i » t I PILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, V I I i » ;» Cigarettes r' J t They Win You On Quality! i 1 j i » 1 Í i 1 Your enjoyment of Camels will be very great because their refreshing flavor and fragrance and mellowness is so enticingly different. You never tasted such a cigarette! Bite is elimi­ nated and there is a cheerful absence of any unpleasant cigaretty «after-taste or any un­ pleasant cigaretty odor I DECEMBER 4. 1919 wit: The East half of the north­ west quarter and the north half of the northeast quarter, section 15, township 5 South, Range 10 West of W. M., containing 160 acres, more or less, excepting, however, the north 4 rods of the east 80 rods of said sec­ tion; also excepting all saw timber suitable for lumber on said premises and the right to remove same until February 6, 1925; and to bar defend­ ants of all or any interest or claim in said property and for the sale thereof to satisfy said mortgage, and for such further or other relief as may seem equitable. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof in the Tillamook Headlight a weekly newspaper of general circu- lation published in Tillamook County, Oregon, pursuant to an or­ der made by the Hon. Geo. R. Bagley, Judge of the above entitled Court, dated November 18, 1919, prescrib­ ing that the same be published in said paper once a week for 6 weeks Dated and first published November 27, 1919. C. A. Appelgren, Attorney for Plaintiff. 701-4 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. Scraps of Paper. ------- o------- "Sir,” she exclaimed when he kiss­ ed her; “you forgot yourself.’’. "Possibly,” he replied calmly; "but I can think of myself any old time. Just now you are occupying my un­ divided attention.” -------o - ■ Maybe the Milwaukee socialists who have renominated Victor Berger believe that if they send him back to congress he may be twice as strong next time and get two votes in favor of retaining his seat. ------- o Probably the people who think president Wilson is a greater man than Lincoln base their idea on the fact that Lincoln only divided the Democratic party while Mr. Wilson paralyzed it. — o------ - It is pretty hard to find an accur- ate definition of socialism, there are so many varieties, but generally speaking from careful observation of the symptoms we should say it isn’t a philosophy, but a disease. Have a Good Smile. ------- o “My daughter practices five hours a day," said Mr. Cumrox. “Surely she will become an artist ” "I hope so, Anyway, I hope she’ll soon get far enough along to join musical union and strike for shorter hours.” ------- o------- “What’s become of the old-fashion- ed man who used to say that the first thing we know reformers would pass a law making it a criminal of­ fense for a man to kiss his wife?” “Oh, he’s still about here. He did­ n't really mean what he said then but this anti-tobacco crusade has him so worried he’s no longer making facetious predictions.” ---- o--------- "Witness," asked th»- attorney for the defense, who was trying to prove the temporary insanity of the pris­ oner, "was it this man’s habit to talk to himself when alone?” “Jest at this time,” came the ans­ wer, "I don’t recollect ever bein’ with him when he was alone.” ■ ■ 0 I ■— Under the present national admin- "And which are the best workers, istration the people have got so used the plain girls or the pretty ones?” to “digging” that there ought to be asked Senator Penrose of one of the Notice of Budget Meeting. r millions of experienced miners in the Treasury officials. \ \cents a package I To the taxpayers of the Port of country to take the places of any "Well, it’s this way,” was the an­ Bay City, Oregon. At a meeting of who do no^ want to work. swer, “The plain girls don’t make so Camels are made of an expert blend of choice Cam«/« ar» »old everywhere in he Board of Commissioners of the many mistakes, but no one finds Ccientifically sealed package» of 20 Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos and are ¿i One Nebraskan largely figured in fault when the pretty ones Cigarette»; or ten package» (200 Port of Bay City, Oregon, held on the make cigarette») in a gla »sine-paper* smooth and mild, but have that desirable full­ 24th day of November, 1919, the fol­ the earlier stages of administration them; so I guess It's about fifty- covered carton. Wo atrongly reo* management of foreign affairs, and lowing estimate or budget of the re­ fifty.” ommend thia carton for the home body and certainly hand out satisfaction in •rodle« »upplyor when youtravek ceipts and disbursements