TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, DECEMBER 4, 1919. over parts of its territory, all of which the United States has under­ taken or would have undertaken to do in specific cases if the reservation i _______________ had not been made. _______________ The countries ef- |fected by these specific cases are ■ Czeeho-Slnvakia vin Czecho-Slovakia, -Tiurialn Jugoslavia, Poland, Italy, China, Turkey, Russia, Austria land Greece. The mere mention of 'the complications that faced the ¡ United States because of its proposed ¡policy of intermeddling would fill many columns.” BUSINESS MEN, HOUSEWIVES EAND CHILDREN. ACH and every one of those find the First Na­ tional-a good place to bank. Our facilities cover the needs of all three classes—and our servicer is appreciatively helpful—whether one has a large account or small. Bv banking here—von place your account under the supervision of the NATIONAL banking Laws and Regulations. Why He Left. Kenesaw Mountain Landis, federal judge In Chicago, has a wealth of poise. He sits through long stretches of litigation, apparently lost in some maze of abstraction on the other side DIRECTORS : of the moon, but he never misses a . w. BUNN. Farmer. P. HHI8BL. Farmer. what is going on. And suddenly be JOHN MORGAN. Farmer. C. J. HOWARDS. Mgr. C. Power Co. will break in when attorneys are B. C. LAMB, Building Material. W. J. RIECHBRS. Viec-Pres. and Mgr wrangling, or a witness isn’t speak­ ing well, and with a judicious ques­ tion or some pertinent advice, and re­ f. adjust the court mechanism and set it running smoothly again. TILLAMOOK OREGON. One hot day the federal prosecutor was examining a witness in Judge Landis’ court, and wasn’t making much progress. The witness was an 25E525E5E5^5HSZ52S25a5HS25252SH5c!SZSH5H5HS2SHSHS2S25a5E5a5aSR525HSZSa5HS itinerant printer. "Where were you working in Jan- uary of that year?” . asked the prose­ cutor. "On the Texarkana Bugle," replied the witness. “How long did you stay?” “Two months." "Why did you leave?" “The editor and I disagreed on a great national question.” “Where did you work next?” "On the Joplin News-Herald. I was there seven weeks.” "Why did you leave?” SHEET METAL WORKS OF ALL DESCRIPTION, “The editor and I disagreed on a First Class Tinning and Plumbing. A trial will Convince. B great national question.” Three other jobs were mentioned, AUTOMOBILE BUG BODIES A SPECIALTY. and each time the printer explained TENDERS AND BODIES REPAIRED. his leaving with the same phrase. Can make your old Radiators as Good as New. Then Judge Landis sat up in his Service is our ¿Motto. <^All Work Guaranteed. H chair and raised a hand. "Wait a minute,’ ’ he commanded. "What was this great national ques­ tion?” ♦ "Prohibition" said the witness. Gas and Motor Oils, Auto Robes. 1 The first National Bank The Buick Built Radiator The design of the Buick radiator is such that it not only affords the maximum of cooling space to the water, but is the simplest, cheapest and quickest radiator to repair in case of accident t A small leak may be plugged up temporarily with anything that is convenient until the proper time comes to remove the radiator for repair. If the leak is a large one, the affected area may be cut out entirely and a new repair section fitted into place in'such a manner as to avoid detection, without interfering in any way with the circulation or cooling properties. This is dis­ tinctly a Buick feature. As will be seen from the sectional photograph shown, this leaves all of the ver­ tical tubes in exactly the same condition as they were before the section was put in, and does away entirely with an unsightly repair job, reduced circulation space or the cost of a new radiator. When Better Automobiles Are Built BUICK Will Build Them I |? THE NEW HARNESS SHOP. | g----------------------------------------------------- H Todd Bldg. Auto NEXT Tops T0 SSJS SERVICE § Repairing & Curtains, Teacliers' Examinations. Public Questions are Ably Discussed. | c .1. A. PARKER, 1 door West of Woolfe’s blacksmith’s'shop/ 3 Notice is hereby given that the County Superintendent of Tillamook County, Oregon, will hold the regu­ lar examination of applicants for state certificates at the Court House in Tillamook City as follows: Com­ mencing Wednesday, December 17, 1919, at 9 o’clock a.m. and continuing until Saturday, December 20, 1919, at 5 o'clock p.m. Wednesday forenoon—U. H. His­ tory, Writing (Penmanship), Music, Drawing. Wednesday afternoon—Physiology, causes which brought about his literature here and there throughout election. The principal element of his the United States. Just as a secret— Reading, Manual Training, Compo­ success waa his opposition to the and I wouldn’t want you to tell the sition, Domestic Science, Methods in lieague of nations without reserva­ 'government—but at No. 1001 Mad­ Reading, Course of study for Draw­ tions, but other questions arose in his ison street, Chicago William Hay­ ing, Methods in Arithmetic. ------ o------ Tuesday forenoon—Arithmetic, campaign which have a distinct bear- wood is turning out five tons of that Brig. Gen Mitchell, speaking at a ing upon the great national cam­ stuff every