Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, December 04, 1919, Image 4

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4, 1919.
this city, but we are inclined to think I ,
H525H5E5HS2SH5H5H5B525BSH5H5ESBS25252SB5E5ES25B5B525H5HSHSHS^5H5HEi£ *525
should the district vote to bond for'*'
that purpose, it would be economy to
Fred C. Baker, Editor.
defer the building until the cost of I
labor and material can be obtained
per year . $2.00
at a more reasonable figure than to­
day. By the time that a gymnasium
Advertising Rates.
'is erected the school would be over
for the school year. With the condi­
Display Advts, per inch........... 20c.
tion of not building the gymnasium
Locals ........................... per line 7c.
until next summer, we believe more
Readers, with reading matter
persons would support the bond
per line.................................. 7c.
¡measure than if the building was to
Notices of meetings etc, per line 7c.
A lot of silly sentimentalism par- be erected now, with the high cost of
loling criminals and doing away with material, As to buying the Hays
capital punishment is somewhat to tract, we do not see the need of do-
, blame for the crimes that are being : ing so, other than to plunge the dis-
committed, the horrible tragedy ut i trict into further indebtedness. Any­
The Democratic administration has the Clairmont TSvern being the re­ way, there appears to be a good deal
another season of watchful waiting sult. There is one way to deal with of whispering going on about sorne-
over Mexican affairs. Notwithstand­ criminals and murderers—keep them .'one wanting to get hold of the
ing he kept us out of war the possi- in the penitentiary or hang them. district property on Second Avenue
bilities of another war is on the ta­ Public safety demands this, Ex-Gov- East, and the proposed purchase
'ernor West, the man who gave a lot of the Hays tracts, as well as
to obtain
of criminals their liberty under the paying the $2,000.00
Over in Seattle r no iber of I. W. parole system, and who fathered the a clear title to the land, is all in
W.’s who are in j. ¡1 have gone on a law to do away with capital punish­ the scheme to bring that about. The
hunger strike. The taxpayers of Til­ ment, after reading what took best thing that the district can do is
lamook county v aid have no objec­ place at the Claremont Tavern the hang onto its present property and
tion to the I. W. w.’s in tli county ex-governor ought to feel ashamed ¡vote down the schemes of speculat-
jail doing the same thing.
for advocating that measure, for ors. Taxes in this city are getting ¿¿?5B5cL5H5HS2525E5H5E5?5?5H5?5ilSH5HS?5?S?5ïSHSZ5?5H525Z5?5HSE5E5HSZ5?5?5B525ZSB525H5H5?5HSc!SR5E5H5H5'clt,^7-52
’ those murderers cannot be hanged higher and more burdensome, and it
Notwithstanding that the master of and should the State of Oregon be I behooves everybody to see to it that
tlie State Grange was opposed to unfortunate in having another spec­ 1 taxes are not made so burdensome to
Clackamas County bonding for $1,- tacular governor like Os West, these keep people and industries from lo­
700,000 for roads, the progressive men will be paroled.
cating here We think we are just as H5H5Z5Z5’2Sa52SE52S25HSH5Hra5H5HSH525'H525H5H5E52525H5Z5B5E5E525a5a5S5H5HS;aSE525H5H5a5E5BSZ5B5Z5EK5H5H52S25 HS
citizens of that progressive county
'progressive as anyone in the city, but
------- o-------
gave a majority vote for good roads.
We are heartily in accord with the what with the city's bonded indebted­ N
movement to erect a memorial build­ ness, as well as the school district Ln
If anyone is in doubt about the po- ing in the honor of the Tillamook bonded indebtedness, it is just as well Ln
litical sentiment in the South, the boys who joined the army and navy not to overdo'the bonded indebted­
Kentucky election should set their and others who took active part in the ness, like other small cities are
mind at rest. In the gubernatorial war W’ork. It should have the hearty groaning under.
election the Republican won the elec­ support of the citizens of Tillamook
tion by a majority of 40,500. In the County, not only because the boys
The I. W. W. organize,;- who evi­
previous election the democrats won dropped everything and responded to dently sold cards to the I. W. W.’s nJ
by a majority of 400 votes.
the nation’s call for men, but be­ who were rounded up in Tillamook
------ o - ■
cause a memorial building in this county, was arrested in Portland, and
The Democrats have out did Repúb­ county will stand for true American­ one peculiar feature was the finding Ln
licas as stand-patters. Boss Wilson ism, and will help to combat the ef­ of a copy of the indictment of James
cracked the whip over the Democrat­ forts of the reds, radicals and anar­ O’Neil upon him. As will be seen in Ln
ic senators, and with the exception chists who want to plunge the United our last issue, James O'Neil pleaded
of a few they stood pat and defeated States into a revolution. Until the guilty and was sentenced to five
the treaty and the league of nations. world war starter few people took years in the penitentiary and to pay
Even our George «was in the stand pat any interest in the seeds of sedition a fine of $1000.00. He was paroled nJ
ranks, meekly doing what Boss Wil­ that were being sown in the United on agreeing to pay $200, and on n-
son dictated.