of the said another in the most recent phases, generous measure. You will prefer this Camel Port for the year 1920 was ordered and as to which one gets the prize "Look at me”, exclaimed the lead- 11 for bungling is an open question. blend to either kind of tobacco smoked straight 1 published. Ing lawyer, warmly, “I never took a ? r o ------ RECEIPTS. drop of medicine in my life, and am The barrel-head bolshevik isn’t as strong as any two of your patients Give Camels the stiffest tryout, then Balance on hand with the First Bank of Bay City. 4 6,737.81 half so much to blame as the high put together.” compare them with any cigarette in brow demagagues and pedagogues On hand with County j “Well, that’s nothing,” retorted the the world at any price for quality, Treasurer ........................ 10,915.20 who have been trying to put pale physician, “I never went to law in « pink pills containing the same poison my life, and am as rich as any two Estimate of interest on U. v flavor, satisfaction. No matter down the throats of the American dozen of your clients put together.” S. Treasury Certificates ¡\ how liberally you smoke held by the Port 1,500.00 people. F Camels they will not tire Claim against U. S. Gov­ --------- X--------- X---------X-------- - Following the Mooney precedent 7 ernment allowed $12,917.30 The lightning had felled a tall per­ your taste! I Needed from taxes .... 24,970.00 the administration might send a simmon tree in Professor Kenne- smelling committee to Centralia, I more's yard He was sawing and split­ R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Wash., to discover that the “plûtes” ting up the tree for stove wood Total .......................... $44,123.01 Winston-Salem, N. C. shot into that American Legion when the following colloquy took DISBURSEMENTS. parade just to get those innocent I place: .5 Interest on bond s for the W. W.’s in bad. Port, due Jan. 1st, 1920, Mrs. Nomore—Why, Professor, are $507,000, 6 months at 6 you going to burn that wood? i They are reviving the Ku Klux per cent per annum .. $ 15,210.00 Professor—Why not, madam? Ditto July 1st, 1920 . . . 15,210.00 down in Georgia. The original idea Mrs. Nomore—Dear me: Arn’t you Ditto Jan. 1st. 1921 . . . 15,210.00 of the Ku Klux .'was to chase the afraid of the electricity? Hundred and Nineteen, at ten o’clock Citation. Summons. i “nigger” out of Dixie, and maybe the interest on bonds to be is­ ------- o a.m. of that day, then and there to ------- o ------ o------ In the County Court of the State of sued by July 1st, 1920 4,500.00 idea now, in view of the shortage of Tommy’s uncle asked him the name show cause, if any cause there be, In the circuit court of the State of why the administrator of the above Oregon, for the County of Tillamook. For sundry expenditures 1,000.00 field hands, is to come up North and of May’s young man. Oregon for Tillamook County. chase him back. In the matter of the estate of "I call him April Showers,” replied named estate shall not compromise L. D. Smith, Plaintiff. ------- o------- Nicholas Job, commonly known as Tommy. Total ............................. $51.130.00 with the County Court of the County vs. The dictionary is a big book, but "April Showers!” cried his aston- For the dredging of channels in of Tillamook for the sum of Fifty Nick Job, deceased. Chas. Kunze, Ben Kuppen- To the unknown heirs of Nicholas lower bay, which work will be com­ there are not enough words in it to ished uncle. "Whatever makes you Dollars for the land taken by it for bender, Henry Rogers, Fred menced during the spring of 1920, furnish a description of a general call him such a ridiculous name as road purposes, and, upon payment Job, deceased. Maurer, Thad Robison, Rol- In the name of the State of Oregon, the Port has sold $260,000 of Port method of getting a loaf by loafing, that?” being made, to make and deliver a lie W. Watson, B. A. Folks, "Because he brings May flowers.” deed therefore, in the usual form, for you are hereby cited and required to bonds, $100,000 of which have been What we need is to abolish, not ex- E. J. Geinger, A. L. Mapes, the following described land, being appear in the County Court of the delivered, balance to be delivered by tend, the system of eating without John Ebinger, M. W. Harri­ working. An evangelist who was conducting State of Oregon, for the County of July 1st. 1920. The bonds delivered the land so taken, namely: son, John Schild, W. J. Pet­ ------- o------- nightly services announced that on Tillamook, at the court room there­ brought $101,483.30. All that part