TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, DECEMBER 4. 1919. your immediate need is a de pendable, painstaking handling of some business or financial matter, read the last paragraph of this ad­ vertisement. Our desire is to go less directly to the point. FIRE-PROTECTION FIRE-INSURANCE I f BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL CONDITIONS are maturing new problem* almost doily and this bank has prepared itself with facilities very valuable to a wide variety of interest*. /.V the final analysis, it will be found that this in­ stitution is governed by a spirit of helpfulness, and, whatever your business interests in this section may be, you can confidently rely upon its cordial, intelli­ gent and personal co-operation. TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK The Strong Home Bank SPECIAL ! ! ! Dont fail to take advantage of the tollo.wing Specially Low Priced articles for Cash : Best Grade Peaberry Bulk Coffee, per pound .45 .10 Elco Bottle Bluing, per Bottle .50 Tree Tea, per pound .15 Pop Corn, per pound .10 Ivory Soap Flakes, per package , .10 Wool Soap Flakes, per package . $1.00 White Wonder Laundry Soap, 16 Bars $2.90 Snow Drift Flour, per sack $1.65 Mill Run, per sack $4.50 Scratch Food, per sack « We Pay the Highest Market Prices lor POTATOES, EGGS and HIDES. Star Grocery Co “It’s Like Finding Money” says the Good Judge When you take a little chew of this real quality tobacco, and the good tobacco taste begins to come. You’ll find it keeps com­ ing, too. The rich to­ bacco taste lasts and lasts. You don’t have to take a fresh chew so often. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Ait Up In Two Styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco , 1107 Sroadwav. New Yor^ City M c NAIR & co GEflERRLi HRRDCURRE Kitehen Ranges and Heating Stoves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Usjfor Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere OFFERS What Would Your wife do if fire broke out ? LADIES, recognising the many ad­ vantage* in a personal checking ac­ count, will find us ready to do every­ thing poeaible to make their transac­ tion* with thia bank a pleasure to them. TO THE FARMER AND RANCH­ TO THE THR1FTT, w. offer 4% ER, our membership in the Federal interest compounded twice yearly fee Keter re Sy item is an advantage. It their savings plus the security of A gives us a broad and practical ability Strong Home Owned Bank. to meet their particular needs. The Mme connection serves The Buev neat Man Here each of these differing lines TO THE VISITORS IN THIS SEC­ of endeavor will find that conferences TION, this bank is a place for them with our officers often bring out ad­ to enter and feel at home and they vantages which anxiety and business are invited to call %nd make their desire* known. cares have bidden from them. RbEX. THIS AGENCY YOU BOTH Are you leaving her with­ out the panic-proof protec­ tion of FYR-FYTER Don’t’delay getting this ex­ tinguisher , in your horn«. Call or phone right now. B**r. I.b.l of the anderwriter Christian Church. ------ o------- services at the Christian (Church next Sunday will be of inter­ est to you. The morning preaching ¡service at 11 o’clock, evening at 7:30 Our Sunday School is the live wire and up-to-date school with the full graded course, the one that all state workers heartily recommend. It is the only sane method. You wouldn’t use the antiquated method in public (School, why then in Bible school? (Visit our school end see for yourself. The Christian Endeavor, Senior and Junior, meet at 6:30 p.m. The contest is gaining force. The Interest is great, and we think it will be bet- ter next Sunday. Come on. ¡Grade If I had all I've SA VED believe me, I'd be some rich kid! FYR-FYTER ROLLIEj W. WATSON, “„THE'INSURANCE MAN.” It TlLLAM00K£CITY, - -SOREGON. NATIONAL ¡BUILDING.] t Ic Crossing Accidents Due to be reckoned with. A train going at the rate of fifty miles an hour will Automobile Collisions. -----o---- make nearly 80 feet per second. It may take only a few seconds from the time the train appears in sight until It goes over the crossing. It is not able to stop like the automobile, and if anything is encountered at the crossing it surely will be hurled to distruction. There Is no question but that if the automobile drivers could realize the danger in making a railroad crossing carelessly, the death and Injury toll from these causes could be entirely eliminated. Interstate Commerce Commission ¡figures show that the death toll and casualty list resulting from automo­ biles either striking or being struck by trains at railroad crossings has increased more than one hundred per cent in number of people killed and sixty per cent in number of people injured from 1912 to 1916, Follow­ ing are the figures by periods: One year ending July 1, 1913, 3 killed, averaged injured per day 10. 42 months ending Jan. 1, 1917, 4 killed, average injured per day 11. November Victor Records on Sale at One year ending Dec. 31, 1917, 5 The Song Shop. killed, average injured per day 14. 