States by aliens and pro-Germans, promise of good behavior in the fu­
but now that the people are fully in­ ture. it will be noticed that tile
Smoker Sets.
Real Pyralin Ivory -Look for the
The snap shot man had a jolt a few formed of the serious nature and name of the organizer is Von Win-
Cigar Cases.
name “Py>ralin ”
day ago. Our Methodist friends had what it is liable to result in, the garden, who, no doubt, is a German,
an inspiration and decided to improve American Legion is an organization which is proof that aliens and pro­
Brushes, Combs, Mirrors.
■ the side walk in front of the church that has waged war against blood Germans are responsible for the ef­ tn
Hair Receivers.
property. Say, dear Bros., now that thirsty murderers, socialists and an- forts to bring about a revolution in r
^Manicure Sets.
tlie spirit tnoveth you to do a charit­ archists.
the United States, and it is about n.
able act in your home town, it may
Military Hair Brushes.
time that a vigorous effort was made J fl
save the life of some poor heathen
The big auto truck, from all ap- to deport or imprison the leaders of ! M
Collar Bags.
Picture Frames, Trays,
who might accidently stumble and pearance, has the right of way on the I. W. W. movement, There is j
Traveling Sets, Desk Sets.
Photo Albums, Buffers.
break his neck.
the public highways, for the smaller general complaint amongst presecut-1
------- o------
truck owners know’ full well what ing attorneys and sheriffs that the i
We bet our George is kicking liim- will happen if the big auto truck government officials are decidedly i
self most
bumps into them, It is about the lax in deporting anarch^ts, and pro­
to the party whip and voting to kill the same with the big touting car, Germans. Referring to this matter on
the treaty of peace and league of na- the smaller cars and the flivvers Monday, the Oregonian said: “The I
lions after it liad been Americanized. don’t care about taking chances anti-syndicalism laws of Oregon and j
have been about hitting the big fellow, Since, Washington cover
all prevailing
threatened with the loss of patronage however, ,the public highways, and forms of revolutionary activity, but 1
if i hey voted with the Republicans. more especially wltere they are hard- when tl* authorities of these states*
Poor George, he is as dead as a door surfaced have been made race tracks, catch a
- foreign
*—*— —
*-■“ hand
’---- J him ' j
red J and
mat politically, so is his political dic­ the rights, feelings and safety of over to the immigration officials |
tator, President Wilson.
pedestrains don’t amount to a damn with a view to deportation, he no 1
------- 0-------
any longer, for they are crowded off sooner reaches New York than in I
Wonder whether this is economy the highways by the big truck as four cases out of five he is turned
befitting a democratic government? well as the small truck, the big tour­ loose. If ordered to be deported, he I
The taxpayers have to pay $250,000 ing cars and little touring cars, the may appeal, give bail and disappear, I
tor liquor furnished the junkers who roadsters, the sedans, the tin lizzies, no effort being made to recapture
accompanied the president to France, the motorcycyes and the big bugs him. Representative Albert Johnson,
or to be more correct for those who and the numerous little bugs. With of Washington, says that of fifty men ía5HS2SB5a5B5asa5BSBSa5H5eSESa5B5B5Z5Z5BSZ5H5Z5ZSZSa5BSara5ZSa5ESeSH5H5HSZ5BSaSZSHSBSZ525a5asa5H5¡2S2SH.5Z5Z5Z
put up at the government's expense these conditions confronting pedes­ sent from Seattle, only ten were de­
at the Hotel Crillon. As this was less trians they are taking a whole lot of ported. He proposed that power to
than one third of th<| junkers, it chances when they start out on a order deportation be transferrer to
looks as though Uncle Sam is in to walk for recreation or otherwise. It the department of justice; that a I
pay a liquor bill somewhere around is about time, when the county or permanent passport law be applied i
one million.
state puts down a piece of hardsur­ to all immigrants; that a strictly
o —
faced road to build a hard surfaced selective system of immigration be
President Wilson has evidently put sidewalk at the same time.
.adopted; and that no treaty should
the democratic senators, who voted
¡extend the right of free speech, free
against the peace treaty and the
An emergency exists today in re­ press, assembly or of bearing arms to
league of nations, in a hole, by ap­ gard to crime in Oregon, and in fact, aliens.”
plying the party whip. The people most parts of the United States, and
last year showed they were tired of the way to handle it right, is to pass
W. R. C. Club.
the president's dictation, as does the laws that will not only put a stop to
■ ■ o
elections the first part of last month. it to a large extent but to curtail
The Relief Corps Club met with
The uncompromising attitude of the crime in the future, for invariably it mis.
ly uuu
Mrs. dpi
and nun.