of the property of F. erson, E. H. Zurflueh, Hugh Kentucky democratic leaders have the following evening he would The uncertainty as to when gov- Buhrow in the NE% of the SW*4 of of, at Tillamook, in the county of Til­ Barber, B. W. Neilson, F. J. issued statements denying that na­ speak on the subject of "Liars”. He lamook, on Thursday, the 4th day of eminent will pay our claim of $12,- Section 7, Township 3 South, Range9 Klinehan, F. R. Beals, J. J. West of the Willamette Meridian in­ December, 1919, at 10 o’clock, in the 917.30, which is the balance over tional issues had anything to do with advised his hearers to read in ad- Rupp and Chas. I. Clough, cluding within a strip of land 60 feet forenoon of that day, then and there [the actual cost of jetty work, forces the election result in that state. Yet vance the seventeenth chapter of Defendants. wide, being 30 feet on each side of to show cause, if any exists, why an the commission to levy the same sum while the campaign was on they re­ Mark. To M. W. Harrison, one of the The next night he arose and saidt the center line of the Coast High­ order of sale should not be made as [as last year. If the claim is paid the fused to discuss anything else. Their above named defendants: seems to be “I am going to preach on ’Liars, to- in the petition prayed for after ten [sum will, of course, be considered in discovery, therefore, way as surveyed across said property In the name of the State of Oregon: slightly subsequent. night and I would like to show how You are hereby required to appear and more particularly described as days from and after said 4th day of ¡making next budget. ’many read the chapter 1 suggested.” December, 1919, for that certain Please take notice that a meeting follows: Beginning at a point on the and answer the complaint filed The only “Red” the U. S. Immigra­ A hundred hands were upraised. against you in the above entitled North line of the NE(4 of the SW1^ real estate described as Lots 1 and 2, of the taxpayers of the said Port of of Block 46 of Thayer’s Fifth Addi­ Bay City, is hereby called to meet at tion authorities ever helped ge7 out 1 “Now,” he said, “you are the very of Section 7, Township 3 South, cause on or before the date of the persons I want to talk to—there isn’t last publication of this summons, Range 9 West of the Willamette tion to the City of Tillamook in the the City Hall in said Bay City, Ore­ of the country was Trotzky, when he any seventeenth chapter of Mark.” and if you fail so to answer for want Meridian, which point is North 60 County of Tillamook and State of gon, on the 15th day of December, was held up at Halifax by the British thereof, the plaintiff will apply to degrees 25 minutes West 901 feet Oregon, and that said citation be 1919, at the hour of 10 o’clock a.m., authorities and sent on his way to Two San Francisco negroes were the above named court for the relief and South 34 degrees and 15 minutes served on you by order of the County for the purpose of discussing the said Russia rejoicing by the American discussing the possibilities of being authorities at the instance of Stin- prayed for in the complaint, to-wit: west 496.1 feet from the % corner In Judge, A. M. Hare, entered No­ estimate or budget. drafted. coln J. Leffens. By order of the board. that the association composed by the the center of Section 7, Township 3 vember 4, 1919 by publication in the I ” ’Taint gwin do ’em any good to ------- o ------- South, Range 9 West of the Wiliam- Tillamook Headlight, a weekly news- « Theodore Jacoby, plaintiff and the above named de­ Secretary of the Port of Bay City Henry Ford’s paper says the Alask­ pick on me,” said Lemuel, sulkily. fendants (being an association deal­ ette Meridian; then£e South 34 de­ paper published in said county and of ans are getting ready for a revolu­ “Ah certainly ain’t gwine do any ing in Holstein rows) be dissolved grees 15 minutes west 540.5 feet to a general circulation therein, for not tion. All they will have to do to make fightn' Ah ain't got nothin’ over by a decree of this court, and that point in the present traveled road. less than four successive weeks and Notice to Creditors. good up there is to insist on having in France. Ah ain’t got any quarrel ------ o— - each of the defendants be required to Containing 60-100 acres, more or for five Insertions,prior to said date. ¡First publication November 6, 1919. Notice is hereby given, that the un­ all the battles during the period with a-n-y-body, and Uucle Sam appear herein and make an individ­ less; And also why said administrator '14181 Publication December 4, 1919. dersigned has been by the County when the nights are twenty-four kain't make me fight.” ual accounting and adjustment of Jim wondered over the statement _____________ authorized __ to ____ sell ____ the The sale to be made for claims Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, hours long and the temperature is the business of said association with should not be for a moment. “You’re right,” he appointed Executor of the Will and sixty-eight below zero. the individual members thereof, and following described real estate (sub-,aBaJnst ^e estate^ said, at length. “Uncle Sam kain’t | Witness, the Hon. A. M. Hare, estate of Herman Henry Miller, de­ ------- o------- with all other persons who have or ject to the right of way for said road) ! make yo’ fight, but he can take yo’ Judge of the County Court of the ceased. All persons having claims One of the really impressive points have business relations with said as­ at private sale, in the manner provid­ 'State of Oregon for the County of against said estate are required to made every week or two in the liter­ where de fightin' is, and after that sociation, and to make distribution ed by law, for cash, namely; Tillamook, with the seal of said court present them for allowance, duly ature put out by the Philippine Inde­ yo’ kin use yo’ own judgment.” and allotment of any profits or losses The Southwest Quarter of Section ------- o------- affixed, this 4th day of November, A. verified according to law, at the of­ pendent press bureau at Washington I among the members of said associa­ Seven, Township Three South, Range fice of John Leland Henderson, 206 is the statement of how friendly all I He was a perfect wonder,, was the tion; and that the plaintiff have Nine West of the Willamette Meri­ D. 1919. 'Attest: Homer Mason, Clerk. East Third Street, Tillamook City, the Japanese statesmen are to com­ parliamentary candidate for a cer­ judgment against each und all of dian, in Tillamook County, Oregon, By Vida A. Millis, Deputy. Oregon, within six months from date plete Philippine Independence of the tain agricultural district. And he the defendants for whatever sum an less Tracts 1264, 814, 1283, 589, 592 was never shy of telling the voters hereof. United States. accounting herein may show the said and 588, described in Tract Book In I why they should return him as their Summons. Dated this 12th day of Nov. 1916. -.. o------- association is due and owing him, the office of the County Assessor of M. P. First publication November 13, less his appropriate share of such Tillamook County, Oregon, on pages More than 2,000 captains have re­ 1 "I am a practical farmer,” said he, In the Circuit Court of the State 1919. Last publication Dec. 10, 1919. signed their commissions in the reg­ num, and for such other and further 335, 334, 334, 333, 334 and 333, re­ boastfully, at one meeting. “I can Oregon for Tillamook County. relief in equity as the Court may spectively, of said Tract Book, con-1 Mrs. H. C. Potter, ular army. It is not reported that plow, reap,, milk cows, work a chaff- H. Harding, Plaintiff. deem meet and Just. Executor. talning 110.5 acres more or less; they have generally sought employ­ cutter, shoe a horse—in fact,” be vs. This summons is published by the all according to the petition of the ment as bricklayers. It is a matter of went on proudly, "I shoyjd like you C. P. White and Eva White, order of Hon. Geo. II. Bagley, Judge Administrator of said estate hereto- Notice to Creditors. record that army captains receive to tell me any one thing ' about a of the above named Court, dated fore filed in the above entitled pro- his wife, also all other per­ $2.500 a year, while bricklayers are farm I cannot do.” sons or parties unknown Notice is hereby given that the un­ paid at the rate of $2,862. October 23, 1919, and the first ceeding. I I -Then, in the impressive silence, a claiming any right,, title, dersigned has been by the County publication is fixed at October 30th, ------- o------- The foregoing citation Is served i small voice asked from the back of Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, 1919. and the last publication Dec. upon you, the unknown heirs, if any, I estate, lien or interest in the The Wilson administration spent the crowd, “Can you lay an egg?” real estate described in the 11, 1919. appointed administrator of the estate of Fritz Buhrow, deceased, by pub­ I $25,000 on a brilliant scheme to can of John L. Bozorth, deceased, and all "dogfish” for the soldiers. Fortun- j j A lady who complained of