Saturday, a t tt d the gov- History of Education, Psychology, Geography, Mechanical dinner at the American Flying Club,4 paign for the Presidency which will ernment hasn't raided I the place Methods - in *- " Ney York, said flying officers were L ______ ___ "I ____________ open next year. attribute my elec- where the goods are made, but the drawing, Domestic Art, Course of convinced that a separate air depart- tion on the Republican ticket in a place where it is distributed.” Mr. Study for Domestic Art. Thursday forenoon—Grammar, meat, as provided in bills now before Democratic and Southern district to Hanson said that in his tour of the Congress, was the only way aviation no less than four distinct causes,” west he found wheat rotting on the Geography, Stenography, American Typewriting, could be developed here, from either ga)d Mr Harreld: “In the first place, ground for want of labor and that Literature, Physics, a military or commercial standpoint. |the majority of the voters of Okla- operators had ceased boring oil wells. Methods in Language, Thesis for He believed it most important to homa—Republican and Democratic "A trip on the government controlled [Primary Certificates, Friday forenoon—Theory and educate the public as to aircraft. jallke— are opposed to the Wilson railroads.” the speaker declared, Gen. Mitchell ^aid that of 15,00 men foreign policy as represented by the “has ceased to be a journey, but has | Practice, Orthography ‘ ' (Spelling), instructed as pilots and observers i ]eague of nations.” become an adventure. Mechanics ac­ Physical Geography, English Liter­ during te war fewer than 900 re- I 0 company the trains on their trips in i ature, Chemistry. mained in service. ‘ “At present our , 1 In a speech which held the atten- (order to pick up the pieces that fall Friday Afternoon—School Law, air service is equipped,,” J Geology, Algebra, Civil Government, tion oi colleagues and drew forth (from them.” Botany. “with obsolescent machines of for­ applause from the galleries, Senator I ------ o------ eign design and foreign construction, Brandegee, of Connecticut, paid his; Harrisburg (Pa.) Telegraph: “At- Saturday forenoon—General His­ and we are at the mercy of the for­ .respects in no uncertain terms to the torney General Palmer makes the tory. Bookkeeping. eign manufacturers. If we went to I Wilson covenant for the league of amazing statement that the Depart- G. B. Lamb, w'ar tomorrow with a first class pow­ ¡nations. Senator Brandegee called at- ,Ilent County chool Supt. _____ __ of Justice has _____________ no means of I er we would have to buy airplane« tention among other things to the stopping the flood of I. W. W- prop- j from France, England or Germany, tremendous pressure from financial Uganda with w’hich he hears the DOING THEIR DUTY. because we neither have • them nor interests on Senators to support the 1 north west is to be inundated, and ------- o------- can produce them • quickly enough. unamended and unreserved treaty 1 1 addg that some "overt act” must be All other countries have followed out and covenant. As to the covenant Scores of Tillamook Readers are committed before he can act. In the a building program to keep their which had Mr. Wilson’s endorsement Learning the Duty of the Kidneys name of all that is patriotic, it the means of production in such a condi­ he said: “It is a perfect chimera. It circulation of seditious literature de­ ------ o------ - I tion that it can be rapidly expanded.’ never could have been let loose on To filter the blood Is the kidneys’ signed to stir men to such acts of duty. the world at any other time than this. lawlessness as that at Centralia, When they fail to do this the kid- Mrs. Maud Wood Park, congress­ When half the world is heartbroken, where defenseless men were shot neys are weak. with frazzeled nerves and disorder ­ ional chairman of the American down in cold blood by I. W. W. rev­ Backache and other kidney ills Woman Suffrage, says: “The contri­ ed judgment, when they have lost olutionists, if it is not an “overt act” bution of women voters must be al­ their bearings and are floating what is? But if it be true that our may follow. Help the kidney’s do their work. ong the lines of those qualities around upon an unheartened sea federal laws are so weak, then It Use Doan's Kidney Pllli the test- __________ which women r possess more _______ than do that has only just ceased to be a sea behooves Congress to put into the would be 'of submarines, and everybody is in a hands of the Attorney General, and ed kideny remedy. men. Such L contributions ------------ —~ — Proof of their worth in the follow­ both natural and reasonable, Men state of nervous exhaustion, some- that quickly, such an instrument as ‘ ‘1 [body appears with this thing, like a will enable him to stop these mission­ ing. have their part to perform for which Mrs. O. L. Ahlestrom, 7th St. A 1st vnunr Lochinvar out of the west, and aries of frightfulness In their war­ they are better equipped by nature young than are women. Regarding the lines says, T have got it; here is a miracle, fare against the United States gov­ Ave., Forest Grove, Ore., says: 'When I need a kidney midicine I take along which women are especially It will cure everything; henceforth ernment and society in general.” Doan's Kidney Pills for I have never adapted at least five stand out ' God reigns and war is no more!’ The found anything that does me so ■ - O about it, hyp- clearly. Women Is more continuously people just went wild Washington Post: "The United much good. Whei} my back feels industrious than man. That Is one. notized, and praying for anything It has been said that when man has that would give them peace. It is States Senate baa now taken such de­ weak and sore and my kidneys act done a big thing he then drope it, ,to nothing but a mind cure. As soon as cisive action on the treaty of peace irregularly, a short use of Doan's Kidney Pills makes my back strong­ let it take care of itself and he re­ the people recover from this pipe as to make a little clearer the per­ er and puts my kidneys In good turns to his rug and curls up. Wom­ dream they will see good, old human spective into the future. It is worth working order. an is more likely to follow the thing nature and cause and effect continue while to weigh the meaning of the Price «Oc. at all dealers, don’t up very closely and to keep at it. She to operate and do business at the Senate’s action and the probable con­ simply ask for a kidney remedy—get sequences that will develop from the is accustomed to doing a piece of same old stand, and that is nothing Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that work over and over—like doing [more nor less than an ignis fatuus. Senate’s frame of mind. The adoption Mrs. Ahlstrom had. Foster-Milburn Wishes; when she has done them once 'except as it may be vitally danger­ of the sweeping reservation touching Co., Mfgrs. Buffalo, N. Y.—Pd Adv. she knows they are not done forever. ous. It will not accomplish what they Article X means more than the asser­ This quality should be applied to the Isay it will accomplish, in my judg­ tion of the right of Congress to deter­ enforcement of the laws after they ment, but it may accomplish a mine how, when and where the Uni­ Some of these days state govern­ :re once made.” 1 whole lot of things that they will be ted States shall assist other nations. ments, church organizations and In­ - ■ o------ disavowing and trying to get out It means that the United States re­ dividuals are going to cease putting The newly elected Republican from under the responsibility of if it fuses to assume any obligation to as­ |UP money to maintain institutions of sist any other nation or to interfere so-called higher learning which ember of Congress from Oklahoma. should ever go into operation.” in the affairs of other nations. There maintain departments of political 'r- J W. Harreld. has taken his Ole Hanson. Seattle's former mayor will be neither a legal nor a moral economy, sociology, civics and the ■at in the House as the representa- y* of the fifth congressional dis- speaking at a luncheon of the New obligation to bolster up any country, like tn which the sons of sensible '7 of ’h“’ «•<•- » district which York Board of Trade and Transpor­ to dictate the boundaries, to assist it people are turned into harebrained n««-PreTir>"f'ly lM'en Democratic by tation, severely arraigned the gov- to rob another country, to deprive it political "nuts”, full of the big _ ernment for its attitute toward the I. of its rights, to deny It the essentials phrases and foolish Ideas that are a , ? maj°rity, and has brought to «hlngton some interesting and W. W. and added: ”1 note that the of independence, ,to boycott and menace to old-fashioned American­ gnmeant information as to the government is finding a few tons of blockade it, or to assist overlordship ism. Ackley & Miller, Tillamook Garage BAYOCEAN SHEET METAL WORKS, g TILLAMOOK, ORE. & Expert Dyeing I | That Old Coat, Dress or Suit i can be dyed to look like new at | at a Small Cost, In CALL SH5i25Z5cl5?5252SES2S2525HS?5E5H5?5H52525Z5?S?5E5H5?SH5Z525tl.5H5?5?S?5H5i!52 g Pacific Cleaning and Tailoring Co. c 5a52SZ525aS25B525H5aS25aSZ5E52S252S252SHS25ZS25H525a5252SHSH525E5ï525?52 2 Ì a a City Vulcanizing and Tire Shop. Expert Tire Service. Vulcanizing and Retreading. a. All Work Guaranteed. Let Me Keep You Out of Trouble. I carry a Stock ol Goodrich Tires, Tubes and Tire Accessories. Your Patronage Solicited. J. C. HOLDEN, 2nd STREET, OPPOSITE O.P., TILLAMOOK. a5aS2S25aS252S25a525a5Z5ZS25ZS2S252S2525ZS2E25Z52S2S2S2525E52525Z5ZS252S lï?525a5a5H5Z525ZS25a5B5a5HSZ525a525aSZS2SBSHS25H5252S2SZ5Z525H5Z525a.c^5i, Dr. E. L. Glaisyer, VETERINARIAN, County Dairy Herd Inspector HELL PHONE. MAIN 3 MUTUAL PHONE FIRST BANK of BAY CITY We are just completing 14 years of bank service for the people of Bay City and tributary country. We invite your further patron­ age, and full co-operation so we may be able to give you still better service. You are cordially invited to carry your business with us. Depository for City, County, Port and Siate. BAY CITY DRUG co. Entire New Stock of Candies. New Syrups. Come and See Phone 32. C. H. JONES TRADING COMPANY BAY CITY, OREGON. Fruit, Groceries andCampers’ Supplies Dry Goods and Gasoline. Phone Main 71