3 months ending Sept. 30, 1918, killed, 3, average per day Injured 16. Oo-La-La-Wee-Wee United Brethren Church. -------o------ Unless the drivers of the automo­ Dixie is Dixie Once More. Preaching 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. biles become more’careful and have Caroline Sunshine. Morning subject: “The Inheritance a higher regard for their own lives as Golden Gate. well as the lives of their passengers of the" Church.” Mammy O. Mine. The pulpit will be occupied in the this death and Injury list will keep Waiting Fox Trot. evening by Rev Pear^pn, of Pleasant on increasing to more alarming fig­ Mandy, Fox Trot. ures than we have at the present time Portland Fancy. Valley. — Sunday School at 10 a.m. Prayer Too many auto drivers entirely disre­ Weeping Willow Lane. meeting every Wednesday evening. gard the railroad crossings. Investi­ Cohen at the Picnic. The Sunday School will render a gations at frequently used crossings Wonderful records played at their develop that from 75 to 90 per cent best on the Brunswick. program on Christmas eve. The church has decided to hold a of the drivers make a crossing with­ series of revival meetings commenc­ i out looking or listening to assure Krout, Krout. ing January 4. You are invited to at­ themselves that there is no train in ------- o------- tend this wideawake live active sight and that they may make the Who want ’s krout this winter? crossing in safety. Investigation on church. one of the large eastern railroads de­ StuiVenga has got the cabbage. Send E. F. Wriggle, Pastor. velops the fact that 75 perecent of him your order, prices right. Mutual automobiles going over the crossing Phone, Wm. Stulvenga. Reformed Church. I neither stop, look in either direction, Cor 4th Ave and E. 5th street. Rev. nor listen before crossing, but pro­ BOTTS & WIN-SLOW, W. G. Lienkaemper, pastor. ■ ceed without taking the slightest pre­ On the coming Sunday the demobi­ caution of their own safety. Attorney s-at-Law, lization of our service flag will take The Supreme Court of the United place and a Welcome Home service States not long ago in a decision ' TILLAMOOK, OREGON. in honor of our soldiers will be held. said: At 11 o’clock the pastor will preach “A traveler upon a highway when TILLAMOOK BLOCK, on “The Christian Warfar.” approaching a railroad crossing The regular session of the Sunday ought to make a vigilant use of his Both phones. School will be held at 10 a.m. Come senses of sight and hearing, in order and worship with us. to avoid collision. This precaution T. BO ALS, M.D., is dictated by common prudence. He should listen for signals and look Nazarene Church Services. ------ o------- in the different directions from PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, 10 a.m. Sunday School, Mrs. Bert which the train may come. If, by neg­ Surgeon S. P. Co. King, Supt. lect of this duty, he suffers injury 11 a.m., preaching by the pastor, from a passing train he cannot re­ (I. O. O. F. Bld».) subject, "The New Creation.” cover from the company, although it 7 p.m., Peoples’ service, led by Mrs may itself by chargeable with neg- Tillamook Oreg on A. N. Erskine. ilect, or for failure to give the signal 8 p.m., Evening sermon; special required by statute, or by running singing. All welcome. at the time at a speed exceeding the r_p H GOYNK, Mid-week service on Thursday at legal rate.” ATTORNEY-AT-LAW 7:30 p.m. The railroads have gone to great If you have no other place to wor­ expense in removing grade crossings. Oftice: O pposite C ourt ¡¡P juse ship in, come with us, and we will One large eastern railroad spent in make you welcome and do thee good. twelve years thirty six million dol­ Tillamook O. rgon lars to eliminate grade crossings, and still has had thirteen thousand grade w EBSTJiR HOLMES, Presbyterian Church. crossings left. To eliminate these ------ o------ Sunday School, 10 a.m. Plans will would have cost the railroads six ATTORNEY-AT-LAW be made for Christmas. Every schol- ¡hundred million dollars. Another COMMERCIAL BUILDING, ar should be present to get his name large eastern railroad upon making an investigation as to the cost of on Santa Claus’ book. FIRST STREET. Morning worship 11 a.m., Subject: eliminating eight thousand grade crossings on its line found that to TILLAMOOK, “Christ’s First Law of Life." OREGON Evening worship, 7:80 p.m. Sub­ eliminate these would cost more than ject: "The Destiny of a Human Soul” the entire capitalization of the rail­ AVID ROBINSON, M.D., Roosevelt said: "In this actual road. Elimination of grade crossings, world, a churchless community, a therefore, at the present time and for community where boys have aban­ some time to com? can hardly be PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON doned or sclioffed or ignored their taken into consideration on account religious needs, is a community on of the magnitude of the work involv­ NATIONAL BUILDING, ed and the prohibitive cost of same. the rapid down grade.” Various devices have been install­ TILLAMOOK You are more than welcome to OREGON. ed by railroads in order to avoid worship with us. crossing accidents. These devices con ­ Allan A. McRea, Minister sist of crossing bells, gates, and QR. O. L. HOHLFELD. towers. These mechanical devices, Reformed Congregational Church however, may at the critical moment VETERINARIAN. Sunday School 10 a.tn.. Preaching, >* fail. The crossing flagman, too, is 11 a.m. Theme; "Signs in the Heav­ only human and may .err the same as the rest of us. So, while these pre­ Bell Phone—2F2 Mutual Phone ens’”. This will be a timely discourse cautions will be taken. It is safest Tillamook •» Oregon based on the principles of the Bible. for the automobile driver to augment The science of astronomy is an ex- these methods by his own care. In cellent mouthpiece for the prophetic many instances crossing gates have Q r . l . l . hoy , events concerning the last days. We been run into and watchmen have gladly »echo Professor Porta: Be been run down at crossings. The best and safest way for the PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Warned in advance." But you come automobile driver is to use the - ut- and listen, why? Invitations extend­ T illamook B lock , most precaution in negotiating a ed to all by the congregation. railroad crossing. He should put his Tillamook, Rev. R. Schuette., pastor. O reg