corpul­ Johnson & Handley lication, by virtue of and in pursu­ I complaint herein, Defendants. To C. P. White and Eva White, his persons having claims against the Attorneys for the Plaintiff. ance of an order entered in the above ately for the soldiers the dogfish “ex­ P. O. Address: Tillamook, Oregon. entitled proceedings on the 21st day (Wife, also all other persons or par­ said estate are required to present ploded” first. Then the Wilson ad­ ency called on her physician to pre- sccribe for her. The doctor drep up a ties unknown claiming any right, them duly verified to the undersign- of October, 1919, by Hon. A. M. Hare, title, estate, lien or interest in the ministration had to take $60,000 careful dietary for her. She must eat ed at the First Bank of Bay City, Citation. and reimburse the canners. Total, County Judge. The date of the first real estate described in the com- Bay City, Oregon, within six months $85.000 for another dream. What dry toast, plain boiled beef, and a few -------o------- publication is October 23, 1919, and plaint herein, defendants: things of the same lean sort, and in a from the date hereof. In the County Court of the State of the date of the last publication Is I In the name of the State of Oregon, has become of the whale steaks?— month return and report the result. Dated November 6th, 1919. Oregon, for the County of Tillamook. November 20th, 1919. Ohio Republican. I At the end of the_ time the woman {you are hereby required to appear John O. Bozorth, In the matter of the estate of Fritz --------- o--------- ' came and was so stout she could Witness the Honorable A. M. Hare, and answer the complaint filed Administrator of said estate. Buhrow, late of the county of Tilla­ County Judge of the County of Tilla­ againBt you in the above entitled Some have only discarded the hardly get through the door. The mook, deceased. sword to pick up cobblestones, and mook in the State of Oregon and suit within six weeks from the date Probably the next time a President they throw them indiscriminately.— doctor was aghast. To the State of Oregon and to all Judge of the County Court of the of the first publication of this sum- “Did you eat what I told you?" he of the United States plans to commit unknown heirs or next of kin, if any State of Oregon for the County of uions, . to-wlt: .. on or - before - the 8th his country to a program of inter­ Vine-President Marshall, on Armis­ asked. uuch there be, of Fritz Buhrow. late Tillamook. “Religiously,” she answered, day of January, 1920, the last day of national entanglement he will see tice day. Item: One cobblestone of the county of Tillamook In the labled “His brow wrinkled in perplexity, Attest: Homer Mason the time prescribed by the order of America First. •» State of Oregon, deceased. “Pygmy Minds.' County Clerk of the county of publication hereof, and if you fail so Suddenly he had a flash of inspira- ------- o Item: One cobblestone labelled .tlon. In the name of the State of Oregon, Tillamook in the State of Ore­ ¡to answer for want thereof, the A browbeating counsel asked a wit­ '‘Insects.” you are hereby cited and required to “Did you eat anything else?" he gon and ex officio Clerk of the plaintiff will apply to the Court for be and appear In the County Court of Item: One cobblestone labelled asked. County Court of the State of ¡the relief demanded in his Bald com­ ness how for he had been from a certain place. the State of Oregon for the County “Contemptible Qutters.” “Why, my ordinary meals!” sa^ Oregon for the county of Tilla­ plaint; vis: for the foreclosure of a "Just four yards, two feet and six Item: One cobblestone labelled the woman. of Tillamook, at the court room mook. mortgage dated July 1, 1915, record- inches,” was the reply. thereof at the county court house in T. H. Goyne I' Hang them on a Gibbet Higher than rtl in book 1, page 403 for $2.950.00 Tillamook City, in said county, at the Robert H. McGrath. . . came you lo ** 80 «««c*. my Haman’s.” An enterprising dealer in electri# and interest from said date at 8 per friend? ” December term of said court, on the Tillamook. Oregon. Item: One cobblestone labelled wares hangs out the sign: “Don't kill cent per annum upon real property “I expected some fool r or other r'Put Up or Shut Up.” Et cetra.— your wife with hard work. Let ouf fifteenth duy of December, Nineteen Attorneys for the Administration. in Tillamook County, Oregon, to- would ask me, so I measured it.” Harvey’s Weekly. washing machine do the dirty work. ÍÍ I * *• f I u. I I ’sSfe A /■ i _______ I ? U Ö'rkey. > '>• ' '.r 7