administration was too long
The time will come when the coun­
try's interests will be at least as well getting into the war and too soon
getting out. It is evident that one of
protected as the Missouri houn’ dog.
Mb iilli/nr
the most terrible mistakes in history
------- o-------
Isn't it unfortunate that we do not was (he success of President Wilson
'"’Um kJ
live in Japan, where an imperial stopping the war short of a decisive
1 • 1
proclamation by the Mikado settled military victory.
tlio peace treaty without all tills im­
■ >1.’ 1
pudent discussion of the matter by
Doubtless there were people in the
e mere people?
days of James K. Polk’s presidency
who believed and said at the time he
Of course the league of nations cov­ was til, greatest statesman America
enant didn't mean any of the objec­ i had yet produced. Especially if they
Copvrirht irt
tionable things its critics t-aid it did. [were expecting the postoffice,
R. J. Reynolds
(mt as soon as tile document is made
Tobacco Co.
------- o-------
clear on this point It has been utter­
A lot of people who are against our
ly ruined.
assuming any responsibilities in Mex­
LAY the smokegame with a jimmy
------- o-------
Four members of the supreme court ico, which keeps up a continual
pipe if you’re hankering for a hand­
of the United States Chief Justice rough house right next dcor, are
out for what ails your smokeappetite!
White and associate Justices McKen­ simply wild to have us undertake a
For, with Prince Albert, you’ve got a new listen on the pipe question
na, Holmes
and Day—arc
that cuts you loose from old stung tongue and dry throat worries!
eligible to retirement by reason of er away than Newt Baker said
war was.
Made by our exclusive patented process. Prince Albert is sentfree
having passed their 70th year.
------- Q-
from bite and perch and hands you about the biggest lot of amokefun
Now that Secretary McAdoo
One of the things we retuse to be-
that ever was scheduled in your direction!
set the precedent of leaving
lieve is that George Creel anti his
Treasury department to join
troup of performing press agents let
Prince Albert is a pippin of a pipe-peJ; rolled into a cigarette it
movies how would it do to return the
a lot of uncashed checks laying
beats the band! Get the slant that P. A. is simply everything any
compliment and make Charley Chap­
around on the floor when they quit
in Secretary of the Treasury? He
man ever longed for in tobacco! You never will be willing to
their jobs.
couldn’t possibly make a finer cabi­
figure up the sport you’ve slipped-on once you get that Prince
net officer than some of the others.
Albert quality flavor and quality satisfaction into your smokesystem!
The cablegram artists say that
- o -
Montenegro has unlimited faith in
You 11 talk kind words every time you get on the firing line!
The United States district attorney
tile United StateH. The facilities for at Seattle has ordered criminal ac­
di-eininatlng the news are so poor tion against resturants that charge
in the mountains of Montenegro that 10 cents a cup for coffee. Recently
the poor fish probably think the it was announced that all Seattle
fourteen points work like they read. restaurants had signed an agreement
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C.
to raise the price of coffee from 5
Chairman Cummins, of the Demo­ cents to 10 cents. The district attor­
erotic National
has ney says the agreement was reached
sounded forth a call for a ten million in violation of the law.
dollar campaign fund. They must be
------- o-------
expecting to sub-let the management
Hunters Take Notice.
Twentieth Century wood saw now
------ o-----
of their campaign to one of those ad­
We are just completing 14 years of bank service for the people of
in operation.
We have furnished cottages and
Bay City and tributary country.
We invite your further patron-
All orders promptly attended to.
good accommodations at our camp at Call Bell phone 6F2 or leave orders
aand full co-operation so we may be able to give you still
-------- o--------
at Star Grocery or Sutton's Mnrket.
r service. You are cordially invited to carry your business
A. N. Davies, Prop.
By the time the next Democratic
Karl Wilhelms.
with us. Depository for City, County, Port and Siate.
lu hi mi i i b b ;
1 •
A better piano for the same money.
Cook’s Music House, Tillamook.
20 acres prune land 2\ 2 miles iron
Santa Rosa Cal. on highway. For
sale or trade for good Tillamoo*
County bottom land close in. In-
puire Box 152 Tillamook, Ore.
If it is cabbage you want for krout,
why Stuivenga’s got the goods.
Send along your orders. Mutual
phone. Wm. Stuivenga.
For Life Insurance, there is nothi
better than what the Mass. Mutual
offers. Ask to see specimen policy.
—W. A. Church.
If you are in need of a heating stove,
it will pay you to call and see my
line of new and used heaters. I al­
so exchange new stoves for old
stoves.—Allen Page.
Wanted: Men or women to take or­
ders among friends and neighbors
for the genuine guaranteed hoserj,
full line for men, women and
children. Eliminates darning. We
pay 50c. -a hour spare time or
$24 a week for full time. Exper­
ience unnecessary. Write Internat­
ional Stocking Mills, Norristown,
Dr.’s Allen
National Building.
Let W. A. Church write your hay
Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. 0. 0. Ï.
Bldg, Tillamook, Oregon.
Counter Sales
Books—Older you
Sales Books . from W. F. Baker,
agent Pacific Sales Book Co C*U
68 Headlight.
Dr. W. E. Lebow—Dentist with Dr-
Over 45 years of honest dealing
with the public, here on the coast
What would make a finer Christ­
mas present to your family than a
standard make Piano or Player
Piano? Write for Catalogue and
Leland B. Erwin
F. L. Berkey,
Drawer M.
perfect .
NeedlJ. Oil, Bel« and all kind« ci
O Machine supplies, Repairing » spec1“ *
New Home Users
are quality chosen
For Sale By
172 3rd Street