Mrs. ouuiu
Smith at the
president, and his efforts to belittle is young men who are launching out home of the former, on Tuesday af- •
United States senators who endeavor­ into careers of crime. This is our' ternoon, November 25th, with the
ed to safeguard the United States, ls remedy to cope with the serious sit­ following members present: Mes-
to some extent the reason why the uation: Re-enact the* law to hang dantes, Coburn, Foster, Doty. Rey­
people have turned against the demo­ murderers; flog and imprison yegg­ nolds, Davidson, Spear, Travis, Bill­
crats. for that party lias a political men. hold ups, burglars, and auto ings, Noyes, Berry, Page, Stanley,
dictator at its head.
thieves; and do away with the parole and Smith.
After a pleasant afternoon spent
system. It may be argued that flog­
Several pieces of road between this ging a man with the cat-o'-nlne tails with needlework the hostess served a
city and Hebo are going to be In bad is barbarous, revolting and a system delicious luncheon.
condition this winter, but thrie ls of the past ages, but we will gamble i The club will not meet in Decem­
this consolation, everything posslble if the people of Oregon, or the State ber. Next regular meeting to be at
is being done by the county to have Legislature, would
these the home of Mrs. Clarence Stanley,
the road hardsurfaced as soon as three things laws, the horrible with Mrs. Foster as assistant hostess.
possible. The snap shot man is a lit- crimes, hold ups and auto stealing
. —-
lie doubtful whether all the gradi ng would be few and far between. Some
can be done to hardsurface lt next years ago, in the city of London, Beautiful Paramount Star to be Seen
Here in “Three Men and a Girl.” |
year, that is if the road is changed to hold ups became so numerous and
the other side of the river at the people were shot down in cold blood,
Marguerite Clark will be seen at 1
Conder place. However, the county is that some extreme measure had to be
going to put the steam shovel to resorted to to stop It. A flogg\ig law the Gem Theatre next Wednesday in |
work cutting off points in the road was passed, and after a few hold up her latest photoplay. “Three Men and
and w idening the road in some plac­ men had been flogged and accounts a Girl,” a picturization of Edward
C. Carpenter’s play of "The Three
given in the newspapers, it had the
Bears,” which scored a decisive hit
------ o-------
desired effect. That is what should
in New York in October 1917. In
Every industry the Democratic ad­ be done in Oregon, for when one has
this charming picture Miss Clark ap­
ministration butted into during the to deal with blood thirsty criminals,
pears as Sylvia Weston, a young
war was a losing game, The little those who use a lot of silly sentimen­ women who rebells against her pro­
sum of over 114.000,000 is charged talism are only helping prolong
posed wedding with a rich old man
up against the taxpayers for the gov­ the reign of crime and murder. The
whom she hated, and who later comes
ernment’s operation of telephone and deplorable crime at the Claremont
in contact with three bear-like men
telegraph lines. Persons who had so­ Tavern would not have happened had
who hate womankind. She subse­
cialistic ideas and who preached that Oregon been alive to the serious sit­ quently brings them to her feet by
the government run this that and uation and had laws to cope with
the magic of her personality and
the other thing, have their eye teeth this dangerous class.
charm. The photoplay is one of ex­
cut at the enormous burdens that
ceptional interest and it affords Miss
have been placed upon the people of * There appears to be some opposi- Clark another delightful role.
the United States since the Democrat­ sttion as well us misunderstanding,
ic administration made a colossal about buying the Hays tract and the
Dr. Talcott Williams has writlen
lallure of government controlled in­ building of a gymnasium, because the an article for the Independent in
district school meeting and the elec- which he says he is sure the only
tion to bond the district takes place reason Japan wants Shantung ceded
------ o-------
County unit for school taxntlon is the same day. For the information of to her is so she can give the province
being advocated by county school the people of the scboN district, it ls back to China. The Doctor’s only ri­
as a firm believer is the
conventions. This is a question the two separate matters that are to be val
snap shot man ha* often discussed in decided that day. The snap shot man ,R woman who bought a membership
these columns, for we believe that all is willing to admit that n gymnasium tn the tPRKIIe of nations from a solic-
property should be equally taxed for ts needed for the public schools of |tor for seven dollars.
eillautnnk Hjeaúliijht,
Editorial Snap Shots
school purposes. We have at the same
time advocated that each county be­
come one unit in the management of
the schools of a county, Both these
systems should go together, We are
fully aware that our present system
of management of district schools
will be hard to change, but we be-
lieve that the schools of a county
under the management of one board
and one superintendent, it would be
better for all concerned.
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To Look is to Buy. Come Early
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This Notice is Worth 5 per cent on all above Listed
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E. E. KOCH, Druggist, Tillamook, Oregon
Come In